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Scala 2.10.0 Milestone 5

A new milestone release for Scala is available. This release is cut directly from current development and is not intended for production environments, but is a great chance to try out the up and coming features for Scala 2.10.0. The milestone 2.10.0-M5 includes many fixes and improvements, listed below.


Improvements included in 2.10.0-M5:

  • new, faster, backend enabled by default (emitting 1.5 classfiles unless -target:jvm-1.6 or -target:jvm-1.7 is specified)
  • Scaladoc pages now contain inheritance diagrams for classes and traits and content diagrams for packages. Look for “Type Hierarchy” and “Content Hierarchy” on the scaladoc page header (-diagrams is the flag to generate diagrams and you need the graphviz package installed)


Here's a list of isssues that have been fixed since v2.10.0-M4:

Issue(s) Commit Message
SI-3836  ddcb351a2e  Fix SI-3836 not-really-ambiguous import detection.
SI-6008  b61b5fffb6  SI-6008 use static knowledge of success of type tests
SI-4691  8234ba3905  SI-4691 exhaustivity: `unapply: Some` = irrefutable
SI-5907, SI-5009  6c7f2b6460  SI-5907, SI-5009 case-class copy defaults only for first param list
SI-5959, SI-5959  0529dd502a  SI-5959 type equality now accounts for mirrors
SI-6013  1a2ec87c09  SI-6013 Disallow deferred members from intermediate java parents.
SI-5969  12b72485d8  Closes SI-5969.
SI-5780  c410b57d55  Diagram tweaks #2
SI-5212  c85b4a4956  Scaladoc class diagrams part 2
SI-6007  96dd73146f  reify no longer dealiases symbols and types
SI-5929  59300ee6e3  Fix SI-5929 - Verify error with finally and pattern match
SI-5489  ad51d82953  SI-5489 Avoid accidentally adding members to Object in erasure.
SI-5932  8f640e8a1d  SI-5932 Tone down non-sensible == warning with refinements.
SI-5967, SI-4176  d9d5dcd1e2  SI-4176 A repeat dose of repeated parameter type sanitization.
SI-3326  5362f3df48  Fix SI-3326.
SI-5986  788ac75021  Fix SI-5986.
SI-5971  ba542ba608  Fix SI-5971.
SI-5148  175d8714e3  Closes SI-5148.
SI-2796  ac71812170  SI-2796 Warn if early definitions are used with a trait.
SI-5189  552ee9cc54  better fix for SI-5189 pt1
SI-5968  c27e5f0d60  SI-5968 Eliminate spurious exhaustiveness warning with singleton types.
SI-5610, SI-5966  4736897ad2  SI-5966 Fix eta expansion for repeated parameters with zero arguments.
SI-5284  b29c01b710  Fix SI-5284.
SI-2807  7d8527b40a  SI-2807 Resurrect and refine the promiscuous catch warning.
SI-5951  a2d1b23dbe  adds `narrow` to the reflection API
SI-5953  47fad25adb  Fix for SI-5953, extension methods crasher.
SI-4541  a83586a481  Fix SI-4541.
SI-4954  da7235afe8  Fix SI-4954.
SI-4842  6aa5762fa0  SI-4842 Forbid access to in-construction this in self-constructor args
SI-4989  72ee06de4c  SI-4989 Reject super.x if an intermediate class declares x abstract.
SI-5617  2d3b6bd321  SI-5617 Better error message for "x overrides nothing".
SI-5910  5a8b937510  Fix for java parser edge case.
SI-5212  fba4098ca5  Scaladoc class diagrams part 2
SI-4270  d3393306e3  SI-4270 Refactor for efficiency and clarity.
SI-4270  9129cfe911  SI-4270 Disqualify in scope implicits that are shadowed.
SI-4270  0dea3d5a05  SI-4270 Rename implicits to avoid name clashes.



Special thanks to all the contributors!

# Author
14   Jason Zaugg
11   Vlad Ureche
10   Paul Phillips
9   Iulian Dragos
9   Eugene Burmako
7   Adriaan Moors
6   Aleksandar Prokopec
3   Josh Suereth
2   Havoc Pennington
2   Martin Odersky
2   Damien
2   Hubert Plociniczak
2   phaller
1   Vojin Jovanovic
1   Lukas Rytz


Complete commit list!

sha Title
34ce72f363  Revert "GenASM: pipeline disk-write with building of classfiles"
4496c5daa9  Collection of updates to SIP-14 (scala.concurrent)
946f51c8d8  Eliminated some code in asSeenFrom.
ddcb351a2e  Fix SI-3836 not-really-ambiguous import detection.
b61b5fffb6  SI-6008 use static knowledge of success of type tests
8234ba3905  SI-4691 exhaustivity: `unapply: Some` = irrefutable
54b26064d9  introduce -Ypatmat-debug (no new functionality)
6c7f2b6460  SI-5907, SI-5009 case-class copy defaults only for first param list
3e9763a3ba  Adds `Type.resultType` to reflection API
0529dd502a  SI-5959 type equality now accounts for mirrors
1a2ec87c09  SI-6013 Disallow deferred members from intermediate java parents.
12b72485d8  Closes SI-5969.
98a5714fed  The `reflect` project now depends on the `scala-library` project.
c410b57d55  Diagram tweaks #2
f8cb1aee92  Diagram tweaks #1
f8057d2223  Documented SyncVar
c85b4a4956  Scaladoc class diagrams part 2
fba65513d1  Scaladoc class diagrams part 1
c11427c13e  Reorganized scaladoc model
44ec110bf0  Scaladoc diff-firendly output
96dd73146f  reify no longer dealiases symbols and types
3becbd55af  removes ClassTag.String and TypeTag.String
59300ee6e3  Fix SI-5929 - Verify error with finally and pattern match
cba0cbb892  Improves backward compatibility of manifests
ad51d82953  SI-5489 Avoid accidentally adding members to Object in erasure.
39f01d4f48  Fix for exponential compile time in specialization.
8f640e8a1d  SI-5932 Tone down non-sensible == warning with refinements.
d9d5dcd1e2  SI-4176 A repeat dose of repeated parameter type sanitization.
5362f3df48  Fix SI-3326.
788ac75021  Fix SI-5986.
ba542ba608  Fix SI-5971.
1a3976fc82  Revert pull request #373737 (CPS: enable return expressions in CPS code if they are in tail position)
22834ee32e  make tests independent of compiler api
175d8714e3  Closes SI-5148.
ac71812170  SI-2796 Warn if early definitions are used with a trait.
3601b34fb7  exhaust unit: consider Unit as sealed
552ee9cc54  better fix for SI-5189 pt1
21814b53e9  minor cleanup in patmat and typers
fd6573a2ce  Added new project files for using the compiler and library inside Eclipse and removed the old ones.
1d67fe63b8  Statistics improvements and bug fixes.
bb0f5d9ca7  Added a key comment.
c27e5f0d60  SI-5968 Eliminate spurious exhaustiveness warning with singleton types.
4736897ad2  SI-5966 Fix eta expansion for repeated parameters with zero arguments.
7527979be7  Don't swallow `Throwables` while parsing bytecode. Print a warning and go on.
b29c01b710  Fix SI-5284.
93d8af58fb  Making Actor Migration Tests deterministic.
7d8527b40a  SI-2807 Resurrect and refine the promiscuous catch warning.
a2d1b23dbe  adds `narrow` to the reflection API
47fad25adb  Fix for SI-5953, extension methods crasher.
10b44339c5  Updated scalacheck sources.
8284486a15  Statistics reorganization
3be520bcfc  improves showRaw
a83586a481  Fix SI-4541.
de65199525  Fixes from review.
f559505c1f  Adding copyInto and toVector methods to collections.
da7235afe8  Fix SI-4954.
6167ec678e  Revert "Scaladoc class diagrams part 1"
55348f7a44  Revert "Scaladoc class diagrams part 2"
ec2082c616  Revert "Documented SyncVar"
6aa5762fa0  SI-4842 Forbid access to in-construction this in self-constructor args
72ee06de4c  SI-4989 Reject super.x if an intermediate class declares x abstract.
2d3b6bd321  SI-5617 Better error message for "x overrides nothing".
ebf00a8a27  exposes extra tests for symbols as discussed on reflection meeting
52c08914ed  Remove unused type parameter.
17d35b4d4a  fastlocker target for ant
5a8b937510  Fix for java parser edge case.
4c6522bab7  Fix for broken forwarder.
796024c742  CPS: enable return expressions in CPS code if they are in tail position
6dd90d349d  Adding JDK7 friendly build with new partialdist(-opt) tasks.
556065151c  Documented SyncVar
fba4098ca5  Scaladoc class diagrams part 2
831f09bb6d  Scaladoc class diagrams part 1
d3393306e3  SI-4270 Refactor for efficiency and clarity.
a3d3a53529  rework Future.dispatchFuture a bit to fix bugs / optimize
eaa3dd57f1  Remove NPE when `compileLate` sees sources during initialization.
f4d2678c42  Don't require symbols to be loaded in the parser.
fdca21eb13  Don't use the BrowsingLoader for Java sources.
120766fa33  Don't crash if cpsParam is not on the classpath.
039d826e99  Suppress non-local return unchecked warnings.
9129cfe911  SI-4270 Disqualify in scope implicits that are shadowed.
0dea3d5a05  SI-4270 Rename implicits to avoid name clashes.

Re: Scala 2.10.0 Milestone 5

can't download the Unix version. "Source file could not be read"

Re: Scala 2.10.0 Milestone 5

The inheritance diagrams in scaladoc are an awesome little feature! Thanks.

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