Try to cut at whitespace.
Try to cut at whitespace.
Returns a formatted string containing well-formed XML with given namespace to prefix mapping.
Returns a formatted string containing well-formed XML with given namespace to prefix mapping.
the node to be serialized
the namespace to prefix mapping
the formatted string
Appends a formatted string containing well-formed XML with given namespace to prefix mapping to the given string buffer.
Appends a formatted string containing well-formed XML with given namespace to prefix mapping to the given string buffer.
the node to be serialized
the stringbuffer to append to
Appends a formatted string containing well-formed XML with the given namespace to prefix mapping to the given stringbuffer.
Appends a formatted string containing well-formed XML with the given namespace to prefix mapping to the given stringbuffer.
the nodes to be serialized
the namespace to prefix mapping
the string buffer to which to append to
Returns a formatted string containing well-formed XML.
Returns a formatted string containing well-formed XML.
the sequence of nodes to be serialized
the namespace to prefix mapping
Try to make indented box, if possible, else para.
Try to make indented box, if possible, else para.
Class for pretty printing. After instantiating, you can use the format() and formatNode() methods to convert XML to a formatted string. The class can be reused to pretty print any number of XML nodes.