Presents collection of XML loading methods which use the parser created by "def parser".
This class logs what the nodefactory is actually doing.
This class logs what the nodefactory is actually doing. If you want to see what happens during loading, use it like this:
object testLogged extends App { val x = new scala.xml.parsing.NoBindingFactoryAdapter with scala.xml.factory.LoggedNodeFactory[scala.xml.Elem] { override def log(s: String) = println(s) } Console.println("Start") val doc = x.load(new"")) Console.println("End") Console.println(doc) }
(Since version 2.11) This trait will be removed.
This class logs what the nodefactory is actually doing. If you want to see what happens during loading, use it like this:
(Since version 2.11) This trait will be removed.