
@implicitNotFound(msg = "Cannot construct a collection of type ${C} with elements of type ${A} based on a collection of type ${From}.") trait BuildFrom[-From, -A, +C]

Builds a collection of type C from elements of type A when a source collection of type From is available.

Builds a collection of type C from elements of type A when a source collection of type From is available. Implicit instances of BuildFrom are available for all collection types.

Type Params

Type of elements (e.g. Int, Boolean, etc.)


Type of collection (e.g. List[Int], TreeMap[Int, String], etc.)


Type of source collection

class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def fromSpecific(from: From)(it: IterableOnce[A]): C
def newBuilder(from: From): Builder[A, C]

Get a Builder for the collection.

Get a Builder for the collection. For non-strict collection types this will use an intermediate buffer. Building collections with fromSpecific is preferred because it can be lazy for lazy collections.

Concrete methods

def toFactory(from: From): Factory[A, C]

Partially apply a BuildFrom to a Factory

Partially apply a BuildFrom to a Factory

Deprecated methods

@deprecated("Use newBuilder() instead of apply()", "2.13.0") @inline
def apply(from: From): Builder[A, C]