
@nowarn("cat=deprecation&msg=Implementation classes of BitSet should not be accessed directly") @SerialVersionUID(3L) object BitSet extends SpecificIterableFactory[Int, BitSet]

This object provides a set of operations to create immutable.BitSet values.

This object provides a set of operations to create immutable.BitSet values.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members

Deprecated classlikes

@deprecated("Implementation classes of BitSet should not be accessed directly", "2.13.0")
class BitSet1(val elems: Long) extends BitSet
@deprecated("Implementation classes of BitSet should not be accessed directly", "2.13.0")
class BitSet2(val elems0: Long, val elems1: Long) extends BitSet
@deprecated("Implementation classes of BitSet should not be accessed directly", "2.13.0")
class BitSetN(val elems: Array[Long]) extends BitSet

Value members

Concrete methods

def fromBitMask(elems: Array[Long]): BitSet

A bitset containing all the bits in an array

A bitset containing all the bits in an array

A bitset containing all the bits in an array, wrapping the existing array without copying.

A bitset containing all the bits in an array, wrapping the existing array without copying.

Inherited methods

def apply(xs: Int*): BitSet
def fill(n: Int)(elem: => Int): BitSet

Concrete fields

final val empty: BitSet


Inherited implicits