
@deprecated("`DelayedLazyVal` Will be removed in the future.", since = "2.13.0") class DelayedLazyVal[T](f: () => T, body: => Unit)(exec: ExecutionContext)

A DelayedLazyVal is a wrapper for lengthy computations which have a valid partially computed result.

A DelayedLazyVal is a wrapper for lengthy computations which have a valid partially computed result.

The first argument is a function for obtaining the result at any given point in time, and the second is the lengthy computation. Once the computation is complete, the apply method will stop recalculating it and return a fixed value from that point forward.

Value Params

the computation to run to completion in another thread


the function to obtain the current value at any point in time

[Since version 2.13.0]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply(): T

The current result of f(), or the final result if complete.

The current result of f(), or the final result if complete.


the current value

Whether the computation is complete.

Whether the computation is complete.


true if the computation is complete.