
object Int extends IntOrdering with CachedReverse[Int]
trait Ordering[Int]
trait Equiv[Int]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members

Inherited classlikes

class OrderingOps(lhs: T)

This inner class defines comparison operators available for T.

This inner class defines comparison operators available for T.

It can't extend AnyVal because it is not a top-level class or a member of a statically accessible object.

Inherited from

Value members

Inherited methods

def compare(x: Int, y: Int): Int
Inherited from
override def equiv(x: Int, y: Int): Boolean

Return true if x == y in the ordering.

Return true if x == y in the ordering.

Definition Classes
Inherited from
override def gt(x: Int, y: Int): Boolean

Return true if x > y in the ordering.

Return true if x > y in the ordering.

Definition Classes
Inherited from
override def gteq(x: Int, y: Int): Boolean

Return true if x >= y in the ordering.

Return true if x >= y in the ordering.

Definition Classes
Inherited from
final override def isReverseOf(other: Ordering[_]): Boolean
Definition Classes
Inherited from
override def lt(x: Int, y: Int): Boolean

Return true if x < y in the ordering.

Return true if x < y in the ordering.

Definition Classes
Inherited from
override def lteq(x: Int, y: Int): Boolean

Return true if x <= y in the ordering.

Return true if x <= y in the ordering.

Definition Classes
Inherited from
def max[U <: Int](x: U, y: U): U

Return x if x >= y, otherwise y.

Return x if x >= y, otherwise y.

Inherited from
def min[U <: Int](x: U, y: U): U

Return x if x <= y, otherwise y.

Return x if x <= y, otherwise y.

Inherited from
def on[U](f: U => Int): Ordering[U]

Given f, a function from U into T, creates an Ordering[U] whose compare function is equivalent to:

Given f, a function from U into T, creates an Ordering[U] whose compare function is equivalent to:

def compare(x:U, y:U) = Ordering[T].compare(f(x), f(y))
Inherited from
def orElse(other: Ordering[Int]): Ordering[Int]

Creates an Ordering[T] whose compare function returns the result of this Ordering's compare function, if it is non-zero, or else the result of others compare function.

Creates an Ordering[T] whose compare function returns the result of this Ordering's compare function, if it is non-zero, or else the result of others compare function.

Value Params

an Ordering to use if this Ordering returns zero


case class Pair(a: Int, b: Int)
val pairOrdering =[Pair, Int](_.a)
                          .orElse([Pair, Int](_.b))
Inherited from
def orElseBy[S](f: Int => S)(ord: Ordering[S]): Ordering[Int]

Given f, a function from T into S, creates an Ordering[T] whose compare function returns the result of this Ordering's compare function, if it is non-zero, or else a result equivalent to:

Given f, a function from T into S, creates an Ordering[T] whose compare function returns the result of this Ordering's compare function, if it is non-zero, or else a result equivalent to:

Ordering[S].compare(f(x), f(y))

This function is equivalent to passing the result of to orElse.


case class Pair(a: Int, b: Int)
val pairOrdering =[Pair, Int](_.a)
Inherited from
final override def reverse: Ordering[Int]
Definition Classes
Inherited from
Inherited from
def thenComparing[U <: Comparable[_ >: U <: `<FromJavaObject>`]](`x$0`: Function[_ >: T <: `<FromJavaObject>`, _ <: U]): Comparator[Int]
Inherited from
def thenComparing[U <: `<FromJavaObject>`](`x$0`: Function[_ >: T <: `<FromJavaObject>`, _ <: U], `x$1`: Comparator[_ >: U <: `<FromJavaObject>`]): Comparator[Int]
Inherited from
def thenComparing(`x$0`: Comparator[_ >: T <: `<FromJavaObject>`]): Comparator[Int]
Inherited from
def thenComparingDouble(`x$0`: ToDoubleFunction[_ >: T <: `<FromJavaObject>`]): Comparator[Int]
Inherited from
def thenComparingInt(`x$0`: ToIntFunction[_ >: T <: `<FromJavaObject>`]): Comparator[Int]
Inherited from
def thenComparingLong(`x$0`: ToLongFunction[_ >: T <: `<FromJavaObject>`]): Comparator[Int]
Inherited from
def tryCompare(x: Int, y: Int): Option[Int]

Returns whether a comparison between x and y is defined, and if so the result of compare(x, y).

Returns whether a comparison between x and y is defined, and if so the result of compare(x, y).

Inherited from


Inherited implicits

implicit def mkOrderingOps(lhs: Int): OrderingOps

This implicit method augments T with the comparison operators defined in scala.math.Ordering.Ops.

This implicit method augments T with the comparison operators defined in scala.math.Ordering.Ops.

Inherited from