
abstract class Plugin extends AnyRef

Information about a plugin loaded from a jar file.

The concrete subclass must have a one-argument constructor that accepts an instance of global.

(val global: Global)

1.0, 2007-5-21

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. Plugin
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. by any2stringadd
  2. by StringFormat
  3. by Ensuring
  4. by ArrowAssoc
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new Plugin()

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract val components: List[PluginComponent]

    The components that this phase defines

  2. abstract val description: String

    A one-line description of the plugin

  3. abstract val global: Global

    The compiler that this plugin uses.

    The compiler that this plugin uses. This is normally equated to a constructor parameter in the concrete subclass.

  4. abstract val name: String

    The name of this plugin

Concrete Value Members

  1. def augmentManifest(file: AbstractFile, manifest: Manifest): Unit

    A callback to allow a plugin to customise the manifest of a jar.

    A callback to allow a plugin to customise the manifest of a jar. This is only called if the output is a jar. In the case of a multi-output compile, it is called once for each output (if the output is a jar). Typically this extension point is to avoid the build system having an additional step to add this information, while would otherwise require the jar to be rebuilt (as the manifest is required to be the first entry in a jar). The default implementation is a NO-OP


    the file that will contains this manifest. Int the case of a multi-output compile, the plugin can use this to differentiate the outputs


    the manifest that will be written

  2. def init(options: List[String], error: (String) ⇒ Unit): Boolean

    Handle any plugin-specific options.

    Handle any plugin-specific options. The user writes -P:plugname:opt1,opt2, but the plugin sees List(opt1, opt2). The plugin can opt out of further processing by returning false. For example, if the plugin has an "enable" flag, now would be a good time to sit on the bench.


    plugin arguments


    error function


    true to continue, or false to opt out

  3. def options: List[String]
  4. val optionsHelp: Option[String]

    A description of this plugin's options, suitable as a response to the -help command-line option.

    A description of this plugin's options, suitable as a response to the -help command-line option. Conventionally, the options should be listed with the -P:plugname: part included.

  5. def processOptions(options: List[String], error: (String) ⇒ Unit): Unit
    @deprecatedOverriding( "use Plugin#init instead" , "2.11.0" )
  6. def writeAdditionalOutputs(writer: OutputFileWriter): Unit

    A callback to allow a plugin to add additional resources to the generated output.

    A callback to allow a plugin to add additional resources to the generated output. This allows a plug to, for instance, package resources or services into a jar, or add artifacts specific to a build environment. Typically this extension point is used when writing to a jar, to avoid the build system having an additional step to add these resources, and therefore speed up the build process. The default implementation is a NO-OP


    the writer associated with the targets