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Scala Training

If you are looking for introductory or advanced training courses on Scala then there are several available in Europe over the next few months. Fast Track to Scala, a rapid two day introduction to the Scala basics, is being given at Typesafe in Lausanne, Switzerland on the 25/26 October, at Technology Innovation in Zurich, Switzerland on the 19/20 September, at Skills Matter in London, UK on the 26/27 September and at Jayway in Stockholm, Sweden on the 28/29 September.

The Advanced Scala training course is available from Typesafe in Lausanne, Switzerland on the 27/28 October. This training course covers the advanced features of Scala needed to design libraries, DSL's and understand the type system.

An Advanced Scala Development course 05 September and 12 December at Skills Matter London,UK by Miles Sabin, Chuusai.   

In the new year, 28 March 2012, GFU Cyrus AG will be offering a three day Scala training course given in German.

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