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Scala 2.10.0 Milestone 1 is released!

A milestone release for Scala is now available. This release is cut directly from current development and is not intended for production environments, but is a great chance to try out the up and coming features for Scala 2.10.0.

Included in this release are:

  • Preliminary Reflection API
  • faster inliner
  • scaladoc improvements (Thanks docspree folks!)
  • virtualized pattern matcher
  • many more!

Expect monthly milestone released for 2.10.0 before it enters an official release cycle. Get your feedback and suggestions in early!

Re: Scala 2.10.0 Milestone 1 is released!

Any language changes, and if so are they documented somewhere? Hard to know what to look at just from the ScalaDoc.

Re: Scala 2.10.0 Milestone 1 is released!

 Seconded. I do follow the various user groups etc., and I still haven't been able to figure out what's new and what to expect from the milestone... some sort of release notes are definitely required.


Re: Scala 2.10.0 Milestone 1 is released!

Yeah, is there anywhere we can look to see what the various features are for the different milestones in the Scala 2.10 roadmap? Thanks. 

Re: Scala 2.10.0 Milestone 1 is released!

I 4th the comment, I'm totally new to Scala and having a hell of a time learning the language despite about a decade of Java experience.

I would offer the newb observation that the biggest obstacle to Scala adoption is the apparent lack of backwards comparability version to version and very poor documentation.

While I can understand the desire not to maintain backwards compatibility, hell we're still carrying deprecated baggage from Java 1.0 & 1.1, it's lack (I'm assuming here, I've not missed something along the way) represents a risk to any investment I make in personal projects and is definitely sufficient to prevent me being a Scala advocate at work.

While I believe this problem is more fundamental, good release notes would go a long way in mitigation, even if it slows the development process overall. I would offer the thought; there's no value in developing the next best thing since sliced bread if nobody can read the ingredients.

$0.02 has been deposited :-)


Re: Scala 2.10.0 Milestone 1 is released!

We'll be preparing better release notes for subsequent milestones. The first one was targetted mostly at core Scala developers and core Scala libraries developers that follow closely scala-internals mailing list and even commit messages. We didn't want to advertise this release too much because it's just too early for broader audience to test it.

Re: Scala 2.10.0 Milestone 1 is released!

You want people helping you testing the release, yet you give no info ?


Aren't you extremely limiting the number of people than can test this candidate ?

You do a fantastic job with Scala, and I cannot thank you enough for it. But as far as promoting it , it is another matter.

Same thing for Akka, the RC for Akka version 2 is out, it is not even shown on the site main page. Wake up ???


For development your awesome, but get some marketing !

Re: Scala 2.10.0 Milestone 1 is released!

"You want people helping you testing the release..."


Well, they really do *not* want most people downloading and testing the release.  Milestone releases are not release candidates -- they are not code complete and they are unpolished.  A milestone is a "stake in the ground" for the much smaller body of folks who work on the core of the language.  You could argue that there should be a separate "internal developer page" for such announcements, but even as an outsider I like seeing them because it gives me some sense of progress toward a release candidate.  Typically there are at least a couple of months between the last milestone release and the first release candidate.


@Zaphod*, since you are trying to learn Scala I imagine you are really just curious about upcoming features.  I agree that it would indeed be nice if there were a continuously updated Roadmap page.


By the way, neither has a release candidate been produced for Akka 2.0 -- just a couple of milestones.  I'll be happy to see that RC!


And to the folks developing Scala and Akka, a big thanks: you have made doing this work a lot more enjoyable and fulfilling.  Please interpret any impatience as a measure of how much people value what you have done so far.    :^)


Re: Scala 2.10.0 Milestone 1 is released!

I totally agree with this statement:

"And to the folks developing Scala and Akka, a big thanks: you have made doing this work a lot more enjoyable and fulfilling.  Please interpret any impatience as a measure of how much people value what you have done so far."


But I stand by my statement that they need some marketing.

Re: Scala 2.10.0 Milestone 1 is released!

Is this compatible with 2.9?


Can we have a road map of where thins are going with a list of features and what is implimneted.

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