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Created by admin on 2008-07-30.
Updated: 2011-07-05, 13:05
Below are the user-contributed translations of the Scala manuals that we have received so far. They are made available to the community as-is: we can make no guarantees about the information contained, since we cannot verify the content or correctness of these documents.
The Scala Tutorial
- Manual de Scala (es_ES)
The translation of the Scala Tutorial in the Spanish language. Contributed by Juanjo Bazán (June 2007)
- Um tutorial de Scala (pt_BR)
The translation of the Scala Tutorial in Brazilian Portuguese. Contributed by Marcelo Castellani and Thiago Rocha (July 2008)
- A Scala Tutorial (ja_JP)
The translation of the Scala Tutorial in Japanese. Contributed by 宮本隆志 Takashi Miyamoto (November 2008), with revisions by 水尾学文 Mizuo.
- Un Tutorial su Scala (it_IT)
The translation of the Scala Tutorial in Italian. Contributed by Mirco Veltri (August 2009)
- A Scala Tutorial (zh_CN)
The translation of the Scala Tutorial in Simplified Chinese. Contributed by 靳雄飞 XiongFei Jin (October 2009)
- A Scala Tutorial (pl_PL)
The translation of the Scala Tutorial in Polish. Contributed by Grzegorz Balcerek (November 2009)
- En Scala Tutorial (no_NO)
The translation of the Scala Tutorial in Norwegian. Contributed by Ivar Grimstad (July 2010)
- Руководство по Scala (ru_RU)
The translation of the Scala Tutorial in Russian. Contributed by Ржевский Дмитрии / Dmitry Rzhevskiy (December 2010)
- En Scala Tutorial (sv_SE)
The translation of the Scala Tutorial in Swedish. Contributed by Nils Fredrik Karlsson (November 2010)
- Scala Tutorial (de_DE)
The translation of the Scala Tutorial in German. Contributed by Ulrich Jordan (March 2011)
- Scala Tutorial (ko_KR)
The translation of the Scala Tutorial in Korean. Contributed by 이희종 Heejong Lee (March 2011)
- Un tutoriel de Scala (fr_FR)
The translation of the Scala Tutorial in French. Contributed by Pierre-André Mudry (March 2011)
- Посiбник по Scala (uk_UA)
The translation of the Scala Tutorial in Ukranian. Contributed by Вiталiй Яковчук Vitaliy Yakovchuk (March 2011)
The Scala Language Specification
- Scala语言规范
The translation of the Scala Language Specification (version 2.7.2) in Chinese. Provided by 高德 Gao De, with contributions by 赵炜 Wei Zhao (July 2010)
- Scala 言語仕様
The translation of the Scala Language Specification (version 2.8) in Japanese. Contributed by 水尾学文 Mizuo (February 2011)
Scala By Example
- Scala By Example
The translation of Scala By Example in Japanese. Contributed by 宮本隆志 Takashi Miyamoto (November 2010)
- Scala par l’exemple
The translation of Scala By Example in French. Contributed by Eric Jacoboni (November 2010)
- Scala By Example
The translation of Scala By Example in Brazilian Portuguese. Contributed by Vinicius Miana & Antonio Basile (January 2013)
Scala Website
- プログラミング言語Scala 日本語情報サイト
This website contains much of the content of the official Scala website translated in Japanese: a great resource for all Japanese Scala users. The project is coordinated by Kota Mizushima (since May 2011)
If you have other translations ready, please let us know!