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New Website for the Scala Language

The new website finally goes live! After many weeks of work, the Scala Team is proud to announce a new and considerably improved website for the Scala programming language. The existing content has been reorganized and updated, and finding the desired information should now be much easier. We consider the current configuration the starting point for many future improvements, some of which are already in the pipeline.

The new system is also more interactive; we hope that you will consider registering and leaving your comments to our stories, or contributing Scala-related stories of interest to the community. Please let us know what you think of the new system!

main column is too wide



Ugh, new site... Congratulates!

The only unhandy design thing is - left (main) column is too wide. I see, it is a matter of taste, and somebody can like to read such wide text. I'm not among them. Probably percents-based column division would cure the issue.


Please, don't treat the comment as some kind of a claim ;-)

No API docs?

I can't find any link to the Scala API docs, as there was in the old site. Overall the new site is much better, though.

in the Scala Developers menu

You can find the Scala APIs in the Scala Developers menu, in the top menubar, or directly at this page.


I was stubbornly looking only in the Documentation part of the menu.

Agree that the API docs

Agree that the API docs should be available from the Documentation menu.



I think you've done great work with the new site. My only suggestion would be to move the API docs into the Documentation tab. If there are API docs for the compiler, or Eclipse plugins, then they might go in the Scala Developers tab.

Thanks, Rich


All right, it is now in the Documentation section. I agree, it is a more logical place.

Old google links

Site looks good, but links to scala site which are suggested by the Google are now broken, maybe you should maintain some kind of backward compatibility? :)

Great improvement!

Great job on the site rework!

So what was used to make this site? Please tell me it's Scala :)

My suggestion/request is to add ScalaDoc api link to the "Scala Quick LInks" section. To me it's most often used and the most useful item I found of all here.

I do like the new site. 

I do like the new site.  There are only two improvements I would make off the top of my head:

1) Allowing the main column to resize when the browser resizes

2) Giving the "Download Scala" its own div on the right column

Otherwise, good job.

What software do you use?

What software doi you use for thi site? Isn't it Lift?


Looks like Drupal. 



The website is actually built using the Drupal CMS, with a good number of additional modules and many customizations. Thanks for the feedback so far, we'll try some of the suggestions and tune the website further during the coming weeks. The resizable layout is particularly contentious, though, not everyone likes it and it easily messes up the content. We need to make sure everything works as it should for every change, so it might not happen very soon. But it is a good suggestion: we'll work on it.


Personally, I'm quite fond of the new width.  A fluid layout wouldn't be too bad, but fixed width is usually more compatible and easier to design.  As for everything else...

The "Download Scala" bit needs to be more prominant.  Make it some sort of fancy web button thingy.  It can stay over on the top of the right column, but it definately needs to be more eye-catching.  I also tend to think that code snippets should be displayed on the front page ( does this exceptionally well), but the choice of snippets should be *extremely* judicious.  The old page had a tendency to randomly select snippets which were extremely cryptic looking, even with a moderate knowledge of Scala.  I think that it should be a random selection from a set of maybe 8-10 snippets, each demonstrating a specific aspect of the language and why it's so cool.

Why not use Scala to built a site?

Why use Drupal? What I seen so far on this site is simple enough to built using basic Java Servlet, and thus scala can be use instead. We already have lift, and I just started a project Sweet  at that are scala based framework that allow you built webapp.


I don't think there is any bigger boost of your own language to actally use it right? Hello? Am I missing something?


It's disappointing not see Scala been in used where it's heart of Scala headquarter is. Sigh...



Why not use Scala to built a site?

I agree, that using Lift or Sweet would be politically much better.



Congrat, it looks definitely better ! Just one thing, the menus should last longer. If I just move my cursor 1 pixel away from it it disapear ..


Very nice indeed.

Very nice indeed. I am quite surprised because I visited this web site only three days ago and now it's all new. Congratulations to the content management team. Good job. I agree with the previous poster that it would be beneficial to have the download feature prominently displayed on the home page. I realise that it's right there in the quick links list, but perhaps it could be emphasized with a green background colour or something similar. Otherwise, the dropdown menu navigation is very simple and easy to use.


Cheers and Greetings from Thailand,


does not work

i was interested in "views" but this:

gives me a page not found?!


The links on the advanced examples page have been fixed, thank you.

SIP documents

I have found a ref to the SIP Guide only, rather to SIP documents themselves. Have I missed something?


That's because the only currently available SIP is the guide in question. We are currently preparing SIPs for many improvements to the language, so please expect more coming soon. Or, you can of course write and submit a new proposal by using the SIP process.

If you use one of the IDEs supporting Scala, you don't need ...

On we can read that,

"If you use one of the IDEs supporting Scala, you don't need to download the distribution from this page, but rather use the update mechanism of your IDE."

Is it a correct statement? If I'm not mistaken, at least for Intellij IDEA Scala plugin to work one needs to install Scala itself first. Do Eclipse and Netbeans Scala plugins are self-contained so that Scala installation is not necessary? I doubt.

Re: New Website for the Scala Language

Hi Antonio, how can we contact you with suggestions and/or help with the website?


Re: New Website for the Scala Language

Nice job! alot of usefull information, thank a lot!

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