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Lift 2.1 Released

Lift 2.1, not only does it fully support Scala 2.8 but also adds much improved NoSQL interfaces for MongoDB and CouchDB along with Squeryl support too. It seems the already powerful Scala based web Framework has just got better.

Check out the new version on the Lift site or if you can get to London in the UK, you can learn all about the new version of Lift directly from David Pollak and many of the community that created it. Over 60 of them are already registered for the two-day Scala LiftOff conference at Skills Matter. Amongst them are Martin Odersky who will be providing insight on Scala and Jonas Boner with the latest on AKKA.

The London based Scala LiftOff, 7/8 October will be hosted by Skills Matter, a company well known for putting on the best in Technology. This 2 day Unconference will enable you to delve deep into Scala and Lift, the latest on Lift 2.1 as well as present projects in Speed Geeking sessions and get to know other experts in the field. Why not join them?

You can Register Here!

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