



trait Equals extends Any

An interface containing operations for equality. The only method not already present in class AnyRef is canEqual.

Linear Supertypes
Known Subclasses
ValueSet, None, Option, Product, Product1, Product10, Product11, Product12, Product13, Product14, Product15, Product16, Product17, Product18, Product19, Product2, Product20, Product21, Product22, Product3, Product4, Product5, Product6, Product7, Product8, Product9, ScalaReflectionException, Some, StringContext, Tuple1, Tuple10, Tuple11, Tuple12, Tuple13, Tuple14, Tuple15, Tuple16, Tuple17, Tuple18, Tuple19, Tuple2, Tuple20, Tuple21, Tuple22, Tuple3, Tuple4, Tuple5, Tuple6, Tuple7, Tuple8, Tuple9, UninitializedFieldError, AbstractIterable, AbstractMap, AbstractSeq, AbstractSet, BitSet, BitSetLike, DefaultMap, GenMap, GenMapLike, GenSeq, GenSeqLike, GenSet, GenSetLike, IndexedSeq, IndexedSeqLike, IndexedSeqOptimized, Iterable, IterableLike, IterableView, IterableViewLike, Appended, DroppedWhile, EmptyView, Filtered, FlatMapped, Forced, Mapped, Prepended, Sliced, TakenWhile, Transformed, Zipped, ZippedAll, LinearSeq, LinearSeqLike, LinearSeqOptimized, Map, WithDefault, MapLike, DefaultKeySet, DefaultValuesIterable, FilteredKeys, MappedValues, Found, InsertionPoint, Seq, SeqLike, SeqView, SeqViewLike, Appended, DroppedWhile, EmptyView, Filtered, FlatMapped, Forced, Mapped, Patched, Prepended, Reversed, Sliced, TakenWhile, Transformed, Zipped, ZippedAll, Set, SetLike, SortedMap, SortedMapLike, DefaultKeySortedSet, SortedSet, SortedSetLike, Map, TrieMap, ::, AbstractMap, BitSet, BitSet1, BitSet2, BitSetN, DefaultMap, HashMap, HashMap1, HashTrieMap, HashSet, HashTrieSet, IndexedSeq, Impl, IntMap, Iterable, LinearSeq, List, ListMap, Node, ListSet, Node, LongMap, Map, Map1, Map2, Map3, Map4, WithDefault, MapLike, ImmutableDefaultKeySet, Nil, NumericRange, Exclusive, Inclusive, Queue, Range, Inclusive, Seq, Set, Set1, Set2, Set3, Set4, SortedMap, DefaultKeySortedSet, SortedSet, Stream, Cons, Empty, StreamView, StreamViewLike, Appended, DroppedWhile, EmptyView, Filtered, FlatMapped, Forced, Mapped, Patched, Prepended, Reversed, Sliced, TakenWhile, Transformed, Zipped, ZippedAll, StringLike, StringOps, TreeMap, TreeSet, Vector, WrappedString, AbstractBuffer, AbstractIterable, AbstractMap, AbstractSeq, AbstractSet, AbstractSortedMap, AbstractSortedSet, AnyRefMap, ArrayBuffer, ArrayLike, ArrayOps, ofBoolean, ofByte, ofChar, ofDouble, ofFloat, ofInt, ofLong, ofRef, ofShort, ofUnit, ArraySeq, ArrayStack, BitSet, Buffer, BufferLike, HashMap, HashSet, History, IndexedSeq, IndexedSeqLike, IndexedSeqOptimized, IndexedSeqView, DroppedWhile, Filtered, Reversed, Sliced, TakenWhile, Transformed, Iterable, LinearSeq, LinkedHashMap, DefaultKeySet, FilteredKeys, MappedValues, LinkedHashSet, ListBuffer, ListMap, LongMap, Map, WithDefault, MapLike, MultiMap, MutableList, OpenHashMap, PriorityQueue, Queue, ResizableArray, RevertibleHistory, Seq, SeqLike, Set, SetLike, SortedMap, SortedSet, StringBuilder, TreeMap, TreeSet, UnrolledBuffer, WrappedArray, ofBoolean, ofByte, ofChar, ofDouble, ofFloat, ofInt, ofLong, ofRef, ofShort, ofUnit, ScanLeaf, ScanNode, ParMap, WithDefault, ParMapLike, DefaultKeySet, ParSeq, ParSeqLike, ParSet, ParSetLike, ParHashMap, ParHashSet, ParMap, WithDefault, ParRange, ParSeq, ParSet, ParVector, ParArray, ParHashMap, ParHashSet, ParMap, WithDefault, ParMapLike, ParSeq, ParSet, ParSetLike, ParTrieMap, Deadline, AnyValManifest, ClassTag, Manifest, SystemProperties, Either, LeftProjection, RightProjection, Failure, Left, Right, Success, Try, Call, Cont, Done, IterableProxy, IterableProxyLike, MapProxy, MapProxyLike, SeqProxy, SeqProxyLike, SetProxy, SetProxyLike, IterableForwarder, SeqForwarder, MapProxy, PagedSeq, SetProxy, Stack, BufferProxy, DefaultMapModel, DoubleLinkedList, DoubleLinkedListLike, ImmutableMapAdaptor, ImmutableSetAdaptor, LinkedList, LinkedListLike, MapProxy, ObservableBuffer, ObservableMap, ObservableSet, PriorityQueueProxy, QueueProxy, SetProxy, Stack, StackProxy, SynchronizedBuffer, SynchronizedMap, SynchronizedPriorityQueue, SynchronizedQueue, SynchronizedSet, SynchronizedStack, CompositeThrowable, End, Include, Index, NoLo, Remove, Reset, Script, Start, Update, DocBreak, DocCons, DocGroup, DocNest, DocNil, DocText
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. Equals
  2. Any
  1. by any2stringadd
  2. by StringFormat
  3. by Ensuring
  4. by ArrowAssoc
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def canEqual(that: Any): Boolean

    A method that should be called from every well-designed equals method that is open to be overridden in a subclass.

    A method that should be called from every well-designed equals method that is open to be overridden in a subclass. See Programming in Scala, Chapter 28 for discussion and design.


    the value being probed for possible equality


    true if this instance can possibly equal that, otherwise false