
object PagedSeq

The PagedSeq object defines a lazy implementations of a random access sequence.

Provides utility methods that return instances of PagedSeq[Char]. fromIterator and fromIterable provide generalised instances of PagedSeq


(Since version 2.11.8) this object will be moved to the scala-parser-combinators module



Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. PagedSeq
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Value Members

  1. final val UndeterminedEnd: Int(2147483647)
  2. def fromFile(source: String): PagedSeq[Char]

    Constructs a paged character sequence from a file with given name

  3. def fromFile(source: File): PagedSeq[Char]

    Constructs a paged character sequence from an input file

  4. def fromIterable[T](source: Iterable[T])(implicit arg0: ClassTag[T]): PagedSeq[T]

    Constructs a paged sequence from an iterable

  5. def fromIterator[T](source: Iterator[T])(implicit arg0: ClassTag[T]): PagedSeq[T]

    Constructs a paged sequence from an iterator

  6. def fromLines(source: Iterable[String]): PagedSeq[Char]

    Constructs a paged character sequence from a line iterable Lines do not contain trailing \n characters; The method inserts a line separator \n between any two lines in the sequence.

  7. def fromLines(source: Iterator[String]): PagedSeq[Char]

    Constructs a paged character sequence from a line iterator Lines do not contain trailing \n characters; The method inserts a line separator \n between any two lines in the sequence.

  8. def fromReader(source: Reader): PagedSeq[Char]

    Constructs a paged character sequence from an input reader

  9. def fromSource(source: Source): PagedSeq[Char]

    Constructs a paged character sequence from a value

  10. def fromStrings(source: Iterable[String]): PagedSeq[Char]

    Constructs a paged character sequence from a string iterable

  11. def fromStrings(source: Iterator[String]): PagedSeq[Char]

    Constructs a paged character sequence from a string iterator