
trait InteractiveTyper extends Typer

  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. InteractiveTyper
  2. Typer
  3. TyperContextErrors
  4. PatternTyper
  5. Tag
  6. Adaptation
  7. TyperDiagnostics
  8. AnyRef
  9. Any
  1. by any2stringadd
  2. by StringFormat
  3. by Ensuring
  4. by ArrowAssoc
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Value Members

  1. def adaptAfterOverloadResolution(tree: Global.Tree, mode: Mode, pt: Global.Type = WildcardType, original: Global.Tree = EmptyTree): Global.Tree
    Definition Classes
  2. def adaptCase(cdef: Global.CaseDef, mode: Mode, tpe: Global.Type): Global.CaseDef
    Definition Classes
  3. def adaptToArguments(qual: Global.Tree, name: Global.Name, args: List[Global.Tree], pt: Global.Type, reportAmbiguous: Boolean = true, saveErrors: Boolean = true): Global.Tree

    Try to apply an implicit conversion to qual to that it contains a method name which can be applied to arguments args with expected type pt.

    Try to apply an implicit conversion to qual to that it contains a method name which can be applied to arguments args with expected type pt. If pt is defined, there is a fallback to try again with pt = ?. This helps avoiding propagating result information too far and solves #1756. If no conversion is found, return qual unchanged.

    Definition Classes
  4. def adaptToMember(qual: Global.Tree, searchTemplate: Global.Type, reportAmbiguous: Boolean = true, saveErrors: Boolean = true): Global.Tree
    Definition Classes
  5. def adaptToMemberWithArgs(tree: Global.Tree, qual: Global.Tree, name: Global.Name, mode: Mode, reportAmbiguous: Boolean = true, saveErrors: Boolean = true): Global.Tree

    Try to apply an implicit conversion to qual so that it contains a method name.

    Try to apply an implicit conversion to qual so that it contains a method name. If that's ambiguous try taking arguments into account using adaptToArguments.

    Definition Classes
  6. def adaptToName(qual: Global.Tree, name: Global.Name): Global.Tree

    Try to apply an implicit conversion to qual to that it contains a member name of arbitrary type.

    Try to apply an implicit conversion to qual to that it contains a member name of arbitrary type. If no conversion is found, return qual unchanged.

    Definition Classes
  7. def applyImplicitArgs(fun: Global.Tree): Global.Tree

    Find implicit arguments and pass them to given tree.

    Find implicit arguments and pass them to given tree.

    Definition Classes
  8. def atOwner(tree: Global.Tree, owner: Global.Symbol): InteractiveAnalyzer.Typer
    Definition Classes
  9. def atOwner(owner: Global.Symbol): InteractiveAnalyzer.Typer
    Definition Classes
  10. def callToCompanionConstr(context: InteractiveAnalyzer.Context, calledFun: Global.Symbol): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  11. def canAdaptConstantTypeToLiteral: Boolean

    Overridden to false in scaladoc and/or interactive.

    Overridden to false in scaladoc and/or interactive.

    Definition Classes
  12. def canTranslateEmptyListToNil: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  13. def checkClassType(tpt: Global.Tree): Boolean

    Check that tpt refers to a non-refinement class type

    Check that tpt refers to a non-refinement class type

    Definition Classes
  14. def checkExistentialsFeature(pos: Global.Position, tpe: Global.Type, prefix: String): AnyVal
    Definition Classes
  15. def checkFeature(pos: Global.Position, featureTrait: Global.Symbol, construct: ⇒ String = "", immediate: Boolean = false): Boolean

    Check whether feature given by featureTrait is enabled.

    Check whether feature given by featureTrait is enabled. If it is not, issue an error or a warning depending on whether the feature is required.


    A string expression that is substituted for "#" in the feature description string


    When set, feature check is run immediately, otherwise it is run at the end of the typechecking run for the enclosing unit. This is done to avoid potential cyclic reference errors by implicits that are forced too early.


    if feature check is run immediately: true if feature is enabled, false otherwise if feature check is delayed or suppressed because we are past typer: true

    Definition Classes
  16. def checkFinitary(classinfo: Global.ClassInfoType): Unit
    Definition Classes
  17. def checkMethodStructuralCompatible(ddef: Global.DefDef): Unit

    Check if a structurally defined method violates implementation restrictions.

    Check if a structurally defined method violates implementation restrictions. A method cannot be called if it is a non-private member of a refinement type and if its parameter's types are any of:

    • the self-type of the refinement
    • a type member of the refinement
    • an abstract type declared outside of the refinement.
    • an instance of a value class Furthermore, the result type may not be a value class either
    Definition Classes
  18. def checkNonCyclic(defn: Global.Tree, tpt: Global.Tree): Unit
    Definition Classes
  19. def checkNonCyclic(sym: Global.Symbol): Unit
    Definition Classes
  20. def checkNonCyclic(pos: Global.Position, tp: Global.Type, lockedSym: Global.Symbol): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  21. def checkNonCyclic(pos: Global.Position, tp: Global.Type): Boolean

    Check that type tp is not a subtype of itself.

    Check that type tp is not a subtype of itself.

    Definition Classes
  22. def checkParamsConvertible(tree: Global.Tree, tpe0: Global.Type): Unit
    Definition Classes
  23. def checkStablePrefixClassType(tpt: Global.Tree): Boolean

    Check that tpt refers to a class type with a stable prefix.

    Check that tpt refers to a class type with a stable prefix.

    Definition Classes
  24. def checkValidAdaptation(t: Global.Tree, args: List[Global.Tree]): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  25. def computeMacroDefType(ddef: Global.DefDef, pt: Global.Type): Global.Type
    Definition Classes
  26. def computeParamAliases(clazz: Global.Symbol, vparamss: List[List[Global.ValDef]], rhs: Global.Tree): Unit

    Enter all aliases of local parameter accessors.

    Enter all aliases of local parameter accessors.

    Definition Classes
  27. def computeType(tree: Global.Tree, pt: Global.Type): Global.Type
    Definition Classes
  28. final def constrTyperIf(inConstr: Boolean): InteractiveAnalyzer.Typer

    The typer for an expression, depending on where we are.

    The typer for an expression, depending on where we are. If we are before a superclass call, this is a typer over a constructor context; otherwise it is the current typer.

    Definition Classes
  29. var context: InteractiveAnalyzer.Context
    Definition Classes
  30. def context1: InteractiveAnalyzer.Context
    Definition Classes
  31. def cyclicReferenceMessage(sym: Global.Symbol, tree: Global.Tree): Option[String]

    Returns Some(msg) if the given tree is untyped apparently due to a cyclic reference, and None otherwise.

    Returns Some(msg) if the given tree is untyped apparently due to a cyclic reference, and None otherwise.

    Definition Classes
  32. def doTypedApply(tree: Global.Tree, fun0: Global.Tree, args: List[Global.Tree], mode: Mode, pt: Global.Type): Global.Tree
    Definition Classes
  33. def doTypedUnapply(tree: Global.Tree, fun0: Global.Tree, fun: Global.Tree, args: List[Global.Tree], mode: Mode, pt: Global.Type): Global.Tree
    Definition Classes
  34. def dropExistential(tp: Global.Type): Global.Type
    Definition Classes
  35. def extractorForUncheckedType(pos: Global.Position, pt: Global.Type): Global.Tree
    Definition Classes
  36. val infer: InteractiveAnalyzer.Inferencer
    Definition Classes
  37. def inferSamType(fun: Global.Tree, pt: Global.Type, mode: Mode): Global.SAMFunction

    Synthesize and type check the implementation of a type with a Single Abstract Method.

    Synthesize and type check the implementation of a type with a Single Abstract Method.

    Based on a type checked Function node { (p1: T1, ..., pN: TN) => body } : S where S is the expected type that defines a single abstract method (call it apply for the example), that has signature (p1: T1', ..., pN: TN'): T', synthesize the instantiation of the following anonymous class

    new S { def apply$body(p1: T1, ..., pN: TN): T = body def apply(p1: T1', ..., pN: TN'): T' = apply$body(p1,..., pN) }

    The apply method is identified by the argument sam; S corresponds to the argument pt, If pt is not fully defined, we derive samClassTpFullyDefined by inferring any unknown type parameters.

    The types T1' ... TN' and T' are derived from the method signature of the sam method, as seen from the fully defined samClassTpFullyDefined.

    The function's body is put in a (static) method in the class definition to enforce scoping. S's members should not be in scope in body. (Putting it in the block outside the class runs into implementation problems described below)

    The restriction on implicit arguments (neither S's constructor, nor sam may take an implicit argument list), is to keep the implementation of type inference (the computation of samClassTpFullyDefined) simple.

    Impl notes:

    • fun has a FunctionType, but the expected type pt is some SAM type -- let's remedy that
    • fun is fully attributed, so we'll have to wrangle some symbols into shape (owner change, vparam syms)
    • after experimentation, it works best to type check function literals fully first and then adapt to a sam type, as opposed to a sam-specific code paths earlier on in type checking (in typedFunction). For one, we want to emit the same bytecode regardless of whether the expected function type is a built-in FunctionN or some SAM type
    Definition Classes
  38. def inferView(tree: Global.Tree, from: Global.Type, to: Global.Type, reportAmbiguous: Boolean = true, saveErrors: Boolean = true): Global.Tree

    Infer an implicit conversion (view) between two types.

    Infer an implicit conversion (view) between two types.


    The tree which needs to be converted.


    The source type of the conversion


    The target type of the conversion


    Should ambiguous implicit errors be reported? False iff we search for a view to find out whether one type is coercible to another.


    Should ambiguous and divergent implicit errors that were buffered during the inference of a view be put into the original buffer. False iff we don't care about them.

    Definition Classes
  39. def instantiate(tree: Global.Tree, mode: Mode, pt: Global.Type): Global.Tree
    Definition Classes
  40. def instantiateExpectingUnit(tree: Global.Tree, mode: Mode): Global.Tree

    If the expected type is Unit: try instantiating type arguments with expected type Unit, but if that fails, try again with pt = WildcardType and discard the expression.

    If the expected type is Unit: try instantiating type arguments with expected type Unit, but if that fails, try again with pt = WildcardType and discard the expression.

    Definition Classes
  41. def instantiatePossiblyExpectingUnit(tree: Global.Tree, mode: Mode, pt: Global.Type): Global.Tree
    Definition Classes
  42. def isCapturedExistential(sym: Global.Symbol): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  43. def isNamedApplyBlock(tree: Global.Tree): Boolean

    Is tree a block created by a named application?

    Is tree a block created by a named application?

    Definition Classes
  44. def isReferencedFrom(ctx: InteractiveAnalyzer.Context, sym: Global.Symbol): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  45. def isStale(sym: Global.Symbol): Boolean

    A symbol is stale if it is toplevel, to be loaded from a classfile, and the classfile is produced from a sourcefile which is compiled in the current run.

    A symbol is stale if it is toplevel, to be loaded from a classfile, and the classfile is produced from a sourcefile which is compiled in the current run.

    Definition Classes
  46. def labelTyper(ldef: Global.LabelDef): InteractiveAnalyzer.Typer

    The typer for a label definition.

    The typer for a label definition. If this is part of a template we first have to enter the label definition.

    Definition Classes
  47. final def lookupTransformed(tree: Global.Tree): Option[Global.Tree]
    Definition Classes
  48. def member(qual: Global.Tree, name: Global.Name): Global.Symbol

    The member with given name of given qualifier tree

    The member with given name of given qualifier tree

    Definition Classes
  49. def missingSelectErrorTree(tree: Global.Tree, qual: Global.Tree, name: Global.Name): Global.Tree
    Definition Classes
  50. def namer: InteractiveAnalyzer.Namer
    Definition Classes
  51. def needsInstantiation(tparams: List[Global.Symbol], formals: List[Global.Type], args: List[Global.Tree]): Boolean

    Does function need to be instantiated, because a missing parameter in an argument closure overlaps with an uninstantiated formal?

    Does function need to be instantiated, because a missing parameter in an argument closure overlaps with an uninstantiated formal?

    Definition Classes
  52. def packCaptured(tpe: Global.Type): Global.Type
    Definition Classes
  53. def packSymbols(hidden: List[Global.Symbol], tp: Global.Type): Global.Type

    Compute an existential type from raw hidden symbols syms and type tp

    Compute an existential type from raw hidden symbols syms and type tp

    Definition Classes
  54. def packedType(tree: Global.Tree, owner: Global.Symbol): Global.Type

    convert local symbols and skolems to existentials

    convert local symbols and skolems to existentials

    Definition Classes
  55. def packedTypes(trees: List[Global.Tree]): List[Global.Type]
    Definition Classes
  56. def permanentlyHiddenWarning(pos: Global.Position, hidden: Global.Name, defn: Global.Symbol): Unit
    Definition Classes
  57. def phasedAppliedType(sym: Global.Symbol, args: List[Global.Type]): Global.Type
    Definition Classes
  58. def qualifyingClass(tree: Global.Tree, qual: Global.Name, packageOK: Boolean): Global.Symbol

    The qualifying class of a this or super with prefix qual.

    The qualifying class of a this or super with prefix qual. packageOk is equal false when qualifying class symbol

    Definition Classes
  59. def reallyExists(sym: Global.Symbol): Boolean

    Is symbol defined and not stale?

    Is symbol defined and not stale?

    Definition Classes
  60. def reenterTypeParams(tparams: List[Global.TypeDef]): List[Global.Symbol]
    Definition Classes
  61. def reenterValueParams(vparamss: List[List[Global.ValDef]]): Unit
    Definition Classes
  62. def reportTypeError(context0: InteractiveAnalyzer.Context, pos: Global.Position, ex: Global.TypeError): Unit

    Report a type error.

    Report a type error.


    The position where to report the error


    The exception that caused the error

    Definition Classes
  63. def resolveClassTag(pos: Global.Position, tp: Global.Type, allowMaterialization: Boolean = true): Global.Tree

    Finds in scope or materializes a ClassTag.

    Finds in scope or materializes a ClassTag. Should be used instead of ClassManifest every time compiler needs to persist an erasure.

    Once upon a time, we had an ErasureTag which was to ClassTag the same that WeakTypeTag is for TypeTag. However we found out that we don't really need this concept, so it got removed.


    Position for error reporting. Please, provide meaningful value.


    Type we're looking a ClassTag for, e.g. resolveClassTag(pos, IntTpe) will look for ClassTag[Int].


    If true (default) then the resolver is allowed to launch materialization macros when there's no class tag in scope. If false then materialization macros are prohibited from running.


    Tree that represents an scala.reflect.ClassTag for tp if everything is okay. EmptyTree if the result contains unresolved (i.e. not spliced) type parameters and abstract type members. EmptyTree if allowMaterialization is false, and there is no class tag in scope.

    Definition Classes
  64. def resolveTypeTag(pos: Global.Position, pre: Global.Type, tp: Global.Type, concrete: Boolean, allowMaterialization: Boolean = true): Global.Tree

    Finds in scope or materializes an WeakTypeTag (if concrete is false) or a TypeTag (if concrete is true).

    Finds in scope or materializes an WeakTypeTag (if concrete is false) or a TypeTag (if concrete is true).


    Position for error reporting. Please, provide meaningful value.


    Prefix that represents a universe this type tag will be bound to. If pre is set to NoType, then any type tag in scope will do, regardless of its affiliation. If pre is set to NoType, and tag resolution involves materialization, then mkRuntimeUniverseRef will be used.


    Type we're looking a TypeTag for, e.g. resolveTypeTag(pos, mkRuntimeUniverseRef, IntTpe, false) will look for scala.reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag[Int].


    If true then the result must not contain unresolved (i.e. not spliced) type parameters and abstract type members. If false then the function will always succeed (abstract types will be reified as free types).


    If true (default) then the resolver is allowed to launch materialization macros when there's no type tag in scope. If false then materialization macros are prohibited from running.


    Tree that represents a scala.reflect.TypeTag for tp if everything is okay. EmptyTree if concrete is true and the result contains unresolved (i.e. not spliced) type parameters and abstract type members. EmptyTree if allowMaterialization is false, and there is no array tag in scope.

    Definition Classes
  65. def rewrappingWrapperTrees(f: (Global.Tree) ⇒ List[Global.Tree]): (Global.Tree) ⇒ List[Global.Tree]

    For flatMapping a list of trees when you want the DocDefs and Annotated to be transparent.

    For flatMapping a list of trees when you want the DocDefs and Annotated to be transparent.

    Definition Classes
  66. val runDefinitions: reflect.internal.Definitions.definitions.RunDefinitions
    Definition Classes
  67. def samToFunctionType(tp: Global.Type, sam: Global.Symbol = NoSymbol): Global.Type

    Convert a SAM type to the corresponding FunctionType, extrapolating BoundedWildcardTypes in the process (no type precision is lost by the extrapolation, but this facilitates dealing with the types arising from Java's use-site variance).

    Convert a SAM type to the corresponding FunctionType, extrapolating BoundedWildcardTypes in the process (no type precision is lost by the extrapolation, but this facilitates dealing with the types arising from Java's use-site variance).

    Definition Classes
  68. def silent[T](op: (InteractiveAnalyzer.Typer) ⇒ T, reportAmbiguousErrors: Boolean = context.ambiguousErrors, newtree: Global.Tree = context.tree): InteractiveAnalyzer.SilentResult[T]
    Definition Classes
  69. def stabilizeFun(tree: Global.Tree, mode: Mode, pt: Global.Type): Global.Tree
    Definition Classes
  70. def synthesizePartialFunction(paramName: Global.TermName, paramPos: Global.Position, paramSynthetic: Boolean, tree: Global.Tree, mode: Mode, pt: Global.Type): Global.Tree

    synthesize and type check a PartialFunction implementation based on the match in tree

    synthesize and type check a PartialFunction implementation based on the match in tree

    param => sel match { cases } becomes:

    new AbstractPartialFunction[$argTp, $matchResTp] { def applyOrElse[A1 <: $argTp, B1 >: $matchResTp]($param: A1, default: A1 => B1): B1 = $selector match { $cases } def isDefinedAt(x: $argTp): Boolean = $selector match { $casesTrue } }

    TODO: it would be nicer to generate the tree specified above at once and type it as a whole, there are two gotchas:

    • matchResTp may not be known until we've typed the match (can only use resTp when it's fully defined),
      • if we typed the match in isolation first, you'd know its result type, but would have to re-jig the owner structure
      • could we use a type variable for matchResTp and backpatch it?
    • occurrences of this in cases or sel must resolve to the this of the class originally enclosing the match, not of the anonymous partial function subclass

    an alternative TODO: add partial function AST node or equivalent and get rid of this synthesis --> do everything in uncurry (or later) however, note that pattern matching codegen is designed to run *before* uncurry

    Definition Classes
  71. final def transformedOr(tree: Global.Tree, op: ⇒ Global.Tree): Global.Tree
    Definition Classes
  72. final def transformedOrTyped(tree: Global.Tree, mode: Mode, pt: Global.Type): Global.Tree
    Definition Classes
  73. def typed(tree: Global.Tree, mode: Mode): Global.Tree
    Definition Classes
  74. def typed(tree: Global.Tree, pt: Global.Type): Global.Tree

    Types expression tree with given prototype pt.

    Types expression tree with given prototype pt.

    Definition Classes
  75. def typed(tree: Global.Tree): Global.Tree

    Types expression or definition tree.

    Types expression or definition tree.

    Definition Classes
  76. def typed(tree: Global.Tree, mode: Mode, pt: Global.Type): Global.Tree
    Definition Classes
  77. def typed1(tree: Global.Tree, mode: Mode, pt: Global.Type): Global.Tree
    Definition Classes
  78. def typedAnnotation(ann: Global.Tree, mode: Mode = EXPRmode): Global.AnnotationInfo

    Convert an annotation constructor call into an AnnotationInfo.

    Convert an annotation constructor call into an AnnotationInfo.

    Definition Classes
  79. def typedArg(arg: Global.Tree, mode: Mode, newmode: Mode, pt: Global.Type): Global.Tree
    Definition Classes
  80. def typedArgs(args: List[Global.Tree], mode: Mode): collection.immutable.List[Global.Tree]
    Definition Classes
  81. def typedArgsForFormals(args: List[Global.Tree], formals: List[Global.Type], mode: Mode): List[Global.Tree]
    Definition Classes
  82. def typedBlock(block0: Global.Block, mode: Mode, pt: Global.Type): Global.Block
    Definition Classes
  83. def typedByValueExpr(tree: Global.Tree, pt: Global.Type = WildcardType): Global.Tree
    Definition Classes
  84. def typedCase(cdef: Global.CaseDef, pattpe: Global.Type, pt: Global.Type): Global.CaseDef
    Definition Classes
  85. def typedCases(cases: List[Global.CaseDef], pattp: Global.Type, pt: Global.Type): List[Global.CaseDef]
    Definition Classes
  86. def typedClassDef(cdef: Global.ClassDef): Global.Tree
    Definition Classes
  87. def typedClassOf(tree: Global.Tree, tpt: Global.Tree, noGen: Boolean = false): Global.Tree
    Definition Classes
  88. def typedConstructorPattern(fun0: Global.Tree, pt: Global.Type): Global.Tree
    Definition Classes
  89. def typedDefDef(ddef: Global.DefDef): Global.DefDef
    Definition Classes
  90. def typedDocDef(docDef: Global.DocDef, mode: Mode, pt: Global.Type): Global.Tree
    Definition Classes
  91. def typedHigherKindedType(tree: Global.Tree, mode: Mode): Global.Tree
    Definition Classes
  92. def typedHigherKindedType(tree: Global.Tree, mode: Mode, pt: Global.Type): Global.Tree

    Types a higher-kinded type tree -- pt denotes the expected kind and must be one of Kind.WildCard and Kind.FromParams

    Types a higher-kinded type tree -- pt denotes the expected kind and must be one of Kind.WildCard and Kind.FromParams

    Definition Classes
  93. def typedImport(imp: Global.Import): Global.Import
    Definition Classes
  94. def typedLabelDef(ldef: Global.LabelDef): Global.LabelDef
    Definition Classes
  95. def typedMatch(selector: Global.Tree, cases: List[Global.CaseDef], mode: Mode, pt: Global.Type, tree: Global.Tree = EmptyTree): Global.Match
    Definition Classes
  96. def typedModifiers(mods: Global.Modifiers): Global.Modifiers

    Remove definition annotations from modifiers (they have been saved into the symbol's annotations in the type completer / namer)

    Remove definition annotations from modifiers (they have been saved into the symbol's annotations in the type completer / namer)

    However reification does need annotation definitions to proceed. Unfortunately, AnnotationInfo doesn't provide enough info to reify it in general case. The biggest problem is with the "atp: Type" field, which cannot be reified in some situations that involve locally defined annotations. See more about that in Reifiers.scala.

    That's why the original tree gets saved into original field of AnnotationInfo (happens elsewhere). The field doesn't get pickled/unpickled and exists only during a single compilation run. This simultaneously allows us to reify annotations and to preserve backward compatibility.

    Definition Classes
  97. def typedModuleDef(mdef: Global.ModuleDef): Global.Tree
    Definition Classes
  98. def typedOperator(tree: Global.Tree): Global.Tree

    Types function part of an application

    Types function part of an application

    Definition Classes
  99. def typedParentTypes(templ: Global.Template): List[Global.Tree]
    Definition Classes
  100. def typedPattern(tree: Global.Tree, pt: Global.Type): Global.Tree

    Types a pattern with prototype pt

    Types a pattern with prototype pt

    Definition Classes
  101. def typedPos(pos: Global.Position)(tree: Global.Tree): Global.Tree
    Definition Classes
  102. def typedPos(pos: Global.Position, mode: Mode, pt: Global.Type)(tree: Global.Tree): Global.Tree
    Definition Classes
  103. def typedQualifier(tree: Global.Tree): Global.Tree
    Definition Classes
  104. def typedQualifier(tree: Global.Tree, mode: Mode): Global.Tree

    Types qualifier tree of a select node.

    Types qualifier tree of a select node. E.g. is tree occurs in a context like tree.m.

    Definition Classes
  105. def typedQualifier(tree: Global.Tree, mode: Mode, pt: Global.Type): Global.Tree

    Types qualifier tree of a select node.

    Types qualifier tree of a select node. E.g. is tree occurs in a context like tree.m.

    Definition Classes
  106. def typedRefinement(templ: Global.Template): Unit
    Definition Classes
  107. def typedStats(stats: List[Global.Tree], exprOwner: Global.Symbol, warnPure: Boolean = true): List[Global.Tree]
    Definition Classes
  108. def typedTemplate(templ0: Global.Template, parents1: List[Global.Tree]): Global.Template

    Check that inner classes do not inherit from Annotation

    Check that inner classes do not inherit from Annotation

    Definition Classes
  109. def typedType(tree: Global.Tree): Global.Tree

    Types a (fully parameterized) type tree

    Types a (fully parameterized) type tree

    Definition Classes
  110. def typedType(tree: Global.Tree, mode: Mode): Global.Tree

    Types a (fully parameterized) type tree

    Types a (fully parameterized) type tree

    Definition Classes
  111. def typedTypeConstructor(tree: Global.Tree): Global.Tree
    Definition Classes
  112. def typedTypeConstructor(tree: Global.Tree, mode: Mode): Global.Tree

    Types a type constructor tree used in a new or supertype

    Types a type constructor tree used in a new or supertype

    Definition Classes
  113. def typedTypeDef(tdef: Global.TypeDef): Global.TypeDef
    Definition Classes
  114. def typedValDef(vdef: Global.ValDef): Global.ValDef
    Definition Classes
  115. final def typerWithCondLocalContext[T](c: ⇒ InteractiveAnalyzer.Context)(cond: Boolean)(f: (InteractiveAnalyzer.Typer) ⇒ T): T
    Definition Classes
  116. final def typerWithLocalContext[T](c: InteractiveAnalyzer.Context)(f: (InteractiveAnalyzer.Typer) ⇒ T): T
    Definition Classes
  117. def validateParentClasses(parents: List[Global.Tree], selfType: Global.Type): Unit

    Check that

    Check that

    • all parents are class types,
    • first parent class is not a mixin; following classes are mixins,
    • final classes are not inherited,

    - sealed classes are only inherited by classes which are nested within definition of base class, or that occur within same statement sequence,

    • self-type of current class is a subtype of self-type of each parent class.
    • no two parents define same symbol.
    Definition Classes
  118. def viewExists(from: Global.Type, to: Global.Type): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  119. def virtualizedMatch(match_: Global.Match, mode: Mode, pt: Global.Type): Global.Tree
    Definition Classes
  120. def warnTypeParameterShadow(tparams: List[Global.TypeDef], sym: Global.Symbol): Unit
    Definition Classes
  121. final def withCondConstrTyper[T](inConstr: Boolean)(f: (InteractiveAnalyzer.Typer) ⇒ T): T
    Definition Classes
  122. def wrapClassTagUnapply(uncheckedPattern: Global.Tree, classTagExtractor: Global.Tree, pt: Global.Type): Global.Tree
    Definition Classes
  123. object TyperErrorGen
    Definition Classes
  124. object checkDead
    Definition Classes
  125. object checkUnused
    Definition Classes
  126. object checkNoEscaping extends Global.TypeMap

    Check that type of given tree does not contain local or private components.

    Check that type of given tree does not contain local or private components.

    Definition Classes
  127. object dyna
    Definition Classes