
trait Combiner[-Elem, +To] extends Builder[Elem, To] with Sizing with Parallel

The base trait for all combiners. A combiner incremental collection construction just like a regular builder, but also implements an efficient merge operation of two builders via combine method. Once the collection is constructed, it may be obtained by invoking the result method.

The complexity of the combine method should be less than linear for best performance. The result method doesn't have to be a constant time operation, but may be performed in parallel.


the type of the elements added to the builder


the type of the collection the builder produces



Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. Combiner
  2. Parallel
  3. Sizing
  4. Builder
  5. Growable
  6. Clearable
  7. AnyRef
  8. Any
  1. by CollectionsHaveToParArray
  2. by any2stringadd
  3. by StringFormat
  4. by Ensuring
  5. by ArrowAssoc
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def +=(elem: Elem): Combiner.this.type

    Adds a single element to the builder.

    Adds a single element to the builder.


    the element to be added.


    the builder itself.

    Definition Classes
  2. abstract def clear(): Unit

    Clears the contents of this builder.

    Clears the contents of this builder. After execution of this method the builder will contain no elements.

    Definition Classes
  3. abstract def combine[N <: Elem, NewTo >: To](other: Combiner[N, NewTo]): Combiner[N, NewTo]

    Combines the contents of the receiver builder and the other builder, producing a new builder containing both their elements.

    Combines the contents of the receiver builder and the other builder, producing a new builder containing both their elements.

    This method may combine the two builders by copying them into a larger collection, by producing a lazy view that gets evaluated once result is invoked, or use a merge operation specific to the data structure in question.

    Note that both the receiver builder and other builder become invalidated after the invocation of this method, and should be cleared (see clear) if they are to be used again.

    Also, combining two combiners c1 and c2 for which c1 eq c2 is true, that is, they are the same objects in memory:


    always does nothing and returns c1.


    the type of elements contained by the other builder


    the type of collection produced by the other builder


    the other builder


    the parallel builder containing both the elements of this and the other builder

  4. abstract def result(): To

    Produces a collection from the added elements.

    Produces a collection from the added elements. This is a terminal operation: the builder's contents are undefined after this operation, and no further methods should be called.


    a collection containing the elements added to this builder.

    Definition Classes
  5. abstract def size: Int
    Definition Classes

Concrete Value Members

  1. def ++=(xs: TraversableOnce[Elem]): Combiner.this.type

    adds all elements produced by a TraversableOnce to this growable collection.

    adds all elements produced by a TraversableOnce to this growable collection.


    the TraversableOnce producing the elements to add.


    the growable collection itself.

    Definition Classes
  2. def +=(elem1: Elem, elem2: Elem, elems: Elem*): Combiner.this.type

    adds two or more elements to this growable collection.

    adds two or more elements to this growable collection.


    the first element to add.


    the second element to add.


    the remaining elements to add.


    the growable collection itself

    Definition Classes
  3. val _combinerTaskSupport: TaskSupport
    @transient() @volatile()
  4. def canBeShared: Boolean

    Returns true if this combiner has a thread-safe += and is meant to be shared across several threads constructing the collection.

    Returns true if this combiner has a thread-safe += and is meant to be shared across several threads constructing the collection.

    By default, this method returns false.

  5. def combinerTaskSupport: TaskSupport
  6. def combinerTaskSupport_=(cts: TaskSupport): Unit
  7. def mapResult[NewTo](f: (To) ⇒ NewTo): Builder[Elem, NewTo]

    Creates a new builder by applying a transformation function to the results of this builder.

    Creates a new builder by applying a transformation function to the results of this builder.


    the type of collection returned by f.


    the transformation function.


    a new builder which is the same as the current builder except that a transformation function is applied to this builder's result.

    Definition Classes

    The original builder should no longer be used after mapResult is called.

  8. def resultWithTaskSupport: To

    Constructs the result and sets the appropriate tasksupport object to the resulting collection if this is applicable.

  9. def sizeHint(coll: TraversableLike[_, _], delta: Int): Unit

    Gives a hint that one expects the result of this builder to have the same size as the given collection, plus some delta.

    Gives a hint that one expects the result of this builder to have the same size as the given collection, plus some delta. This will provide a hint only if the collection is known to have a cheap size method. Currently this is assumed to be the case if and only if the collection is of type IndexedSeqLike. Some builder classes will optimize their representation based on the hint. However, builder implementations are still required to work correctly even if the hint is wrong, i.e. a different number of elements is added.


    the collection which serves as a hint for the result's size.


    a correction to add to the coll.size to produce the size hint.

    Definition Classes
  10. def sizeHint(coll: TraversableLike[_, _]): Unit

    Gives a hint that one expects the result of this builder to have the same size as the given collection, plus some delta.

    Gives a hint that one expects the result of this builder to have the same size as the given collection, plus some delta. This will provide a hint only if the collection is known to have a cheap size method, which is determined by calling sizeHint.

    Some builder classes will optimize their representation based on the hint. However, builder implementations are still required to work correctly even if the hint is wrong, i.e. a different number of elements is added.


    the collection which serves as a hint for the result's size.

    Definition Classes
  11. def sizeHint(size: Int): Unit

    Gives a hint how many elements are expected to be added when the next result is called.

    Gives a hint how many elements are expected to be added when the next result is called. Some builder classes will optimize their representation based on the hint. However, builder implementations are still required to work correctly even if the hint is wrong, i.e. a different number of elements is added.


    the hint how many elements will be added.

    Definition Classes
  12. def sizeHintBounded(size: Int, boundingColl: TraversableLike[_, _]): Unit

    Gives a hint how many elements are expected to be added when the next result is called, together with an upper bound given by the size of some other collection.

    Gives a hint how many elements are expected to be added when the next result is called, together with an upper bound given by the size of some other collection. Some builder classes will optimize their representation based on the hint. However, builder implementations are still required to work correctly even if the hint is wrong, i.e. a different number of elements is added.


    the hint how many elements will be added.


    the bounding collection. If it is an IndexedSeqLike, then sizes larger than collection's size are reduced.

    Definition Classes
  13. def toParArray: ParArray[T]
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from Combiner[Elem, To] to CollectionsHaveToParArray[Combiner[Elem, To], T] performed by method CollectionsHaveToParArray in scala.collection.parallel. This conversion will take place only if an implicit value of type (Combiner[Elem, To]) ⇒ GenTraversableOnce[T] is in scope.
    Definition Classes