
class TreeMethods extends AnyRef

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
Type Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. TreeMethods
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. by any2stringadd
  2. by StringFormat
  3. by Ensuring
  4. by ArrowAssoc
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new TreeMethods(target: Global.Tree)

Value Members

  1. def ===(rhs: Global.Tree): Global.Assign


  2. def AND(other: Global.Tree): Global.Tree
  3. def ANY_!=(other: Global.Tree): Global.Apply
  4. def ANY_==(other: Global.Tree): Global.Apply
  5. def ANY_EQ(other: Global.Tree): Global.Apply
  6. def APPLY(params: List[Global.Tree]): Global.Apply
  7. def APPLY(params: Global.Tree*): Global.Apply

    Apply, Select, Match *

  8. def AS(tpe: Global.Type): Global.Tree

    Casting & type tests -- working our way toward understanding exactly what differs between the different forms of IS and AS.

    Casting & type tests -- working our way toward understanding exactly what differs between the different forms of IS and AS.

    See ticket #2168 for one illustration of AS vs. AS_ANY.

  9. def DOT(sym: Global.Symbol): SelectStart
  10. def DOT(member: Global.Name): SelectStart
  11. def GEN_!=(other: Global.Tree, kind: Global.ClassSymbol): Global.Apply
  12. def GEN_&(other: Global.Tree, kind: Global.ClassSymbol): Global.Apply
  13. def GEN_==(other: Global.Tree, kind: Global.ClassSymbol): Global.Apply
  14. def GEN_|(other: Global.Tree, kind: Global.ClassSymbol): Global.Apply
  15. def GETCLASS(): Global.Apply
  16. def INT_-(other: Global.Tree): Global.Apply
  17. def INT_==(other: Global.Tree): Global.Apply
  18. def INT_>=(other: Global.Tree): Global.Apply
  19. def IS_OBJ(tpe: Global.Type): Global.Tree
  20. def MEMBER_==(other: Global.Tree): Global.Apply

    Note - calling ANY_== in the matcher caused primitives to get boxed for the comparison, whereas looking up nme.EQ does not.

    Note - calling ANY_== in the matcher caused primitives to get boxed for the comparison, whereas looking up nme.EQ does not. See #3570 for an example of how target.tpe can be non-null, yet it claims not to have a member called nme.EQ. Not sure if that should happen, but we can be robust by dragging in Any regardless.

  21. def OBJ_EQ(other: Global.Tree): Global.Apply
  22. def OBJ_NE(other: Global.Tree): Global.Apply
  23. def OR(other: Global.Tree): Global.Tree

    logical/comparison ops *