
package diagram

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class ContentDiagram(nodes: List[Node], edges: List[(Node, List[Node])]) extends Diagram with Product with Serializable
  2. class ContentDiagramDepth extends DepthInfo
  3. trait DepthInfo extends AnyRef
  4. sealed abstract class Diagram extends AnyRef

    The diagram base classes

  5. trait DiagramDirectiveParser extends AnyRef

    This trait takes care of parsing @{inheritance, content}Diagram annotations

  6. trait DiagramFactory extends DiagramDirectiveParser

    This trait takes care of generating the diagram for classes and packages

  7. case class ImplicitNode(tpe: TypeEntity, tpl: Option[TemplateEntity])(tooltip: Option[String] = None) extends Node with Product with Serializable

    A class or trait the thisnode can be converted to by an implicit conversion TODO: I think it makes more sense to use the tpe links to templates instead of the TemplateEntity for implicit nodes since some implicit conversions convert the class to complex types that cannot be represented as a single template

  8. case class InheritanceDiagram(thisNode: ThisNode, superClasses: List[Node], subClasses: List[Node], incomingImplicits: List[ImplicitNode], outgoingImplicits: List[ImplicitNode]) extends Diagram with Product with Serializable

    A class diagram

  9. sealed abstract class Node extends AnyRef
  10. case class NormalNode(tpe: TypeEntity, tpl: Option[TemplateEntity])(tooltip: Option[String] = None) extends Node with Product with Serializable

    The usual node

  11. case class OutsideNode(tpe: TypeEntity, tpl: Option[TemplateEntity])(tooltip: Option[String] = None) extends Node with Product with Serializable

    An outside node is shown in packages when a class from a different package makes it to the package diagram due to its relation to a class in the template (see @contentDiagram hideInheritedNodes annotation)

  12. case class ThisNode(tpe: TypeEntity, tpl: Option[TemplateEntity])(tooltip: Option[String] = None) extends Node with Product with Serializable

    The node for the current class

Value Members

  1. object ClassNode
  2. object Node
  3. object ObjectNode
  4. object OtherNode
  5. object OutsideNode extends Serializable
  6. object TraitNode
  7. object TypeNode