


trait InfoTransform extends SubComponent with Transform

An InfoTransform contains a compiler phase that transforms trees and symbol infos -- making sure they stay consistent. The symbol info is transformed assuming it is consistent right before this phase. The info transformation is triggered by Symbol::rawInfo, which caches the results in the symbol's type history. This way (during an enteringPhase(p)) can look up what the symbol's info should look like at the beginning of phase p. (If the transformed info had not been stored yet, rawInfo will compute the info by composing the info-transformers of the most recent phase before p, up to the transformer of the phase right before p.)

Concretely, enteringPhase(p) { } yields the info *before* phase p has transformed it. Imagine you're a phase and it all makes sense.

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. InfoTransform
  2. Transform
  3. SubComponent
  4. AnyRef
  5. Any
  1. by any2stringadd
  2. by StringFormat
  3. by Ensuring
  4. by ArrowAssoc
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. abstract class StdPhase extends GlobalPhase

    A standard phase template

    A standard phase template

    Definition Classes
  2. class Phase extends InfoTransform.Phase

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract val global: Global

    The global environment; overridden by instantiation in Global.

    The global environment; overridden by instantiation in Global.

    Definition Classes
  2. abstract val phaseName: String

    The name of the phase

    The name of the phase

    Definition Classes
  3. abstract val runsAfter: List[String]

    Names of phases that must run before this phase.

    Names of phases that must run before this phase.

    Definition Classes
  4. abstract val runsRightAfter: Option[String]

    Name of the phase that this phase must follow immediately.

    Name of the phase that this phase must follow immediately.

    Definition Classes
  5. abstract def transformInfo(sym: Global.Symbol, tpe: Global.Type): Global.Type

Concrete Value Members

  1. final def afterOwnPhase[T](op: ⇒ T): T
    Definition Classes
  2. final def beforeOwnPhase[T](op: ⇒ T): T
    Definition Classes
  3. def enabled: Boolean

    Is this component enabled? Default is true.

    Is this component enabled? Default is true.

    Definition Classes
  4. def hashCode(): Int

    SubComponent are added to a HashSet and two phases are the same if they have the same name

    SubComponent are added to a HashSet and two phases are the same if they have the same name

    Definition Classes
    SubComponent → AnyRef → Any
  5. val initial: Boolean

    True if this phase runs before all other phases.

    True if this phase runs before all other phases. Usually, parser.

    Definition Classes
  6. val internal: Boolean

    True if this phase is not provided by a plug-in.

    True if this phase is not provided by a plug-in.

    Definition Classes
  7. def newPhase(prev: nsc.Phase): StdPhase

    Create a new phase which applies transformer

    Create a new phase which applies transformer

    Definition Classes
  8. def ownPhase: nsc.Phase

    The phase corresponding to this subcomponent in the current compiler run

    The phase corresponding to this subcomponent in the current compiler run

    Definition Classes
  9. def phaseNewFlags: Long

    New flags defined by the phase which are not valid before

    New flags defined by the phase which are not valid before

    Definition Classes
  10. def phaseNextFlags: Long

    New flags defined by the phase which are not valid until immediately after it

    New flags defined by the phase which are not valid until immediately after it

    Definition Classes
  11. val requires: List[String]

    Names of phases required by this component.

    Names of phases required by this component. Default is Nil.

    Definition Classes
  12. val runsBefore: List[String]

    Names of phases that must run after this phase.

    Names of phases that must run after this phase. Default is Nil.

    Definition Classes
  13. val terminal: Boolean

    True if this phase runs after all other phases.

    True if this phase runs after all other phases. Usually, terminal.

    Definition Classes