


object extensionMethods extends ExtensionMethods

  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. extensionMethods
  2. ExtensionMethods
  3. TypingTransformers
  4. Transform
  5. SubComponent
  6. AnyRef
  7. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. abstract class StdPhase extends GlobalPhase

    A standard phase template

    A standard phase template

    Definition Classes
  2. class Extender extends TypingTransformer
    Definition Classes
  3. final class SubstututeRecursion extends TypingTransformer
    Definition Classes
  4. class Phase extends StdPhase

    The phase defined by this transform

    The phase defined by this transform

    Definition Classes
  5. abstract class TypingTransformer extends Global.Transformer
    Definition Classes

Value Members

  1. final def afterOwnPhase[T](op: ⇒ T): T
    Definition Classes
  2. final def beforeOwnPhase[T](op: ⇒ T): T
    Definition Classes
  3. def enabled: Boolean

    Is this component enabled? Default is true.

    Is this component enabled? Default is true.

    Definition Classes
  4. def extensionMethod(imeth: Global.Symbol): Global.Symbol

    Return the extension method that corresponds to given instance method meth.

    Return the extension method that corresponds to given instance method meth.

    Definition Classes
  5. val global: Global.this.type

    The global environment; overridden by instantiation in Global.

    The global environment; overridden by instantiation in Global.

    Definition Classes
  6. def hashCode(): Int

    SubComponent are added to a HashSet and two phases are the same if they have the same name

    SubComponent are added to a HashSet and two phases are the same if they have the same name

    Definition Classes
    SubComponent → AnyRef → Any
  7. val initial: Boolean

    True if this phase runs before all other phases.

    True if this phase runs before all other phases. Usually, parser.

    Definition Classes
  8. val internal: Boolean

    True if this phase is not provided by a plug-in.

    True if this phase is not provided by a plug-in.

    Definition Classes
  9. def newPhase(prev: nsc.Phase): StdPhase

    Create a new phase which applies transformer

    Create a new phase which applies transformer

    Definition Classes
  10. def newTransformer(unit: Global.CompilationUnit): Global.Transformer

    The transformer factory

    The transformer factory

    Definition Classes
  11. def ownPhase: nsc.Phase

    The phase corresponding to this subcomponent in the current compiler run

    The phase corresponding to this subcomponent in the current compiler run

    Definition Classes
  12. val phaseName: String

    the following two members override abstract members in Transform

    the following two members override abstract members in Transform

    Definition Classes
  13. def phaseNewFlags: Long

    New flags defined by the phase which are not valid before

    New flags defined by the phase which are not valid before

    Definition Classes
  14. def phaseNextFlags: Long

    New flags defined by the phase which are not valid until immediately after it

    New flags defined by the phase which are not valid until immediately after it

    Definition Classes
  15. val requires: List[String]

    Names of phases required by this component.

    Names of phases required by this component. Default is Nil.

    Definition Classes
  16. val runsAfter: collection.immutable.List[String]

    Names of phases that must run before this phase.

    Names of phases that must run before this phase.

    Definition Classes
  17. val runsBefore: List[String]

    Names of phases that must run after this phase.

    Names of phases that must run after this phase. Default is Nil.

    Definition Classes
  18. val runsRightAfter: None.type

    Name of the phase that this phase must follow immediately.

    Name of the phase that this phase must follow immediately.

    Definition Classes
  19. val terminal: Boolean

    True if this phase runs after all other phases.

    True if this phase runs after all other phases. Usually, terminal.

    Definition Classes
  20. object ExtensionMethodType

    Recognize a MethodType which represents an extension method.

    Recognize a MethodType which represents an extension method.

    It may have a curried parameter list with the $this alone in the first parameter list, in which case that parameter list is dropped. Or, since the curried lists disappear during uncurry, it may have a single parameter list with $this as the first parameter, in which case that parameter is removed from the list.

    Definition Classes