


abstract class TreeBuilder extends AnyRef

Methods for building trees, used in the parser. All the trees returned by this class must be untyped.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
Known Subclasses
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. TreeBuilder
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. by any2stringadd
  2. by StringFormat
  3. by Ensuring
  4. by ArrowAssoc
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new TreeBuilder()

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract val global: Global
  2. abstract def source: SourceFile
  3. abstract def unit: Global.CompilationUnit

Concrete Value Members

  1. def addEvidenceParams(owner: Global.Name, vparamss: List[List[Global.ValDef]], contextBounds: List[Global.Tree]): List[List[Global.ValDef]]

    Append implicit parameter section if contextBounds nonempty

  2. def byNameApplication(tpe: Global.Tree): Global.Tree
  3. def convertToTypeName(t: Global.Tree): Option[Global.RefTree]
  4. implicit def fresh: FreshNameCreator
  5. def makeAlternative(ts: List[Global.Tree]): Global.Tree

    Create tree for a pattern alternative

  6. def makeAnnotated(t: Global.Tree, annot: Global.Tree): Global.Tree
  7. def makeBlock(stats: List[Global.Tree]): Global.Tree

    Create block of statements stats

  8. def makeCaseDef(pat: Global.Tree, guard: Global.Tree, rhs: Global.Tree): Global.CaseDef

    Create tree for case definition <case pat if guard => rhs>

  9. def makeCatchFromExpr(catchExpr: Global.Tree): Global.CaseDef

    Creates tree representing: { case x: Throwable => val catchFn = catchExpr if (catchFn isDefinedAt x) catchFn(x) else throw x }

  10. def makeDoWhile(lname: Global.TermName, body: Global.Tree, cond: Global.Tree): Global.Tree

    Create tree representing a do-while loop

  11. def makeFunctionTypeTree(argtpes: List[Global.Tree], restpe: Global.Tree): Global.Tree

    Create a tree representing the function type (argtpes) => restpe

  12. def makeImportSelector(name: Global.Name, nameOffset: Int): Global.ImportSelector
  13. def makeParam(pname: Global.TermName, tpe: Global.Tree): Global.ValDef
  14. def makePatDef(mods: Global.Modifiers, pat: Global.Tree, rhs: Global.Tree): List[Global.ValDef]
  15. def makePostfixSelect(start0: Int, end: Int, od: Global.Tree, op: Global.Name): Global.Tree

    Tree for od op, start is start0 if od.pos is borked.

  16. def makeSelfDef(name: Global.TermName, tpt: Global.Tree): Global.ValDef
  17. def makeSyntheticTypeParam(pname: Global.TypeName, bounds: Global.Tree): Global.TypeDef
  18. def makeTupleTerm(elems: List[Global.Tree]): Global.Tree
  19. def makeTupleType(elems: List[Global.Tree]): Global.Tree
  20. def makeWhile(startPos: Int, cond: Global.Tree, body: Global.Tree): Global.Tree

    Create tree representing a while loop

  21. def o2p(offset: Int): Global.Position
  22. def r2p(start: Int, mid: Int, end: Int): Global.Position
  23. def repeatedApplication(tpe: Global.Tree): Global.Tree
  24. def rootScalaDot(name: Global.Name): Global.Select
  25. def scalaAnyRefConstr: Global.Select
  26. def scalaDot(name: Global.Name): Global.Select
  27. def scalaUnitConstr: Global.Select