trait BCAnnotGen extends BCInnerClassGen
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- BCAnnotGen
- BCInnerClassGen
- AnyRef
- Any
- by any2stringadd
- by StringFormat
- by Ensuring
- by ArrowAssoc
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- All
Value Members
- final def arrEncode(sb: Global.ScalaSigBytes): Array[String]
debugLevel: Int
- Definition Classes
- BCInnerClassGen
- def descriptorForErasedType(tp: Global.Type): String
- def emitAnnotations(fw: FieldVisitor, annotations: List[Global.AnnotationInfo]): Unit
- def emitAnnotations(mw: MethodVisitor, annotations: List[Global.AnnotationInfo]): Unit
- def emitAnnotations(cw: ClassVisitor, annotations: List[Global.AnnotationInfo]): Unit
- def emitArgument(av: AnnotationVisitor, name: String, arg: Global.ClassfileAnnotArg): Unit
- def emitAssocs(av: AnnotationVisitor, assocs: List[(Global.Name, Global.ClassfileAnnotArg)]): Unit
emitLines: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- BCInnerClassGen
- def emitParamAnnotations(jmethod: MethodVisitor, pannotss: List[List[Global.AnnotationInfo]]): Unit
- def emitParamNames(jmethod: MethodVisitor, params: List[Global.Symbol]): Unit
emitSource: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- BCInnerClassGen
emitVars: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- BCInnerClassGen
erasedType(tp: Global.Type): Global.Type
Annotations are not processed by the compilation pipeline like ordinary trees.
Annotations are not processed by the compilation pipeline like ordinary trees. Instead, the typer extracts them into AnnotationInfo objects which are attached to the corresponding symbol (sym.annotations) or type (as an AnnotatedType, eliminated by erasure).
For Scala annotations this is OK: they are stored in the pickle and ignored by the backend. Java annotations on the other hand are additionally emitted to the classfile in Java's format.
This means that Type instances within an AnnotationInfo reach the backend non-erased. Examples:
- @(javax.annotation.Resource @annotation.meta.getter) val x = 0 Here, annotationInfo.atp is an AnnotatedType.
- @SomeAnnotation[T] val x = 0 In principle, the annotationInfo.atp is a non-erased type ref. However, this cannot actually happen because Java annotations cannot be generic.
- @javax.annotation.Resource(
= classOf[List[_]]) val x = 0 The annotationInfo.assocs contains a LiteralAnnotArg(Constant(tp)) where tp is the non-erased existential type.
internalName(sym: Global.Symbol): String
The class internal name for a given class symbol.
The class internal name for a given class symbol.
- Definition Classes
- BCInnerClassGen
- def ubytesToCharArray(bytes: Array[Byte]): Array[Char]
The Scala compiler and reflection APIs.