abstract class BackendUtils extends PerRunInit
This component hosts tools and utilities used in the backend that require access to a BTypes
One example is the AsmAnalyzer class, which runs computeMaxLocalsMaxStack
on the methodNode to
be analyzed. This method in turn lives inside the BTypes assembly because it queries the per-run
cache maxLocalsMaxStackComputed
defined in there.
TODO: move out of analysis
- Source
- BackendUtils.scala
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- BackendUtils
- PerRunInit
- AnyRef
- Any
- by any2stringadd
- by StringFormat
- by Ensuring
- by ArrowAssoc
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- All
Instance Constructors
- new BackendUtils()
Type Members
AsmAnalyzer[V <: Value] extends AnyRef
A wrapper to make ASM's Analyzer a bit easier to use.
- class NonLubbingTypeFlowAnalyzer extends AsmAnalyzer[BasicValue]
- class ProdConsAnalyzer extends AsmAnalyzer[SourceValue] with ProdConsAnalyzerImpl
Abstract Value Members
- abstract val postProcessor: PostProcessor
Concrete Value Members
- def addIndyLambdaImplMethod(hostClass: InternalName, handle: Handle): Boolean
addIndyLambdaImplMethod(hostClass: InternalName, handle: Seq[Handle]): Seq[Handle]
add methods
add methods
- returns
the added methods. Note the order is undefined
- final def addInnerClasses(jclass: ClassVisitor, refedInnerClasses: List[ClassBType]): Unit
- def addLambdaDeserialize(classNode: ClassNode, implMethods: Iterable[Handle]): Unit
- lazy val classfileVersion: LazyVar[Int]
cloneInstructions(methodNode: MethodNode, labelMap: Map[LabelNode, LabelNode], keepLineNumbers: Boolean): (InsnList, Map[AbstractInsnNode, AbstractInsnNode], List[Handle])
Clone the instructions in
into a new InsnList, mapping labels according to thelabelMap
.Clone the instructions in
into a new InsnList, mapping labels according to thelabelMap
. Returns the new instruction list and a map from old to new instructions, and a list of lambda implementation methods references by invokedynamic[LambdaMetafactory] for a serializable SAM types. -
collectNestedClasses(classNode: ClassNode): List[ClassBType]
Visit the class node and collect all referenced nested classes.
computeMaxLocalsMaxStack(method: MethodNode): Unit
In order to run an Analyzer, the maxLocals / maxStack fields need to be available.
In order to run an Analyzer, the maxLocals / maxStack fields need to be available. The ASM framework only computes these values during bytecode generation.
NOTE 1: as explained in the
package object, the maxStack value used by the Analyzer may be smaller than the correct maxStack value in the classfile (Analyzers only use a single slot for long / double values). The maxStack computed here are correct for running an analyzer, but not for writing in the classfile. We let the ClassWriter recompute max's.NOTE 2: the maxStack value computed here may be larger than the smallest correct value that would allow running an analyzer, see
.NOTE 3: the implementation doesn't look at instructions that cannot be reached, it computes the max local / stack size in the reachable code. These max's work just fine for running an Analyzer: its implementation also skips over unreachable code in the same way.
- lazy val emitStackMapFrame: LazyVar[Boolean]
- lazy val extraProc: LazyVar[Int]
- def getBoxedUnit: FieldInsnNode
- def getScalaBox(primitiveType: Type): MethodInsnNode
- def getScalaUnbox(primitiveType: Type): MethodInsnNode
- def hasAdaptedImplMethod(closureInit: (callGraph)#ClosureInstantiation): Boolean
initialize(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- PerRunInit
- def isBoxedUnit(insn: AbstractInsnNode): Boolean
- def isJavaBox(insn: MethodInsnNode): Boolean
- def isJavaUnbox(insn: MethodInsnNode): Boolean
- def isModuleLoad(insn: AbstractInsnNode, moduleName: InternalName): Boolean
- def isNewForSideEffectFreeConstructor(insn: AbstractInsnNode): Boolean
- def isNonNullMethodInvocation(mi: MethodInsnNode): Boolean
- def isPredefAutoBox(insn: MethodInsnNode): Boolean
- def isPredefAutoUnbox(insn: MethodInsnNode): Boolean
- def isPredefLoad(insn: AbstractInsnNode): Boolean
- def isPrimitiveBoxConstructor(insn: MethodInsnNode): Boolean
- def isRefCreate(insn: MethodInsnNode): Boolean
- def isRefZero(insn: MethodInsnNode): Boolean
- def isRuntimeRefConstructor(insn: MethodInsnNode): Boolean
- def isScalaBox(insn: MethodInsnNode): Boolean
- def isScalaUnbox(insn: MethodInsnNode): Boolean
- def isSideEffectFreeCall(insn: MethodInsnNode): Boolean
- def isSideEffectFreeConstructorCall(insn: MethodInsnNode): Boolean
- def isTupleConstructor(insn: MethodInsnNode): Boolean
- lazy val majorVersion: LazyVar[Int]
- def onIndyLambdaImplMethod[T](hostClass: InternalName)(action: (LinkedHashSet[Handle]) ⇒ T): T
- def onIndyLambdaImplMethodIfPresent(hostClass: InternalName)(action: (LinkedHashSet[Handle]) ⇒ Unit): Unit
perRunInit(init: ⇒ Unit): Unit
- Definition Classes
- PerRunInit
- def removeIndyLambdaImplMethod(hostClass: InternalName, handle: Seq[Handle]): Unit
- def runtimeRefClassBoxedType(refClass: InternalName): Type
See the doc comment on package object
for a discussion on performance.
The Scala compiler and reflection APIs.