
  • package root

    The Scala compiler and reflection APIs.

    The Scala compiler and reflection APIs.

    Definition Classes
  • package scala
    Definition Classes
  • package tools
    Definition Classes
  • package nsc
    Definition Classes
  • package doc
    Definition Classes
  • package model
    Definition Classes
  • trait ModelFactoryImplicitSupport extends AnyRef

    This trait finds implicit conversions for a class in the default scope and creates scaladoc entries for each of them.

    This trait finds implicit conversions for a class in the default scope and creates scaladoc entries for each of them.

    Let's take this as an example:

    object Test {
      class A
      class B {
        def foo = 1
      class C extends B {
        def bar = 2
        class implicit
      D def conv(a: A) = new C

    Overview: - scaladoc-ing the above classes, A will get two more methods: foo and bar, over its default methods - the nested classes (specifically D above), abstract types, type aliases and constructor members are not added to A (see makeMember0 in ModelFactory, last 3 cases) - the members added by implicit conversion are always listed under the implicit conversion, not under the class they actually come from (foo will be listed as coming from the implicit conversion to C instead of B) - see definitionName in MemberImpl

    Internals: TODO: Give an overview here

    Definition Classes
  • ImplicitConversionImpl
  • ImplicitNotFound
  • typeVarToOriginOrWildcard
  • wildcardToNothing

class ImplicitConversionImpl extends ImplicitConversion

  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. ImplicitConversionImpl
  2. ImplicitConversion
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. by any2stringadd
  2. by StringFormat
  3. by Ensuring
  4. by ArrowAssoc
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new ImplicitConversionImpl(sym: Global.Symbol, convSym: Global.Symbol, toType: Global.Type, constrs: List[Constraint], inTpl: (ModelFactoryImplicitSupport.this)#DocTemplateImpl)

Value Members

  1. lazy val constraints: List[Constraint]

    The constraints that the transformations puts on the type parameters

    The constraints that the transformations puts on the type parameters

    Definition Classes
  2. val constrs: List[Constraint]
  3. val convSym: Global.Symbol
  4. def conversionQualifiedName: String

    A qualified name uniquely identifying the conversion (currently: the conversion method's qualified name)

    A qualified name uniquely identifying the conversion (currently: the conversion method's qualified name)

    Definition Classes
  5. def conversionShortName: String

    A short name of the conversion

    A short name of the conversion

    Definition Classes
  6. def convertorMethod: Either[MemberEntity, String]

    The entity for the method that performed the conversion, if it's documented (or just its name, otherwise)

    The entity for the method that performed the conversion, if it's documented (or just its name, otherwise)

    Definition Classes
  7. def convertorOwner: TemplateEntity

    The entity that performed the conversion

    The entity that performed the conversion

    Definition Classes
  8. def isHiddenConversion: Boolean

    Is this a hidden implicit conversion (as specified in the settings)

    Is this a hidden implicit conversion (as specified in the settings)

    Definition Classes
  9. lazy val memberImpls: List[(ModelFactoryImplicitSupport.this)#MemberImpl]
  10. lazy val members: List[MemberEntity]

    The members inherited by this implicit conversion

    The members inherited by this implicit conversion

    Definition Classes
  11. def source: DocTemplateEntity

    The source of the implicit conversion

    The source of the implicit conversion

    Definition Classes
  12. val sym: Global.Symbol
  13. def targetType: TypeEntity

    The result type after the conversion

    The result type after the conversion

    Definition Classes
  14. def targetTypeComponents: List[(TemplateEntity, TypeEntity)]

    The components of the implicit conversion type parents

    The components of the implicit conversion type parents

    Definition Classes
  15. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    ImplicitConversionImpl → AnyRef → Any
  16. val toType: Global.Type