
object BuildFrom extends BuildFromLowPriority1

  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. BuildFrom
  2. BuildFromLowPriority1
  3. BuildFromLowPriority2
  4. AnyRef
  5. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Value Members

  1. implicit def buildFromArray[A](implicit arg0: ClassTag[A]): BuildFrom[Array[_], A, Array[A]]
  2. implicit def buildFromBitSet[C <: BitSet with BitSetOps[C]]: BuildFrom[C, Int, C]
  3. implicit def buildFromIterableOps[CC[X] <: Iterable[X] with IterableOps[X, CC, _], A0, A]: BuildFrom[CC[A0], A, CC[A]]

    Build the source collection type from an IterableOps

    Build the source collection type from an IterableOps

    Definition Classes
  4. implicit def buildFromIterator[A]: BuildFrom[Iterator[_], A, Iterator[A]]
    Definition Classes
  5. implicit def buildFromMapOps[CC[X, Y] <: Map[X, Y] with MapOps[X, Y, CC, _], K0, V0, K, V]: BuildFrom[CC[K0, V0] with Map[K0, V0], (K, V), CC[K, V] with Map[K, V]]

    Build the source collection type from a MapOps

  6. implicit def buildFromSortedMapOps[CC[X, Y] <: SortedMap[X, Y] with SortedMapOps[X, Y, CC, _], K0, V0, K, V](implicit arg0: Ordering[K]): BuildFrom[CC[K0, V0] with SortedMap[K0, V0], (K, V), CC[K, V] with SortedMap[K, V]]

    Build the source collection type from a SortedMapOps

  7. implicit def buildFromSortedSetOps[CC[X] <: SortedSet[X] with SortedSetOps[X, CC, _], A0, A](implicit arg0: Ordering[A]): BuildFrom[CC[A0] with SortedSet[A0], A, CC[A] with SortedSet[A]]

    Build the source collection type from an Iterable with SortedOps

    Build the source collection type from an Iterable with SortedOps

    Definition Classes
  8. implicit val buildFromString: BuildFrom[String, Char, String]
  9. implicit def buildFromView[A, B]: BuildFrom[View[A], B, View[B]]
  10. implicit val buildFromWrappedString: BuildFrom[WrappedString, Char, WrappedString]
  11. implicit def fallbackStringCanBuildFrom[A]: BuildFrom[String, A, immutable.IndexedSeq[A]]
    Definition Classes