
final class ofDouble extends ArraySeq[Double]

Type Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. ofDouble
  2. ArraySeq
  3. Serializable
  4. EvidenceIterableFactoryDefaults
  5. StrictOptimizedSeqOps
  6. StrictOptimizedSeqOps
  7. StrictOptimizedIterableOps
  8. IndexedSeq
  9. IndexedSeqOps
  10. IndexedSeq
  11. IndexedSeqOps
  12. AbstractSeq
  13. Seq
  14. SeqOps
  15. Iterable
  16. AbstractSeq
  17. Seq
  18. Equals
  19. SeqOps
  20. PartialFunction
  21. Function1
  22. AbstractIterable
  23. Iterable
  24. IterableFactoryDefaults
  25. IterableOps
  26. IterableOnceOps
  27. IterableOnce
  28. AnyRef
  29. Any
  1. by iterableOnceExtensionMethods
  2. by any2stringadd
  3. by StringFormat
  4. by Ensuring
  5. by ArrowAssoc
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Instance Constructors

  1. new ofDouble(unsafeArray: Array[Double])

Value Members

  1. final def ++[B >: Double](suffix: IterableOnce[B]): ArraySeq[B]

    Alias for concat

    Alias for concat

    Definition Classes
  2. final def ++:[B >: Double](prefix: IterableOnce[B]): ArraySeq[B]

    Alias for prependedAll.

    Alias for prependedAll.

    Definition Classes
  3. final def +:[B >: Double](elem: B): ArraySeq[B]

    Alias for prepended.

    Alias for prepended.

    Note that :-ending operators are right associative (see example). A mnemonic for +: vs. :+ is: the COLon goes on the COLlection side.

    Definition Classes
  4. final def :+[B >: Double](elem: B): ArraySeq[B]

    Alias for appended.

    Alias for appended.

    Note that :-ending operators are right associative (see example). A mnemonic for +: vs. :+ is: the COLon goes on the COLlection side.

    Definition Classes
  5. final def :++[B >: Double](suffix: IterableOnce[B]): ArraySeq[B]

    Alias for appendedAll.

    Alias for appendedAll.

    Definition Classes
  6. final def addString(b: mutable.StringBuilder): b.type

    Appends all elements of this immutable array to a string builder.

    Appends all elements of this immutable array to a string builder. The written text consists of the string representations (w.r.t. the method toString) of all elements of this immutable array without any separator string.


    scala> val a = List(1,2,3,4)
    a: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4)
    scala> val b = new StringBuilder()
    b: StringBuilder =
    scala> val h = a.addString(b)
    h: StringBuilder = 1234

    the string builder to which elements are appended.


    the string builder b to which elements were appended.

    Definition Classes
  7. final def addString(b: mutable.StringBuilder, sep: String): b.type

    Appends all elements of this immutable array to a string builder using a separator string.

    Appends all elements of this immutable array to a string builder using a separator string. The written text consists of the string representations (w.r.t. the method toString) of all elements of this immutable array, separated by the string sep.


    scala> val a = List(1,2,3,4)
    a: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4)
    scala> val b = new StringBuilder()
    b: StringBuilder =
    scala> a.addString(b, ", ")
    res0: StringBuilder = 1, 2, 3, 4

    the string builder to which elements are appended.


    the separator string.


    the string builder b to which elements were appended.

    Definition Classes
  8. def addString(b: mutable.StringBuilder, start: String, sep: String, end: String): b.type

    Appends all elements of this immutable array to a string builder using start, end, and separator strings.

    Appends all elements of this immutable array to a string builder using start, end, and separator strings. The written text begins with the string start and ends with the string end. Inside, the string representations (w.r.t. the method toString) of all elements of this immutable array are separated by the string sep.


    scala> val a = List(1,2,3,4)
    a: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4)
    scala> val b = new StringBuilder()
    b: StringBuilder =
    scala> a.addString(b , "List(" , ", " , ")")
    res5: StringBuilder = List(1, 2, 3, 4)

    the string builder to which elements are appended.


    the starting string.


    the separator string.


    the ending string.


    the string builder b to which elements were appended.

    Definition Classes
  9. def andThen[C](k: PartialFunction[Double, C]): PartialFunction[Int, C]

    Composes this partial function with another partial function that gets applied to results of this partial function.

    Composes this partial function with another partial function that gets applied to results of this partial function.

    Note that calling isDefinedAt on the resulting partial function may apply the first partial function and execute its side effect. For efficiency, it is recommended to call applyOrElse instead of isDefinedAt or apply.


    the result type of the transformation function.


    the transformation function


    a partial function with the domain of this partial function narrowed by other partial function, which maps arguments x to k(this(x)).

    Definition Classes
  10. def andThen[C](k: (Double) => C): PartialFunction[Int, C]

    Composes this partial function with a transformation function that gets applied to results of this partial function.

    Composes this partial function with a transformation function that gets applied to results of this partial function.

    If the runtime type of the function is a PartialFunction then the other andThen method is used (note its cautions).


    the result type of the transformation function.


    the transformation function


    a partial function with the domain of this partial function, possibly narrowed by the specified function, which maps arguments x to k(this(x)).

    Definition Classes
  11. def appended[B >: Double](elem: B): ArraySeq[B]

    A copy of this immutable array with an element appended.

    A copy of this immutable array with an element appended.

    Note: will not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    scala> val a = List(1)
    a: List[Int] = List(1)
    scala> val b = a :+ 2
    b: List[Int] = List(1, 2)
    scala> println(a)

    the element type of the returned immutable array.


    the appended element


    a new immutable array consisting of all elements of this immutable array followed by value.

    Definition Classes
  12. def appendedAll[B >: Double](suffix: IterableOnce[B]): ArraySeq[B]

    Returns a new immutable array containing the elements from the left hand operand followed by the elements from the right hand operand.

    Returns a new immutable array containing the elements from the left hand operand followed by the elements from the right hand operand. The element type of the immutable array is the most specific superclass encompassing the element types of the two operands.


    the element type of the returned collection.


    the iterable to append.


    a new collection of type CC[B] which contains all elements of this immutable array followed by all elements of suffix.

    Definition Classes
  13. def apply(i: Int): Double

    Gets the element at the specified index.

    Gets the element at the specified index. This operation is provided for convenience in Seq. It should not be assumed to be efficient unless you have an IndexedSeq.

    Definition Classes
    @throws(cause = scala.this.throws.<init>$default$1[ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException])
  14. def applyOrElse[A1 <: Int, B1 >: Double](x: A1, default: (A1) => B1): B1

    Applies this partial function to the given argument when it is contained in the function domain.

    Applies this partial function to the given argument when it is contained in the function domain. Applies fallback function where this partial function is not defined.

    Note that expression pf.applyOrElse(x, default) is equivalent to

    if(pf isDefinedAt x) pf(x) else default(x)

    except that applyOrElse method can be implemented more efficiently. For all partial function literals the compiler generates an applyOrElse implementation which avoids double evaluation of pattern matchers and guards. This makes applyOrElse the basis for the efficient implementation for many operations and scenarios, such as:

    • combining partial functions into orElse/andThen chains does not lead to excessive apply/isDefinedAt evaluation
    • lift and unlift do not evaluate source functions twice on each invocation
    • runWith allows efficient imperative-style combining of partial functions with conditionally applied actions

    For non-literal partial function classes with nontrivial isDefinedAt method it is recommended to override applyOrElse with custom implementation that avoids double isDefinedAt evaluation. This may result in better performance and more predictable behavior w.r.t. side effects.


    the function argument


    the fallback function


    the result of this function or fallback function application.

    Definition Classes
  15. def canEqual(that: Any): Boolean

    Checks whether this instance can possibly equal that.

    Checks whether this instance can possibly equal that.

    A method that should be called from every well-designed equals method that is open to be overridden in a subclass. See Programming in Scala, Chapter 28 for discussion and design.


    the value being probed for possible equality


    true if this instance can possibly equal that, otherwise false

    Definition Classes
  16. def collect[B](pf: PartialFunction[Double, B]): ArraySeq[B]

    Builds a new immutable array by applying a partial function to all elements of this immutable array on which the function is defined.

    Builds a new immutable array by applying a partial function to all elements of this immutable array on which the function is defined.


    the element type of the returned immutable array.


    the partial function which filters and maps the immutable array.


    a new immutable array resulting from applying the given partial function pf to each element on which it is defined and collecting the results. The order of the elements is preserved.

    Definition Classes
  17. def collectFirst[B](pf: PartialFunction[Double, B]): Option[B]

    Finds the first element of the immutable array for which the given partial function is defined, and applies the partial function to it.

    Finds the first element of the immutable array for which the given partial function is defined, and applies the partial function to it.

    Note: may not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    the partial function


    an option value containing pf applied to the first value for which it is defined, or None if none exists.

    Definition Classes
    1. Seq("a", 1, 5L).collectFirst({ case x: Int => x*10 }) = Some(10)

  18. def combinations(n: Int): Iterator[ArraySeq[Double]]

    Iterates over combinations of elements.

    Iterates over combinations of elements.

    A combination of length n is a sequence of n elements selected in order of their first index in this sequence.

    For example, "xyx" has two combinations of length 2. The x is selected first: "xx", "xy". The sequence "yx" is not returned as a combination because it is subsumed by "xy".

    If there is more than one way to generate the same combination, only one will be returned.

    For example, the result "xy" arbitrarily selected one of the x elements.

    As a further illustration, "xyxx" has three different ways to generate "xy" because there are three elements x to choose from. Moreover, there are three unordered pairs "xx" but only one is returned.

    It is not specified which of these equal combinations is returned. It is an implementation detail that should not be relied on. For example, the combination "xx" does not necessarily contain the first x in this sequence. This behavior is observable if the elements compare equal but are not identical.

    As a consequence, "xyx".combinations(3).next() is "xxy": the combination does not reflect the order of the original sequence, but the order in which elements were selected, by "first index"; the order of each x element is also arbitrary.

    Note: Even when applied to a view or a lazy collection it will always force the elements.


    An Iterator which traverses the n-element combinations of this immutable array.

    Definition Classes
    1. Seq('a', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'c').combinations(2).foreach(println)
      // List(a, b)
      // List(a, c)
      // List(b, b)
      // List(b, c)
      Seq('b', 'a', 'b').combinations(2).foreach(println)
      // List(b, b)
      // List(b, a)
  19. def compose[R](k: PartialFunction[R, Int]): PartialFunction[R, Double]

    Composes another partial function k with this partial function so that this partial function gets applied to results of k.

    Composes another partial function k with this partial function so that this partial function gets applied to results of k.

    Note that calling isDefinedAt on the resulting partial function may apply the first partial function and execute its side effect. For efficiency, it is recommended to call applyOrElse instead of isDefinedAt or apply.


    the parameter type of the transformation function.


    the transformation function


    a partial function with the domain of other partial function narrowed by this partial function, which maps arguments x to this(k(x)).

    Definition Classes
  20. def compose[A](g: (A) => Int): (A) => Double

    Composes two instances of Function1 in a new Function1, with this function applied last.

    Composes two instances of Function1 in a new Function1, with this function applied last.


    the type to which function g can be applied


    a function A => T1


    a new function f such that f(x) == apply(g(x))

    Definition Classes
  21. final def concat[B >: Double](suffix: IterableOnce[B]): ArraySeq[B]

    Returns a new immutable array containing the elements from the left hand operand followed by the elements from the right hand operand.

    Returns a new immutable array containing the elements from the left hand operand followed by the elements from the right hand operand. The element type of the immutable array is the most specific superclass encompassing the element types of the two operands.


    the element type of the returned collection.


    the iterable to append.


    a new immutable array which contains all elements of this immutable array followed by all elements of suffix.

    Definition Classes
  22. def contains[A1 >: Double](elem: A1): Boolean

    Tests whether this immutable array contains a given value as an element.

    Tests whether this immutable array contains a given value as an element.

    Note: may not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    the element to test.


    true if this immutable array has an element that is equal (as determined by ==) to elem, false otherwise.

    Definition Classes
  23. def containsSlice[B >: Double](that: collection.Seq[B]): Boolean

    Tests whether this immutable array contains a given sequence as a slice.

    Tests whether this immutable array contains a given sequence as a slice.

    Note: may not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    the sequence to test


    true if this immutable array contains a slice with the same elements as that, otherwise false.

    Definition Classes
  24. def copyToArray[B >: Double](xs: Array[B], start: Int, len: Int): Int

    Copy elements to an array, returning the number of elements written.

    Copy elements to an array, returning the number of elements written.

    Fills the given array xs starting at index start with at most len elements of this immutable array.

    Copying will stop once either all the elements of this immutable array have been copied, or the end of the array is reached, or len elements have been copied.


    the type of the elements of the array.


    the array to fill.


    the starting index of xs.


    the maximal number of elements to copy.


    the number of elements written to the array

    Definition Classes

    Reuse: After calling this method, one should discard the iterator it was called on. Using it is undefined and subject to change.

  25. def copyToArray[B >: Double](xs: Array[B], start: Int): Int

    Copies elements to an array, returning the number of elements written.

    Copies elements to an array, returning the number of elements written.

    Fills the given array xs starting at index start with values of this immutable array.

    Copying will stop once either all the elements of this immutable array have been copied, or the end of the array is reached.


    the type of the elements of the array.


    the array to fill.


    the starting index of xs.


    the number of elements written to the array

    Definition Classes

    Reuse: After calling this method, one should discard the iterator it was called on. Using it is undefined and subject to change.

  26. def copyToArray[B >: Double](xs: Array[B]): Int

    Copies elements to an array, returning the number of elements written.

    Copies elements to an array, returning the number of elements written.

    Fills the given array xs starting at index start with values of this immutable array.

    Copying will stop once either all the elements of this immutable array have been copied, or the end of the array is reached.


    the type of the elements of the array.


    the array to fill.


    the number of elements written to the array

    Definition Classes

    Reuse: After calling this method, one should discard the iterator it was called on. Using it is undefined and subject to change.

  27. def corresponds[B](that: collection.Seq[B])(p: (Double, B) => Boolean): Boolean

    Tests whether every element of this immutable array relates to the corresponding element of another sequence by satisfying a test predicate.

    Tests whether every element of this immutable array relates to the corresponding element of another sequence by satisfying a test predicate.


    the type of the elements of that


    the other sequence


    the test predicate, which relates elements from both sequences


    true if both sequences have the same length and p(x, y) is true for all corresponding elements x of this immutable array and y of that, otherwise false.

    Definition Classes
  28. def corresponds[B](that: IterableOnce[B])(p: (Double, B) => Boolean): Boolean

    Tests whether every element of this collection's iterator relates to the corresponding element of another collection by satisfying a test predicate.

    Tests whether every element of this collection's iterator relates to the corresponding element of another collection by satisfying a test predicate.

    Note: will not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    the type of the elements of that


    the other collection


    the test predicate, which relates elements from both collections


    true if both collections have the same length and p(x, y) is true for all corresponding elements x of this iterator and y of that, otherwise false

    Definition Classes
  29. def count(p: (Double) => Boolean): Int

    Counts the number of elements in the immutable array which satisfy a predicate.

    Counts the number of elements in the immutable array which satisfy a predicate.

    Note: will not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    the predicate used to test elements.


    the number of elements satisfying the predicate p.

    Definition Classes
  30. def diff[B >: Double](that: collection.Seq[B]): ArraySeq[Double]

    Computes the multiset difference between this immutable array and another sequence.

    Computes the multiset difference between this immutable array and another sequence.


    the sequence of elements to remove


    a new immutable array which contains all elements of this immutable array except some of occurrences of elements that also appear in that. If an element value x appears n times in that, then the first n occurrences of x will not form part of the result, but any following occurrences will.

    Definition Classes
  31. def distinct: ArraySeq[Double]

    Selects all the elements of this immutable array ignoring the duplicates.

    Selects all the elements of this immutable array ignoring the duplicates.


    a new immutable array consisting of all the elements of this immutable array without duplicates.

    Definition Classes
  32. def distinctBy[B](f: (Double) => B): ArraySeq[Double]

    Selects all the elements of this immutable array ignoring the duplicates as determined by == after applying the transforming function f.

    Selects all the elements of this immutable array ignoring the duplicates as determined by == after applying the transforming function f.


    the type of the elements after being transformed by f


    The transforming function whose result is used to determine the uniqueness of each element


    a new immutable array consisting of all the elements of this immutable array without duplicates.

    Definition Classes
  33. def drop(n: Int): ArraySeq[Double]

    Selects all elements except the first n ones.

    Selects all elements except the first n ones.


    the number of elements to drop from this immutable array.


    a immutable array consisting of all elements of this immutable array except the first n ones, or else the empty immutable array, if this immutable array has less than n elements. If n is negative, don't drop any elements.

    Definition Classes
  34. def dropRight(n: Int): ArraySeq[Double]

    The rest of the collection without its n last elements.

    The rest of the collection without its n last elements. For linear, immutable collections this should avoid making a copy.

    Note: Even when applied to a view or a lazy collection it will always force the elements.


    the number of elements to drop from this immutable array.


    a immutable array consisting of all elements of this immutable array except the last n ones, or else the empty immutable array, if this immutable array has less than n elements. If n is negative, don't drop any elements.

    Definition Classes
  35. def dropWhile(p: (Double) => Boolean): ArraySeq[Double]

    Selects all elements except the longest prefix that satisfies a predicate.

    Selects all elements except the longest prefix that satisfies a predicate.

    The matching prefix starts with the first element of this immutable array, and the element following the prefix is the first element that does not satisfy the predicate. The matching prefix may be empty, so that this method returns the entire immutable array.


    scala> List(1, 2, 3, 100, 4).dropWhile(n => n < 10)
    val res0: List[Int] = List(100, 4)
    scala> List(1, 2, 3, 100, 4).dropWhile(n => n == 0)
    val res1: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 100, 4)

    Use span to obtain both the prefix and suffix. Use filterNot to drop all elements that satisfy the predicate.


    The predicate used to test elements.


    the longest suffix of this immutable array whose first element does not satisfy the predicate p.

    Definition Classes
  36. def elementWise: ElementWiseExtractor[Int, Double]

    Returns an extractor object with a unapplySeq method, which extracts each element of a sequence data.

    Returns an extractor object with a unapplySeq method, which extracts each element of a sequence data.

    Definition Classes
    1. val firstChar: String => Option[Char] = _.headOption
      Seq("foo", "bar", "baz") match {
        case firstChar.unlift.elementWise(c0, c1, c2) =>
          println(s"$c0, $c1, $c2") // Output: f, b, b
  37. def empty: ArraySeq[Double]

    The empty iterable of the same type as this iterable.

    The empty iterable of the same type as this iterable.


    an empty iterable of type C.

    Definition Classes
  38. def endsWith[B >: Double](that: collection.Iterable[B]): Boolean

    Tests whether this immutable array ends with the given sequence.

    Tests whether this immutable array ends with the given sequence.

    Note: will not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    the sequence to test


    true if this immutable array has that as a suffix, false otherwise.

    Definition Classes
  39. def equals(that: Any): Boolean

    Checks whether this instance is equal to that.

    Checks whether this instance is equal to that. This universal equality method is defined in AnyRef.

    Definition Classes
    ofDoubleSeqEquals → AnyRef → Any
  40. def exists(p: (Double) => Boolean): Boolean

    Tests whether a predicate holds for at least one element of this immutable array.

    Tests whether a predicate holds for at least one element of this immutable array.

    Note: may not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    the predicate used to test elements.


    true if the given predicate p is satisfied by at least one element of this immutable array, otherwise false

    Definition Classes
  41. def filter(pred: (Double) => Boolean): ArraySeq[Double]

    Selects all elements of this immutable array which satisfy a predicate.

    Selects all elements of this immutable array which satisfy a predicate.


    a new immutable array consisting of all elements of this immutable array that satisfy the given predicate p. The order of the elements is preserved.

    Definition Classes
  42. def filterNot(pred: (Double) => Boolean): ArraySeq[Double]

    Selects all elements of this immutable array which do not satisfy a predicate.

    Selects all elements of this immutable array which do not satisfy a predicate.


    the predicate used to test elements.


    a new immutable array consisting of all elements of this immutable array that do not satisfy the given predicate pred. Their order may not be preserved.

    Definition Classes
  43. def find(p: (Double) => Boolean): Option[Double]

    Finds the first element of the immutable array satisfying a predicate, if any.

    Finds the first element of the immutable array satisfying a predicate, if any.

    Note: may not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    the predicate used to test elements.


    an option value containing the first element in the immutable array that satisfies p, or None if none exists.

    Definition Classes
  44. def findLast(p: (Double) => Boolean): Option[Double]

    Finds the last element of the immutable array satisfying a predicate, if any.

    Finds the last element of the immutable array satisfying a predicate, if any.

    Note: will not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    the predicate used to test elements.


    an option value containing the last element in the immutable array that satisfies p, or None if none exists.

    Definition Classes
  45. def flatMap[B](f: (Double) => IterableOnce[B]): ArraySeq[B]

    Builds a new immutable array by applying a function to all elements of this immutable array and using the elements of the resulting collections.

    Builds a new immutable array by applying a function to all elements of this immutable array and using the elements of the resulting collections.

    For example:

    def getWords(lines: Seq[String]): Seq[String] = lines flatMap (line => line split "\\W+")

    The type of the resulting collection is guided by the static type of immutable array. This might cause unexpected results sometimes. For example:

    // lettersOf will return a Seq[Char] of likely repeated letters, instead of a Set
    def lettersOf(words: Seq[String]) = words flatMap (word => word.toSet)
    // lettersOf will return a Set[Char], not a Seq
    def lettersOf(words: Seq[String]) = words.toSet flatMap ((word: String) => word.toSeq)
    // xs will be an Iterable[Int]
    val xs = Map("a" -> List(11,111), "b" -> List(22,222)).flatMap(_._2)
    // ys will be a Map[Int, Int]
    val ys = Map("a" -> List(1 -> 11,1 -> 111), "b" -> List(2 -> 22,2 -> 222)).flatMap(_._2)

    the element type of the returned collection.


    the function to apply to each element.


    a new immutable array resulting from applying the given collection-valued function f to each element of this immutable array and concatenating the results.

    Definition Classes
  46. def flatten[B](implicit toIterableOnce: (Double) => IterableOnce[B]): ArraySeq[B]

    Converts this immutable array of iterable collections into a immutable array formed by the elements of these iterable collections.

    Converts this immutable array of iterable collections into a immutable array formed by the elements of these iterable collections.

    The resulting collection's type will be guided by the type of immutable array. For example:

    val xs = List(
               Set(1, 2, 3),
               Set(1, 2, 3)
    // xs == List(1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3)
    val ys = Set(
               List(1, 2, 3),
               List(3, 2, 1)
    // ys == Set(1, 2, 3)

    the type of the elements of each iterable collection.


    a new immutable array resulting from concatenating all element immutable arrays.

    Definition Classes
  47. def fold[A1 >: Double](z: A1)(op: (A1, A1) => A1): A1

    Applies the given binary operator op to the given initial value z and all elements of this immutable array.

    Applies the given binary operator op to the given initial value z and all elements of this immutable array.

    For each application of the operator, each operand is either an element of this immutable array, the initial value, or another such application of the operator.

    The order of applications of the operator is unspecified and may be nondeterministic. Each element appears exactly once in the computation. The initial value may be used an arbitrary number of times, but at least once.

    If this collection is ordered, then for any application of the operator, the element(s) appearing in the left operand will precede those in the right.

    Note: might return different results for different runs, unless either of the following conditions is met: (1) the operator is associative, and the underlying collection type is ordered; or (2) the operator is associative and commutative. In either case, it is also necessary that the initial value be a neutral value for the operator, e.g. Nil for List concatenation or 1 for multiplication.

    The default implementation in IterableOnce is equivalent to foldLeft but may be overridden for more efficient traversal orders.

    Note: will not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    The type parameter for the binary operator, a supertype of A.


    An initial value; may be used an arbitrary number of times in the computation of the result; must be a neutral value for op for the result to always be the same across runs.


    A binary operator; must be associative for the result to always be the same across runs.


    The result of applying op between all the elements and z, or z if this immutable array is empty.

    Definition Classes
  48. def foldLeft[B](z: B)(f: (B, Double) => B): B

    Applies the given binary operator op to the given initial value z and all elements of this immutable array, going left to right.

    Applies the given binary operator op to the given initial value z and all elements of this immutable array, going left to right. Returns the initial value if this immutable array is empty.

    "Going left to right" only makes sense if this collection is ordered: then if x1, x2, ..., xn are the elements of this immutable array, the result is op( op( ... op( op(z, x1), x2) ... ), xn).

    If this collection is not ordered, then for each application of the operator, each right operand is an element. In addition, the leftmost operand is the initial value, and each other left operand is itself an application of the operator. The elements of this immutable array and the initial value all appear exactly once in the computation.

    Note: will not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    The result type of the binary operator.


    An initial value.


    The result of applying op to z and all elements of this immutable array, going left to right. Returns z if this immutable array is empty.

    Definition Classes
  49. def foldRight[B](z: B)(f: (Double, B) => B): B

    Applies the given binary operator op to all elements of this immutable array and the given initial value z, going right to left.

    Applies the given binary operator op to all elements of this immutable array and the given initial value z, going right to left. Returns the initial value if this immutable array is empty.

    "Going right to left" only makes sense if this collection is ordered: then if x1, x2, ..., xn are the elements of this immutable array, the result is op(x1, op(x2, op( ... op(xn, z) ... ))).

    If this collection is not ordered, then for each application of the operator, each left operand is an element. In addition, the rightmost operand is the initial value, and each other right operand is itself an application of the operator. The elements of this immutable array and the initial value all appear exactly once in the computation.

    Note: will not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    The result type of the binary operator.


    An initial value.


    The result of applying op to all elements of this immutable array and z, going right to left. Returns z if this immutable array is empty.

    Definition Classes
  50. def forall(p: (Double) => Boolean): Boolean

    Tests whether a predicate holds for all elements of this immutable array.

    Tests whether a predicate holds for all elements of this immutable array.

    Note: may not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    the predicate used to test elements.


    true if this immutable array is empty or the given predicate p holds for all elements of this immutable array, otherwise false.

    Definition Classes
  51. def foreach[U](f: (Double) => U): Unit

    Applies f to each element for its side effects.

    Applies f to each element for its side effects. Note: U parameter needed to help scalac's type inference.

    Definition Classes
  52. def groupBy[K](f: (Double) => K): Map[K, ArraySeq[Double]]

    Partitions this immutable array into a map of immutable arrays according to some discriminator function.

    Partitions this immutable array into a map of immutable arrays according to some discriminator function.

    Note: Even when applied to a view or a lazy collection it will always force the elements.


    the type of keys returned by the discriminator function.


    the discriminator function.


    A map from keys to immutable arrays such that the following invariant holds:

    (xs groupBy f)(k) = xs filter (x => f(x) == k)

    That is, every key k is bound to a immutable array of those elements x for which f(x) equals k.

    Definition Classes
  53. def groupMap[K, B](key: (Double) => K)(f: (Double) => B): Map[K, ArraySeq[B]]

    Partitions this immutable array into a map of immutable arrays according to a discriminator function key.

    Partitions this immutable array into a map of immutable arrays according to a discriminator function key. Each element in a group is transformed into a value of type B using the value function.

    It is equivalent to groupBy(key).mapValues(, but more efficient.

    case class User(name: String, age: Int)
    def namesByAge(users: Seq[User]): Map[Int, Seq[String]] =

    Note: Even when applied to a view or a lazy collection it will always force the elements.


    the type of keys returned by the discriminator function


    the type of values returned by the transformation function


    the discriminator function


    the element transformation function

    Definition Classes
  54. def groupMapReduce[K, B](key: (Double) => K)(f: (Double) => B)(reduce: (B, B) => B): Map[K, B]

    Partitions this immutable array into a map according to a discriminator function key.

    Partitions this immutable array into a map according to a discriminator function key. All the values that have the same discriminator are then transformed by the f function and then reduced into a single value with the reduce function.

    It is equivalent to groupBy(key).mapValues(, but more efficient.

    def occurrences[A](as: Seq[A]): Map[A, Int] =
      as.groupMapReduce(identity)(_ => 1)(_ + _)

    Note: Even when applied to a view or a lazy collection it will always force the elements.

    Definition Classes
  55. def grouped(size: Int): Iterator[ArraySeq[Double]]

    Partitions elements in fixed size immutable arrays.

    Partitions elements in fixed size immutable arrays.


    the number of elements per group


    An iterator producing immutable arrays of size size, except the last will be less than size size if the elements don't divide evenly.

    Definition Classes
    See also

    scala.collection.Iterator, method grouped

  56. def hashCode(): Int

    The hashCode method for reference types.

    The hashCode method for reference types. See hashCode in scala.Any.


    the hash code value for this object.

    Definition Classes
    ofDoubleSeq → AnyRef → Any
  57. def head: Double

    Selects the first element of this immutable array.

    Selects the first element of this immutable array.


    the first element of this immutable array.

    Definition Classes
    Exceptions thrown

    NoSuchElementException if the immutable array is empty.

  58. def headOption: Option[Double]

    Optionally selects the first element.

    Optionally selects the first element.


    the first element of this immutable array if it is nonempty, None if it is empty.

    Definition Classes
  59. def indexOf[B >: Double](elem: B): Int

    Finds index of first occurrence of some value in this immutable array.

    Finds index of first occurrence of some value in this immutable array.


    the type of the element elem.


    the element value to search for.


    the index >= 0 of the first element of this immutable array that is equal (as determined by ==) to elem, or -1, if none exists.

    Definition Classes
  60. def indexOf[B >: Double](elem: B, from: Int): Int

    Finds index of first occurrence of some value in this immutable array after or at some start index.

    Finds index of first occurrence of some value in this immutable array after or at some start index.


    the type of the element elem.


    the element value to search for.


    the start index


    the index >= from of the first element of this immutable array that is equal (as determined by ==) to elem, or -1, if none exists.

    Definition Classes
  61. def indexOfSlice[B >: Double](that: collection.Seq[B]): Int

    Finds first index where this immutable array contains a given sequence as a slice.

    Finds first index where this immutable array contains a given sequence as a slice.

    Note: may not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    the sequence to test


    the first index >= 0 such that the elements of this immutable array starting at this index match the elements of sequence that, or -1 if no such subsequence exists.

    Definition Classes
  62. def indexOfSlice[B >: Double](that: collection.Seq[B], from: Int): Int

    Finds first index after or at a start index where this immutable array contains a given sequence as a slice.

    Finds first index after or at a start index where this immutable array contains a given sequence as a slice.

    Note: may not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    the sequence to test


    the start index


    the first index >= from such that the elements of this immutable array starting at this index match the elements of sequence that, or -1 if no such subsequence exists.

    Definition Classes
  63. def indexWhere(p: (Double) => Boolean): Int

    Finds index of the first element satisfying some predicate.

    Finds index of the first element satisfying some predicate.

    Note: may not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    the predicate used to test elements.


    the index >= 0 of the first element of this immutable array that satisfies the predicate p, or -1, if none exists.

    Definition Classes
  64. def indexWhere(p: (Double) => Boolean, from: Int): Int

    Finds index of the first element satisfying some predicate after or at some start index.

    Finds index of the first element satisfying some predicate after or at some start index.

    Note: may not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    the predicate used to test elements.


    the start index


    the index >= from of the first element of this immutable array that satisfies the predicate p, or -1, if none exists.

    Definition Classes
  65. def indices: Range

    Produces the range of all indices of this sequence.

    Produces the range of all indices of this sequence.

    Note: Even when applied to a view or a lazy collection it will always force the elements.


    a Range value from 0 to one less than the length of this immutable array.

    Definition Classes
  66. def init: ArraySeq[Double]

    The initial part of the collection without its last element.

    The initial part of the collection without its last element.

    Note: Even when applied to a view or a lazy collection it will always force the elements.

    Definition Classes
  67. def inits: Iterator[ArraySeq[Double]]

    Iterates over the inits of this immutable array.

    Iterates over the inits of this immutable array. The first value will be this immutable array and the final one will be an empty immutable array, with the intervening values the results of successive applications of init.

    Note: Even when applied to a view or a lazy collection it will always force the elements.


    an iterator over all the inits of this immutable array

    Definition Classes
    1. List(1,2,3).inits = Iterator(List(1,2,3), List(1,2), List(1), Nil)

  68. def intersect[B >: Double](that: collection.Seq[B]): ArraySeq[Double]

    Computes the multiset intersection between this immutable array and another sequence.

    Computes the multiset intersection between this immutable array and another sequence.


    the sequence of elements to intersect with.


    a new immutable array which contains all elements of this immutable array which also appear in that. If an element value x appears n times in that, then the first n occurrences of x will be retained in the result, but any following occurrences will be omitted.

    Definition Classes
  69. def isDefinedAt(idx: Int): Boolean

    Tests whether this immutable array contains given index.

    Tests whether this immutable array contains given index.

    The implementations of methods apply and isDefinedAt turn a Seq[A] into a PartialFunction[Int, A].


    the index to test


    true if this immutable array contains an element at position idx, false otherwise.

    Definition Classes
  70. def isEmpty: Boolean

    Tests whether the immutable array is empty.

    Tests whether the immutable array is empty.

    Note: The default implementation creates and discards an iterator.

    Note: Implementations in subclasses that are not repeatedly iterable must take care not to consume any elements when isEmpty is called.


    true if the immutable array contains no elements, false otherwise.

    Definition Classes
  71. def isTraversableAgain: Boolean

    Tests whether this immutable array can be repeatedly traversed.

    Tests whether this immutable array can be repeatedly traversed. Always true for Iterables and false for Iterators unless overridden.


    true if it is repeatedly traversable, false otherwise.

    Definition Classes
  72. def iterableFactory: SeqFactory[ArraySeq]

    The companion object of this immutable array, providing various factory methods.

    The companion object of this immutable array, providing various factory methods.

    Definition Classes

    When implementing a custom collection type and refining CC to the new type, this method needs to be overridden to return a factory for the new type (the compiler will issue an error otherwise).

  73. def iterator: Iterator[Double]

    An scala.collection.Iterator over the elements of this immutable array.

    An scala.collection.Iterator over the elements of this immutable array.

    If an IterableOnce object is in fact an scala.collection.Iterator, this method always returns itself, in its current state, but if it is an scala.collection.Iterable, this method always returns a new scala.collection.Iterator.

    Definition Classes
  74. def knownSize: Int

    The number of elements in this immutable array, if it can be cheaply computed, -1 otherwise.

    The number of elements in this immutable array, if it can be cheaply computed, -1 otherwise. Cheaply usually means: Not requiring a collection traversal.

    Definition Classes
  75. def last: Double

    Selects the last element.

    Selects the last element.


    The last element of this immutable array.

    Definition Classes
    Exceptions thrown

    NoSuchElementException If the immutable array is empty.

  76. def lastIndexOf[B >: Double](elem: B, end: Int = length - 1): Int

    Finds index of last occurrence of some value in this immutable array before or at a given end index.

    Finds index of last occurrence of some value in this immutable array before or at a given end index.

    Note: will not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    the type of the element elem.


    the element value to search for.


    the end index.


    the index <= end of the last element of this immutable array that is equal (as determined by ==) to elem, or -1, if none exists.

    Definition Classes
  77. def lastIndexOfSlice[B >: Double](that: collection.Seq[B]): Int

    Finds last index where this immutable array contains a given sequence as a slice.

    Finds last index where this immutable array contains a given sequence as a slice.

    Note: will not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    the sequence to test


    the last index such that the elements of this immutable array starting at this index match the elements of sequence that, or -1 if no such subsequence exists.

    Definition Classes
  78. def lastIndexOfSlice[B >: Double](that: collection.Seq[B], end: Int): Int

    Finds last index before or at a given end index where this immutable array contains a given sequence as a slice.

    Finds last index before or at a given end index where this immutable array contains a given sequence as a slice.

    Note: will not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    the sequence to test


    the end index


    the last index <= end such that the elements of this immutable array starting at this index match the elements of sequence that, or -1 if no such subsequence exists.

    Definition Classes
  79. def lastIndexWhere(p: (Double) => Boolean): Int

    Finds index of last element satisfying some predicate.

    Finds index of last element satisfying some predicate.

    Note: will not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    the predicate used to test elements.


    the index of the last element of this immutable array that satisfies the predicate p, or -1, if none exists.

    Definition Classes
  80. def lastIndexWhere(p: (Double) => Boolean, end: Int): Int

    Finds index of last element satisfying some predicate before or at given end index.

    Finds index of last element satisfying some predicate before or at given end index.

    Note: will not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    the predicate used to test elements.


    the index <= end of the last element of this immutable array that satisfies the predicate p, or -1, if none exists.

    Definition Classes
  81. def lastOption: Option[Double]

    Optionally selects the last element.

    Optionally selects the last element.


    the last element of this immutable array$ if it is nonempty, None if it is empty.

    Definition Classes
  82. def lazyZip[B](that: collection.Iterable[B]): LazyZip2[Double, B, ofDouble.this.type]

    Analogous to zip except that the elements in each collection are not consumed until a strict operation is invoked on the returned LazyZip2 decorator.

    Analogous to zip except that the elements in each collection are not consumed until a strict operation is invoked on the returned LazyZip2 decorator.

    Calls to lazyZip can be chained to support higher arities (up to 4) without incurring the expense of constructing and deconstructing intermediary tuples.

    val xs = List(1, 2, 3)
    val res = (xs lazyZip xs lazyZip xs lazyZip xs).map((a, b, c, d) => a + b + c + d)
    // res == List(4, 8, 12)

    the type of the second element in each eventual pair


    the iterable providing the second element of each eventual pair


    a decorator LazyZip2 that allows strict operations to be performed on the lazily evaluated pairs or chained calls to lazyZip. Implicit conversion to Iterable[(A, B)] is also supported.

    Definition Classes
  83. def length: Int

    The length (number of elements) of the immutable array.

    The length (number of elements) of the immutable array. size is an alias for length in Seq collections.

    Definition Classes
  84. final def lengthCompare(that: collection.Iterable[_]): Int

    Compares the length of this immutable array to the size of another Iterable.

    Compares the length of this immutable array to the size of another Iterable.


    the Iterable whose size is compared with this immutable array's length.


    A value x where

    x <  0       if this.length <  that.size
    x == 0       if this.length == that.size
    x >  0       if this.length >  that.size

    The method as implemented here does not call length or size directly; its running time is O(this.length min that.size) instead of O(this.length + that.size). The method should be overridden if computing size is cheap and knownSize returns -1.

    Definition Classes
  85. final def lengthCompare(len: Int): Int

    Compares the length of this immutable array to a test value.

    Compares the length of this immutable array to a test value.


    the test value that gets compared with the length.


    A value x where

    x <  0       if this.length <  len
    x == 0       if this.length == len
    x >  0       if this.length >  len

    The method as implemented here does not call length directly; its running time is O(length min len) instead of O(length). The method should be overridden if computing length is cheap and knownSize returns -1.

    Definition Classes
    See also


  86. final def lengthIs: SizeCompareOps

    Returns a value class containing operations for comparing the length of this immutable array to a test value.

    Returns a value class containing operations for comparing the length of this immutable array to a test value.

    These operations are implemented in terms of lengthCompare(Int), and allow the following more readable usages:

    this.lengthIs < len     // this.lengthCompare(len) < 0
    this.lengthIs <= len    // this.lengthCompare(len) <= 0
    this.lengthIs == len    // this.lengthCompare(len) == 0
    this.lengthIs != len    // this.lengthCompare(len) != 0
    this.lengthIs >= len    // this.lengthCompare(len) >= 0
    this.lengthIs > len     // this.lengthCompare(len) > 0
    Definition Classes
  87. def lift: (Int) => Option[Double]

    Turns this partial function into a plain function returning an Option result.

    Turns this partial function into a plain function returning an Option result.


    a function that takes an argument x to Some(this(x)) if this is defined for x, and to None otherwise.

    Definition Classes
    See also


  88. def map[B](f: (Double) => B): ArraySeq[B]

    Builds a new immutable array by applying a function to all elements of this immutable array.

    Builds a new immutable array by applying a function to all elements of this immutable array.


    the element type of the returned immutable array.


    the function to apply to each element.


    a new immutable array resulting from applying the given function f to each element of this immutable array and collecting the results.

    Definition Classes
  89. def max[B >: Double](implicit ord: math.Ordering[B]): Double

    Finds the largest element.

    Finds the largest element.

    Note: will not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    The type over which the ordering is defined.


    An ordering to be used for comparing elements.


    the largest element of this immutable array with respect to the ordering ord.

    Definition Classes
    Exceptions thrown

    UnsupportedOperationException if this immutable array is empty.

  90. def maxBy[B](f: (Double) => B)(implicit ord: math.Ordering[B]): Double

    Finds the first element which yields the largest value measured by function f.

    Finds the first element which yields the largest value measured by function f.

    Note: will not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    The result type of the function f.


    The measuring function.


    the first element of this immutable array with the largest value measured by function f with respect to the ordering cmp.

    Definition Classes
    Exceptions thrown

    UnsupportedOperationException if this immutable array is empty.

  91. def maxByOption[B](f: (Double) => B)(implicit ord: math.Ordering[B]): Option[Double]

    Finds the first element which yields the largest value measured by function f.

    Finds the first element which yields the largest value measured by function f.

    Note: will not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    The result type of the function f.


    The measuring function.


    an option value containing the first element of this immutable array with the largest value measured by function f with respect to the ordering cmp.

    Definition Classes
  92. def maxOption[B >: Double](implicit ord: math.Ordering[B]): Option[Double]

    Finds the largest element.

    Finds the largest element.

    Note: will not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    The type over which the ordering is defined.


    An ordering to be used for comparing elements.


    an option value containing the largest element of this immutable array with respect to the ordering ord.

    Definition Classes
  93. def min[B >: Double](implicit ord: math.Ordering[B]): Double

    Finds the smallest element.

    Finds the smallest element.

    Note: will not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    The type over which the ordering is defined.


    An ordering to be used for comparing elements.


    the smallest element of this immutable array with respect to the ordering ord.

    Definition Classes
    Exceptions thrown

    UnsupportedOperationException if this immutable array is empty.

  94. def minBy[B](f: (Double) => B)(implicit ord: math.Ordering[B]): Double

    Finds the first element which yields the smallest value measured by function f.

    Finds the first element which yields the smallest value measured by function f.

    Note: will not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    The result type of the function f.


    The measuring function.


    the first element of this immutable array with the smallest value measured by function f with respect to the ordering cmp.

    Definition Classes
    Exceptions thrown

    UnsupportedOperationException if this immutable array is empty.

  95. def minByOption[B](f: (Double) => B)(implicit ord: math.Ordering[B]): Option[Double]

    Finds the first element which yields the smallest value measured by function f.

    Finds the first element which yields the smallest value measured by function f.

    Note: will not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    The result type of the function f.


    The measuring function.


    an option value containing the first element of this immutable array with the smallest value measured by function f with respect to the ordering cmp.

    Definition Classes
  96. def minOption[B >: Double](implicit ord: math.Ordering[B]): Option[Double]

    Finds the smallest element.

    Finds the smallest element.

    Note: will not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    The type over which the ordering is defined.


    An ordering to be used for comparing elements.


    an option value containing the smallest element of this immutable array with respect to the ordering ord.

    Definition Classes
  97. final def mkString: String

    Displays all elements of this immutable array in a string.

    Displays all elements of this immutable array in a string.

    Delegates to addString, which can be overridden.


    a string representation of this immutable array. In the resulting string the string representations (w.r.t. the method toString) of all elements of this immutable array follow each other without any separator string.

    Definition Classes
  98. final def mkString(sep: String): String

    Displays all elements of this immutable array in a string using a separator string.

    Displays all elements of this immutable array in a string using a separator string.

    Delegates to addString, which can be overridden.


    the separator string.


    a string representation of this immutable array. In the resulting string the string representations (w.r.t. the method toString) of all elements of this immutable array are separated by the string sep.

    Definition Classes
    1. List(1, 2, 3).mkString("|") = "1|2|3"

  99. final def mkString(start: String, sep: String, end: String): String

    Displays all elements of this immutable array in a string using start, end, and separator strings.

    Displays all elements of this immutable array in a string using start, end, and separator strings.

    Delegates to addString, which can be overridden.


    the starting string.


    the separator string.


    the ending string.


    a string representation of this immutable array. The resulting string begins with the string start and ends with the string end. Inside, the string representations (w.r.t. the method toString) of all elements of this immutable array are separated by the string sep.

    Definition Classes
    1. List(1, 2, 3).mkString("(", "; ", ")") = "(1; 2; 3)"

  100. def nonEmpty: Boolean

    Tests whether the immutable array is not empty.

    Tests whether the immutable array is not empty.


    true if the immutable array contains at least one element, false otherwise.

    Definition Classes
  101. def orElse[A1 <: Int, B1 >: Double](that: PartialFunction[A1, B1]): PartialFunction[A1, B1]

    Composes this partial function with a fallback partial function which gets applied where this partial function is not defined.

    Composes this partial function with a fallback partial function which gets applied where this partial function is not defined.


    the argument type of the fallback function


    the result type of the fallback function


    the fallback function


    a partial function which has as domain the union of the domains of this partial function and that. The resulting partial function takes x to this(x) where this is defined, and to that(x) where it is not.

    Definition Classes
  102. def padTo[B >: Double](len: Int, elem: B): ArraySeq[B]

    A copy of this immutable array with an element value appended until a given target length is reached.

    A copy of this immutable array with an element value appended until a given target length is reached.


    the element type of the returned immutable array.


    the target length


    the padding value


    a new immutable array consisting of all elements of this immutable array followed by the minimal number of occurrences of elem so that the resulting collection has a length of at least len.

    Definition Classes
  103. def partition(p: (Double) => Boolean): (ArraySeq[Double], ArraySeq[Double])

    A pair of, first, all elements that satisfy predicate p and, second, all elements that do not.

    A pair of, first, all elements that satisfy predicate p and, second, all elements that do not.

    The two immutable array correspond to the result of filter and filterNot, respectively.

    The default implementation provided here needs to traverse the collection twice. Strict collections have an overridden version of partition in StrictOptimizedIterableOps, which requires only a single traversal.

    Definition Classes
  104. def partitionMap[A1, A2](f: (Double) => Either[A1, A2]): (ArraySeq[A1], ArraySeq[A2])

    Applies a function f to each element of the immutable array and returns a pair of immutable arrays: the first one made of those values returned by f that were wrapped in scala.util.Left, and the second one made of those wrapped in scala.util.Right.

    Applies a function f to each element of the immutable array and returns a pair of immutable arrays: the first one made of those values returned by f that were wrapped in scala.util.Left, and the second one made of those wrapped in scala.util.Right.


    val xs = `ArraySeq`(1, "one", 2, "two", 3, "three") partitionMap {
     case i: Int => Left(i)
     case s: String => Right(s)
    // xs == (`ArraySeq`(1, 2, 3),
    //        `ArraySeq`(one, two, three))

    the element type of the first resulting collection


    the element type of the second resulting collection


    the 'split function' mapping the elements of this immutable array to an scala.util.Either


    a pair of immutable arrays: the first one made of those values returned by f that were wrapped in scala.util.Left, and the second one made of those wrapped in scala.util.Right.

    Definition Classes
  105. def patch[B >: Double](from: Int, other: IterableOnce[B], replaced: Int): ArraySeq[B]

    Produces a new immutable array where a slice of elements in this immutable array is replaced by another sequence.

    Produces a new immutable array where a slice of elements in this immutable array is replaced by another sequence.

    Patching at negative indices is the same as patching starting at 0. Patching at indices at or larger than the length of the original immutable array appends the patch to the end. If the replaced count would exceed the available elements, the difference in excess is ignored.


    the element type of the returned immutable array.


    the index of the first replaced element


    the replacement sequence


    the number of elements to drop in the original immutable array


    a new immutable array consisting of all elements of this immutable array except that replaced elements starting from from are replaced by all the elements of other.

    Definition Classes
  106. def permutations: Iterator[ArraySeq[Double]]

    Iterates over distinct permutations of elements.

    Iterates over distinct permutations of elements.

    Note: Even when applied to a view or a lazy collection it will always force the elements.


    An Iterator which traverses the distinct permutations of this immutable array.

    Definition Classes
    1. Seq('a', 'b', 'b').permutations.foreach(println)
      // List(a, b, b)
      // List(b, a, b)
      // List(b, b, a)
  107. def prepended[B >: Double](elem: B): ArraySeq[B]

    A copy of the immutable array with an element prepended.

    A copy of the immutable array with an element prepended.

    Also, the original immutable array is not modified, so you will want to capture the result.


    scala> val x = List(1)
    x: List[Int] = List(1)
    scala> val y = 2 +: x
    y: List[Int] = List(2, 1)
    scala> println(x)

    the element type of the returned immutable array.


    the prepended element


    a new immutable array consisting of value followed by all elements of this immutable array.

    Definition Classes
  108. def prependedAll[B >: Double](prefix: IterableOnce[B]): ArraySeq[B]

    As with :++, returns a new collection containing the elements from the left operand followed by the elements from the right operand.

    As with :++, returns a new collection containing the elements from the left operand followed by the elements from the right operand.

    It differs from :++ in that the right operand determines the type of the resulting collection rather than the left one. Mnemonic: the COLon is on the side of the new COLlection type.


    the element type of the returned collection.


    the iterable to prepend.


    a new immutable array which contains all elements of prefix followed by all the elements of this immutable array.

    Definition Classes
  109. def product[B >: Double](implicit num: math.Numeric[B]): B

    Multiplies together the elements of this collection.

    Multiplies together the elements of this collection.

    The default implementation uses reduce for a known non-empty collection, foldLeft otherwise.

    Note: will not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    the result type of the * operator.


    an implicit parameter defining a set of numeric operations which includes the * operator to be used in forming the product.


    the product of all elements of this immutable array with respect to the * operator in num.

    Definition Classes
  110. def reduce[B >: Double](op: (B, B) => B): B

    Applies the given binary operator op to all elements of this immutable array.

    Applies the given binary operator op to all elements of this immutable array.

    For each application of the operator, each operand is either an element of this immutable array or another such application of the operator. The order of applications of the operator is unspecified and may be nondeterministic. Each element appears exactly once in the computation.

    If this collection is ordered, then for any application of the operator, the element(s) appearing in the left operand will precede those in the right.

    Note: might return different results for different runs, unless either of the following conditions is met: (1) the operator is associative, and the underlying collection type is ordered; or (2) the operator is associative and commutative.

    Note: will not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    The type parameter for the binary operator, a supertype of A.


    A binary operator; must be associative for the result to always be the same across runs.


    The result of applying op between all the elements if the immutable array is nonempty.

    Definition Classes
    Exceptions thrown

    UnsupportedOperationException if this immutable array is empty.

  111. def reduceLeft[B >: Double](op: (B, Double) => B): B

    Applies the given binary operator op to all elements of this immutable array, going left to right.

    Applies the given binary operator op to all elements of this immutable array, going left to right.

    "Going left to right" only makes sense if this collection is ordered: then if x1, x2, ..., xn are the elements of this immutable array, the result is op( op( op( ... op(x1, x2) ... ), xn-1), xn).

    If this collection is not ordered, then for each application of the operator, each right operand is an element. In addition, the leftmost operand is the first element of this immutable array and each other left operand is itself an application of the operator. Each element appears exactly once in the computation.

    Note: might return different results for different runs, unless the underlying collection type is ordered or the operator is associative and commutative.

    Note: will not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    The result type of the binary operator, a supertype of A.


    A binary operator.


    The result of applying op to all elements of this immutable array, going left to right.

    Definition Classes
    Exceptions thrown

    UnsupportedOperationException if this immutable array is empty.

  112. def reduceLeftOption[B >: Double](op: (B, Double) => B): Option[B]

    If this immutable array is nonempty, reduces it with the given binary operator op, going left to right.

    If this immutable array is nonempty, reduces it with the given binary operator op, going left to right.

    The behavior is the same as reduceLeft except that the value is None if the immutable array is empty. Each element appears exactly once in the computation.

    Note: might return different results for different runs, unless the underlying collection type is ordered or the operator is associative and commutative.

    Note: will not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    The result type of the binary operator, a supertype of A.


    A binary operator.


    The result of reducing this immutable array with op going left to right if the immutable array is nonempty, inside a Some, and None otherwise.

    Definition Classes
  113. def reduceOption[B >: Double](op: (B, B) => B): Option[B]

    If this immutable array is nonempty, reduces it with the given binary operator op.

    If this immutable array is nonempty, reduces it with the given binary operator op.

    The behavior is the same as reduce except that the value is None if the immutable array is empty. The order of applications of the operator is unspecified and may be nondeterministic. Each element appears exactly once in the computation.

    Note: might return different results for different runs, unless either of the following conditions is met: (1) the operator is associative, and the underlying collection type is ordered; or (2) the operator is associative and commutative.

    Note: will not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    A type parameter for the binary operator, a supertype of A.


    A binary operator; must be associative for the result to always be the same across runs.


    The result of reducing this immutable array with op if the immutable array is nonempty, inside a Some, and None otherwise.

    Definition Classes
  114. def reduceRight[B >: Double](op: (Double, B) => B): B

    Applies the given binary operator op to all elements of this immutable array, going right to left.

    Applies the given binary operator op to all elements of this immutable array, going right to left.

    "Going right to left" only makes sense if this collection is ordered: then if x1, x2, ..., xn are the elements of this immutable array, the result is op(x1, op(x2, op( ... op(xn-1, xn) ... ))).

    If this collection is not ordered, then for each application of the operator, each left operand is an element. In addition, the rightmost operand is the last element of this immutable array and each other right operand is itself an application of the operator. Each element appears exactly once in the computation.

    Note: might return different results for different runs, unless the underlying collection type is ordered or the operator is associative and commutative.

    Note: will not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    The result type of the binary operator, a supertype of A.


    A binary operator.


    The result of applying op to all elements of this immutable array, going right to left.

    Definition Classes
    Exceptions thrown

    UnsupportedOperationException if this immutable array is empty.

  115. def reduceRightOption[B >: Double](op: (Double, B) => B): Option[B]

    If this immutable array is nonempty, reduces it with the given binary operator op, going right to left.

    If this immutable array is nonempty, reduces it with the given binary operator op, going right to left.

    The behavior is the same as reduceRight except that the value is None if the immutable array is empty. Each element appears exactly once in the computation.

    Note: might return different results for different runs, unless the underlying collection type is ordered or the operator is associative and commutative.

    Note: will not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    The result type of the binary operator, a supertype of A.


    A binary operator.


    The result of reducing this immutable array with op going right to left if the immutable array is nonempty, inside a Some, and None otherwise.

    Definition Classes
  116. def reverse: ArraySeq[Double]

    Returns a new immutable array with the elements of this immutable array in reverse order.

    Returns a new immutable array with the elements of this immutable array in reverse order.

    Note: will not terminate for infinite-sized collections.

    Note: Even when applied to a view or a lazy collection it will always force the elements.


    a new immutable array with all elements of this immutable array in reverse order.

    Definition Classes
  117. def reverseIterator: Iterator[Double]

    An iterator yielding the elements of this immutable array in reverse order.

    An iterator yielding the elements of this immutable array in reverse order.

    Note: will not terminate for infinite-sized collections.

    Note: xs.reverseIterator is the same as xs.reverse.iterator but might be more efficient.


    an iterator yielding the elements of this immutable array in reverse order.

    Definition Classes
  118. def runWith[U](action: (Double) => U): (Int) => Boolean

    Composes this partial function with an action function which gets applied to results of this partial function.

    Composes this partial function with an action function which gets applied to results of this partial function. The action function is invoked only for its side effects; its result is ignored.

    Note that expression pf.runWith(action)(x) is equivalent to

    if(pf isDefinedAt x) { action(pf(x)); true } else false

    except that runWith is implemented via applyOrElse and thus potentially more efficient. Using runWith avoids double evaluation of pattern matchers and guards for partial function literals.


    the action function


    a function which maps arguments x to isDefinedAt(x). The resulting function runs action(this(x)) where this is defined.

    Definition Classes
    See also


  119. def sameElements[B >: Double](o: IterableOnce[B]): Boolean

    Tests whether the elements of this collection are the same (and in the same order) as those of that.

    Tests whether the elements of this collection are the same (and in the same order) as those of that.

    Definition Classes
  120. def scan[B >: Double](z: B)(op: (B, B) => B): ArraySeq[B]

    Computes a prefix scan of the elements of the collection.

    Computes a prefix scan of the elements of the collection.

    Note: The neutral element z may be applied more than once.


    element type of the resulting collection


    neutral element for the operator op


    the associative operator for the scan


    a new immutable array containing the prefix scan of the elements in this immutable array

    Definition Classes
  121. def scanLeft[B](z: B)(op: (B, Double) => B): ArraySeq[B]

    Produces a immutable array containing cumulative results of applying the operator going left to right, including the initial value.

    Produces a immutable array containing cumulative results of applying the operator going left to right, including the initial value.

    Note: will not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    the type of the elements in the resulting collection


    the initial value


    the binary operator applied to the intermediate result and the element


    collection with intermediate results

    Definition Classes
  122. def scanRight[B](z: B)(op: (Double, B) => B): ArraySeq[B]

    Produces a collection containing cumulative results of applying the operator going right to left.

    Produces a collection containing cumulative results of applying the operator going right to left. The head of the collection is the last cumulative result.

    Note: will not terminate for infinite-sized collections.

    Note: Even when applied to a view or a lazy collection it will always force the elements.


    List(1, 2, 3, 4).scanRight(0)(_ + _) == List(10, 9, 7, 4, 0)

    the type of the elements in the resulting collection


    the initial value


    the binary operator applied to the intermediate result and the element


    collection with intermediate results

    Definition Classes
  123. def search[B >: Double](elem: B, from: Int, to: Int)(implicit ord: math.Ordering[B]): SearchResult

    Searches within an interval in this sorted sequence for a specific element.

    Searches within an interval in this sorted sequence for a specific element. If this sequence is an IndexedSeq, a binary search is used. Otherwise, a linear search is used.

    The sequence should be sorted with the same Ordering before calling; otherwise, the results are undefined.


    the element to find.


    the index where the search starts.


    the index following where the search ends.


    the ordering to be used to compare elements.


    a Found value containing the index corresponding to the element in the sequence, or the InsertionPoint where the element would be inserted if the element is not in the sequence.

    Definition Classes

    if to <= from, the search space is empty, and an InsertionPoint at from is returned

    See also



    scala.collection.SeqOps, method sorted

  124. def search[B >: Double](elem: B)(implicit ord: math.Ordering[B]): SearchResult

    Searches this sorted sequence for a specific element.

    Searches this sorted sequence for a specific element. If the sequence is an IndexedSeq, a binary search is used. Otherwise, a linear search is used.

    The sequence should be sorted with the same Ordering before calling; otherwise, the results are undefined.


    the element to find.


    the ordering to be used to compare elements.


    a Found value containing the index corresponding to the element in the sequence, or the InsertionPoint where the element would be inserted if the element is not in the sequence.

    Definition Classes
    See also



    scala.collection.SeqOps, method sorted

  125. def segmentLength(p: (Double) => Boolean, from: Int): Int

    Computes the length of the longest segment that starts from some index and whose elements all satisfy some predicate.

    Computes the length of the longest segment that starts from some index and whose elements all satisfy some predicate.

    Note: may not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    the predicate used to test elements.


    the index where the search starts.


    the length of the longest segment of this immutable array starting from index from such that every element of the segment satisfies the predicate p.

    Definition Classes
  126. final def segmentLength(p: (Double) => Boolean): Int

    Computes the length of the longest segment that starts from the first element and whose elements all satisfy some predicate.

    Computes the length of the longest segment that starts from the first element and whose elements all satisfy some predicate.

    Note: may not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    the predicate used to test elements.


    the length of the longest segment of this immutable array that starts from the first element such that every element of the segment satisfies the predicate p.

    Definition Classes
  127. final def size: Int

    The size of this immutable array.

    The size of this immutable array.

    Note: will not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    the number of elements in this immutable array.

    Definition Classes
  128. final def sizeCompare(that: collection.Iterable[_]): Int

    Compares the size of this immutable array to the size of another Iterable.

    Compares the size of this immutable array to the size of another Iterable.


    the Iterable whose size is compared with this immutable array's size.


    A value x where

    x <  0       if this.size <  that.size
    x == 0       if this.size == that.size
    x >  0       if this.size >  that.size

    The method as implemented here does not call size directly; its running time is O(this.size min that.size) instead of O(this.size + that.size). The method should be overridden if computing size is cheap and knownSize returns -1.

    Definition Classes
  129. final def sizeCompare(otherSize: Int): Int

    Compares the size of this immutable array to a test value.

    Compares the size of this immutable array to a test value.


    the test value that gets compared with the size.


    A value x where

    x <  0       if this.size <  otherSize
    x == 0       if this.size == otherSize
    x >  0       if this.size >  otherSize

    The method as implemented here does not call size directly; its running time is O(size min otherSize) instead of O(size). The method should be overridden if computing size is cheap and knownSize returns -1.

    Definition Classes
    See also


  130. final def sizeIs: SizeCompareOps

    Returns a value class containing operations for comparing the size of this immutable array to a test value.

    Returns a value class containing operations for comparing the size of this immutable array to a test value.

    These operations are implemented in terms of sizeCompare(Int), and allow the following more readable usages:

    this.sizeIs < size     // this.sizeCompare(size) < 0
    this.sizeIs <= size    // this.sizeCompare(size) <= 0
    this.sizeIs == size    // this.sizeCompare(size) == 0
    this.sizeIs != size    // this.sizeCompare(size) != 0
    this.sizeIs >= size    // this.sizeCompare(size) >= 0
    this.sizeIs > size     // this.sizeCompare(size) > 0
    Definition Classes
  131. def slice(from: Int, until: Int): ArraySeq[Double]

    Selects an interval of elements.

    Selects an interval of elements. The returned immutable array is made up of all elements x which satisfy the invariant:

    from <= indexOf(x) < until

    the lowest index to include from this immutable array.


    the lowest index to EXCLUDE from this immutable array.


    a immutable array containing the elements greater than or equal to index from extending up to (but not including) index until of this immutable array.

    Definition Classes
  132. def sliding(size: Int, step: Int): Iterator[ArraySeq[Double]]

    Groups elements in fixed size blocks by passing a "sliding window" over them (as opposed to partitioning them, as is done in grouped).

    Groups elements in fixed size blocks by passing a "sliding window" over them (as opposed to partitioning them, as is done in grouped).

    The returned iterator will be empty when called on an empty collection. The last element the iterator produces may be smaller than the window size when the original collection isn't exhausted by the window before it and its last element isn't skipped by the step before it.


    the number of elements per group


    the distance between the first elements of successive groups


    An iterator producing immutable arrays of size size, except the last element (which may be the only element) will be smaller if there are fewer than size elements remaining to be grouped.

    Definition Classes
    1. List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).sliding(2, 2) = Iterator(List(1, 2), List(3, 4), List(5))

    2. ,
    3. List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).sliding(2, 3) = Iterator(List(1, 2), List(4, 5))

    See also

    scala.collection.Iterator, method sliding

  133. def sliding(size: Int): Iterator[ArraySeq[Double]]

    Groups elements in fixed size blocks by passing a "sliding window" over them (as opposed to partitioning them, as is done in grouped).

    Groups elements in fixed size blocks by passing a "sliding window" over them (as opposed to partitioning them, as is done in grouped).

    An empty collection returns an empty iterator, and a non-empty collection containing fewer elements than the window size returns an iterator that will produce the original collection as its only element.


    the number of elements per group


    An iterator producing immutable arrays of size size, except for a non-empty collection with less than size elements, which returns an iterator that produces the source collection itself as its only element.

    Definition Classes
    1. List().sliding(2) = empty iterator

    2. ,
    3. List(1).sliding(2) = Iterator(List(1))

    4. ,
    5. List(1, 2).sliding(2) = Iterator(List(1, 2))

    6. ,
    7. List(1, 2, 3).sliding(2) = Iterator(List(1, 2), List(2, 3))

    See also

    scala.collection.Iterator, method sliding

  134. def sortBy[B](f: (Double) => B)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]): ArraySeq[Double]

    Sorts this immutable array according to the Ordering which results from transforming an implicitly given Ordering with a transformation function.

    Sorts this immutable array according to the Ordering which results from transforming an implicitly given Ordering with a transformation function.

    Note: will not terminate for infinite-sized collections.

    Note: Even when applied to a view or a lazy collection it will always force the elements.

    The sort is stable. That is, elements that are equal (as determined by appear in the same order in the sorted sequence as in the original.


    the target type of the transformation f, and the type where the ordering ord is defined.


    the transformation function mapping elements to some other domain B.


    the ordering assumed on domain B.


    a immutable array consisting of the elements of this immutable array sorted according to the ordering where x < y if, f(y)).

    Definition Classes
    1. val words = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog".split(' ')
      // this works because scala.Ordering will implicitly provide an Ordering[Tuple2[Int, Char]]
      words.sortBy(x => (x.length, x.head))
      res0: Array[String] = Array(The, dog, fox, the, lazy, over, brown, quick, jumped)
    See also


  135. def sortWith(lt: (Double, Double) => Boolean): ArraySeq[Double]

    Sorts this immutable array according to a comparison function.

    Sorts this immutable array according to a comparison function.

    Note: will not terminate for infinite-sized collections.

    Note: Even when applied to a view or a lazy collection it will always force the elements.

    The sort is stable. That is, elements that are equal (lt returns false for both directions of comparison) appear in the same order in the sorted sequence as in the original.


    a predicate that is true if its first argument strictly precedes its second argument in the desired ordering.


    a immutable array consisting of the elements of this immutable array sorted according to the comparison function lt.

    Definition Classes
    1. List("Steve", "Bobby", "Tom", "John", "Bob").sortWith((x, y) => x.take(3).compareTo(y.take(3)) < 0) =
      List("Bobby", "Bob", "John", "Steve", "Tom")
  136. def sorted[B >: Double](implicit ord: Ordering[B]): ArraySeq[Double]

    Sorts this immutable array according to an Ordering.

    Sorts this immutable array according to an Ordering.

    The sort is stable. That is, elements that are equal (as determined by appear in the same order in the sorted sequence as in the original.


    the ordering to be used to compare elements.


    a immutable array consisting of the elements of this immutable array sorted according to the ordering ord.

    Definition Classes
    See also

    scala.math.Ordering Note: Even when applied to a view or a lazy collection it will always force the elements.

  137. def span(p: (Double) => Boolean): (ArraySeq[Double], ArraySeq[Double])

    Splits this immutable array into a prefix/suffix pair according to a predicate.

    Splits this immutable array into a prefix/suffix pair according to a predicate.

    Note: c span p is equivalent to (but possibly more efficient than) (c takeWhile p, c dropWhile p), provided the evaluation of the predicate p does not cause any side-effects.


    the test predicate


    a pair consisting of the longest prefix of this immutable array whose elements all satisfy p, and the rest of this immutable array.

    Definition Classes
  138. def splitAt(n: Int): (ArraySeq[Double], ArraySeq[Double])

    Splits this immutable array into a prefix/suffix pair at a given position.

    Splits this immutable array into a prefix/suffix pair at a given position.

    Note: c splitAt n is equivalent to (but possibly more efficient than) (c take n, c drop n).


    the position at which to split.


    a pair of immutable arrays consisting of the first n elements of this immutable array, and the other elements.

    Definition Classes
  139. def startsWith[B >: Double](that: IterableOnce[B], offset: Int = 0): Boolean

    Tests whether this immutable array contains the given sequence at a given index.

    Tests whether this immutable array contains the given sequence at a given index.

    Note: If the both the receiver object this and the argument that are infinite sequences this method may not terminate.


    the sequence to test


    the index where the sequence is searched.


    true if the sequence that is contained in this immutable array at index offset, otherwise false.

    Definition Classes
  140. def stepper[S <: Stepper[_]](implicit shape: StepperShape[Double, S]): S with EfficientSplit

    Returns a scala.collection.Stepper for the elements of this collection.

    Returns a scala.collection.Stepper for the elements of this collection.

    The Stepper enables creating a Java stream to operate on the collection, see scala.jdk.StreamConverters. For collections holding primitive values, the Stepper can be used as an iterator which doesn't box the elements.

    The implicit scala.collection.StepperShape parameter defines the resulting Stepper type according to the element type of this collection.

    Note that this method is overridden in subclasses and the return type is refined to S with EfficientSplit, for example scala.collection.IndexedSeqOps.stepper. For Steppers marked with scala.collection.Stepper.EfficientSplit, the converters in scala.jdk.StreamConverters allow creating parallel streams, whereas bare Steppers can be converted only to sequential streams.

    Definition Classes
  141. def sum[B >: Double](implicit num: math.Numeric[B]): B

    Sums the elements of this collection.

    Sums the elements of this collection.

    The default implementation uses reduce for a known non-empty collection, foldLeft otherwise.

    Note: will not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    the result type of the + operator.


    an implicit parameter defining a set of numeric operations which includes the + operator to be used in forming the sum.


    the sum of all elements of this immutable array with respect to the + operator in num.

    Definition Classes
  142. def tail: ArraySeq[Double]

    The rest of the collection without its first element.

    The rest of the collection without its first element.

    Definition Classes
  143. def tails: Iterator[ArraySeq[Double]]

    Iterates over the tails of this immutable array.

    Iterates over the tails of this immutable array. The first value will be this immutable array and the final one will be an empty immutable array, with the intervening values the results of successive applications of tail.


    an iterator over all the tails of this immutable array

    Definition Classes
    1. List(1,2,3).tails = Iterator(List(1,2,3), List(2,3), List(3), Nil)

  144. def take(n: Int): ArraySeq[Double]

    Selects the first n elements.

    Selects the first n elements.


    the number of elements to take from this immutable array.


    a immutable array consisting only of the first n elements of this immutable array, or else the whole immutable array, if it has less than n elements. If n is negative, returns an empty immutable array.

    Definition Classes
  145. def takeRight(n: Int): ArraySeq[Double]

    A collection containing the last n elements of this collection.

    A collection containing the last n elements of this collection.

    Note: Even when applied to a view or a lazy collection it will always force the elements.


    the number of elements to take from this immutable array.


    a immutable array consisting only of the last n elements of this immutable array, or else the whole immutable array, if it has less than n elements. If n is negative, returns an empty immutable array.

    Definition Classes
  146. def takeWhile(p: (Double) => Boolean): ArraySeq[Double]

    Takes longest prefix of elements that satisfy a predicate.

    Takes longest prefix of elements that satisfy a predicate.


    The predicate used to test elements.


    the longest prefix of this immutable array whose elements all satisfy the predicate p.

    Definition Classes
  147. def tapEach[U](f: (Double) => U): ArraySeq[Double]

    Applies a side-effecting function to each element in this collection.

    Applies a side-effecting function to each element in this collection. Strict collections will apply f to their elements immediately, while lazy collections like Views and LazyLists will only apply f on each element if and when that element is evaluated, and each time that element is evaluated.


    the return type of f


    a function to apply to each element in this immutable array


    The same logical collection as this

    Definition Classes
  148. def to[C1](factory: Factory[Double, C1]): C1

    Given a collection factory factory, converts this immutable array to the appropriate representation for the current element type A.

    Given a collection factory factory, converts this immutable array to the appropriate representation for the current element type A. Example uses: // for xs: Iterable[Int]
    Definition Classes
  149. def toArray[B >: Double](implicit arg0: ClassTag[B]): Array[B]

    Converts this immutable array to an Array.

    Converts this immutable array to an Array.

    Implementation note: DO NOT call Array.from from this method.


    The type of elements of the result, a supertype of A.


    This immutable array as an Array[B].

    Definition Classes
  150. final def toBuffer[B >: Double]: Buffer[B]

    Converts this immutable array to a Buffer.

    Converts this immutable array to a Buffer.


    The type of elements of the result, a supertype of A.


    This immutable array as a Buffer[B].

    Definition Classes
  151. final def toIndexedSeq: IndexedSeq[Double]

    Converts this immutable array to an IndexedSeq.

    Converts this immutable array to an IndexedSeq.


    This immutable array as an IndexedSeq[A].

    Definition Classes
  152. def toList: List[Double]

    Converts this immutable array to a List.

    Converts this immutable array to a List.


    This immutable array as a List[A].

    Definition Classes
  153. def toMap[K, V](implicit ev: <:<[Double, (K, V)]): Map[K, V]

    Converts this immutable array to a Map, given an implicit coercion from the immutable array's type to a key-value tuple.

    Converts this immutable array to a Map, given an implicit coercion from the immutable array's type to a key-value tuple.


    The key type for the resulting map.


    The value type for the resulting map.


    An implicit coercion from A to [K, V].


    This immutable array as a Map[K, V].

    Definition Classes
  154. final def toSeq: ofDouble.this.type


    This immutable array as a Seq[A]. This is equivalent to to(Seq) but might be faster.

    Definition Classes
  155. def toSet[B >: Double]: Set[B]

    Converts this immutable array to a Set.

    Converts this immutable array to a Set.


    The type of elements of the result, a supertype of A.


    This immutable array as a Set[B].

    Definition Classes
  156. def toString(): String

    Creates a String representation of this object.

    Creates a String representation of this object. The default representation is platform dependent. On the java platform it is the concatenation of the class name, "@", and the object's hashcode in hexadecimal.


    a String representation of the object.

    Definition Classes
    SeqFunction1Iterable → AnyRef → Any
  157. def toVector: Vector[Double]

    Converts this immutable array to a Vector.

    Converts this immutable array to a Vector.


    This immutable array as a Vector[A].

    Definition Classes
  158. def transpose[B](implicit asIterable: (Double) => collection.Iterable[B]): ArraySeq[ArraySeq[B]]

    Transposes this immutable array of iterable collections into a immutable array of immutable arrays.

    Transposes this immutable array of iterable collections into a immutable array of immutable arrays.

    The resulting collection's type will be guided by the static type of immutable array. For example:

    val xs = List(
               Set(1, 2, 3),
               Set(4, 5, 6)).transpose
    // xs == List(
    //         List(1, 4),
    //         List(2, 5),
    //         List(3, 6))
    val ys = Vector(
               List(1, 2, 3),
               List(4, 5, 6)).transpose
    // ys == Vector(
    //         Vector(1, 4),
    //         Vector(2, 5),
    //         Vector(3, 6))

    Note: Even when applied to a view or a lazy collection it will always force the elements.


    the type of the elements of each iterable collection.


    an implicit conversion which asserts that the element type of this immutable array is an Iterable.


    a two-dimensional immutable array of immutable arrays which has as nth row the nth column of this immutable array.

    Definition Classes
    Exceptions thrown

    IllegalArgumentException if all collections in this immutable array are not of the same size.

  159. def unapply(a: Int): Option[Double]

    Tries to extract a B from an A in a pattern matching expression.

    Tries to extract a B from an A in a pattern matching expression.

    Definition Classes
  160. val unsafeArray: Array[Double]

    The wrapped mutable Array that backs this ArraySeq.

    The wrapped mutable Array that backs this ArraySeq. Any changes to this array will break the expected immutability. Its element type does not have to be equal to the element type of this ArraySeq. A primitive ArraySeq can be backed by an array of boxed values and a reference ArraySeq can be backed by an array of a supertype or subtype of the element type.

    Definition Classes
  161. def unzip[A1, A2](implicit asPair: (Double) => (A1, A2)): (ArraySeq[A1], ArraySeq[A2])

    Converts this immutable array of pairs into two collections of the first and second half of each pair.

    Converts this immutable array of pairs into two collections of the first and second half of each pair.

    val xs = `ArraySeq`(
               (1, "one"),
               (2, "two"),
               (3, "three")).unzip
    // xs == (`ArraySeq`(1, 2, 3),
    //        `ArraySeq`(one, two, three))

    the type of the first half of the element pairs


    the type of the second half of the element pairs


    an implicit conversion which asserts that the element type of this immutable array is a pair.


    a pair of immutable arrays, containing the first, respectively second half of each element pair of this immutable array.

    Definition Classes
  162. def unzip3[A1, A2, A3](implicit asTriple: (Double) => (A1, A2, A3)): (ArraySeq[A1], ArraySeq[A2], ArraySeq[A3])

    Converts this immutable array of triples into three collections of the first, second, and third element of each triple.

    Converts this immutable array of triples into three collections of the first, second, and third element of each triple.

    val xs = `ArraySeq`(
               (1, "one", '1'),
               (2, "two", '2'),
               (3, "three", '3')).unzip3
    // xs == (`ArraySeq`(1, 2, 3),
    //        `ArraySeq`(one, two, three),
    //        `ArraySeq`(1, 2, 3))

    the type of the first member of the element triples


    the type of the second member of the element triples


    the type of the third member of the element triples


    an implicit conversion which asserts that the element type of this immutable array is a triple.


    a triple of immutable arrays, containing the first, second, respectively third member of each element triple of this immutable array.

    Definition Classes
  163. def updated[B >: Double](index: Int, elem: B): ArraySeq[B]

    A copy of this immutable array with one single replaced element.

    A copy of this immutable array with one single replaced element.


    the element type of the returned immutable array.


    the position of the replacement


    the replacing element


    a new immutable array which is a copy of this immutable array with the element at position index replaced by elem.

    Definition Classes
    Exceptions thrown

    IndexOutOfBoundsException if index does not satisfy 0 <= index < length. In case of a lazy collection this exception may be thrown at a later time or not at all (if the end of the collection is never evaluated).

  164. def view: IndexedSeqView[Double]

    A view over the elements of this collection.

    A view over the elements of this collection.

    Definition Classes
  165. def withFilter(p: (Double) => Boolean): WithFilter[Double, [_]ArraySeq[_]]

    Creates a non-strict filter of this immutable array.

    Creates a non-strict filter of this immutable array.

    Note: the difference between c filter p and c withFilter p is that the former creates a new collection, whereas the latter only restricts the domain of subsequent map, flatMap, foreach, and withFilter operations.


    the predicate used to test elements.


    an object of class WithFilter, which supports map, flatMap, foreach, and withFilter operations. All these operations apply to those elements of this immutable array which satisfy the predicate p.

    Definition Classes
  166. def zip[B](that: IterableOnce[B]): ArraySeq[(Double, B)]

    Returns a immutable array formed from this immutable array and another iterable collection by combining corresponding elements in pairs.

    Returns a immutable array formed from this immutable array and another iterable collection by combining corresponding elements in pairs. If one of the two collections is longer than the other, its remaining elements are ignored.


    the type of the second half of the returned pairs


    The iterable providing the second half of each result pair


    a new immutable array containing pairs consisting of corresponding elements of this immutable array and that. The length of the returned collection is the minimum of the lengths of this immutable array and that.

    Definition Classes
  167. def zipAll[A1 >: Double, B](that: collection.Iterable[B], thisElem: A1, thatElem: B): ArraySeq[(A1, B)]

    Returns a immutable array formed from this immutable array and another iterable collection by combining corresponding elements in pairs.

    Returns a immutable array formed from this immutable array and another iterable collection by combining corresponding elements in pairs. If one of the two collections is shorter than the other, placeholder elements are used to extend the shorter collection to the length of the longer.


    the iterable providing the second half of each result pair


    the element to be used to fill up the result if this immutable array is shorter than that.


    the element to be used to fill up the result if that is shorter than this immutable array.


    a new collection of type That containing pairs consisting of corresponding elements of this immutable array and that. The length of the returned collection is the maximum of the lengths of this immutable array and that. If this immutable array is shorter than that, thisElem values are used to pad the result. If that is shorter than this immutable array, thatElem values are used to pad the result.

    Definition Classes
  168. def zipWithIndex: ArraySeq[(Double, Int)]

    Zips this immutable array with its indices.

    Zips this immutable array with its indices.


    A new immutable array containing pairs consisting of all elements of this immutable array paired with their index. Indices start at 0.

    Definition Classes
    1. List("a", "b", "c").zipWithIndex == List(("a", 0), ("b", 1), ("c", 2))

Deprecated Value Members

  1. def /:[B](z: B)(op: (B, Double) => B): B
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double])./:(z)(op)
    Definition Classes
    @deprecated @inline()

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use .iterator.foldLeft instead

  2. final def /:[B](z: B)(op: (B, Double) => B): B
    Definition Classes
    @deprecated @inline()

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use foldLeft instead of /:

  3. def :\[B](z: B)(op: (Double, B) => B): B
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).:\(z)(op)
    Definition Classes
    @deprecated @inline()

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use .iterator.foldRight instead

  4. final def :\[B](z: B)(op: (Double, B) => B): B
    Definition Classes
    @deprecated @inline()

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use foldRight instead of :\

  5. def aggregate[B](z: => B)(seqop: (B, Double) => B, combop: (B, B) => B): B

    Aggregates the results of applying an operator to subsequent elements.

    Aggregates the results of applying an operator to subsequent elements.

    Since this method degenerates to foldLeft for sequential (non-parallel) collections, where the combining operation is ignored, it is advisable to prefer foldLeft for that case.

    For parallel collections, use the aggregate method specified by scala.collection.parallel.ParIterableLike.


    the result type, produced by seqop, combop, and by this function as a final result.


    the start value, a neutral element for seqop.


    the binary operator used to accumulate the result.


    an associative operator for combining sequential results, unused for sequential collections.

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) For sequential collections, prefer foldLeft(z)(seqop). For parallel collections, use ParIterableLike#aggregate.

  6. def collectFirst[B](f: PartialFunction[Double, B]): Option[B]
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).collectFirst(f)
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use .iterator.collectFirst(...) instead

  7. def companion: IterableFactory[[_]ArraySeq[_]]
    Definition Classes
    @deprecated @deprecatedOverriding() @inline()

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use iterableFactory instead

  8. def copyToBuffer(dest: Buffer[Double]): Unit
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).copyToBuffer(dest)
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use .iterator.copyToBuffer(...) instead

  9. final def copyToBuffer[B >: Double](dest: Buffer[B]): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @deprecated @inline()

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use dest ++= coll instead

  10. def count(f: (Double) => Boolean): Int
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).count(f)
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use .iterator.count(...) instead

  11. def exists(f: (Double) => Boolean): Boolean
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).exists(f)
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use .iterator.exists(...) instead

  12. def filter(f: (Double) => Boolean): Iterator[Double]
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).filter(f)
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use .iterator.filter(...) instead

  13. def find(p: (Double) => Boolean): Option[Double]
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).find(p)
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use .iterator.find instead

  14. def flatMap[B](f: (Double) => IterableOnce[B]): IterableOnce[B]
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).flatMap(f)
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use .iterator.flatMap instead or consider requiring an Iterable

  15. def fold[A1 >: A](z: A1)(op: (A1, A1) => A1): A1
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).fold(z)(op)
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use .iterator.fold instead

  16. def foldLeft[B](z: B)(op: (B, Double) => B): B
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).foldLeft(z)(op)
    Definition Classes
    @deprecated @inline()

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use .iterator.foldLeft instead

  17. def foldRight[B](z: B)(op: (Double, B) => B): B
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).foldRight(z)(op)
    Definition Classes
    @deprecated @inline()

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use .iterator.foldRight instead

  18. def forall(f: (Double) => Boolean): Boolean
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).forall(f)
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use .iterator.forall(...) instead

  19. def foreach[U](f: (Double) => U): Unit
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).foreach(f)
    Definition Classes
    @deprecated @inline()

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use .iterator.foreach(...) instead

  20. def hasDefiniteSize: Boolean

    Tests whether this immutable array is known to have a finite size.

    Tests whether this immutable array is known to have a finite size. All strict collections are known to have finite size. For a non-strict collection such as Stream, the predicate returns true if all elements have been computed. It returns false if the stream is not yet evaluated to the end. Non-empty Iterators usually return false even if they were created from a collection with a known finite size.

    Note: many collection methods will not work on collections of infinite sizes. The typical failure mode is an infinite loop. These methods always attempt a traversal without checking first that hasDefiniteSize returns true. However, checking hasDefiniteSize can provide an assurance that size is well-defined and non-termination is not a concern.


    true if this collection is known to have finite size, false otherwise.

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Check .knownSize instead of .hasDefiniteSize for more actionable information (see scaladoc for details)

    See also

    method knownSize for a more useful alternative

  21. def isEmpty: Boolean
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).isEmpty
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use .iterator.isEmpty instead

  22. def map[B](f: (Double) => B): IterableOnce[B]
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).map(f)
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use instead or consider requiring an Iterable

  23. def max(implicit ord: math.Ordering[Double]): Double
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).max(ord)
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use .iterator.max instead

  24. def maxBy[B](f: (Double) => B)(implicit cmp: math.Ordering[B]): Double
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).maxBy(f)(cmp)
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use .iterator.maxBy(...) instead

  25. def min(implicit ord: math.Ordering[Double]): Double
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).min(ord)
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use .iterator.min instead

  26. def minBy[B](f: (Double) => B)(implicit cmp: math.Ordering[B]): Double
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).minBy(f)(cmp)
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use .iterator.minBy(...) instead

  27. def mkString: String
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).mkString
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use .iterator.mkString instead

  28. def mkString(sep: String): String
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).mkString(sep)
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use .iterator.mkString instead

  29. def mkString(start: String, sep: String, end: String): String
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).mkString(start, sep, end)
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use .iterator.mkString instead

  30. def nonEmpty: Boolean
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).nonEmpty
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use .iterator.nonEmpty instead

  31. final def prefixLength(p: (Double) => Boolean): Int

    Returns the length of the longest prefix whose elements all satisfy some predicate.

    Returns the length of the longest prefix whose elements all satisfy some predicate.

    Note: may not terminate for infinite-sized collections.


    the predicate used to test elements.


    the length of the longest prefix of this immutable array such that every element of the segment satisfies the predicate p.

    Definition Classes
    @deprecated @inline()

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use segmentLength instead of prefixLength

  32. def product(implicit num: math.Numeric[Double]): Double
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).product(num)
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use .iterator.product instead

  33. def reduce(f: (Double, Double) => Double): Double
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).reduce(f)
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use .iterator.reduce(...) instead

  34. def reduceLeft(f: (Double, Double) => Double): Double
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).reduceLeft(f)
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use .iterator.reduceLeft(...) instead

  35. def reduceLeftOption(f: (Double, Double) => Double): Option[Double]
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).reduceLeftOption(f)
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use .iterator.reduceLeftOption(...) instead

  36. def reduceOption(f: (Double, Double) => Double): Option[Double]
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).reduceOption(f)
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use .iterator.reduceOption(...) instead

  37. def reduceRight(f: (Double, Double) => Double): Double
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).reduceRight(f)
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use .iterator.reduceRight(...) instead

  38. def reduceRightOption(f: (Double, Double) => Double): Option[Double]
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).reduceRightOption(f)
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use .iterator.reduceRightOption(...) instead

  39. final def repr: ArraySeq[Double]
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use coll instead of repr in a collection implementation, use the collection value itself from the outside

  40. def reverseMap[B](f: (Double) => B): ArraySeq[B]
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use instead of .reverseMap(f)

  41. def sameElements[B >: A](that: IterableOnce[B]): Boolean
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).sameElements(that)
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use .iterator.sameElements instead

  42. def seq: ofDouble.this.type
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Iterable.seq always returns the iterable itself

  43. def size: Int
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).size
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use .iterator.size instead

  44. def sum(implicit num: math.Numeric[Double]): Double
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).sum(num)
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use .iterator.sum instead

  45. def to[C1](factory: Factory[Double, C1]): C1
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).to(factory)
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use instead

  46. def toArray[B >: A](implicit arg0: ClassTag[B]): Array[B]
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).toArray(arg0)
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use .iterator.toArray

  47. def toBuffer[B >: A]: Buffer[B]
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).toBuffer
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use instead

  48. def toIndexedSeq: collection.IndexedSeq[Double]
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).toIndexedSeq
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use .iterator.toIndexedSeq instead

  49. final def toIterable: collection.Iterable[Double]
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).toIterable
    Definition Classes
    @deprecated @inline()

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use instead

  50. final def toIterable: ofDouble.this.type


    This collection as an Iterable[A]. No new collection will be built if this is already an Iterable[A].

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.7) toIterable is internal and will be made protected; its name is similar to toList or toSeq, but it doesn't copy non-immutable collections

  51. def toIterator: Iterator[Double]
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).toIterator
    Definition Classes
    @deprecated @inline()

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use .iterator instead

  52. final def toIterator: Iterator[Double]
    Definition Classes
    @deprecated @inline()

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use .iterator instead of .toIterator

  53. def toList: List[Double]
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).toList
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use instead

  54. def toMap[K, V](implicit ev: <:<[Double, (K, V)]): Map[K, V]
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).toMap(ev)
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use instead

  55. def toSeq: Seq[Double]
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).toSeq
    Definition Classes
    @deprecated @inline()

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use instead

  56. def toSet[B >: A]: Set[B]
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).toSet
    Definition Classes
    @deprecated @inline()

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use instead

  57. def toStream: Stream[Double]
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).toStream
    Definition Classes
    @deprecated @inline()

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use instead

  58. final def toStream: Stream[Double]
    Definition Classes
    @deprecated @inline()

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use .to(LazyList) instead of .toStream

  59. final def toTraversable: collection.Traversable[Double]
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).toTraversable
    Definition Classes
    @deprecated @inline()

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use instead

  60. final def toTraversable: collection.Traversable[Double]

    Converts this immutable array to an unspecified Iterable.

    Converts this immutable array to an unspecified Iterable. Will return the same collection if this instance is already Iterable.


    An Iterable containing all elements of this immutable array.

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) toTraversable is internal and will be made protected; its name is similar to toList or toSeq, but it doesn't copy non-immutable collections

  61. def toVector: Vector[Double]
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).toVector
    Definition Classes
    @deprecated @inline()

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use instead

  62. final def union[B >: Double](that: collection.Seq[B]): ArraySeq[B]

    Produces a new sequence which contains all elements of this immutable array and also all elements of a given sequence.

    Produces a new sequence which contains all elements of this immutable array and also all elements of a given sequence. xs union ys is equivalent to xs ++ ys.


    the element type of the returned immutable array.


    the sequence to add.


    a new collection which contains all elements of this immutable array followed by all elements of that.

    Definition Classes
    @deprecated @inline()

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use concat instead

  63. def view(from: Int, until: Int): IndexedSeqView[Double]

    A view over a slice of the elements of this collection.

    A view over a slice of the elements of this collection.

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use .view.slice(from, until) instead of .view(from, until)

  64. def withFilter(f: (Double) => Boolean): Iterator[Double]
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from ofDouble toIterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double] performed by method iterableOnceExtensionMethods in scala.collection.IterableOnce.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (ofDouble: IterableOnceExtensionMethods[Double]).withFilter(f)
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use .iterator.withFilter(...) instead