
object PartialFunction

A few handy operations which leverage the extra bit of information available in partial functions. Examples:

import PartialFunction._

def strangeConditional(other: Any): Boolean = cond(other) {
  case x: String if x == "abc" || x == "def"  => true
  case x: Int => true
def onlyInt(v: Any): Option[Int] = condOpt(v) { case x: Int => x }
Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. PartialFunction
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. final class ElementWiseExtractor[-A, +B] extends AnyVal

Value Members

  1. def cond[T](x: T)(pf: PartialFunction[T, Boolean]): Boolean

    Creates a Boolean test based on a value and a partial function.

    Creates a Boolean test based on a value and a partial function. It behaves like a 'match' statement with an implied 'case _ => false' following the supplied cases.


    the value to test


    the partial function


    true, iff x is in the domain of pf and pf(x) == true.

  2. def condOpt[T, U](x: T)(pf: PartialFunction[T, U]): Option[U]

    Transforms a PartialFunction[T, U] pf into Function1[T, Option[U]] f whose result is Some(x) if the argument is in pf's domain and None otherwise, and applies it to the value x.

    Transforms a PartialFunction[T, U] pf into Function1[T, Option[U]] f whose result is Some(x) if the argument is in pf's domain and None otherwise, and applies it to the value x. In effect, it is a match statement which wraps all case results in Some(_) and adds case _ => None to the end.


    the value to test


    the PartialFunction[T, U]


    Some(pf(x)) if pf isDefinedAt x, None otherwise.

  3. def empty[A, B]: PartialFunction[A, B]

    The partial function with empty domain.

    The partial function with empty domain. Any attempt to invoke empty partial function leads to throwing scala.MatchError exception.

  4. def fromFunction[A, B](f: (A) => B): PartialFunction[A, B]

    Converts an ordinary function to a partial function.

    Converts an ordinary function to a partial function. Note that calling isDefinedAt(x) on this partial function will return true for every x.


    an ordinary function


    a partial function which delegates to the ordinary function f