
class Run extends RunContextApi with RunReporting with RunParsing

A Run is a single execution of the compiler on a set of units.

Known Subclasses
Type Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. Run
  2. RunParsing
  3. RunReporting
  4. RunContextApi
  5. AnyRef
  6. Any
  1. by any2stringadd
  2. by StringFormat
  3. by Ensuring
  4. by ArrowAssoc
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Instance Constructors

  1. new Run()

Value Members

  1. def advancePhase(): Unit

    take note that phase is completed (for progress reporting)

  2. def advanceUnit(): Unit

    take note that a phase on a unit is completed (for progress reporting)

  3. def canRedefine(sym: Global.Symbol): Boolean

    Is this run allowed to redefine the given symbol? Usually this is true if the run does not already compile sym, but for interactive mode we have a more liberal interpretation.

  4. def cancel(): Unit
  5. val cleanupPhase: Phase
  6. def compile(filenames: List[String]): Unit

    Compile list of files given by their names

  7. def compileFiles(files: List[AbstractFile]): Unit

    Compile list of abstract files.

  8. def compileLate(unit: Global.CompilationUnit): Unit

    Compile the unit until globalPhase, but at least to phase "typer".

  9. def compileLate(file: AbstractFile): Unit

    Compile abstract file until globalPhase, but at least to phase "namer".

  10. def compileSources(sources: List[SourceFile]): Unit

    Compile a list of source files, unless there is a problem already, e.g., a plugin was passed a bad option.

  11. def compileUnits(units: List[Global.CompilationUnit], fromPhase: Phase = firstPhase): Unit
  12. val compiledFiles: HashSet[String]
  13. final def compiles(sym: Global.Symbol): Boolean

    does this run compile given class, module, or case factory?

    does this run compile given class, module, or case factory?

  14. var currentUnit: Global.CompilationUnit

    The currently compiled unit; set from GlobalPhase

    The currently compiled unit; set from GlobalPhase

    Definition Classes
    Run → RunContextApi
  15. val delambdafyPhase: Phase
  16. def deprecationWarnings: List[(Global.Position, String)]
  17. val erasurePhase: Phase
  18. val explicitouterPhase: Phase
  19. val flattenPhase: Phase
  20. def informUnitStarting(phase: Phase, unit: Global.CompilationUnit): Unit

    For subclasses to override.

    For subclasses to override. Called when phase is about to be run on unit. Variables are passed explicitly to indicate that globalPhase and currentUnit have been set.

  21. var isDefined: Boolean

    Have been running into too many init order issues with Run during erroneous conditions.

    Have been running into too many init order issues with Run during erroneous conditions. Moved all these vals up to the top of the file so at least they're not trivially null.

  22. val isScala3: Boolean
  23. val jvmPhase: Phase
  24. val lambdaliftPhase: Phase
  25. val mixinPhase: Phase
  26. val namerPhase: Phase
  27. val parserPhase: Phase

    All phases as of 3/2012 here for handiness; the ones in active use uncommented.

  28. val parsing: Global.PerRunParsing
    Definition Classes
  29. def phaseNamed(name: String): Phase
  30. val picklerPhase: Phase
  31. val posterasurePhase: Phase
  32. final def printStatisticsFor(phase: Phase): Unit
  33. val profiler: Profiler
  34. def progress(current: Int, total: Int): Unit

    Progress tracking.

    Progress tracking. Measured in "progress units" which are 1 per compilation unit per phase completed.


    number of "progress units" completed


    total number of "progress units" in run

  35. val refchecksPhase: Phase
  36. def registerPickle(sym: Global.Symbol): Unit
  37. val reporting: Global.PerRunReporting
    Definition Classes
  38. val runDefinitions: reflect.internal.Definitions.definitions.RunDefinitions

    Caching member symbols that are def-s in Definitions because they might change from Run to Run.

  39. def runIsAt(ph: Phase): Boolean
  40. def runIsAtOptimiz: Boolean
  41. def size: Int
  42. val specializePhase: Phase
  43. val symData: HashMap[Global.Symbol, PickleBuffer]

    A map from compiled top-level symbols to their picklers

  44. val symSource: HashMap[Global.Symbol, AbstractFile]

    A map from compiled top-level symbols to their source files

  45. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    Run → AnyRef → Any
  46. val typerPhase: Phase
  47. def uncheckedWarnings: List[(Global.Position, String)]
  48. val uncurryPhase: Phase
  49. def units: Iterator[Global.CompilationUnit]
    Definition Classes
    Run → RunContextApi
  50. object sourceFeatures
  51. object trackerFactory extends SymbolTrackers