
package fsc

Content Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. trait CompileOutputCommon extends AnyRef
  2. class CompileSocket extends CompileOutputCommon

    This class manages sockets for the fsc offline compiler.

  3. final class DaemonKiller extends ScriptRunner
  4. class FscSettings extends Settings
  5. trait HasCompileSocket extends AnyRef
  6. class OfflineCompilerCommand extends CompilerCommand

    A compiler command for the offline compiler.

  7. class ResidentScriptRunner extends AbstractScriptRunner with HasCompileSocket
  8. class Socket extends Bytes with Closeable
  9. abstract class SocketServer extends CompileOutputCommon

    The abstract class SocketServer implements the server communication for the fast Scala compiler.

  10. class StandardCompileClient extends HasCompileSocket with CompileOutputCommon

    The client part of the fsc offline compiler.

    The client part of the fsc offline compiler. Instead of compiling things itself, it send requests to a CompileServer.

  11. class StandardCompileServer extends SocketServer

    The server part of the fsc offline compiler.

    The server part of the fsc offline compiler. It awaits compilation commands and executes them. It caches a compiler instance so that it can respond more quickly.

Value Members

  1. object CompileClient extends StandardCompileClient
  2. object CompileServer
  3. object CompileSocket extends CompileSocket
  4. object Socket

    A skeletal only-as-much-as-I-need Socket wrapper.