
object Pickler

Linear Supertypes
Content Hierarchy
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  2. By Inheritance
  1. Pickler
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. implicit class TildeDecorator[S] extends AnyRef

    A wrapper class to be able to use ~ s an infix method

  2. final class UnpickleFailure extends Unpickled[Nothing]

    A class representing unpickle failures

  3. case class UnpickleSuccess[+T](result: T) extends Unpickled[T] with Product with Serializable

    A class representing successful unpicklings

    A class representing successful unpicklings


    the type of the unpickled value


    the unpickled value

  4. sealed abstract class Unpickled[+T] extends AnyRef

    A base class representing unpickler result.

    A base class representing unpickler result. It has two subclasses: UnpickleSuccess for successful unpicklings and UnpickleFailure for failures, where a value of the given type T could not be unpickled from input.


    the type of unpickled values in case of success.

  5. case class ~[+S, +T](fst: S, snd: T) extends Product with Serializable

    A class representing ~-pairs

Value Members

  1. implicit def booleanPickler: Pickler[Boolean]

    A pickler for values of type Boolean, represented as the literals true or false.

  2. def conditionalPickler[T](p: Pickler[T], condition: (Any) => Boolean): CondPickler[T]

    Same as p.cond(condition)

  3. def eitherPickler[T, U <: T, V <: T](p: CondPickler[U], q: => CondPickler[V]): CondPickler[T] { lazy val qq:[V] }

    Same as p | q

  4. implicit val intPickler: Pickler[Int]

    A pickler for values of type Int, represented as integer literals

  5. implicit def iterPickler[T](implicit arg0: Pickler[T]): Pickler[Iterator[T]]

    A picklers that handles iterators.

    A picklers that handles iterators. It pickles all values returned by an iterator separated by commas. When unpickling, it always returns an UnpickleSuccess containing an iterator. This iterator returns 0 or more values that are obtained by unpickling until a closing parenthesis, bracket or brace or the end of input is encountered.

    This means that iterator picklers should not be directly followed by ~ because the pickler would also read any values belonging to the second part of the ~-pair.

    What's usually done instead is that the iterator pickler is wrapped and labelled to handle other kinds of sequences.

  6. def javaInstancePickler[T <: AnyRef]: Pickler[T]

    A pickler the handles instances of classes that have an empty constructor.

    A pickler the handles instances of classes that have an empty constructor. It represents than as $new ( <name of class> ). When unpickling, a new instance of the class is created using the empty constructor of the class via Class.forName(<name of class>).getConstructor().newInstance().

  7. def labelledPickler[T](label: String, p: Pickler[T]): Pickler[T]

    Same as p.labelled(label).

  8. implicit def listPickler[T](implicit arg0: Pickler[T]): Pickler[List[T]]

    A pickler for list values

  9. implicit val longPickler: Pickler[Long]

    A pickler for values of type Long, represented as integer literals

  10. def pkl[T](implicit arg0: Pickler[T]): Pickler[T]

    The implicit Pickler value for type T.

    The implicit Pickler value for type T. Equivalent to implicitly[Pickler[T]].

  11. def seqPickler[T, U](p: Pickler[T], q: => Pickler[U]): Pickler[~[T, U]] { lazy val qq:[U] }

    Same as p ~ q

  12. def singletonPickler[T <: AnyRef](x: T): CondPickler[T]

    A conditional pickler for singleton objects.

    A conditional pickler for singleton objects. It represents these with the object's underlying class as a label. Example: Object scala.None would be represented as scala.None$().

  13. implicit val stringPickler: Pickler[String]

    A pickler for values of type String, represented as string literals

  14. implicit def tuple2Pickler[T1, T2](implicit arg0: Pickler[T1], arg1: Pickler[T2]): Pickler[(T1, T2)]

    A pickler for pairs, represented as ~-pairs

  15. implicit def tuple3Pickler[T1, T2, T3](implicit p1: Pickler[T1], p2: Pickler[T2], p3: Pickler[T3]): Pickler[(T1, T2, T3)]

    A pickler for 3-tuples, represented as ~-tuples

  16. implicit val unitPickler: Pickler[Unit]

    A pickler for values of type Unit, represented by the empty character string

  17. def wrappedPickler[S, T](p: Pickler[S])(in: (S) => T)(out: (T) => S): Pickler[T]

    Same as p.wrap(in)(out)