Type members
A byte array buffer that can be filled with bytes or natural numbers in TASTY format, and that supports reading and patching addresses represented as natural numbers.
A byte array buffer that can be filled with bytes or natural numbers in TASTY format, and that supports reading and patching addresses represented as natural numbers.
- Companion
- object
- Source
- TastyBuffer.scala
********************************************************** Notation:
********************************************************** Notation:
We use BNF notation. Terminal symbols start with at least two consecutive upper case letters. Each terminal is represented as a single byte tag. Non-terminals are mixed case. Prefixes of the form lower case letter*_ are for explanation of semantic content only, they can be dropped without changing the grammar.
LongInt = Digit* StopDigit -- big endian 2's complement, value fits in a Long w/o overflow Int = LongInt -- big endian 2's complement, fits in an Int w/o overflow Nat = LongInt -- non-negative value, fits in an Int without overflow Digit = 0 | ... | 127 StopDigit = 128 | ... | 255 -- value = digit - 128
File = Header majorVersion_Nat minorVersion_Nat experimentalVersion_Nat VersionString UUID nameTable_Length Name* Section* Header = 0x5CA1AB1F UUID = Byte*16 -- random UUID VersionString = Length UTF8-CodePoint* -- string that represents the compiler that produced the TASTy
Section = NameRef Length Bytes Length = Nat -- length of rest of entry in bytes
Name = UTF8 Length UTF8-CodePoint* QUALIFIED Length qualified_NameRef selector_NameRef -- A.B EXPANDED Length qualified_NameRef selector_NameRef -- A$$B, semantically a NameKinds.ExpandedName EXPANDPREFIX Length qualified_NameRef selector_NameRef -- A$B, prefix of expanded name, see NamedKinds.ExpandPrefixName
UNIQUE Length separator_NameRef uniqid_Nat underlying_NameRef? -- Unique name A
SUPERACCESSOR Length underlying_NameRef -- super$A INLINEACCESSOR Length underlying_NameRef -- inline$A OBJECTCLASS Length underlying_NameRef -- A$ (name of the module class for module A)
SIGNED Length original_NameRef resultSig_NameRef ParamSig* -- name + signature TARGETSIGNED Length original_NameRef target_NameRef resultSig_NameRef ParamSig*
ParamSig = Int // If negative, the absolute value represents the length of a type parameter section // If positive, this is a NameRef for the fully qualified name of a term parameter.
NameRef = Nat // ordinal number of name in name table, starting from 1.
Note: Unqualified names in the name table are strings. The context decides whether a name is a type-name or a term-name. The same string can represent both.
Standard-Section: "ASTs" TopLevelStat*
TopLevelStat = PACKAGE Length Path TopLevelStat* -- package path { topLevelStats } Stat
Stat = Term ValOrDefDef TYPEDEF Length NameRef (type_Term | Template) Modifier* -- modifiers type name (= type | bounds) | modifiers class name template IMPORT Length qual_Term Selector* -- import qual selectors EXPORT Length qual_Term Selector* -- export qual selectors ValOrDefDef = VALDEF Length NameRef type_Term rhs_Term? Modifier* -- modifiers val name : type (= rhs)? DEFDEF Length NameRef Param* returnType_Term rhs_Term? Modifier* -- modifiers def name [typeparams] paramss : returnType (= rhs)? Selector = IMPORTED name_NameRef -- name, "_" for normal wildcards, "" for given wildcards RENAMED to_NameRef -- => name BOUNDED type_Term -- type bound
TypeParam = TYPEPARAM Length NameRef type_Term Modifier* -- modifiers name bounds
TermParam = PARAM Length NameRef type_Term rhs_Term? Modifier* -- modifiers name : type (= rhs_Term)?. rhsTerm
is present in the case of an aliased class parameter
EMPTYCLAUSE -- an empty parameter clause ()
SPLITCLAUSE -- splits two non-empty parameter clauses of the same kind
Param = TypeParam
Template = TEMPLATE Length TypeParam* TermParam* parent_Term* Self?
Stat* -- [typeparams] paramss extends parents { self => stats }, where Stat* always starts with the primary constructor.
Self = SELFDEF selfName_NameRef selfType_Term -- selfName : selfType
Term = Path -- Paths represent both types and terms
IDENT NameRef Type -- Used when term ident’s type is not a TermRef
SELECT possiblySigned_NameRef qual_Term --
SELECTin Length possiblySigned_NameRef qual_Term owner_Type --, referring to a symbol declared in owner that has the given signature (see note below)
QUALTHIS typeIdent_Tree -- id.this, different from THIS in that it contains a qualifier ident with position.
NEW clsType_Term -- new cls
THROW throwableExpr_Term -- throw throwableExpr
NAMEDARG paramName_NameRef arg_Term -- paramName = arg
APPLY Length fn_Term arg_Term* -- fn(args)
TYPEAPPLY Length fn_Term arg_Type* -- fn[args]
SUPER Length this_Term mixinTypeIdent_Tree? -- super[mixin]
TYPED Length expr_Term ascriptionType_Term -- expr: ascription
ASSIGN Length lhs_Term rhs_Term -- lhs = rhs
BLOCK Length expr_Term Stat* -- { stats; expr }
INLINED Length expr_Term call_Term? ValOrDefDef* -- Inlined code from call, with given body expr
and given bindings
LAMBDA Length meth_Term target_Type? -- Closure over method f
of type target
(omitted id target
is a function type)
IF Length [INLINE] cond_Term then_Term else_Term -- inline? if cond then thenPart else elsePart
MATCH Length (IMPLICIT | [INLINE] sel_Term) CaseDef* -- (inline? sel | implicit) match caseDefs
TRY Length expr_Term CaseDef* finalizer_Term? -- try expr catch {casdeDef} (finally finalizer)?
RETURN Length meth_ASTRef expr_Term? -- return expr?, methASTRef
is method from which is returned
WHILE Length cond_Term body_Term -- while cond do body
REPEATED Length elem_Type elem_Term* -- Varargs argument of type elem
SELECTouter Length levels_Nat qual_Term underlying_Type -- Follow levels
outer links, starting from qual
, with given underlying
-- patterns:
BIND Length boundName_NameRef patType_Type pat_Term -- name @ pat, wherev patType
is the type of the bound symbol
ALTERNATIVE Length alt_Term* -- alt1 | ... | altn as a pattern
UNAPPLY Length fun_Term ImplicitArg* pat_Type pat_Term* -- Unapply node fun(_: pat_Type)(implicitArgs)
flowing into patterns pat
-- type trees:
IDENTtpt NameRef Type -- Used for all type idents
SELECTtpt NameRef qual_Term --
SINGLETONtpt ref_Term -- ref.type
REFINEDtpt Length underlying_Term refinement_Stat* -- underlying {refinements}
APPLIEDtpt Length tycon_Term arg_Term* -- tycon [args]
LAMBDAtpt Length TypeParam* body_Term -- [TypeParams] => body
TYPEBOUNDStpt Length low_Term high_Term? -- >: low <: high
ANNOTATEDtpt Length underlying_Term fullAnnotation_Term -- underlying @ annotation
MATCHtpt Length bound_Term? sel_Term CaseDef* -- sel match { CaseDef } where bound
is optional upper bound of all rhs
BYNAMEtpt underlying_Term -- => underlying
SHAREDterm term_ASTRef -- Link to previously serialized term
HOLE Length idx_Nat arg_Tree* -- Hole where a splice goes with sequence number idx, splice is applied to arguments arg
CaseDef = CASEDEF Length pat_Term rhs_Tree guard_Tree? -- case pat if guard => rhs ImplicitArg = IMPLICITARG arg_Term -- implicit unapply argument
ASTRef = Nat -- Byte position in AST payload
Path = Constant
TERMREFdirect sym_ASTRef -- A reference to a local symbol (without a prefix). Reference is to definition node of symbol.
TERMREFsymbol sym_ASTRef qual_Type -- A reference qual.sym
to a local member with prefix qual
TERMREFpkg fullyQualified_NameRef -- A reference to a package member with given fully qualified name
TERMREF possiblySigned_NameRef qual_Type -- A reference
to a non-local member
TERMREFin Length possiblySigned_NameRef qual_Type owner_Type -- A reference
referring to a non-local symbol declared in owner that has the given signature (see note below)
THIS clsRef_Type -- cls.this
RECthis recType_ASTRef -- The this
in a recursive refined type recType
SHAREDtype path_ASTRef -- link to previously serialized path
Constant = UNITconst -- () FALSEconst -- false TRUEconst -- true BYTEconst Int -- A byte number SHORTconst Int -- A short number CHARconst Nat -- A character INTconst Int -- An int number LONGconst LongInt -- A long number FLOATconst Int -- A float number DOUBLEconst LongInt -- A double number STRINGconst NameRef -- A string literal NULLconst -- null CLASSconst Type -- classOf[Type]
Type = Path -- Paths represent both types and terms
TYPEREFdirect sym_ASTRef -- A reference to a local symbol (without a prefix). Reference is to definition node of symbol.
TYPEREFsymbol sym_ASTRef qual_Type -- A reference qual.sym
to a local member with prefix qual
TYPEREFpkg fullyQualified_NameRef -- A reference to a package member with given fully qualified name
TYPEREF NameRef qual_Type -- A reference
to a non-local member
TYPEREFin Length NameRef qual_Type namespace_Type -- A reference
to a non-local member that's private in namespace
RECtype parent_Type -- A wrapper for recursive refined types
SUPERtype Length this_Type underlying_Type -- A super type reference to underlying
REFINEDtype Length underlying_Type refinement_NameRef info_Type -- underlying { refinement_name : info }
APPLIEDtype Length tycon_Type arg_Type* -- tycon[args]
TYPEBOUNDS Length lowOrAlias_Type high_Type? Variance* -- = alias or >: low <: high, possibly with variances of lambda parameters
ANNOTATEDtype Length underlying_Type annotation_Term -- underlying @ annotation
ANDtype Length left_Type right_Type -- left & right
ORtype Length left_Type right_Type -- lefgt | right
MATCHtype Length bound_Type sel_Type case_Type* -- sel match {cases} with optional upper bound
MATCHCASEtype Length pat_type rhs_Type -- match cases are MATCHCASEtypes or TYPELAMBDAtypes over MATCHCASEtypes
BIND Length boundName_NameRef bounds_Type Modifier* -- boundName @ bounds, for type-variables defined in a type pattern
BYNAMEtype underlying_Type -- => underlying
PARAMtype Length binder_ASTRef paramNum_Nat -- A reference to parameter # paramNum in lambda type binder
POLYtype Length result_Type TypesNames -- A polymorphic method type [TypesNames]result
, used in refinements
METHODtype Length result_Type TypesNames Modifier* -- A method type (Modifier* TypesNames)result
, needed for refinements, with optional modifiers for the parameters
TYPELAMBDAtype Length result_Type TypesNames -- A type lambda [TypesNames] => result
SHAREDtype type_ASTRef -- link to previously serialized type
TypesNames = TypeName*
TypeName = typeOrBounds_ASTRef paramName_NameRef -- (termName
: type
) or (typeName
Modifier = PRIVATE -- private
INTERNAL -- package private (not yet used)
PROTECTED -- protected
PRIVATEqualified qualifier_Type -- private[qualifier] (to be dropped(?)
PROTECTEDqualified qualifier_Type -- protecred[qualifier] (to be dropped(?)
ABSTRACT -- abstract
FINAL -- final
SEALED -- sealed
CASE -- case (for classes or objects)
IMPLICIT -- implicit
GIVEN -- given
ERASED -- erased
LAZY -- lazy
OVERRIDE -- override
OPAQUE -- opaque, also used for classes containing opaque aliases
INLINE -- inline
MACRO -- Inline method containing toplevel splices
INLINEPROXY -- Symbol of binding with an argument to an inline method as rhs (TODO: do we still need this?)
STATIC -- Mapped to static Java member
OBJECT -- An object or its class
TRAIT -- A trait
ENUM -- A enum class or enum case
LOCAL -- private[this] or protected[this], used in conjunction with PRIVATE or PROTECTED
SYNTHETIC -- Generated by Scala compiler
ARTIFACT -- To be tagged Java Synthetic
MUTABLE -- A var
FIELDaccessor -- A getter or setter (note: the corresponding field is not serialized)
CASEaccessor -- A getter for a case class parameter
COVARIANT -- A type parameter marked “+”
CONTRAVARIANT -- A type parameter marked “-”
HASDEFAULT -- Parameter with default arg; method with default parameters (default arguments are separate methods with DEFAULTGETTER names)
STABLE -- Method that is assumed to be stable, i.e. its applications are legal paths
EXTENSION -- An extension method
PARAMsetter -- The setter part x_=
of a var parameter x
which itself is pickled as a PARAM
PARAMalias -- Parameter is alias of a superclass parameter
EXPORTED -- An export forwarder
OPEN -- an open class
INVISIBLE -- invisible during typechecking
Variance = STABLE -- invariant | COVARIANT | CONTRAVARIANT
Annotation = ANNOTATION Length tycon_Type fullAnnotation_Term -- An annotation, given (class) type of constructor, and full application tree
Note: The signature of a SELECTin or TERMREFin node is the signature of the selected symbol, not the signature of the reference. The latter undergoes an asSeenFrom but the former does not.
Note: Tree tags are grouped into 5 categories that determine what follows, and thus allow to compute the size of the tagged tree in a generic way.
Category 1 (tags 1-59) : tag
Category 2 (tags 60-89) : tag Nat
Category 3 (tags 90-109) : tag AST
Category 4 (tags 110-127): tag Nat AST
Category 5 (tags 128-255): tag Length
Standard-Section: "Positions" LinesSizes Assoc*
LinesSizes = Nat Nat* // Number of lines followed by the size of each line not counting the trailing \n
Assoc = Header offset_Delta? offset_Delta? point_Delta? | SOURCE nameref_Int Header = addr_Delta + // in one Nat: difference of address to last recorded node << 3 + hasStartDiff + // one bit indicating whether there follows a start address delta << 2 hasEndDiff + // one bit indicating whether there follows an end address delta << 1 hasPoint // one bit indicating whether the new position has a point (i.e ^ position) // Nodes which have the same positions as their parents are omitted. // offset_Deltas give difference of start/end offset wrt to the // same offset in the previously recorded node (or 0 for the first recorded node) Delta = Int // Difference between consecutive offsets, SOURCE = 4 // Impossible as header, since addr_Delta = 0 implies that we refer to the // same tree as the previous one, but then hasStartDiff = 1 implies that // the tree's range starts later than the range of itself.
All elements of a position section are serialized as Ints
Standard Section: "Comments" Comment*
Comment = Length Bytes LongInt // Raw comment's bytes encoded as UTF-8, followed by the comment's coordinates.
- Source
- TastyFormat.scala
The Tasty Header consists of four fields: - uuid
The Tasty Header consists of four fields: - uuid
contains a hash of the sections of the TASTy file - majorVersion
matching the TASTy format version that last broke backwards compatibility - minorVersion
matching the TASTy format version that last broke forward compatibility - experimentalVersion
0 for final compiler version
positive for between minor versions and forward compatibility is broken since the previous stable version. - toolingVersion
arbitrary string representing the tooling that produced the TASTy
A byte array buffer that can be filled with bytes or natural numbers in TASTY format, and that supports reading and patching addresses represented as natural numbers.
A byte array buffer that can be filled with bytes or natural numbers in TASTY format, and that supports reading and patching addresses represented as natural numbers.
- Value Params
- base
The index referenced by the logical zero address Addr(0)
- bytes
The array containing data
- end
The position one greater than the last byte to be read
- start
The position from which to read
- Source
- TastyReader.scala