A base class for annotations.
Annotations extending this class directly are not preserved in the classfile. To enable storing annotations in the classfile's Scala signature and make it available to Scala reflection and other tools, the annotation needs to inherit from scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation.
Annotation classes defined in Scala are not stored in classfiles in a Java-compatible manner and therefore not visible in Java reflection. In order to achieve this, the annotation has to be written in Java.
- Source:
- Annotation.scala
class main
class unchecked
trait StaticAnnotation
class deprecatedName
class inline
class native
class noinline
class specialized
class throws[T]
class transient
class volatile
trait ConstantAnnotation
class SerialVersionUID
class deprecated
class deprecatedInheritance
class deprecatedOverriding
trait ClassfileAnnotation
class elidable
class implicitAmbiguous
class implicitNotFound
class nowarn
trait RefiningAnnotation
class alpha
class compileTimeOnly
class constructorOnly
class experimental
class showAsInfix
class static
class strictfp
class switch
class tailrec
class targetName
class threadUnsafe
class transparentTrait
class unspecialized
class unused
class varargs
class beanGetter
class beanSetter
class companionClass
class companionMethod
class companionObject
class field
class getter
class languageFeature
class param
class setter
class uncheckedStable
class uncheckedVariance
class BeanProperty
class BooleanBeanProperty
trait TypeConstraint
class fromAbove
class patternType
class SplicedType