Members list
- no keywords
- abstract
- final
When defining a field, the Scala compiler creates up to four accessors for it: a getter, a setter, and if the field is annotated with @BeanProperty
, a bean getter and a bean setter.
When defining a field, the Scala compiler creates up to four accessors for it: a getter, a setter, and if the field is annotated with @BeanProperty
, a bean getter and a bean setter.
For instance in the following class definition
class C(@myAnnot @BeanProperty var c: Int)
there are six entities which can carry the annotation @myAnnot
: the constructor parameter, the generated field and the four accessors.
By default, annotations on (val
-, var
- or plain) constructor parameters end up on the parameter, not on any other entity. Annotations on fields by default only end up on the field.
The meta-annotations in package scala.annotation.meta
are used to control where annotations on fields and class parameters are copied. This is done by annotating either the annotation type or the annotation class with one or several of the meta-annotations in this package.
Annotating the annotation type
The target meta-annotations can be put on the annotation type when instantiating the annotation. In the following example, the annotation @Id
will be added only to the bean getter getX
import javax.persistence.Id
class A {
@(Id @beanGetter) @BeanProperty val x = 0
In order to annotate the field as well, the meta-annotation @field
would need to be added.
The syntax can be improved using a type alias:
object ScalaJPA {
type Id = javax.persistence.Id @beanGetter
import ScalaJPA.Id
class A {
@Id @BeanProperty val x = 0
Annotating the annotation class
For annotations defined in Scala, a default target can be specified in the annotation class itself, for example
class myAnnotation extends Annotation
This only changes the default target for the annotation myAnnotation
. When instantiating the annotation, the target can still be specified as described in the last section.
Type members
A base class for annotations.
A base class for annotations.
Annotations extending this class directly are not preserved in the classfile. To enable storing annotations in the classfile's Scala signature and make it available to Scala reflection and other tools, the annotation needs to inherit from scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation.
Annotation classes defined in Scala are not stored in classfiles in a Java-compatible manner and therefore not visible in Java reflection. In order to achieve this, the annotation has to be written in Java.
- Source
- Annotation.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
trait StaticAnnotationclass beanGetterclass beanSetterclass companionClassclass companionMethodclass companionObjectclass fieldclass getterclass languageFeatureclass paramclass setterclass uncheckedCapturesclass uncheckedStableclass uncheckedVariancetrait ConstantAnnotationtrait ClassfileAnnotationclass elidableclass implicitAmbiguousclass implicitNotFoundclass nowarnclass SerialVersionUIDclass deprecatedclass deprecatedInheritanceclass deprecatedOverridingtrait MacroAnnotationclass newMaintrait ParameterAnnotationclass aliastrait RefiningAnnotationclass allowConversionsclass alphaclass capabilityclass compileTimeOnlyclass constructorOnlyclass experimentalclass widenclass publicInBinaryclass retainsclass retainsByNameclass showAsInfixclass staticclass strictfpclass switchclass tailrecclass targetNameclass threadUnsafeclass transparentTraitclass unspecializedclass unusedclass varargsclass BeanPropertyclass BooleanBeanPropertyclass deprecatedNameclass inlineclass nativeclass noinlineclass specializedclass throws[T]class transientclass volatiletrait TypeConstraintclass fromAboveclass patternTypeclass SplicedTypeclass mainclass uncheckedShow all
Annotation classes extending this trait only accept constant values as arguments.
Annotation classes extending this trait only accept constant values as arguments.
Note that this trait extends StaticAnnotation, so constant annotations are persisted in the classfile.
The implementation requires arguments of constant annotations to be passed as named arguments, except if there is a single argument, which then defines the annotation's parameter named value
Constant annotations may use default arguments. Note that the internal representation of an annotation usage (which is visible for compiler plugins, for example) only contains arguments that are explicitly provided.
Constant annotations are not allowed to define auxiliary constructors, and the primary constructor is required to have a single parameter list.
class Ann(value: Int, x: Int = 0) extends scala.annotation.ConstantAnnotation
class Test {
def someInt = 0
@Ann(value = 0, x = 1) def g = 0
@Ann(0) def f = 0 // Internal representation contains `@Ann(value = 0)`
@Ann(someInt) // error: argument needs to be a compile-time constant
- Source
- ConstantAnnotation.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
trait ClassfileAnnotationclass elidableclass implicitAmbiguousclass implicitNotFoundclass nowarnclass SerialVersionUIDclass deprecatedclass deprecatedInheritanceclass deprecatedOverridingShow all
A base trait for annotations that yield proper subtypes of the types they annotate. Refining annotations are more "sticky" than normal ones. They are conceptually kept around when normal refinements would also not be stripped away.
A base trait for annotations that yield proper subtypes of the types they annotate. Refining annotations are more "sticky" than normal ones. They are conceptually kept around when normal refinements would also not be stripped away.
- Source
- RefiningAnnotation.scala
- Supertypes
A base class for static annotations.
A base class for static annotations. These are available to the Scala type checker or Scala reflection, even across different compilation units.
Annotation classes defined in Scala are not stored in classfiles in a Java-compatible manner and therefore not visible in Java reflection. In order to achieve this, the annotation has to be written in Java.
- Source
- StaticAnnotation.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
class beanGetterclass beanSetterclass companionClassclass companionMethodclass companionObjectclass fieldclass getterclass languageFeatureclass paramclass setterclass uncheckedCapturesclass uncheckedStableclass uncheckedVariancetrait ConstantAnnotationtrait ClassfileAnnotationclass elidableclass implicitAmbiguousclass implicitNotFoundclass nowarnclass SerialVersionUIDclass deprecatedclass deprecatedInheritanceclass deprecatedOverridingtrait MacroAnnotationclass newMaintrait ParameterAnnotationclass aliastrait RefiningAnnotationclass allowConversionsclass alphaclass capabilityclass compileTimeOnlyclass constructorOnlyclass experimentalclass widenclass publicInBinaryclass retainsclass retainsByNameclass showAsInfixclass staticclass strictfpclass switchclass tailrecclass targetNameclass threadUnsafeclass transparentTraitclass unspecializedclass unusedclass varargsclass BeanPropertyclass BooleanBeanPropertyclass deprecatedNameclass inlineclass nativeclass noinlineclass specializedclass throws[T]class transientclass volatileShow all
A marker for annotations that, when applied to a type, should be treated as a constraint on the annotated type.
A marker for annotations that, when applied to a type, should be treated as a constraint on the annotated type.
A proper constraint should restrict the type based only on information mentioned within the type. A Scala compiler can use this assumption to rewrite the contents of the constraint as necessary. To contrast, a type annotation whose meaning depends on the context where it is written down is not a proper constrained type, and this marker should not be applied. A Scala compiler will drop such annotations in cases where it would rewrite a type constraint.
- Source
- TypeConstraint.scala
- Supertypes
An annotation that designates that an annottee should not be referred to after type checking (which includes macro expansion).
An annotation that designates that an annottee should not be referred to after type checking (which includes macro expansion).
Examples of potential use: 1) The annottee can only appear in the arguments of some other macro that will eliminate it from the AST during expansion. 2) The annottee is a macro and should have been expanded away, so if hasn't, something wrong has happened. (Comes in handy to provide better support for new macro flavors, e.g. macro annotations, that can't be expanded by the vanilla compiler).
Value parameters
- message
the error message to print during compilation if a reference remains after type checking
- Source
- compileTimeOnly.scala
- Supertypes
An annotation that goes on parameters of classes or traits. It asserts that the parameter is used only for initialization and is not kept in the class as a field. Violations of this assertion are flagged as compile errors. The annotation is particularly useful for implicit parameters since for these a textual scan is not sufficient to know where they are used. Note: the annotation is copied from constructor parameters to corresponding class fields. But it is checked that the field is eliminated before code is generated.
An annotation that goes on parameters of classes or traits. It asserts that the parameter is used only for initialization and is not kept in the class as a field. Violations of this assertion are flagged as compile errors. The annotation is particularly useful for implicit parameters since for these a textual scan is not sufficient to know where they are used. Note: the annotation is copied from constructor parameters to corresponding class fields. But it is checked that the field is eliminated before code is generated.
- Source
- constructorOnly.scala
- Supertypes
An annotation for methods whose bodies may be excluded from compiler-generated bytecode.
An annotation for methods whose bodies may be excluded from compiler-generated bytecode.
Behavior is influenced by passing -Xelide-below <arg>
to scalac
. Calls to methods marked elidable (as well as the method body) will be omitted from generated code if the priority given the annotation is lower than that given on the command line.
@elidable(123) // annotation priority
scalac -Xelide-below 456 // command line priority
The method call will be replaced with an expression which depends on the type of the elided expression. In decreasing order of precedence:
Unit ()
Boolean false
T <: AnyVal 0
T >: Null null
T >: Nothing Predef.???
Complete example:
import scala.annotation._, elidable._
object Test extends App {
def expensiveComputation(): Int = { Thread.sleep(1000) ; 172 }
@elidable(WARNING) def warning(msg: String) = println(msg)
@elidable(FINE) def debug(msg: String) = println(msg)
@elidable(FINE) def computedValue = expensiveComputation()
warning("Warning! Danger! Warning!")
debug("Debug! Danger! Debug!")
println("I computed a value: " + computedValue)
% scalac example.scala && scala Test
Warning! Danger! Warning!
Debug! Danger! Debug!
I computed a value: 172
// INFO lies between WARNING and FINE
% scalac -Xelide-below INFO example.scala && scala Test
Warning! Danger! Warning!
I computed a value: 0
Note that only concrete methods can be marked @elidable
. A non-annotated method is not elided, even if it overrides / implements a method that has the annotation.
Also note that the static type determines which annotations are considered:
import scala.annotation._, elidable._
class C { @elidable(0) def f(): Unit = ??? }
object O extends C { override def f(): Unit = println("O.f") }
object Test extends App {
O.f() // not elided
(O: C).f() // elided if compiled with `-Xelide-below 1`
Note for Scala 3 users: If you're using Scala 3, the annotation exists since Scala 3 uses the Scala 2 standard library, but it's unsupported by the Scala 3 compiler. Instead, to achieve the same result you'd want to utilize the inline if
feature to introduce behavior that makes a method de facto elided at compile-time.
type LogLevel = Int
object LogLevel:
inline val Info = 0
inline val Warn = 1
inline val Debug = 2
inline val appLogLevel = LogLevel.Warn
inline def log(msg: String, inline level: LogLevel): Unit =
inline if (level <= appLogLevel) then println(msg)
log("Warn log", LogLevel.Warn)
log("Debug log", LogLevel. Debug)
- Companion
- object
- Source
- elidable.scala
- Supertypes
trait ConstantAnnotationtrait StaticAnnotationclass Annotationclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
This useless appearing code was necessary to allow people to use named constants for the elidable annotation.
This useless appearing code was necessary to allow people to use named constants for the elidable annotation. This is what it takes to convince the compiler to fold the constants: otherwise when it's time to check an elision level it's staring at a tree like
(Select(Level, Select(FINEST, Apply(intValue, Nil))))
instead of the number 300
- Companion
- class
- Source
- elidable.scala
- Supertypes
- Self type
An annotation that can be used to mark a definition as experimental.
An annotation that can be used to mark a definition as experimental.
- See also
- Source
- experimental.scala
- Supertypes
To customize the error message that's emitted when an implicit search finds multiple ambiguous values, annotate at least one of the implicit values @implicitAmbiguous
To customize the error message that's emitted when an implicit search finds multiple ambiguous values, annotate at least one of the implicit values @implicitAmbiguous
. Assuming the implicit value is a method with type parameters X1,..., XN
, the error message will be the result of replacing all occurrences of ${Xi}
in the string msg
with the string representation of the corresponding type argument Ti
If more than one @implicitAmbiguous
annotation is collected, the compiler is free to pick any of them to display.
Nice errors can direct users to fix imports or even tell them why code intentionally doesn't compile.
trait =!=[C, D]
implicit def neq[E, F] : E =!= F = null
@annotation.implicitAmbiguous("Could not prove ${J} =!= ${J}")
implicit def neqAmbig1[G, H, J] : J =!= J = null
implicit def neqAmbig2[I] : I =!= I = null
implicitly[Int =!= Int]
- Source
- implicitAmbiguous.scala
- Supertypes
trait ConstantAnnotationtrait StaticAnnotationclass Annotationclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
To customize the error message that's emitted when an implicit of type C[T1,..., TN]
cannot be found, annotate the class C
with @implicitNotFound
To customize the error message that's emitted when an implicit of type C[T1,..., TN]
cannot be found, annotate the class C
with @implicitNotFound
. Assuming C
has type parameters X1, ..., XN
, the error message will be the result of replacing all occurrences of ${Xi}
in the string msg
with the string representation of the corresponding type argument Ti
. The annotation is effectively inherited by subtypes if they are not annotated.
The annotation can also be attached to implicit parameters. In this case, ${Xi}
can refer to type parameters in the current scope. The @implicitNotFound
message on the parameter takes precedence over the one on the parameter's type.
import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound
@implicitNotFound("Could not find an implicit C[${T}, ${U}]")
class C[T, U]
class K[A] {
def m[B](implicit c: C[List[A], B]) = 0
def n[B](implicit @implicitNotFound("Specific message for C of list of ${A} and ${B}") c: C[List[A], B]) = 1
object Test {
val k = new K[Int]
The compiler issues the following error messages:
Test.scala:13: error: Could not find an implicit C[List[Int], String] k.m[String] ^ Test.scala:14: error: Specific message for C of list of Int and String k.n[String] ^
- Source
- implicitNotFound.scala
- Supertypes
trait ConstantAnnotationtrait StaticAnnotationclass Annotationclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
An annotation for local warning suppression.
An annotation for local warning suppression.
The optional value
parameter allows selectively silencing messages, see scalac -Wconf:help
for help. Examples:
def f = {
1: @nowarn // don't warn "a pure expression does nothing in statement position"
@nowarn def f = { 1; deprecated() } // don't warn
@nowarn("msg=pure expression does nothing")
def f = { 1; deprecated() } // show deprecation warning
To ensure that a @nowarn
annotation actually suppresses a warning, enable -Xlint:unused
or -Wunused:nowarn
. The unused annotation warning is emitted in category unused-nowarn
and can be selectively managed using -Wconf:cat=unused-nowarn:s
- Source
- nowarn.scala
- Supertypes
trait ConstantAnnotationtrait StaticAnnotationclass Annotationclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
This annotation configures how Scala prints two-parameter generic types.
This annotation configures how Scala prints two-parameter generic types.
By default, types with symbolic names are printed infix; while types without them are printed using the regular generic type syntax.
Example of usage:
scala> class Map[T, U]
defined class Map
scala> def foo: Int Map Int = ???
foo: Map[Int,Int]
scala> @showAsInfix class Map[T, U]
defined class Map
scala> def foo: Int Map Int = ???
foo: Int Map Int
Value parameters
- enabled
whether to show this type as an infix type operator.
- Source
- showAsInfix.scala
- Supertypes
- Source
- static.scala
- Supertypes
If this annotation is present on a method or its enclosing class, the strictfp flag will be emitted.
If this annotation is present on a method or its enclosing class, the strictfp flag will be emitted.
- Source
- strictfp.scala
- Supertypes
An annotation to be applied to a match expression.
An annotation to be applied to a match expression. If present, the compiler will verify that the match has been compiled to a tableswitch or lookupswitch and issue a warning if it instead compiles into a series of conditional expressions. Example usage:
val Constant = 'Q'
def tokenMe(ch: Char) = (ch: @switch) match {
case ' ' | '\t' | '\n' => 1
case 'A' | 'Z' | '$' => 2
case '5' | Constant => 3 // a non-literal may prevent switch generation: this would not compile
case _ => 4
Note: for pattern matches with one or two cases, the compiler generates jump instructions. Annotating such a match with @switch
does not issue any warning.
- Source
- switch.scala
- Supertypes
A method annotation which verifies that the method will be compiled with tail call optimization.
A method annotation which verifies that the method will be compiled with tail call optimization.
If it is present, the compiler will issue an error if the method cannot be optimized into a loop.
- Source
- tailrec.scala
- Supertypes
An annotation that defines an external name for a definition. If an targetName(extname)
annotation is given for a method or some other definition, its implementation will use the name extname
instead of the regular name.
An annotation that defines an external name for a definition. If an targetName(extname)
annotation is given for a method or some other definition, its implementation will use the name extname
instead of the regular name.
- Source
- targetName.scala
- Supertypes
This annotation can only be used on a field which defines a lazy val. When this annotation is used, the initialization of the lazy val will use a faster mechanism which is not thread-safe.
This annotation can only be used on a field which defines a lazy val. When this annotation is used, the initialization of the lazy val will use a faster mechanism which is not thread-safe.
- Source
- threadUnsafe.scala
- Supertypes
An annotation that can be used from Scala 2 to mark a trait as transparent. Scala 3 code would use the modifier transparent
instead. Transparent traits are not inferred when combined with other types in an intersection. See reference/other-new-features/transparent-traits.html for details.
An annotation that can be used from Scala 2 to mark a trait as transparent. Scala 3 code would use the modifier transparent
instead. Transparent traits are not inferred when combined with other types in an intersection. See reference/other-new-features/transparent-traits.html for details.
- Source
- transparentTrait.scala
- Supertypes
A method annotation which suppresses the creation of additional specialized forms based on enclosing specialized type parameters.
A method annotation which suppresses the creation of additional specialized forms based on enclosing specialized type parameters.
- Source
- unspecialized.scala
- Supertypes
Mark an element unused for a given context.
Mark an element unused for a given context.
Unused warnings are suppressed for elements known to be unused.
For example, a method parameter may be marked @unused
because the method is designed to be overridden by an implementation that does use the parameter.
- Source
- unused.scala
- Supertypes
A method annotation which instructs the compiler to generate a Java varargs-style forwarder method for interop.
A method annotation which instructs the compiler to generate a Java varargs-style forwarder method for interop. This annotation can only be applied to methods with repeated parameters.
- Source
- varargs.scala
- Supertypes
Deprecated classlikes
A base class for classfile annotations.
A base class for classfile annotations. These are stored as Java annotations in classfiles.
- Deprecated
- true
- Source
- ClassfileAnnotation.scala
- Supertypes
trait ConstantAnnotationtrait StaticAnnotationclass Annotationclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
An annotation that defines an external name for a definition. If an alpha(extname)
annotation is given for a method or some other definition, its implementation will use the name extname
instead of the regular name. An alpha
annotation is mandatory for definitions with symbolic names.
An annotation that defines an external name for a definition. If an alpha(extname)
annotation is given for a method or some other definition, its implementation will use the name extname
instead of the regular name. An alpha
annotation is mandatory for definitions with symbolic names.
- Deprecated
- true
- Source
- alpha.scala
- Supertypes
Experimental classlikes
Base trait for macro annotation implementation. Macro annotations can transform definitions and add new definitions.
Base trait for macro annotation implementation. Macro annotations can transform definitions and add new definitions.
See: MacroAnnotation.transform
- Experimental
- true
- Source
- MacroAnnotation.scala
- Supertypes
MainAnnotation provides the functionality for a compiler-generated main class. It links a compiler-generated main method (call it compiler-main) to a user written main method (user-main). The protocol of calls from compiler-main is as follows:
MainAnnotation provides the functionality for a compiler-generated main class. It links a compiler-generated main method (call it compiler-main) to a user written main method (user-main). The protocol of calls from compiler-main is as follows:
- create a
with the command line arguments, - for each parameter of user-main, a call to
, orcommand.varargGetter
if is a final varargs parameter, - a call to
with the closure of user-main applied to all arguments.
/** Sum all the numbers
* @param first Fist number to sum
* @param rest The rest of the numbers to sum
@myMain def sum(first: Int, second: Int = 0, rest: Int*): Int = first + second + rest.sum
object foo {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val mainAnnot = new myMain()
val info = new Info(
name = "foo.main",
documentation = "Sum all the numbers",
parameters = Seq(
new Parameter("first", "scala.Int", hasDefault=false, isVarargs=false, "Fist number to sum"),
new Parameter("rest", "scala.Int" , hasDefault=false, isVarargs=true, "The rest of the numbers to sum")
val mainArgsOpt = mainAnnot.command(info, args)
if mainArgsOpt.isDefined then
val mainArgs = mainArgsOpt.get
val args0 = mainAnnot.argGetter[Int](info.parameters(0), mainArgs(0), None) // using parser Int
val args1 = mainAnnot.argGetter[Int](info.parameters(1), mainArgs(1), Some(() => sum$default$1())) // using parser Int
val args2 = mainAnnot.varargGetter[Int](info.parameters(2), mainArgs.drop(2)) // using parser Int => sum(args0(), args1(), args2()*))
Value parameters
- Parser
The class used for argument string parsing and arguments into a
- Result
The required result type of the main method. If this type is Any or Unit, any type will be accepted.
- Companion
- object
- Experimental
- true
- Source
- MainAnnotation.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
class newMain
- Companion
- trait
- Experimental
- true
- Source
- MainAnnotation.scala
- Supertypes
- Self type
An annotation on a parameter type that allows implicit conversions for its arguments. Intended for use by Scala 2, to annotate Scala 2 libraries. Scala 3 uses the into
modifier on the parameter type instead.
An annotation on a parameter type that allows implicit conversions for its arguments. Intended for use by Scala 2, to annotate Scala 2 libraries. Scala 3 uses the into
modifier on the parameter type instead.
- Experimental
- true
- Source
- allowConversions.scala
- Supertypes
Marks an annotated class as a capability. If the annotation is present and -Ycc is set, any (possibly aliased or refined) instance of the class type is implicitly augmented with the universal capture set. Example
Marks an annotated class as a capability. If the annotation is present and -Ycc is set, any (possibly aliased or refined) instance of the class type is implicitly augmented with the universal capture set. Example
- Experimental
- true
- Source
- capability.scala
- Supertypes
Annotations to control the behavior of the compiler check for safe initialization of static obects.
Annotations to control the behavior of the compiler check for safe initialization of static obects.
Programmers usually do not need to use any annotations. They are intended for complex initialization code in static objects.
- Experimental
- true
- Source
- init.scala
- Supertypes
- Self type
The annotation that designates a main function. Main functions are entry points for Scala programs. They can be called through a command line interface by using the scala
command, followed by their name and, optionally, their parameters.
The annotation that designates a main function. Main functions are entry points for Scala programs. They can be called through a command line interface by using the scala
command, followed by their name and, optionally, their parameters.
The parameters of a main function may have any type T
, as long as there exists a given util.CommandLineParser.FromString[T]
in the scope. It will be used for parsing the string given as input into the correct argument type. These types already have parsers defined:
- String,
- Boolean,
- Byte, Short, Int, Long, Float, Double.
The parameters of a main function may be passed either by position, or by name. Passing an argument positionally means that you give the arguments in the same order as the function's signature. Passing an argument by name means that you give the argument right after giving its name. Considering the function @newMain def foo(i: Int, str: String)
, we may have arguments passed:
- by position:
scala foo 1 abc
, - by name:
scala foo -i 1 --str abc
orscala foo --str abc -i 1
A mixture of both is also possible: scala foo --str abc 1
is equivalent to all previous examples.
Note that main function overloading is not currently supported, i.e. you cannot define two main methods that have the same name in the same project.
Special arguments are used to display help regarding a main function: --help
and -h
. If used as argument, the program will display some useful information about the main function. This help directly uses the ScalaDoc comment associated with the function, more precisely its description and the description of the parameters documented with @param
. Note that if a parameter is named help
or h
, or if one of the parameters has as alias one of those names, the help displaying will be disabled for that argument. For example, for @newMain def foo(help: Boolean)
, scala foo -h
will display the help, but scala foo --help
will fail, as it will expect a Boolean value after --help
Parameters may be given annotations to add functionalities to the main function:
adds other names to a parameter. For example, if a parameternode
has as aliasesotherNode
, it may be addressed using--node
Here is an example of a main function with annotated parameters: @newMain def foo(@newMain.alias("x") number: Int, @newMain.alias("explanation") s: String)
. The following commands are equivalent:
scala foo --number 1 -s abc
scala foo -x 1 -s abc
scala foo --number 1 --explanation abc
scala foo -x 1 --explanation abc
Boolean parameters are considered flags that do not require the "true" or "false" value to be passed. For example, @newMain def foo(i: Boolean)
can be called as foo
(where i=false
) or foo -i
(where i=true
The special --
marker can be used to indicate that all following arguments are passed verbatim as positional parameters. For example, @newMain def foo(args: String*)
can be called as scala foo a b -- -c -d
which implies that args=Seq("a", "b", "-c", "-d")
- Companion
- object
- Experimental
- true
- Source
- newMain.scala
- Supertypes
A binary API is a definition that is annotated with @publicInBinary
. This annotation can be placed on def
, val
, lazy val
, var
, class constructors, object
, and given
definitions. A binary API will be publicly available in the bytecode. Tools like TASTy MiMa will take this into account to check compatibility.
A binary API is a definition that is annotated with @publicInBinary
. This annotation can be placed on def
, val
, lazy val
, var
, class constructors, object
, and given
definitions. A binary API will be publicly available in the bytecode. Tools like TASTy MiMa will take this into account to check compatibility.
This annotation cannot be used on private
can be used to guarantee access to private[T]
- within inline definitions,
- against previous binary where this definitions was public or less private,
- or through JVM reflection.
Removing this annotation from a non-public definition is a binary incompatible change. Adding this annotation to a non-public definition can also cause binary incompatibilities if the definition is accessed in an inline definition (these can be checked using -WunstableInlineAccessors
- Experimental
- true
- Source
- publicInBinary.scala
- Supertypes
An annotation that indicates capture of a set of references under -Ycc.
An annotation that indicates capture of a set of references under -Ycc.
T @retains(x, y, z)
is the internal representation used for the capturing type
{x, y, z} T
The annotation can also be written explicitly if one wants to avoid the non-standard capturing type syntax.
- Experimental
- true
- Source
- retains.scala
- Supertypes
An annotation that indicates capture of an enclosing by-name type
An annotation that indicates capture of an enclosing by-name type
- Experimental
- true
- Source
- retainsByName.scala
- Supertypes