
final class BigInt extends ScalaNumber with ScalaNumericConversions with Serializable with Ordered[BigInt]


1.0, 15/07/2003

Linear Supertypes
Ordered[BigInt], Comparable[BigInt], Serializable, ScalaNumericConversions, ScalaNumericAnyConversions, ScalaNumber, Number,, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. BigInt
  2. Ordered
  3. Comparable
  4. Serializable
  5. ScalaNumericConversions
  6. ScalaNumericAnyConversions
  7. ScalaNumber
  8. Number
  9. Serializable
  10. AnyRef
  11. Any
  1. by orderingToOrdered
  2. by any2stringadd
  3. by StringFormat
  4. by Ensuring
  5. by ArrowAssoc
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new BigInt(bigInteger: BigInteger)

Value Members

  1. def %(that: BigInt): BigInt

    Remainder of BigInts

  2. def &(that: BigInt): BigInt

    Bitwise and of BigInts

  3. def &~(that: BigInt): BigInt

    Bitwise and-not of BigInts.

    Bitwise and-not of BigInts. Returns a BigInt whose value is (this & ~that).

  4. def *(that: BigInt): BigInt

    Multiplication of BigInts

  5. def +(that: BigInt): BigInt

    Addition of BigInts

  6. def -(that: BigInt): BigInt

    Subtraction of BigInts

  7. def /(that: BigInt): BigInt

    Division of BigInts

  8. def /%(that: BigInt): (BigInt, BigInt)

    Returns a pair of two BigInts containing (this / that) and (this % that).

  9. def <(that: BigInt): Boolean

    Returns true if this is less than that

    Returns true if this is less than that

    Definition Classes
  10. def <<(n: Int): BigInt

    Leftshift of BigInt

  11. def <=(that: BigInt): Boolean

    Returns true if this is less than or equal to that.

    Returns true if this is less than or equal to that.

    Definition Classes
  12. def >(that: BigInt): Boolean

    Returns true if this is greater than that.

    Returns true if this is greater than that.

    Definition Classes
  13. def >=(that: BigInt): Boolean

    Returns true if this is greater than or equal to that.

    Returns true if this is greater than or equal to that.

    Definition Classes
  14. def >>(n: Int): BigInt

    (Signed) rightshift of BigInt

  15. def ^(that: BigInt): BigInt

    Bitwise exclusive-or of BigInts

  16. def abs: BigInt

    Returns the absolute value of this BigInt

  17. val bigInteger: BigInteger
  18. def bitCount: Int

    Returns the number of bits in the two's complement representation of this BigInt that differ from its sign bit.

  19. def bitLength: Int

    Returns the number of bits in the minimal two's-complement representation of this BigInt, excluding a sign bit.

  20. def byteValue(): Byte

    Converts this BigInt to a byte.

    Converts this BigInt to a byte. If the BigInt is too big to fit in a byte, only the low-order 8 bits are returned. Note that this conversion can lose information about the overall magnitude of the BigInt value as well as return a result with the opposite sign.

    Definition Classes
    BigIntScalaNumericAnyConversions → Number
  21. def charValue: Char

    Converts this BigInt to a char.

    Converts this BigInt to a char. If the BigInt is too big to fit in a char, only the low-order 16 bits are returned. Note that this conversion can lose information about the overall magnitude of the BigInt value and that it always returns a positive result.

  22. def clearBit(n: Int): BigInt

    Returns a BigInt whose value is equivalent to this BigInt with the designated bit cleared.

  23. def compare(that: BigInt): Int

    Compares this BigInt with the specified BigInt

    Compares this BigInt with the specified BigInt

    Definition Classes
  24. def compareTo(that: BigInt): Int

    Result of comparing this with operand that.

    Result of comparing this with operand that.

    Definition Classes
    Ordered → Comparable
  25. def doubleValue(): Double

    Converts this BigInt to a double.

    Converts this BigInt to a double. if this BigInt has too great a magnitude to represent as a double, it will be converted to Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY or Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY as appropriate.

    Definition Classes
    BigIntScalaNumericAnyConversions → Number
  26. def equals(that: BigInt): Boolean

    Compares this BigInt with the specified BigInt for equality.

  27. def equals(that: Any): Boolean

    Compares this BigInt with the specified value for equality.

    Compares this BigInt with the specified value for equality.


    the object to compare against this object for equality.


    true if the receiver object is equivalent to the argument; false otherwise.

    Definition Classes
    BigInt → AnyRef → Any
  28. def flipBit(n: Int): BigInt

    Returns a BigInt whose value is equivalent to this BigInt with the designated bit flipped.

  29. def floatValue(): Float

    Converts this BigInt to a float.

    Converts this BigInt to a float. If this BigInt has too great a magnitude to represent as a float, it will be converted to Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY or Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY as appropriate.

    Definition Classes
    BigIntScalaNumericAnyConversions → Number
  30. def gcd(that: BigInt): BigInt

    Returns the greatest common divisor of abs(this) and abs(that)

  31. def hashCode(): Int

    Returns the hash code for this BigInt.

    Returns the hash code for this BigInt.


    the hash code value for this object.

    Definition Classes
    BigInt → AnyRef → Any
  32. def intValue(): Int

    Converts this BigInt to an int.

    Converts this BigInt to an int. If the BigInt is too big to fit in an int, only the low-order 32 bits are returned. Note that this conversion can lose information about the overall magnitude of the BigInt value as well as return a result with the opposite sign.

    Definition Classes
    BigIntScalaNumericAnyConversions → Number
  33. def isProbablePrime(certainty: Int): Boolean

    Returns true if this BigInt is probably prime, false if it's definitely composite.

    Returns true if this BigInt is probably prime, false if it's definitely composite.


    a measure of the uncertainty that the caller is willing to tolerate: if the call returns true the probability that this BigInt is prime exceeds (1 - 1/2 ^ certainty). The execution time of this method is proportional to the value of this parameter.

  34. def isValidByte: Boolean

    Returns true iff this has a zero fractional part, and is within the range of scala.Byte MinValue and MaxValue; otherwise returns false.

    Returns true iff this has a zero fractional part, and is within the range of scala.Byte MinValue and MaxValue; otherwise returns false.

    Definition Classes
  35. def isValidChar: Boolean

    Returns true iff this has a zero fractional part, and is within the range of scala.Char MinValue and MaxValue; otherwise returns false.

    Returns true iff this has a zero fractional part, and is within the range of scala.Char MinValue and MaxValue; otherwise returns false.

    Definition Classes
  36. def isValidDouble: Boolean

    Returns true iff this can be represented exactly by scala.Double; otherwise returns false.

  37. def isValidFloat: Boolean

    Returns true iff this can be represented exactly by scala.Float; otherwise returns false.

  38. def isValidInt: Boolean

    Returns true iff this has a zero fractional part, and is within the range of scala.Int MinValue and MaxValue; otherwise returns false.

    Returns true iff this has a zero fractional part, and is within the range of scala.Int MinValue and MaxValue; otherwise returns false.

    Definition Classes
  39. def isValidLong: Boolean
  40. def isValidShort: Boolean

    Returns true iff this has a zero fractional part, and is within the range of scala.Short MinValue and MaxValue; otherwise returns false.

    Returns true iff this has a zero fractional part, and is within the range of scala.Short MinValue and MaxValue; otherwise returns false.

    Definition Classes
  41. def isWhole(): Boolean


    true if this number has no decimal component, false otherwise.

    Definition Classes
    BigIntScalaNumericAnyConversions → ScalaNumber
  42. def longValue(): Long

    Converts this BigInt to a long.

    Converts this BigInt to a long. If the BigInt is too big to fit in a long, only the low-order 64 bits are returned. Note that this conversion can lose information about the overall magnitude of the BigInt value as well as return a result with the opposite sign.

    Definition Classes
    BigIntScalaNumericAnyConversions → Number
  43. def lowestSetBit: Int

    Returns the index of the rightmost (lowest-order) one bit in this BigInt (the number of zero bits to the right of the rightmost one bit).

  44. def max(that: BigInt): BigInt

    Returns the maximum of this and that

  45. def min(that: BigInt): BigInt

    Returns the minimum of this and that

  46. def mod(that: BigInt): BigInt

    Returns a BigInt whose value is (this mod that).

    Returns a BigInt whose value is (this mod that). This method differs from % in that it always returns a non-negative BigInt.

  47. def modInverse(m: BigInt): BigInt

    Returns a BigInt whose value is (the inverse of this modulo m).

  48. def modPow(exp: BigInt, m: BigInt): BigInt

    Returns a BigInt whose value is (this raised to the power of exp modulo m).

  49. def pow(exp: Int): BigInt

    Returns a BigInt whose value is (this raised to the power of exp).

  50. def setBit(n: Int): BigInt

    Returns a BigInt whose value is equivalent to this BigInt with the designated bit set.

  51. def shortValue(): Short

    Converts this BigInt to a short.

    Converts this BigInt to a short. If the BigInt is too big to fit in a short, only the low-order 16 bits are returned. Note that this conversion can lose information about the overall magnitude of the BigInt value as well as return a result with the opposite sign.

    Definition Classes
    BigIntScalaNumericAnyConversions → Number
  52. def signum: Int

    Returns the sign of this BigInt; -1 if it is less than 0, +1 if it is greater than 0, 0 if it is equal to 0.

  53. def testBit(n: Int): Boolean

    Returns true if and only if the designated bit is set.

  54. def to(end: BigInt, step: BigInt = BigInt(1)): Inclusive[scala.BigInt]

    Like until, but inclusive of the end value.

  55. def toByte: Byte

    Returns the value of this as a scala.Byte.

    Returns the value of this as a scala.Byte. This may involve rounding or truncation.

    Definition Classes
  56. def toByteArray: Array[Byte]

    Returns a byte array containing the two's-complement representation of this BigInt.

    Returns a byte array containing the two's-complement representation of this BigInt. The byte array will be in big-endian byte-order: the most significant byte is in the zeroth element. The array will contain the minimum number of bytes required to represent this BigInt, including at least one sign bit.

  57. def toChar: Char

    Returns the value of this as a scala.Char.

    Returns the value of this as a scala.Char. This may involve rounding or truncation.

    Definition Classes
  58. def toDouble: Double

    Returns the value of this as a scala.Double.

    Returns the value of this as a scala.Double. This may involve rounding or truncation.

    Definition Classes
  59. def toFloat: Float

    Returns the value of this as a scala.Float.

    Returns the value of this as a scala.Float. This may involve rounding or truncation.

    Definition Classes
  60. def toInt: Int

    Returns the value of this as an scala.Int.

    Returns the value of this as an scala.Int. This may involve rounding or truncation.

    Definition Classes
  61. def toLong: Long

    Returns the value of this as a scala.Long.

    Returns the value of this as a scala.Long. This may involve rounding or truncation.

    Definition Classes
  62. def toShort: Short

    Returns the value of this as a scala.Short.

    Returns the value of this as a scala.Short. This may involve rounding or truncation.

    Definition Classes
  63. def toString(radix: Int): String

    Returns the String representation in the specified radix of this BigInt.

  64. def toString(): String

    Returns the decimal String representation of this BigInt.

    Returns the decimal String representation of this BigInt.


    a String representation of the object.

    Definition Classes
    BigInt → AnyRef → Any
  65. def unary_-: BigInt

    Returns a BigInt whose value is the negation of this BigInt

  66. def unary_~: BigInt

    Returns the bitwise complement of this BigInt

  67. def underlying(): BigInteger
    Definition Classes
    BigIntScalaNumericConversionsScalaNumericAnyConversions → ScalaNumber
  68. def until(end: BigInt, step: BigInt = BigInt(1)): Exclusive[scala.BigInt]

    Create a NumericRange[BigInt] in range [start;end) with the specified step, where start is the target BigInt.

    Create a NumericRange[BigInt] in range [start;end) with the specified step, where start is the target BigInt.


    the end value of the range (exclusive)


    the distance between elements (defaults to 1)


    the range

  69. def |(that: BigInt): BigInt

    Bitwise or of BigInts

Shadowed Implicit Value Members

  1. def <(that: BigInt): Boolean

    Returns true if this is less than that

    Returns true if this is less than that

    This member is added by an implicit conversion from BigInt to Ordered[BigInt] performed by method orderingToOrdered in scala.math.Ordered.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (bigInt: Ordered[BigInt]).<(that)
    Definition Classes
  2. def <=(that: BigInt): Boolean

    Returns true if this is less than or equal to that.

    Returns true if this is less than or equal to that.

    This member is added by an implicit conversion from BigInt to Ordered[BigInt] performed by method orderingToOrdered in scala.math.Ordered.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (bigInt: Ordered[BigInt]).<=(that)
    Definition Classes
  3. def >(that: BigInt): Boolean

    Returns true if this is greater than that.

    Returns true if this is greater than that.

    This member is added by an implicit conversion from BigInt to Ordered[BigInt] performed by method orderingToOrdered in scala.math.Ordered.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (bigInt: Ordered[BigInt]).>(that)
    Definition Classes
  4. def >=(that: BigInt): Boolean

    Returns true if this is greater than or equal to that.

    Returns true if this is greater than or equal to that.

    This member is added by an implicit conversion from BigInt to Ordered[BigInt] performed by method orderingToOrdered in scala.math.Ordered.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (bigInt: Ordered[BigInt]).>=(that)
    Definition Classes
  5. def compare(that: BigInt): Int

    Result of comparing this with operand that.

    Result of comparing this with operand that.

    Implement this method to determine how instances of A will be sorted.

    Returns x where:

    • x < 0 when this < that
    • x == 0 when this == that
    • x > 0 when this > that
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from BigInt to Ordered[BigInt] performed by method orderingToOrdered in scala.math.Ordered.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (bigInt: Ordered[BigInt]).compare(that)
    Definition Classes
  6. def compareTo(that: BigInt): Int

    Result of comparing this with operand that.

    Result of comparing this with operand that.

    This member is added by an implicit conversion from BigInt to Ordered[BigInt] performed by method orderingToOrdered in scala.math.Ordered.
    This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
    To access this member you can use a type ascription:
    (bigInt: Ordered[BigInt]).compareTo(that)
    Definition Classes
    Ordered → Comparable