


package settings

Content Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. trait AbsSettings extends reflect.internal.settings.AbsSettings

    A Settings abstraction boiled out of the original highly mutable Settings class with the intention of creating an ImmutableSettings which can be used interchangeably.

    A Settings abstraction boiled out of the original highly mutable Settings class with the intention of creating an ImmutableSettings which can be used interchangeably. Except of course without the mutants.

  2. case class Development(id: String) extends ScalaBuild with Product with Serializable

    A development, test, integration, snapshot or other "unofficial" build.

  3. sealed abstract class MaximalScalaVersion extends ScalaVersion

    A scala version that sorts higher than all actual versions.

  4. case class Milestone(n: Int) extends ScalaBuild with Product with Serializable

    An intermediate release.

  5. sealed abstract class MinimalScalaVersion extends ScalaVersion

    A scala version that sorts lower than all actual versions.

  6. class MutableSettings extends reflect.internal.settings.MutableSettings with AbsSettings with ScalaSettings

    A mutable Settings object.

  7. trait PathFactory extends AnyRef

    Converts paths provided in compiler options (e.g elements of -classpath or the target directory of -d) to an AbstractFile.

  8. case class RC(n: Int) extends ScalaBuild with Product with Serializable

    A candidate for final release.

  9. sealed abstract class ScalaBuild extends Ordered[ScalaBuild]

    Represents the data after the dash in major.minor.rev-build.

    Represents the data after the dash in major.minor.rev-build.

    In order, Development, Final, RC, Milestone. The order is "newest to oldest".

  10. trait ScalaSettings extends StandardScalaSettings with Warnings
  11. sealed abstract class ScalaVersion extends Ordered[ScalaVersion]

    Represents a single Scala version in a manner that supports easy comparison and sorting.

    Represents a single Scala version in a manner that supports easy comparison and sorting.

    A version can be Specific, Maximal, or Minimal.

  12. case class SpecificScalaVersion(major: Int, minor: Int, rev: Int, build: ScalaBuild) extends ScalaVersion with Product with Serializable

    A specific Scala version, not one of the magic min/max versions.

    A specific Scala version, not one of the magic min/max versions.

    A SpecificScalaVersion may or may not be a released version. The build parameter specifies final, release candidate, milestone, and development builds.

  13. trait StandardScalaSettings extends AnyRef

    Settings which aren't behind a -V, -W, -X, -Y, or -P option.

    Settings which aren't behind a -V, -W, -X, -Y, or -P option. When possible, the val and the option have identical names.

  14. trait Warnings extends AnyRef

    Settings influencing the printing of warnings.

Value Members

  1. case object AnyScalaVersion extends MinimalScalaVersion with Product with Serializable

    A Scala version that sorts lower than all actual versions.

  2. object DefaultPathFactory extends PathFactory
  3. case object Final extends ScalaBuild with Product with Serializable

    A final final.

  4. case object NoScalaVersion extends MaximalScalaVersion with Product with Serializable

    If "no version" is specified, assume a maximal version, "the latest".

  5. object ScalaVersion

    Factory methods for producing ScalaVersions.

  6. object StandardScalaSettings
