A base class for annotations.
Annotations extending this class directly are not preserved in the classfile. To enable storing annotations in the classfile's Scala signature and make it available to Scala reflection and other tools, the annotation needs to inherit from scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation.
Annotation classes defined in Scala are not stored in classfiles in a Java-compatible manner and therefore not visible in Java reflection. In order to achieve this, the annotation has to be written in Java.
- Source
- Annotation.scala
- Graph
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
trait StaticAnnotationclass beanGetterclass beanSetterclass companionClassclass companionMethodclass companionObjectclass fieldclass getterclass languageFeatureclass paramclass setterclass uncheckedStableclass uncheckedVariancetrait ConstantAnnotationtrait ClassfileAnnotationclass elidableclass implicitAmbiguousclass implicitNotFoundclass nowarnclass SerialVersionUIDclass deprecatedclass deprecatedInheritanceclass deprecatedOverridingclass newMaintrait ParameterAnnotationclass aliastrait RefiningAnnotationclass alphaclass capabilityclass compileTimeOnlyclass constructorOnlyclass experimentalclass retainsclass retainsByNameclass showAsInfixclass staticclass strictfpclass switchclass tailrecclass targetNameclass threadUnsafeclass transparentTraitclass unspecializedclass unusedclass varargsclass BeanPropertyclass BooleanBeanPropertyclass deprecatedNameclass inlineclass nativeclass noinlineclass specializedclass throws[T]class transientclass volatiletrait TypeConstraintclass fromAboveclass patternTypeclass SplicedTypeclass mainclass unchecked
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