The Scala IDE team have announce the release of V2.0! This is what they said:-
"We released the Scala IDE V2.0 for Eclipse [1] today! After 9 months of intensive work by the community contributors, users and the IDE team we are really proud to release the new version. Not only is it robust and reliable but also comes with much improved performance and responsiveness. There are a whole lot of new features that make it a real pleasure to use, Report errors as you type, Project builder with dependency tracking, Definition Hyperlinking and Inferred type hovers, Code completion and better integration with Java build tools, and lots more. You can learn more about them all here [1]. We hope you will enjoy using the new version and continue to help us with ideas and improvement suggestions, or just contribute them.
While working on V2.0 the team has been listening hard to what the IDE users need. Simply stated: faster compilation, better debugging and better integration with established Java tools like Maven. The good news is the team is ready for and excited by the challenge. Doing V2.0 we learned a lot about the build process and now understand what is needed to make significant gains in large project compile times. This and providing a solid debugging capability will be the main thrust of the next IDE development cycle. More details will be laid out as we go through the project planning phase and establish milestones. Contributors will be most welcome and we have made it a lot easier to be one. So if you want us to get the next version faster, come and help!
A lot of effort has gone into this version of the IDE and we would like to recognize the people who have contributed so much time and energy to the success of the project."
Read the rest of the announcement, details on the features and the development history on the Scala-IDE site [1] or on the Typesafe Blog [2].