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Introducing Scala

Introducing Scala

Scala is a concise, elegant, type-safe programming language that integrates object-oriented and functional features.

Scala is fully interoperable with Java.

Introducing Scala

Scala is a general purpose programming language designed to express common programming patterns in a concise, elegant, and type-safe way. It smoothly integrates features of object-oriented and functional languages, enabling Java and other programmers to be more productive. Code sizes are typically reduced by a factor of two to three when compared to an equivalent Java application.   Read more

Scala 2.10.0 RC1

We are happy to announce the first Release Candidate in the Scala 2.10.x series: 2.10.0 RC1. This RC1 release candidate is made available for testing purposes and is not intended for production environments: a final 2.10.0 release will follow at the end of the RC cycle. Please help us with the testing of this candidate, and let us know of any issues that you may encounter.

Scala 2.10.0 Milestone 7

A new milestone release for Scala is available. This release is cut directly from current development and is not intended for production environments, but is a great chance to try out the up and coming features for Scala 2.10.0. The milestone 2.10.0-M7 includes many fixes and improvements, listed below.

Scala 2.10.0 Milestone 6

A new milestone release for Scala is available. This release is cut directly from current development and is not intended for production environments, but is a great chance to try out the up and coming features for Scala 2.10.0. The milestone 2.10.0-M6 includes many fixes and improvements, listed below.

Scala 2.10.0 Milestone 5

A new milestone release for Scala is available. This release is cut directly from current development and is not intended for production environments, but is a great chance to try out the up and coming features for Scala 2.10.0. The milestone 2.10.0-M5 includes many fixes and improvements, listed below.

New releases of the Scala IDE for Eclipse

There is plenty of activity going on in the development of the Scala IDE for Eclipse. At this time, a new release candidate is available for the next point release in the 2.0 series: the Scala IDE for Eclipse 2.0.2 RC1 is ready for download, including many bug fixes. At the same time, the Scala IDE developers have made available a new milestone in the upcoming 2.1 release: a new Scala IDE for Eclipse 2.1 Special Edition is available, now including support for the recently release Scala 2.10.0 Milestone 4. In addition, a new nightly build is available, targeting the upcoming Eclipse 4.2 (Juno). Kudos to the Scala IDE for Eclipse developers for their hard work! You can find below their release notes.

Scala 2.10.0 Milestone 4

A new milestone release for Scala is available. This release is cut directly from current development and is not intended for production environments, but is a great chance to try out the up and coming features for Scala 2.10.0. The milestone 2.10.0-M4 includes many fixes and improvements, listed below.

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