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Scala Distribution

Current Stable Release

The current version of Scala is 2.9.2, please see our changelog to find out what's new in 2.9.2. It was released on April 14, 2012. The Scala distribution is released under a BSD-like license.

Unix, Mac OS X, Cygwin scala-2.9.2.tgz (md5) 23.9 MB
Windows (msi installer) scala-2.9.2.msi (md5) 43.3 MB
Windows (zip archive) (md5) 23.9 MB
Debian package scala-2.9.2.deb (md5) 21.0 MB
RPM package scala-2.9.2.rpm (md5) 21.0 MB
Scala API scala-docs-2.9.2.txz (md5) 1.8 MB (md5) 21.3 MB
Sources (Git repository snapshot) scala-sources-2.9.2.tgz (md5) 37.6 MB

The txz archives can be expanded by using tar xfJ (GNU tar 1.22 or later).

Note: the interpreter option '-i' may behave incorrectly in this version. In case you require it, please just add the option '-Yrepl-sync' to your command line as well.

The Scala distribution is also available in a simple, pre-integrated stack together with Akka from Typesafe.
Just download the Typesafe Installer from the Stack Download page.

If you use one of the IDEs supporting Scala, you don't need to download the distribution from this page, but rather use the update mechanism of your IDE. If you are looking for packages for common distributions (Debian, Fedora, MacPorts, openSUSE) please look here.
The Scala API is available online. A local copy can be obtained by downloading the API archive above.

Software Requirements

The Scala software distribution can be installed on any Unix-like or Windows system. It requires the Java runtime version 1.5 or later, which can be downloaded for instance from Sun Microsystems or IBM.

Maintenance Releases

Scala was released on September 27, 2011. This version is provided as a binary-compatible update to our previous Scala 2.8.x series; we recommend our most recent stable version (currently Scala 2.9.1) for all new developments.

IzPack Installer (all platforms) (md5) 39.2 MB
Unix, Mac OS X, Cygwin (md5) 20.0 MB
Windows (md5) 20.0 MB
Scala API and code examples (md5) 13.5 MB
Sources (SVN repository snapshot) (md5) 40.6 MB

You can also browse the Scala 2.8.2 API online.

Release Candidates

The latest release candidate in the 2.9.x series is now available: Scala 2.10.0-RC1. It was released on October 19, 2012. This preliminary release is intended for testing purposes, as an anticipation of the upcoming stable release. It will be superseded by the final 2.10.0 release of Scala when it becomes available.


Unix, Mac OS X, Cygwin scala-2.10.0-RC1.tgz (md5) 30.2 MB
Windows (MSI Installer) scala-2.10.0-RC1.msi (md5) 61.0 MB
Windows (zip archive) (md5) 30.3 MB
Sources (Git repository snapshot) scala-sources-2.10.0-RC1.tgz (md5) 44.1 MB
Scala API (md5) 33.0 MB
  scala-docs-2.10.0-RC1.txz (md5) 3.7 MB
Scala tool support (md5) 47.3 KB
  scala-tool-support-2.10.0-RC1.tgz (md5) 25.9 KB

You can also browse the Scala 2.10.0 RC API online.


Previous Releases

For historical and testing purposes, we also keep an archive of previous releases (currently since version 2.5). Prior versions of Scala, from 0.9.x to 2.4.x, have been archived offline.

Nightly Builds

If you would like to try the very latest version, no matter how unstable, and to remain constantly up-to-date with the very latest bug fixes and improvement, you can try to download one of our nightly builds. There is no guarantee whatsoever that any given nightly build will work as expected, or at all: the build is created even if the code does not pass the validation tests. Use at your own peril! For more information on a specific build, you can check the nightly build logs from our Jenkins server.

Git Access

Finally, if you are interested in the development of Scala and would like to know what is happening at any given time, you can explore at any moment our Git Repository, hosted on GitHub, and build your own Scala system. You will find further information on participating to the development of the Scala language on our Scala Developers pages.

Copyright © 2012 École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland