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Other Guides

This page lists additional guides about using third-party tools together with Scala, and their integration.

  • Maven for Beginners
    This article covers all the basics of using Maven with Scala, from the creation of a first simple project to the details of the Maven Scala plugin. An invaluable resource if you are a regular Maven user and you wish to add Scala to your projects, but also if you are a Maven novice and you would like to know more about it.
  • Scala IDE for Eclipse with JUnit
    Information on using JUnit together with the Scala IDE for Eclipse.
  • Scala, Emacs and Yasnippet
    Autocompletion support is available with Emacs, thanks to the Yasnippet package: this guide will show you how to take advantage of these feature.

Copyright © 2012 École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland