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Created by admin on 2008-07-30.
Updated: 2011-07-05, 13:05
Below are the user-contributed translations of the Scala manuals that we have received so far. They are made available to the community as-is: we can make no guarantees about the information contained, since we cannot verify the content or correctness of these documents.
The Scala Tutorial
Manual de Scala (es_ES)
The translation of the Scala Tutorial in the Spanish language. Contributed by Juanjo Bazán (June 2007)
Um tutorial de Scala (pt_BR)
The translation of the Scala Tutorial in Brazilian Portuguese. Contributed by Marcelo Castellani and Thiago Rocha (July 2008)
A Scala Tutorial (ja_JP)
The translation of the Scala Tutorial in Japanese. Contributed by 宮本隆志 Takashi Miyamoto (November 2008), with revisions by 水尾学文 Mizuo.
Un Tutorial su Scala (it_IT)
The translation of the Scala Tutorial in Italian. Contributed by Mirco Veltri (August 2009)
A Scala Tutorial (zh_CN)
The translation of the Scala Tutorial in Simplified Chinese. Contributed by 靳雄飞 XiongFei Jin (October 2009)
A Scala Tutorial (pl_PL)
The translation of the Scala Tutorial in Polish. Contributed by Grzegorz Balcerek (November 2009)
En Scala Tutorial (no_NO)
The translation of the Scala Tutorial in Norwegian. Contributed by Ivar Grimstad (July 2010)
Руководство по Scala (ru_RU)
The translation of the Scala Tutorial in Russian. Contributed by Ржевский Дмитрии / Dmitry Rzhevskiy (December 2010)
En Scala Tutorial (sv_SE)
The translation of the Scala Tutorial in Swedish. Contributed by Nils Fredrik Karlsson (November 2010)
Scala Tutorial (de_DE)
The translation of the Scala Tutorial in German. Contributed by Ulrich Jordan (March 2011)
Scala Tutorial (ko_KR)
The translation of the Scala Tutorial in Korean. Contributed by 이희종 Heejong Lee (March 2011)
Un tutoriel de Scala (fr_FR)
The translation of the Scala Tutorial in French. Contributed by Pierre-André Mudry (March 2011)
Посiбник по Scala (uk_UA)
The translation of the Scala Tutorial in Ukranian. Contributed by Вiталiй Яковчук Vitaliy Yakovchuk (March 2011)
The Scala Language Specification
The translation of the Scala Language Specification (version 2.7.2) in Chinese. Provided by 高德 Gao De, with contributions by 赵炜 Wei Zhao (July 2010)
Scala 言語仕様
The translation of the Scala Language Specification (version 2.8) in Japanese. Contributed by 水尾学文 Mizuo (February 2011)
Scala By Example
Scala By Example
The translation of Scala By Example in Japanese. Contributed by 宮本隆志 Takashi Miyamoto (November 2010)
Scala par l’exemple
The translation of Scala By Example in French. Contributed by Eric Jacoboni (November 2010)
Scala By Example
The translation of Scala By Example in Brazilian Portuguese. Contributed by Vinicius Miana & Antonio Basile (January 2013)
Scala Website
- プログラミング言語Scala 日本語情報サイト
This website contains much of the content of the official Scala website translated in Japanese: a great resource for all Japanese Scala users. The project is coordinated by Kota Mizushima (since May 2011)
If you have other translations ready, please let us know!