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Progress and Advancements of the Scala Codebase

The Scala language evolves continuously; we are open to suggestions on improvements and new features. Here is a summary of the past progress of the Scala system, and an introduction to the Scala Improvement Proposal Process, the process designed to allow users to present their own proposals for the improvement of the Scala language.

  • Change Log
    The Change Log summarizes the evolution of the Scala language, since version 2.0. New language features, changes in the type system, and changes in syntax are all explained in clear terms.
  • Scala Download Statistics
    If you would like to know exactly how frequently the Scala distribution is being downloaded, this page will show you the download statistics for the past month, showing you how many times each file has been downloaded.


Copyright © 2012 École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland