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Scala 2.10.0 Milestone 4
Created by admin on 2012-06-13.
Updated: 2012-06-13, 12:49
A new milestone release for Scala is available. This release is cut directly from current development and is not intended for production environments, but is a great chance to try out the up and coming features for Scala 2.10.0. The milestone 2.10.0-M4 includes many fixes and improvements, listed below.
Improvements included in 2.10.0-M4:
- Exhaustivity & unreachability analyses for the new pattern matcher. Since the analyses were rewritten from scratch, they only emit warnings right now. Once unreachability proves accurate, we may turn the severity back up to ‘error’. (You may turn them off with -Xno-patmat-analysis.)
- By default classfiles are emitted in JDK5 format. That can be changed with -target:jvm-1.6 , to instruct the JVM to use the new type-checking bytecode verifier. Additionally, -target:jvm-1.5-asm emits classfiles in JDK5 format, only that faster. In both cases, this functionality is being rolled out for the first time and thus not activated by default (SI-5836).
- The new reflection (Pre-SIP, summary and migration route from M3)
- -Xmacros replaced with -Xlanguage:experimental.macros, or import language.experimental.macros in the source code. See the previous bullet point for other things that have changed for macros.
- Tool-support and examples have been updated, please have a look whether it works for you! Also, please help add your favorite tool support back into the release for 2.10!
- Scaladoc keyboard shortcuts
- parallel collections are now configurable with custom thread pools (http://docs.scala-lang.org/overviews/parallel-collections/overview.html)
- scala.collection.concurrent package contains the concurrent hash trie map implementation
- scala.util.hashing package contains the common hashing utilities
- scala.concurrent package contains futures and promises implementation for asynchronous computation
All commits (for inspiration):
Commit | Issue | Summary |
666bbe730a | SI-4831 | SI-4831 Fix ambiguous import detection for renamed imports. |
689a2f1d8e | An IntelliJ module for reflect. | |
97c338353d | better unreachability for selections | |
cbf1547556 | SI-5840 | test case, closes SI-5840 |
d2a58a3819 | SI-5881 | test case, closes SI-5881 |
51ef16f2e9 | SI-5816 | test case, closes SI-5816 |
fca291e6bb | SI-5738 | test case, closes SI-5738 |
066a800e39 | SI-5742 | test case, closes SI-5742 |
f105f1314c | A quickfix for 09bf95675b | |
dc44af3edd | A remedy for Illegal class modifiers in locker | |
aa11b656e1 | fixes a bug with bat files invocation from ant | |
09bf95675b | SI-5167 | SI-5167 An impl class method should refer to its own parameter symbols. |
4794374af4 | SI-5652 | SI-5652 Mangle names of potentially public lambda lifted methods. |
dab1d0361f | SI-5853 | Fix SI-5853. |
be3d06b332 | Avoids cyclic reference error in AddInterfaces. | |
1dd02bdd72 | Reduce time spent in lubs | |
abc1c0be79 | tests and fixes for the mirror API | |
2123201e3c | a quickfix for test/partest | |
9248f230a5 | don't warn about abstract types that are checkable | |
6b3ef4f167 | turn unchecked type patterns into checked ones | |
10292e4acb | de-duplicate isUncheckedAnnotation/isSwitchAnnotation | |
b31c6d4f77 | unapply may be called on arbitrary tree | |
ef9720f0eb | pull out doTypedUnapply from doTypedApply | |
eb8a7861a3 | the final touch: scala/reflect added to scaladoc! | |
94db9d983c | Reverting 22c8dec5 and preventing bootstapping in scaladoc | |
0c153ee15e | fixes some issues with reflectField brought up today | |
178069e13d | quickfix for a nasty assertion | |
5acac4d806 | TypeTag => AbsTypeTag, ConcreteTypeTag => TypeTag | |
bc5f42f519 | removes array tags | |
07f7baa21c | backward compatibility bridges | |
0b2f1bcf75 | Introduces scala-reflect.jar | |
13213e3df0 | SI-4909 | Fixes SI-4909 and SI-5763 |
7b0f0a142b | repairs the tests after the refactoring spree | |
d9103e01b4 | moves positions to scala.reflect.internal.util | |
3896a416fa | miscellaneous cleanup, mostly fighting with feature warnings | |
6355d1a0b8 | brings reification up to speed | |
ce67870e64 | brings macros up to speed | |
bdff66e273 | removes tags and their incantations from Predef | |
252a448647 | ClassTag.erasure => ClassTag.runtimeClass | |
6bb5975289 | The new reflection | |
8ce47873f2 | preparations: always explicitly provide type tags | |
3a198976ef | preparations: removes DynamicProxy | |
1708a7fffd | macros: refactoring of fast track infrastructure | |
fb67a1d3ae | macros: now use Java reflection | |
8ca8598bec | macros: -Xmacros is now retired | |
c7491eb1c7 | improves traces and error messages | |
c74533ad65 | REPL bells and whistles: -Dscala.repl.maxprintstring= | |
2aaccfe2e3 | REPL bells and whistles: -Dscala.repl.vids= | |
ab40558bb5 | REPL bells and whistles: -Dscala.repl.autoruncode= | |
c72307ffad | REPL no longer hangs after initialization crashes | |
74486cf519 | typers: simplifies original calculation in typedAnnotated | |
d81d39231d | typers: dubious line in adaptType | |
f0683d82d2 | typers: fixes error handling in checkStable | |
0291797fec | SI-5857 | Fixes SI-5857. |
fb249b044d | SI-4804 | GenASM-based fix for SI-4804. Fix of the same for GenJVM pending. |
f47870da6d | counterpart in GenASM to 241c7606d0bf5f3209b9d549fb75 | |
881641f834 | Add the first iteration of the `util.hashing` package. | |
241c7606d0 | Generate abstract methods in scala.Byte and friends. | |
a43e070e23 | Updated tools/*cp scripts. | |
5d3f8b9e22 | fixes typos in scaladoc of Orderes.cala | |
daca24d8e7 | SI-5880 | Fix SI-5880. |
ef45ee4c21 | SI-5867 | Fix SI-5867. |
90cd1f9ccd | SI-5879 | Fix SI-5879. |
e5f42a9b88 | Add configuration for ExecutionContext | |
06d685c1bb | Switching the the Akka-contributed Unsafe detection to support more platforms, like Android | |
ddaf6c5235 | Fix `Hashing`. | |
bb30e08d71 | Remove Equality in favour of Equiv. | |
d38ad5e987 | Add Hashing and Equality typeclasses. | |
82d2f0c80d | SI-5313 | SI-5313 Revert to two traversals in substThisAndSym. |
80d986997e | SI-5683 | SI-5683 Fail gracefully when transposing a ragged type arg matrix. |
08b7399ef4 | Revert "#565656 -- no lub for statement exprs' types" | |
037d3dcbc5 | Don't compute least upper bounds for expressions in statement positions inside blocks. | |
3cb72faace | incorporate @retronym's review comments | |
8cab2fa15f | allow disabling patmat analyses: -Xno-patmat-analysis | |
9ebd4f94b5 | fixing bug found by unreachability | |
379384c887 | Unreachability analysis for pattern matches | |
01ac32a9a2 | support for repeated approximation of treemakers | |
bf533ea85e | patmatdebug | |
bc991663fd | construct typed trees in TypeTestTM | |
66220c9109 | all treemakers need positions for unreachable error | |
ed6daea665 | SI-5792 | More robust findScalaHome in bash scripts. See SI-5792 |
6b18a22280 | Made parser less hostile to inspection. | |
fc24db4ca2 | SI-5399 | Closes SI-5399. Review by adriaanm |
cb19813bcb | allows printing .icode files after any optimiz phase | |
288b974967 | skipping unnecessary work in GenASM when emitting 1.5 classfiles | |
e156d4a7cf | Partial redesign of incremental compiler invalidation. | |
32fde82fb5 | SI-5843 | fix SI-5843 |
f785785bd2 | SI-4579 | SI-4579 Yoke the power of lisp.scala as a stress for the optimizer. |
ace051ff0a | Implemented functionality to invalidate classpath entries, to enable incremental compiles. | |
8d4ce1da77 | SI-5845 | SI-5845 Advances the example from a crasher to an inference failure. |
7d0fdb37f4 | handle approximating alternative of empty pattern | |
fddd576b11 | don't check exhaustivity involving user-defined unapplySeq | |
c82bc67737 | Fix a NSDNHAO in extension methods. | |
bcc82808ec | Handled some of our new exhaustiveness warnings. | |
e4b8c063ed | Orphan checkfile remover. | |
cf6cd56e14 | Help our new exhaustiveness checker. | |
67a7149766 | SI-5829 | fix SI-5829: refinement typeref has a prefix |
64c57631ab | SI-4818 | Test case closes SI-4818 |
e727001ef3 | SI-5041 | Test case closes SI-5041. |
e1e7a3a0b1 | SI-4911 | Test case closes SI-4911. |
510f637780 | SI-5318 | SI-5318 Make implicit divergence checking PolyType aware. |
540315c781 | Cleaning up some code introduced for the old presentation compiler long time ago. Review by @dragos | |
ea78793c61 | SI-5821 | Closes SI-5821. |
5ae842c672 | SI-5085 | Fixes SI-5085 and SI-4833. |
aee338da47 | don't error when not emitting required switch | |
573c00f157 | Removing non-deterministic actor migration tests. | |
a54011bc85 | SI-5805 | Fixes SI-5805 |
4793c7bafa | SI-5428 | Fixes SI-5428. |
1dfce90246 | Move implicit ExecutionContext to be determined by lexical scope | |
2f5041a973 | SI-5441 | Fixes SI-5441. |
cd97993814 | Fix to naming of file. | |
4b2dad4317 | Added lock by default and did a minor amount of cleanup. More to come hopefully. | |
f026bbb2ee | Widen types in names/defaults transformations. | |
c691104b9e | Creator for superconstructor tree. | |
32ee111a07 | Usability improvements to Origins. | |
402b5e4a13 | Pending and passing tests. | |
0d7952f90f | Cleanups in Treecheckers. | |
2ed32de2a7 | Make phase fmask a public val instead of a private var. | |
006e12a119 | SI-5809 | Relax -Xlint warning for implicit classes. Closes SI-5809. |
63203c762c | Fixing the build of actors. | |
fad0bf216e | ASM now compiled once in the build. | |
1952b9c5cd | SI-3761 | more tests for SI-3761 |
8de2caa560 | SI-3761 | SI-3761: Overload resolution fails on by-name parameter (amended per lrytz) |
f6a4d94569 | SI-3761 | SI-3761: Overload resolution fails on by-name parameter |
033463f87f | Minor fixes for the Actor Migration Kit | |
e99fb0c938 | Adding the Actor Migration Kit. | |
3f7b8b5874 | Exhaustivity: TreeMakers as boolean propositions | |
0497c1513b | TreeMaker approximation refactorings and bug fixes | |
17ed967557 | SI-5779 | SI-5779: Wrong warning message (comparing Number) |
e3b924e3e2 | SI-5779 | SI-5779: Wrong warning message (comparing values of types Float/Double and Number using `==' will always yield false) |
d8b8337537 | Last minor cleanup | |
1ddc9358f5 | More consistent solution for errorenous situations when infering the alternative. From now on we specify explicity which attempt is tried and setError on the tree depending on that. Relying on the context was a nice idea to avoid that but was fragile when we were in the silent mode (like checking named arguments). | |
bbfbd6694d | SI-5735 | Closes SI-5735, this could also potentially fix a SO problem that @adriaanm was experiencing in IDE but could not reproduce it. |
03e6d929ee | Consider method-scoped companions in the implicit scope. | |
3eb0245cdd | SI-5672 | fix for SI-5672 |
f5df207f95 | Don't hop to the first enclosing, non-silent context when typing refinements. | |
820897b978 | SI-2405 | SI-2405 Confer implicit privileges to renamed imports. |
1d7625306b | SI-5044 | Better diagnosis for the SI-5044 fix |
29c8e323c5 | For the benefit of future debugger users, let the context print some more useful information about error reporting | |
a595b98bcc | Fix to Scaladoc keyboard shortcuts for Firefox | |
f51dbd5564 | SI-5804 | Fixes SI-5804. |
8545ade2ae | Fixed issue where forkjoin analysis bombed with incompatible class change exception. | |
01c673efd8 | SI-5760 | SI-5760: Improve error message for package$Klass conflict with Klass |
d046b9a6f2 | SI-3880 | Test case closes SI-3880. |
4613ae777e | SI-3899 | Pending test for SI-3899. |
dbee14fba9 | SI-5125 | Improve test for SI-5125. |
076b1c4235 | Fix @varargs forwarder generation in the presence of nested templates. | |
f5c1fb91a2 | Fixes previous commit. | |
c1aad0e604 | SI-4717 | Further fixes SI-4717. |
2aa685bcbf | SI-4717 | Fixes SI-4717. |
c7699ebe45 | Add more logging. | |
6296e32448 | SI-5055 | Actually fixes SI-5055. Scaladoc now a zillion times less annoying |
234390f654 | Adds ability to navigate Scaladoc with arrow keys | |
86da9aaa05 | Minor fix to Tab-switch keyboard shortcut | |
8b1eb6ceda | Added Scaladoc keyboard shortcut: tab toggles between panels | |
57967c9d1e | SI-4812 | Fix SI-4812 |
4669ac180e | SI-5044 | better feedback for SI-5044 |
da994bc9ce | SI-2488 | Fix SI-2488 |
7490250efe | SI-5801 | Fixes SI-5801, error messages regression. Review by @adriaanm |
093075a2f7 | SI-4461 | Fixes SI-4461. |
9c6a7ad81b | SI-5544 | Fix SI-5544 |
2a36246342 | SIP-14: clean ups and fixes | |
800bdf8122 | SI-4138 | Fix SI-4138 |
9e248099f7 | SI-3844 | Test case for SI-3844 - fixed by #virtpatmat @adriaanm |
3c79caa136 | SI-4928 | Fix SI-4928 |
7813d660be | fixes resetAttrs | |
73f7001d96 | Added infrastructure to enable easy enrichment of GenTraversables. | |
c09bd7cbe8 | SI-5803 | A band-aid solution for SI-5803. |
cbba7610c1 | Missed a stash | |
4f693edd54 | SI-5623 | Fixes SI-5623 on SyncVar and deprecates set & unset. |
420e181b30 | An IntelliJ module for test files. | |
7d79c44608 | SI-5259 | Fix SI-5259 |
e339010842 | SI-5610 | Fix for SI-5610 |
cb7655df50 | mutable.MapLike: override $mapNote to reflect actual require mutable api | |
37d6ffbdb0 | Corrects links in API documentation | |
99687342fe | Missed a straggling doc comment. | |
135c26d90a | Small documentation fixes & small fix to Scaladoc @see formatting | |
b48aa909ce | Putting back things sbt noticed were gone. | |
3e038d801c | Removing more unneeded code. | |
f865e3b9a0 | Test adjustments. | |
317a1056cd | Removing extraneous files. | |
0570a9357b | Enumeration#maxId: fix documentation to reflect reality | |
8a90ca7027 | Fixed positions for `AnnotationInfo.original`. | |
5963be026e | Tweak to avoid value classes in modifier check. | |
0d51e85661 | New starr with adriaan's fix from 1b198fadd1 . | |
e722bb1c70 | Debugging output tweaks. | |
b3f7bc996b | No-op changes. | |
18efdedfb9 | SI-5676 | Better fix for SI-5676. Review by @paulp |
efdac16e04 | SI-5796 | Closes SI-5796. |
2d33c00ec0 | SI-5384 | fix SI-5384 |
1b198fadd1 | suspend type vars in SubTypePair's equals | |
b6241963e6 | SI-5552 | Added test case for commit f7d5f45 (re SI-5552) |
f7d5f45aa7 | SI-5552 | Specialize lazy vals (closes SI-5552) |
f38db3ad81 | Removed an unnecessary self type. | |
b19dfd8a59 | SI-5137 | Test case closes SI-5137. |
4af770340b | Address doc comment rot in the standard library. | |
4cd0253d0d | Tweak to the runner to deal with the big bad world. | |
c5200ba0ea | Deprecated some classes. | |
f1d81c9b9b | SI-5037 | Test case closes SI-5037. |
a9a2fd7c47 | Clutch modification to tree printing. | |
ba123f081f | Confirm extractor based pattern matches don't explode exponentially. | |
716b2a72f6 | NSDNHAO need not tell us in which version it resides. | |
3bbf6328dc | A REPL pattern matching crasher that crashes no more. | |
6e2d3f01b5 | Another bug bites virtpatmat's dust. | |
40e7cab7a2 | SI-5009 | Fix SI-5009: case-class copy method now eta-expands over higher parameter lists. |
0c5de3cf31 | SI-5626 | Fix SI-5626. |
364deb0b7f | cherry-picking important macro fixes from topic/reflection | |
f707141863 | SI-5407 | Test case closes SI-5407 |
5797aab80e | SI-5394 | Test for SI-5394. |
3a7a92bd92 | SI-4124 | Test case closes SI-4124. |
3511e5960d | SI-5165 | Test case closes SI-5165. |
8075672308 | Recognize java enums as constants from source. | |
82f3e49b37 | fixes a problem with an extractor object overloaded by a regular def | |
389a15bf1e | Fix for unnecessary InnerClasses for top-level objects. | |
2422b064e7 | Remove the Plugin nature in the Scala compiler project file. | |
23afe3c9b9 | SI-5654 | Fix for SI-5654. |
e40f3c8790 | SI-2435 | Test case closes SI-2435. |
10289ac207 | Use TreeInfo#isSelfConstrCall, rather than the hand-rolled version. | |
d35e74eb6b | Forbid forward refs from self constructor invocations. | |
ef32a8b933 | Removing redunant/passing tests from pending. | |
df10f92115 | A whole bunch of checkfile updates. | |
5dac15ad80 | Checkfile update. | |
9d1bc68b78 | SI-5708 | Fixed SI-5708. Correctly compute accessibility for object members. |
4c04213b99 | Test cases. | |
e8ec9ea469 | Impl classes printed more accurately. | |
fcee9b94be | Quieted down a developer warning. | |
4db08212f6 | Be discriminating about custom hashcodes. | |
1bff5703d2 | More useful crash reports. | |
63a53e3395 | Tweak to deal with reflective mirror. | |
3fdc052789 | Move resolver and resolveEither to impl.Promise | |
3caf528a1d | (origin/ticket/extractor_bridge) fix test so that new patmat is tested | |
289aced4a9 | more defensive bridging to extractor: consider boolean | |
4bbbaa0240 | (jsuereth/sbt-build-0.11.3, josh/sbt-build-0.11.3) Fixed partest so it can run in SBT. | |
bc137ff53e | Don't regenerate properties file if skip is true (i.e. locker/quick is locked) | |
b84cbda870 | Everything now builds. Partest is bombing about reflection issue. | |
31546d1b3d | Added an incredibly hacky way for us to override the default sbt compiler interface. | |
4467438a58 | Fixed up versioning scheme. SBT build should now mimic ant build for versions. | |
9894b2c9bc | Fixed build for 0.11.x again. Working on bringing version properties file up to par. | |
3012bd9205 | Fixed plugin dependencies. | |
ebfc16f670 | SI-5640 | Fixes SI-5640 |
8f294c4fef | A bunch of fixes for positions when dealing with partial functions | |
0d70c22279 | Don't forget to execute pending interrupt requests when shutting down the presentation compiler. | |
b0e85333a2 | Revert "Fix for ## inconsistency." | |
b0dd0452fd | SI-2296 | Another test for SI-2296. |
0e197e89ac | Custom hashCode methods for case classes. | |
09f380dbda | Fix an inference regression with this.type. | |
1cd498f909 | Revert recent commits. | |
d459104447 | Checkfile update. | |
e8e88f785d | Restored portion of code removed in a7f68ce32c . | |
9b6f51d3ae | fixed typo | |
b5919100e7 | removes redundant hash implementation from BoxesRunTime.java | |
58bb2d1bd2 | Fix for ## inconsistency. | |
00a648bc90 | SI-1247 | fix SI-1247: don't create a thunk for a by-name argument if the argument expression is a Function0 application |
83d815622e | SI-4190 | Added tests for SI-4190. |
5d90d00108 | SI-5178 | imporved comment related to SI-5178 |
84764949e2 | SI-5328 | Fixes SI-5328. Iterator.patched failed when from=0. |
67b95ceef9 | Added an additional test case rather than leaving it in my REPL. | |
a516098d4e | SI-5201 | Fixes SI-5201. Adds flatten to TraversableViewLike. |
d107527434 | SI-5564 | Fixes SI-5564. |
c4590b799a | SI-5564 | Add test-case for SI-5564. |
2e8029b127 | Fixed positions in named default applications (no hyperlinking in conjunction with implicit arguments). | |
f9410256d9 | Making the locator more robust in the face of weird originals. And changed positions in AnnotationInfo to avoid position-less trees there. | |
71c17a649e | SI-5378 | Test case for SI-5378 |
ee26acadc0 | Appendix. Typo that wasn't covered by the test suite. | |
454c2a0c77 | GenASM activated via -target:jvm-1.6 or -target:jvm-1.5-asm | |
f9943432a6 | glue ASM <-> GenASM, the only part of scala.tools.asm to maintain manually | |
df4df0ada2 | subset of the ASM framework, re-namespaced as scala.tools.asm | |
07546bd803 | compile Java files under src/compiler | |
d5fff51494 | make strap build use exact same compiler options as quick build | |
76b6fd4e94 | documentation about BasicBlock and Inliner | |
afa60fcc00 | BytecodeWriters can do without the FJBG dependency | |
73fb63f115 | overriding rather than pattern matching in icode.Opcodes | |
c5d9e88b89 | Changes scala.math.signum to return negative zeros. | |
3769f4dc10 | Part IV of the Lazy Vals Saga: Optimized local vals. That's all folks. | |
a3d4d17b77 | Part III of the Lazy Vals Saga: Inliner strikes back. Or at least let's hope it will. | |
3631f1dadc | Part II of the Lazy Vals Saga: Saving bitmap by the Three Musketeers: Byte, Int and Long. And Boolean (hey, he also deserves some credit!). | |
bdd9abedd8 | Part I of the Lazy Vals Saga: Bitmaps are no longer inherited. | |
7d219774a6 | SI-5564 | Add test for SI-5564 in pending/pos |
aa555debf7 | A little sketchiness in recent commit. | |
8e88e5b214 | Fix for aliasing bug in reifier. | |
e982596149 | SI-3798 | Test case closes SI-3798. |
a48f82663b | SI-4560 | test for SI-4560 |
07255d5492 | SI-5534 | test for SI-5534 |
3830947c94 | SI-4728 | test for SI-4728 |
da429e43e9 | SI-5503 | test for SI-5503 |
987b2adae3 | SI-5585 | test for SI-5585 |
92aca43426 | SI-5521 | test for SI-5521 |
89eee0c359 | SI-5654 | test for SI-5654 |
8e7d3bef6d | SI-5610 | test for SI-5610 |
9d9ae0a612 | SI-5726 | tests for SI-5726 |
8d8b2caa95 | SI-5722 | test for SI-5722 |
a11a57735e | SI-5629 | Fixes SI-5629. |
717766af27 | minor tag-related fixes | |
706f19ae61 | SI-5199 | Fixes SI-5199 through improved API docs |
5d5c7801d6 | SI-5579 | Add test for SI-5579 in pending/pos |
8d23a91c3c | SI-2066 | Test case for SI-2066 |
cb162ff450 | SI-5639 | Add test files for SI-5639 in pending/pos |
96e42cfd7e | SI-5695 | Add test for SI-5695 in pending/run |
03181b0a69 | SI-5708 | Add test for SI-5708 in pending/presentation |
8d4b5034c0 | SI-1557 | Test case for SI-1557 |
2eb186f67b | Add missing methods to GenTraversableLike. | |
b64df780df | Add test file in pending/pos | |
538e6dfbb5 | SI-4568 | Test case closes SI-4568. |
5ca799d8c9 | Test that primitive arrays aren't accepted as a Java generic array. | |
a21f14defa | Don't admit primitive arrays as a generic Java varargs param. | |
74be1369a5 | SI-1785 | Test case closes SI-1785. |
dce6b34c38 | SI-4929 | Fixes SI-4929, with a test to verify. |
dd8f53d510 | What did you bring me Santa? | |
d003dee59c | Working around the VerifyErrors. | |
6ed849e56c | A couple checkfile updates which snuck by. | |
bfe93fe512 | Removed some tests for a "not a bug". | |
e5f2ddb6c2 | Put corresponds on Iterator. | |
b5e9e4b950 | Have ArrayCharSequence reuse its Array. | |
0fb12fa062 | Updated Symbol to record classfile origin. | |
ecbf895526 | Reluctant surgery on partest. | |
37c157c91f | SI-5514 | Fixes SI-5514. |
bbd6a3d6da | SI-5656 | Fixes SI-5656. |
5ebbfdb144 | SI-5577 | Fix for SI-5577. |
b2c3f87c7b | SI-5590 | Fix for SI-5590. |
628eaa5aca | SI-5018 | Fix for SI-5018. |
8218538732 | run patmat after typer, but not *right* after | |
01f6ed8e22 | Fix for one of the oldest open soundness bugs. | |
aad6deae72 | Fix for broken non-local returns. | |
f146d5826f | SI-5106 | Test case for SI-5106. |
5c84dc85bf | Fix for implicit class / value class collision. | |
043ce6d056 | Pushing ClassfileParser toward a new day. | |
de5aaf4560 | Improving organization of classfile parser. | |
bbdd570ccc | SI-13 | Clarified the status of SI-13. |
780bed7fbb | Fix for Dynamic interaction with private methods. | |
8bc8b83f0b | Moved passing tests from pending to files. | |
58f6a13460 | SI-3718 | Fix for SI-3718. |
264cef8f96 | SI-5472 | Test cases for SI-5472, SI-5399, SI-5685. |
453d615fb3 | SI-5608 | Fix for SI-5608, crasher with value classes. |
03e3a40951 | SI-5655 | Test case closes SI-5655. |
0cb886ae44 | Removed BackquotedIdent. | |
ca74659bb0 | Hardening implicit classes. | |
8068e12084 | Moved a warning behind -Xlint. | |
44797916bd | SI-4976 | Fix SI-4976 partially |
7a5aaa9e23 | SI-5703 | SI-5703: normalize refined types more |
6300c3033e | Eliminating reflective calls. | |
b6e989fbf6 | Fixes the backticks in use case signature crash | |
1475df9bed | Unanchored regex extractors. | |
77b577a5ae | SI-5543 | SI-5543: Ctor default arg wrongly scoped (revised) |
47bfd74417 | Ctor default-getters unique name and are typed in constructor context | |
65b9fec4b1 | SI-4478 | Fixes SI-4478. - Replaced/simplified usages of "wrt". - Added backticks to $Coll definitions, so stuff like "immutable.Stack" hopefully stops being interpreted as the end of a sentence and shown like that in the summary line of ScalaDoc's method description. See collection.immutable.Stack's sortBy. Additionally, it looks nicer this way. - Fixes the typo mentioned in SI-5666. |
30e25dbe8a | No one define sh_highlightDocument | |
e4ccaa99f1 | Changes scaladoc of trait Dynamic | |
bafe68e569 | SI-4536 | Test cases for SI-4536. |
c34916864f | SI-4683 | Pending test for SI-4683. |
40f0340628 | SI-5198 | Test case for SI-5198. |
a535ae2ee5 | SI-5240 | Pending test for SI-5240. |
b15341f77b | SI-5514 | Pending test for SI-5514 |
6734215412 | SI-5559 | Test case for SI-5559. |
bed7c1367f | SI-5606 | Test case for SI-5606. |
8149a61c20 | SI-5618 | Test case for SI-5618. |
8b6a9a9dc0 | remove -Xoldpatmat where test no longer needs it | |
5b9a37529b | cleaned up partialfun synth in uncurry | |
b446a06be4 | Add a link to "z" in Scaladoc | |
24b62e616b | SI-5682 | fix SI-5682 |
95bdd98678 | SI-5676 | Pending test for SI-5676. |
69564d46e6 | SI-5698 | Add pending test for SI-5698. |
d0fd3b3a34 | SI-5018 | Add pending test for SI-5018. |
e9ed9d4280 | SI-5542 | SI-5542 closed by test case |
89d0697927 | un-cps expected type in translateMatch | |
9df576db2d | partial fun synth typing under correct pt | |
1b8dc120dd | moving patmat to its own phase | |
bc860f3a31 | move more of match translation out of typers | |
f004e99b2f | small tree attachment refactoring: firstAttachment | |
3e20bebd19 | SI-5729 | SI-5729: TypeVar experimentals iff -Xexperimental |
cc8671c165 | fixed typo in documentation of @cpsParam | |
aabe71f989 | SI-5720 | SI-5720: Qual block doesn't update sym owner |
3694082bde | Remove newPromise method | |
90d2bee45b | Fixs for reflection and getSimpleName. | |
b27abca41a | tpe -> tpeHK here and there. | |
bbad15b591 | Workaround for scaladoc failure. | |
3bd40d80f8 | Look at all the Strings which no longer are. | |
e69ee3676d | Hackaround for people who like to instantiate the uninstantiable. | |
ae5ff6628b | SI-5578 | Fixes #SI-5578. ResetAttrs shouldn't be side-effecting on the original tree, since it can lead to NPEs in erroneous trees (or maybe even for valid ones?). Review by @odersky |
15e05a400b | A little clarity for AddInterfaces. | |
b6c0e44786 | Upgrade jQuery from 1.4.2 to 1.7.2 | |
b3ced6162c | Refactor Unsafe related stuff in scala.concurrent. | |
187817b796 | Refactor OnceCanBuildFrom to check the collection type. | |
5f29da78e9 | Widen types in signatures of Future companion methods, refactor OnceCanBuildFrom. | |
22475695bd | Add promises tests. | |
b2472a5f05 | Fixed a bug with setting execution contexts. | |
9c4baa93d9 | Porting akka future tests. | |
1d7430c7d5 | De-duplication in Contexts. | |
cf18d879d3 | Optimization of Predef implicits. | |
b72f52bbd5 | Presentation Compiler tests for visibility of members. | |
416abb7025 | Fixed `Setting.enabling` to properly disable dependent settings when the original setting is set to `false`. | |
94c63f5da5 | Fighting bitrot with typing. | |
813f7ec8d4 | Unbreaking tryComplete + Future.apply since resolver must be use both for boxing of callback and for execution | |
8ef8d3ea76 | Changing impl.Promise to return this.type | |
4e166d2729 | Adding FIXME to ExecutionContext.fromExecutorService | |
46776128fe | Cleaning up DefaultPromise.onComplete | |
48fbd60c37 | Removing the wrap-method from Promise | |
611be28bb2 | Rewriting the doc message for tryAddCallback so it reflects the semantics | |
a5d1ac7628 | Removing some verbosity in Promise.tryComplete | |
768748b79a | Removing a lot of residue and superfluous method declarations. Moving out newPromise to the implementations instead of having it inside impl.Promise | |
578a62ff7c | Introducing tryCompleteWith for symmetry and for the possibility to treat racing completeWiths as a problem or not. | |
08cdc7b799 | Streamlining calls so success/failure go through complete, also made sure completeWith doesn't crash on multiple attempts. | |
b7f92af64d | SI-5344 | Fixes SI-5344. |
e6d5d22d28 | Eliminate useless type parameter. | |
774cd4f87b | Removed all the imports of the bridge annotation. | |
3404d5a9bf | @unspecialized annotation. | |
14144be0bc | Removed a few more @deprecated members. | |
d1460afa09 | Removes @bridge methods. |
Commits that reference tickets:
Commit | Issue | Summary |
666bbe730a | SI-4831 | SI-4831 Fix ambiguous import detection for renamed imports. |
cbf1547556 | SI-5840 | test case, closes SI-5840 |
d2a58a3819 | SI-5881 | test case, closes SI-5881 |
51ef16f2e9 | SI-5816 | test case, closes SI-5816 |
fca291e6bb | SI-5738 | test case, closes SI-5738 |
066a800e39 | SI-5742 | test case, closes SI-5742 |
09bf95675b | SI-5167 | SI-5167 An impl class method should refer to its own parameter symbols. |
4794374af4 | SI-5652 | SI-5652 Mangle names of potentially public lambda lifted methods. |
dab1d0361f | SI-5853 | Fix SI-5853. |
13213e3df0 | SI-4909 | Fixes SI-4909 and SI-5763 |
0291797fec | SI-5857 | Fixes SI-5857. |
fb249b044d | SI-4804 | GenASM-based fix for SI-4804. Fix of the same for GenJVM pending. |
daca24d8e7 | SI-5880 | Fix SI-5880. |
ef45ee4c21 | SI-5867 | Fix SI-5867. |
90cd1f9ccd | SI-5879 | Fix SI-5879. |
82d2f0c80d | SI-5313 | SI-5313 Revert to two traversals in substThisAndSym. |
80d986997e | SI-5683 | SI-5683 Fail gracefully when transposing a ragged type arg matrix. |
ed6daea665 | SI-5792 | More robust findScalaHome in bash scripts. See SI-5792 |
fc24db4ca2 | SI-5399 | Closes SI-5399. Review by adriaanm |
32fde82fb5 | SI-5843 | fix SI-5843 |
f785785bd2 | SI-4579 | SI-4579 Yoke the power of lisp.scala as a stress for the optimizer. |
8d4ce1da77 | SI-5845 | SI-5845 Advances the example from a crasher to an inference failure. |
67a7149766 | SI-5829 | fix SI-5829: refinement typeref has a prefix |
64c57631ab | SI-4818 | Test case closes SI-4818 |
e727001ef3 | SI-5041 | Test case closes SI-5041. |
e1e7a3a0b1 | SI-4911 | Test case closes SI-4911. |
510f637780 | SI-5318 | SI-5318 Make implicit divergence checking PolyType aware. |
ea78793c61 | SI-5821 | Closes SI-5821. |
5ae842c672 | SI-5085 | Fixes SI-5085 and SI-4833. |
a54011bc85 | SI-5805 | Fixes SI-5805 |
4793c7bafa | SI-5428 | Fixes SI-5428. |
2f5041a973 | SI-5441 | Fixes SI-5441. |
006e12a119 | SI-5809 | Relax -Xlint warning for implicit classes. Closes SI-5809. |
1952b9c5cd | SI-3761 | more tests for SI-3761 |
8de2caa560 | SI-3761 | SI-3761: Overload resolution fails on by-name parameter (amended per lrytz) |
f6a4d94569 | SI-3761 | SI-3761: Overload resolution fails on by-name parameter |
17ed967557 | SI-5779 | SI-5779: Wrong warning message (comparing Number) |
e3b924e3e2 | SI-5779 | SI-5779: Wrong warning message (comparing values of types Float/Double and Number using `==' will always yield false) |
bbfbd6694d | SI-5735 | Closes SI-5735, this could also potentially fix a SO problem that @adriaanm was experiencing in IDE but could not reproduce it. |
3eb0245cdd | SI-5672 | fix for SI-5672 |
820897b978 | SI-2405 | SI-2405 Confer implicit privileges to renamed imports. |
1d7625306b | SI-5044 | Better diagnosis for the SI-5044 fix |
f51dbd5564 | SI-5804 | Fixes SI-5804. |
01c673efd8 | SI-5760 | SI-5760: Improve error message for package$Klass conflict with Klass |
d046b9a6f2 | SI-3880 | Test case closes SI-3880. |
4613ae777e | SI-3899 | Pending test for SI-3899. |
dbee14fba9 | SI-5125 | Improve test for SI-5125. |
c1aad0e604 | SI-4717 | Further fixes SI-4717. |
2aa685bcbf | SI-4717 | Fixes SI-4717. |
6296e32448 | SI-5055 | Actually fixes SI-5055. Scaladoc now a zillion times less annoying |
57967c9d1e | SI-4812 | Fix SI-4812 |
4669ac180e | SI-5044 | better feedback for SI-5044 |
da994bc9ce | SI-2488 | Fix SI-2488 |
7490250efe | SI-5801 | Fixes SI-5801, error messages regression. Review by @adriaanm |
093075a2f7 | SI-4461 | Fixes SI-4461. |
9c6a7ad81b | SI-5544 | Fix SI-5544 |
800bdf8122 | SI-4138 | Fix SI-4138 |
9e248099f7 | SI-3844 | Test case for SI-3844 - fixed by #virtpatmat @adriaanm |
3c79caa136 | SI-4928 | Fix SI-4928 |
c09bd7cbe8 | SI-5803 | A band-aid solution for SI-5803. |
4f693edd54 | SI-5623 | Fixes SI-5623 on SyncVar and deprecates set & unset. |
7d79c44608 | SI-5259 | Fix SI-5259 |
e339010842 | SI-5610 | Fix for SI-5610 |
18efdedfb9 | SI-5676 | Better fix for SI-5676. Review by @paulp |
efdac16e04 | SI-5796 | Closes SI-5796. |
2d33c00ec0 | SI-5384 | fix SI-5384 |
b6241963e6 | SI-5552 | Added test case for commit f7d5f45 (re SI-5552) |
f7d5f45aa7 | SI-5552 | Specialize lazy vals (closes SI-5552) |
b19dfd8a59 | SI-5137 | Test case closes SI-5137. |
f1d81c9b9b | SI-5037 | Test case closes SI-5037. |
40e7cab7a2 | SI-5009 | Fix SI-5009: case-class copy method now eta-expands over higher parameter lists. |
0c5de3cf31 | SI-5626 | Fix SI-5626. |
f707141863 | SI-5407 | Test case closes SI-5407 |
5797aab80e | SI-5394 | Test for SI-5394. |
3a7a92bd92 | SI-4124 | Test case closes SI-4124. |
3511e5960d | SI-5165 | Test case closes SI-5165. |
23afe3c9b9 | SI-5654 | Fix for SI-5654. |
e40f3c8790 | SI-2435 | Test case closes SI-2435. |
9d1bc68b78 | SI-5708 | Fixed SI-5708. Correctly compute accessibility for object members. |
ebfc16f670 | SI-5640 | Fixes SI-5640 |
b0dd0452fd | SI-2296 | Another test for SI-2296. |
00a648bc90 | SI-1247 | fix SI-1247: don't create a thunk for a by-name argument if the argument expression is a Function0 application |
83d815622e | SI-4190 | Added tests for SI-4190. |
5d90d00108 | SI-5178 | imporved comment related to SI-5178 |
84764949e2 | SI-5328 | Fixes SI-5328. Iterator.patched failed when from=0. |
a516098d4e | SI-5201 | Fixes SI-5201. Adds flatten to TraversableViewLike. |
d107527434 | SI-5564 | Fixes SI-5564. |
c4590b799a | SI-5564 | Add test-case for SI-5564. |
71c17a649e | SI-5378 | Test case for SI-5378 |
7d219774a6 | SI-5564 | Add test for SI-5564 in pending/pos |
e982596149 | SI-3798 | Test case closes SI-3798. |
a48f82663b | SI-4560 | test for SI-4560 |
07255d5492 | SI-5534 | test for SI-5534 |
3830947c94 | SI-4728 | test for SI-4728 |
da429e43e9 | SI-5503 | test for SI-5503 |
987b2adae3 | SI-5585 | test for SI-5585 |
92aca43426 | SI-5521 | test for SI-5521 |
89eee0c359 | SI-5654 | test for SI-5654 |
8e7d3bef6d | SI-5610 | test for SI-5610 |
9d9ae0a612 | SI-5726 | tests for SI-5726 |
8d8b2caa95 | SI-5722 | test for SI-5722 |
a11a57735e | SI-5629 | Fixes SI-5629. |
706f19ae61 | SI-5199 | Fixes SI-5199 through improved API docs |
5d5c7801d6 | SI-5579 | Add test for SI-5579 in pending/pos |
8d23a91c3c | SI-2066 | Test case for SI-2066 |
cb162ff450 | SI-5639 | Add test files for SI-5639 in pending/pos |
96e42cfd7e | SI-5695 | Add test for SI-5695 in pending/run |
03181b0a69 | SI-5708 | Add test for SI-5708 in pending/presentation |
8d4b5034c0 | SI-1557 | Test case for SI-1557 |
538e6dfbb5 | SI-4568 | Test case closes SI-4568. |
74be1369a5 | SI-1785 | Test case closes SI-1785. |
dce6b34c38 | SI-4929 | Fixes SI-4929, with a test to verify. |
37c157c91f | SI-5514 | Fixes SI-5514. |
bbd6a3d6da | SI-5656 | Fixes SI-5656. |
5ebbfdb144 | SI-5577 | Fix for SI-5577. |
b2c3f87c7b | SI-5590 | Fix for SI-5590. |
628eaa5aca | SI-5018 | Fix for SI-5018. |
f146d5826f | SI-5106 | Test case for SI-5106. |
bbdd570ccc | SI-13 | Clarified the status of SI-13. |
58f6a13460 | SI-3718 | Fix for SI-3718. |
264cef8f96 | SI-5472 | Test cases for SI-5472, SI-5399, SI-5685. |
453d615fb3 | SI-5608 | Fix for SI-5608, crasher with value classes. |
03e3a40951 | SI-5655 | Test case closes SI-5655. |
44797916bd | SI-4976 | Fix SI-4976 partially |
7a5aaa9e23 | SI-5703 | SI-5703: normalize refined types more |
77b577a5ae | SI-5543 | SI-5543: Ctor default arg wrongly scoped (revised) |
65b9fec4b1 | SI-4478 | Fixes SI-4478. - Replaced/simplified usages of "wrt". - Added backticks to $Coll definitions, so stuff like "immutable.Stack" hopefully stops being interpreted as the end of a sentence and shown like that in the summary line of ScalaDoc's method description. See collection.immutable.Stack's sortBy. Additionally, it looks nicer this way. - Fixes the typo mentioned in SI-5666. |
bafe68e569 | SI-4536 | Test cases for SI-4536. |
c34916864f | SI-4683 | Pending test for SI-4683. |
40f0340628 | SI-5198 | Test case for SI-5198. |
a535ae2ee5 | SI-5240 | Pending test for SI-5240. |
b15341f77b | SI-5514 | Pending test for SI-5514 |
6734215412 | SI-5559 | Test case for SI-5559. |
bed7c1367f | SI-5606 | Test case for SI-5606. |
8149a61c20 | SI-5618 | Test case for SI-5618. |
24b62e616b | SI-5682 | fix SI-5682 |
95bdd98678 | SI-5676 | Pending test for SI-5676. |
69564d46e6 | SI-5698 | Add pending test for SI-5698. |
d0fd3b3a34 | SI-5018 | Add pending test for SI-5018. |
e9ed9d4280 | SI-5542 | SI-5542 closed by test case |
3e20bebd19 | SI-5729 | SI-5729: TypeVar experimentals iff -Xexperimental |
aabe71f989 | SI-5720 | SI-5720: Qual block doesn't update sym owner |
ae5ff6628b | SI-5578 | Fixes #SI-5578. ResetAttrs shouldn't be side-effecting on the original tree, since it can lead to NPEs in erroneous trees (or maybe even for valid ones?). Review by @odersky |
b7f92af64d | SI-5344 | Fixes SI-5344. |
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