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Scala 2.10.0 RC1
Created by admin on 2012-10-19.
Updated: 2012-10-22, 13:58
We are happy to announce the first Release Candidate in the Scala 2.10.x series: 2.10.0 RC1. This RC1 release candidate is made available for testing purposes and is not intended for production environments: a final 2.10.0 release will follow at the end of the RC cycle. Please help us with the testing of this candidate, and let us know of any issues that you may encounter.
New in this Release Candidate
This is the first RC of Scala 2.10.0 release. This release comes with a few new shiny features, notably:
- Value Classes
- Implicit Classes
- String Interpolation
- Futures and Promises
- Parallel Collections are now configurable with custom thread pools
- New ByteCode emitter based on ASM
- Can target JDK 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7
- Emits 1.6 bytecode by default
- Old 1.5 backend is deprecated
- Dynamic Types no longer experimental
- Improved Pattern Matcher
- Modularized Language features
- Scala Reflection (Experimental)
- Macros (Experimental)
- Scaladoc Improvements
- Implicits (-implicits flag)
- Diagrams (-diagrams flag, requires graphviz)
- Groups (-groups)
- Akka Actors now included in distribution
- Scala actors library deprecated in favor of Akka
- Actors migration library included to ease migration from Scala -> Akka
- Deprecations and cleanup
- Floating point and octal literal syntax deprecation
- Removal of scala.dbc
- Performance Improvements
- Faster inliner
- Range#sum is now O(1)
- Update of ForkJoin library
- Fixes in immutable TreeSet/TreeMap
- Improvements to PartialFunctions
- Addition of ??? and NotImplemented Error
- Addition of IsTraversableOnce + IsTraversableLike type classes for extension methods
Special thanks to all the contribtuors!
# | Author |
1054 | Paul Phillips |
230 | Eugene Burmako |
178 | Martin Odersky |
133 | Adriaan Moors |
67 | Vlad Ureche |
66 | Jason Zaugg |
54 | Iulian Dragos |
50 | Josh Suereth |
48 | Grzegorz Kossakowski |
48 | Aleksandar Prokopec |
35 | Aleksandar Pokopec |
25 | Kato Kazuyoshi |
25 | Lukas Rytz |
23 | Heather Miller |
20 | Hubert Plociniczak |
15 | Donna Malayeri |
13 | phaller |
12 | Ruediger Klaehn |
12 | Roland |
12 | Daniel C. Sobral |
12 | Simon Ochsenreither |
11 | Som Snytt |
11 | Vojin Jovanovic |
11 | michelou |
11 | Micro Dotta |
10 | Stefan Zeiger |
10 | Szabolcs Berecz |
9 | aleksandar |
9 | Dominik Gruntz |
9 | Miguel Garcia |
7 | Erik Osheim |
7 | Erik Rozendaal |
7 | Paolo Giarrusso |
7 | Antonio Cunei |
6 | amin |
5 | Philipp Haller |
4 | Pavel Pavlov |
4 | Johannes Rudolph |
3 | Juha Heljoranta |
2 | Christopher Vogt |
2 | Geoff Reedy |
2 | vogt |
2 | Havoc Pennington |
2 | Pedro Furlanetto |
2 | Mirco Dotta |
2 | Ingo Maier |
2 | Scott R. Parish |
2 | Damien |
2 | Daniel Capo Sobral |
2 | Kota Mizushima |
1 | David Hall |
1 | pavelpavlov |
1 | skyluc |
1 | Peter Vlugter |
1 | Manohar Jonnalagedda |
1 | Dmitry Nadezhin |
1 | clhodapp |
1 | Blair Zajac |
1 | luajalla |
1 | Josh Marcus |
1 | Eugene Vigdorchik |
1 | Stephen Judkins |
1 | Ismael Juma |
Community Projects
Special thanks to the 13 projects that have made releases available for this version of Scala!
- scala-arm
Scala-arm provides automated resource management to ensure all your resources are closed without all the extra work!
Location: "org.scala-lang" % "scala-arm_2.10.0-RC1" % "1.2"
- specs2
specs2 is a library for executable specifications in Scala
Location: "org.specs2" %% "specs2" % "1.12.2"
- ScalaTest
ScalaTest - simple, clear tests and executable specifications
Location: "For ScalaTest 1.8: "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "1.8" For ScalaTest 2.0.M4: "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "2.0.M4" "
- ScalaSTM
Software transactional memory for Scala, plus STM-friendly concurrent sets and maps
Location: "org.scala-stm" %% "scala-stm" % "0.6" hosted at the Sonatype OSS repo: http://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/releases
- Akka
Akka is a platform for building highly concurrent, distributed, and fault tolerant event-driven applications on the JVM.
Location: "com.typesafe.akka" % "akka-actor_2.10.0-RC1" % "2.1-RC1"
- kiama
Kiama is a language processing library
Location: "com.googlecode.kiama" % "kiama_2.10.0-RC1" % "1.4.0-B2""
- ScalaMock 3
Native Scala Mocking with added macro-goodness
Location: For ScalaTest integration: "org.scalamock" % "scalamock-scalatest-support_2.10.0-RC1" % "3.0-M5" For Specs2 integration: "org.scalamock" % "scalamock-specs2-support_2.10.0-RC1" % "3.0-M5"
- Spire
Powerful new number types and numeric abstractions for Scala.
Location: "org.spire-math" % "spire_2.10.0-RC1" % "0.3.0-M2"
- ScalaLogging
Convenient and performant logging in Scala
Location: "com.typesafe" % "scalalogging-slf4j_2.10.0-RC1" % "0.4.0" or "com.typesafe" %% "scalalogging-slf4j" % "0.4.0" cross CrossVersion.full
- shapeless
An exploration of generic/polytypic programming in Scala
Location: "com.chuusai" %% "shapeless" % "1.2.3-SNAPSHOT"
- Squeryl
Scala DSL for relational databases
Location: "org.squeryl" % "squeryl_2.10.0-RC1" % "0.9.5-4")
- Graph for Scala
In-memory graph library seamlessly fitting into the Scala Collection Library
Location: "com.assembla.scala-incubator" % "graph-core_2.10.0-RC1" % "1.5.2"
- Scala-Virtualized
Scala-Virtualized is an experimental branch of Scala that provides more powerful DSL capabilities.
Location: How to use: add this to your build.sbt: scalaOrganization := "org.scala-lang.virtualized"
In this release, we've fixed ~500 issues with 798 (non-blocking) remaining A full list is here: https://issues.scala-lang.org/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?mode=hide&requestId=11805
Here's a list of known Critical issues:
- SI-6479 - Tail recursion doesn't trigger when mixing try-catch, pattern matching and return.
- SI-6466 - Scaladoc in-page links don't work.
- SI-6443 - AbstractMethodError with dependent method types.
- SI-6299 - REPL crashes on startup if you type too fast.
- SI-6282 - Soundness failure involving extractors and compound types.
- SI-5330 - Inference regression with existentials
- SI-4881 - Incorrect inferred type in contravariant position
- SI-3583 - Spec doesn't mention automatic tupling
Here's a list of isssues that have been fixed since v2.9.2
Issue(s) | Commit | Message |
SI-6511 | e49ece4fb1 | Diagram tweaking |
SI-6501 | e3a2d0bc4b | SI-6501 Scaladoc will correctly link to @templated |
SI-6499 | ee7f1e8a82 | Fix for SI-6499, regression in type inference. |
SI-6099 | bc25fc53ad | SI-6099 - Scaladoc for scala.concurrent incomplete |
SI-6505 | 19ea47b342 | Fixed SI-6505. Respond to ask calls by immediate failure even after compiler shutdown. |
SI-6458 | 4c7127d9ac | Deprecated instrumentation API |
SI-6440, SI-6440 | 7a6905dc15 | SI-6440: Revert change to `TraversableLike.filterNot |
SI-6490, SI-6490 | bf0e26c045 | Proposed fix for SI-6490. |
SI-6485 | 0bf9daaac7 | SI-6485 stops creating extmethods for macros |
SI-6483 | 1b2ac4e618 | SI-6483 Prohibit super[T] references in value classes. |
SI-6170, SI-6471 | 4e7ed113cf | SI-6471 Update jquery from 1.4.2 to 1.8.2 |
SI-6451, SI-6451 | 2b4775ba7e | SI-6451: Rename classes in `unchecked-abstract.scala` test. |
SI-5582, SI-6408, SI-6408, SI-6432 | 5d9cde105e | Put more implementation restrictions on value classes. |
SI-6408 | ea9e4ec55e | Fixed problem in SI-6408 |
SI-6436 | 0720157cd7 | SI-6436 Handle ambiguous string processors |
SI-6215 | d46f2d519d | SI-6215 Fix compiler crash on private method in value class |
SI-6311 | 6ea54efa60 | Test case for SI-6311. |
SI-4881 | 18fd93b5ec | Revert "SI-4881 infer variance from formals, then result" |
SI-6442 | b2211a76a6 | SI-6442 - Add ActorDSL object for actor migration kit |
SI-6417 | a6b81ac12a | SI-6417 correctly reifies non-value types |
SI-6412, SI-6412 | 8c7d94ef9e | SI-6412 alleviates leaks in toolboxes, attempt #2 |
SI-6277 | 2fb507b849 | SI-6277 fixes flags, annotations & privateWithin |
SI-6429 | 53cd235eac | Don't call `updateInfo` during typing. |
SI-6275, SI-5762 | 9d423c9bb7 | Improvements to unchecked warnings. |
SI-6344 | 4fb4287bfe | Update check-file for SI-6344 test. |
SI-6409 | 0263e72504 | Improves SI-6409 - Add note to string flatMap about evaluation. |
SI-6412 | bb48b7a452 | Revert "SI-6412 alleviates leaks in toolboxes" |
SI-6412, SI-6412 | b403c1d752 | SI-6412 alleviates leaks in toolboxes |
SI-6412, SI-6412 | 291d1f033a | SI-6412 fixes leaks in Types.uniques |
SI-1329, SI-5918, SI-5918 | 3c8a98f7d5 | SI-5918 fixes the ConstantType ugliness |
SI-6380 | 990b3c7682 | SI-6380 #1 Add @throws[Exception] |
SI-6337, SI-6337 | c7204787b4 | New test case for SI-6337 |
SI-6260, SI-6385, SI-6385 | d435f72e5f | New test case for closing SI-6385 |
SI-6260 | 96408154f4 | Fixes SI-6260 |
SI-6393, SI-5943 | 440d28d027 | SI-5943 toolboxes now autoimport Predef and scala |
SI-6344 | a0c7acd7c3 | Fix for SI-6344, value class generic signatures. |
SI-6363 | 3fa900ca0e | SI-6363 removes scala.reflect.base |
SI-6392 | b8362d6aa4 | SI-6392 wraps non-terms before typecheck/eval |
SI-6394 | 648dae6a50 | SI-6394 fixes macros.Context.enclosingClass |
SI-6336 | beb08c206b | Error message improvement for SI-6336. |
SI-6390 | 3c542251e0 | SI-6390 removes Trees#ArrayValue from the API |
SI-6354 | 08e5fd23e7 | Fixes SI-6354: improved error messages for Dynamic signature mismatches. |
SI-5822 | d7acf92be6 | Adds OSGi support / tests to Scala. Fixes SI-5822. |
SI-6305 | c6dde6a1e8 | Fixes SI-6305 scala.tools.nsc.io split between jars. |
SI-6336, SI-6336 | 8c69f4da33 | SI-6336 Now also catches return types |
SI-5418, SI-5418 | 862a1ede4d | test case closes SI-5418 |
SI-6389 | c555ff56db | enable integer multiplication/divison on FiniteDuration, see SI-6389 |
SI-5692 | 3881ab3831 | SI-5692 better error message |
SI-5942 | 5e6d069b00 | SI-5942 toolboxes now reset front ends |
SI-6287 | 1e3012d554 | SI-6287 fixes synthetic symbol clashes in toolbox |
SI-6189 | 6b9e1a0747 | Revert "Fixes SI-6189." |
SI-6236 | 6854842cf8 | Revert "Fixes SI-6236." |
SI-4581 | 4ed7a60caf | Revert "Fix SI-4581." |
SI-6294 | 10c9cf05b4 | Revert "Fix SI-6294." |
SI-6337 | c30a9bddc4 | Fixes SI-6337 by disallowing nested value classes. |
SI-6374 | 1b8330c510 | SI-6374 Reflection now works for anns with enum fields |
SI-6374, SI-6374 | 564ea863e6 | SI-6374 Scala reflection now supports Java CRTP |
SI-6353 | dbe7ef94dd | Fixed SI-6353: applyDynamic with sugared applications |
SI-6336 | 344215b92d | SI-6336 Disallows value types in structuralal refinements |
SI-6356 | cf819b7756 | SI-6356 reflection now supports Java annotations |
SI-6356 | 39486b03e1 | SI-6356 reflection now supports Java annotations |
SI-6362, SI-5924 | e6176afdcd | SI-6362 & SI-5924 removes caches in the macro API |
SI-6342 | ba3a9e05a6 | SI-6342 cleans up toolbox API |
SI-6360 | 4767fc21c6 | SI-6360 revises naming of AnnotationInfo and its members |
SI-6372 | 210f8c8f10 | SI-6372 cleans up the API of Attachments |
SI-6371 | ed913c2963 | SI-6371 adds comments for Trees#UnApply |
SI-6369 | dd7fa89903 | SI-6369 removes Type.narrow from the API |
SI-6365 | 2cc70c55af | SI-6365 removes Symbol.hasAnnotation from the API |
SI-6373 | db306cb526 | SI-6373 removes Trees#ApplyDynamic from the API |
SI-4813 | f3fd018f14 | Fix SI-4813 - Clone doesn't work on LinkedList. |
SI-6310 | b2864f8bf3 | SI-6310 redeploys the starr |
SI-6323, SI-6310 | f4a722d205 | SI-6310 AbsTypeTag => WeakTypeTag |
SI-6323 | 524c90d09f | SI-6323 outlaws free types from TypeTag |
SI-6323 | 0eabb63c06 | SI-6323 prohibits reflection against free types |
SI-5882, SI-6359 | 41dfb16121 | SI-6359 Deep prohibition of templates in value class |
SI-2296, SI-6245, SI-2296 | e498fac7fd | Fix for SI-6245 with workaround for SI-2296. |
SI-2453, SI-6259 | 7861ed6886 | Fixes SI-6259. Unable to use typeOf in super call of top-level object. |
SI-6367 | 6fbb4ac42a | Fix for SI-6367, exponential time in inference. |
SI-6306, SI-6306, SI-6306, SI-6306 | 9568dc9d1a | SI-6306 Remove incorrect eta-expansion optimization in Uncurry |
SI-6268 | fdcda3313d | Fixes SI-6268. Review by @paulp and @lrytz. |
SI-6276 | 1776337253 | Avoid spurious warning for `def foo = x.foo`. |
SI-6162 | e3b0c7abbf | SI-6162 Adds @deprecatedInheritance/@deprecatedOverriding |
SI-6278 | ed723738e6 | SI-6278 fixed: synthetic implicit def must sort with its associated implicit class |
SI-6335 | b43b3b0ba8 | SI-6335 More precise location of the implicit class synthetic method. |
SI-6331 | 815f60ff9c | Refine equality of Constant types over floating point values. |
SI-6331 | c619f94a9c | SI-6331 Avoid typing an If tree with a constant type. |
SI-6333 | 4831ef51a7 | Fix for SI-6333 - Try throws from combinators. |
SI-6318 | 6a740332c7 | SI-6318 fixes ClassTag.unapply for primitives |
SI-6246 | d27dc71d67 | SI-6246 deprecated apis for core class tags |
SI-6271 | 93d3cc7038 | Fixes SI-6271 - Missing isEmpty override for views. |
SI-6274 | ec39e1ca82 | SI-6274 Fix owners when eta-expanding function with byName param |
SI-6273 | ce048745e1 | Fix for SI-6273, repl string interpolation. |
SI-6263 | 6cda8a6f97 | Fix for SI-6263, futile adaptation. |
SI-4270 | 445c2f85e1 | More useful -Xlog-implicits output. |
SI-6034 | 34893e5d77 | Fix for SI-6034, covariant value classes. |
SI-6227 | 35dbc88841 | Closes SI-6227 |
SI-6283 | 3cff2587d7 | Fix for SI-6283, no abstract value classes. |
SI-6293 | f888b8572e | hotfix for SI-6293 |
SI-4581 | 373f22a202 | Fix SI-4581. |
SI-5767 | 3cd8eb053a | SI-5767 fix + small HashSet/HashMap fixes |
SI-6190 | da9fe44775 | Add missing tests for SI-6190 |
SI-6281 | 5bdfddefd7 | SI-6281 macroArgs for defs with implicit args |
SI-6280 | 51b7be2fef | SI-6280 Scaladoc: Reloading preserves anchors |
SI-3577, SI-6258 | d614ae6e76 | SI-6258 Reject partial funs with undefined param types |
SI-6170, SI-6170 | 1be1f76012 | SI-6170 Revert #515151 "Upgrade jQuery from 1.4.2 to 1.7.2" |
SI-1987 | fcf2b29010 | Improved fix for SI-1987, overloading in package objects. |
SI-6264 | 1c6543dc7d | Fix for SI-6264, crash in checkCheckable. |
SI-5788 | c17c95ca3f | SI-5788 correct test and symbol update |
SI-6220 | 94888cf69b | Added test that should cover all code paths of the changes done in SI-6220 |
SI-6236 | faa114e2fb | Fixes SI-6236. |
SI-6189 | 5a8dfad583 | Fixes SI-6189. |
SI-6234 | 41bf9c3c35 | Fixes backend crash due to incorrect consumedTypes |
SI-6167 | 7281be9599 | SI-6167 Override SeqLike#isEmpty for better performance |
SI-6223 | 97ae6f6f72 | Move side-effecting call out of debuglog(). Fixes SI-6223. |
SI-5940, SI-5940 | 64138082a4 | SI-5940 impls are no longer in macro def pickles |
SI-6214 | 21fcf64c81 | Fixes SI-6214. |
SI-6198 | cef4726232 | Added test for SI-6198 |
SI-6201 | 8d87387e6a | SI-6201 minor fixes in key points |
SI-6022 | 9108b2506c | SI-6022 cleaner model of variable equality modulo <: |
SI-6022 | e232a614dd | SI-6022 refactor to clean up model of variable equality modulo <: |
SI-6184 | d97f7d9543 | SI-6184 don't introduce dummies in checkableType |
SI-6204, SI-6204 | 4ced74a5ee | SI-6204 reifier no longer causes cyclic errors |
SI-5756 | 2ba6774766 | SI-5756 correctly reifies local module classes |
SI-5314 | 75e36233a0 | SI-5314 - CPS transform of return statement fails |
SI-5687 | 95b3648982 | Fixes SI-5687. |
SI-5158, SI-6070, SI-5739 | 8ebe8e3e88 | SI-5739 (bis) vals for subpatterns unless -optimize |
SI-4023, SI-5947 | 81535ce5b9 | SI-5947 works around getDeclaredClasses |
SI-6040 | f76306b77f | SI-6040 error on unauthorized extension Dynamic |
SI-5933 | 8aebc6c805 | SI-5933 do the new patmat translation for scaladoc |
SI-6186 | 788478d3ab | SI-6186 TypeTags no longer supported in macros |
SI-5498 | e8f1a423d1 | SI-5498 completes ModuleMirror.instance |
SI-6183 | 383fd5c137 | SI-6183 don't crash on type error in outer test |
SI-6145, SI-6145, SI-6145 | 9d330e3c83 | SI-6145 lax typing of args to synthetic case-labels |
SI-6199 | cac52ac3e3 | SI-6199 unit-returning methods now return unit |
SI-4945 | 963aabbeb4 | Fix for SI-4945, repl hang on -i input. |
SI-6181 | 3c4f4865f6 | SI-6181 method mirrors now support by-name args |
SI-6179 | 3aa221e28c | SI-6179 mirrors now work with value classes |
SI-6178 | 432d7b86cb | SI-6178 reflective invocation of magic symbols |
SI-6063 | b65b7b1392 | Fix for SI-6063, broken static forwarders. |
SI-5788, SI-5788 | f492d0aaaa | SI-5788 Tailcalls LabelDefs correctly duplicated |
SI-6188 | cb6066ee61 | Temporarily skips failing test due to optimizer bug SI-6188 |
SI-6185 | 5b82a9702d | SI-6185 - add "prepare" hook to ExecutionContext |
SI-6074 | 816c291006 | SI-6074 |
SI-6175 | ce4bcb5362 | SI-6175 reflect over classes with symbolic names |
SI-6172 | d1a95c8789 | Fixes SI-6172. |
SI-5919, SI-5908 | a354ec2a77 | first stab at serialization of exprs and tags |
SI-5888 | b578059b43 | SI-5888 Mirrors now have sane toStrings |
SI-5736 | 7112c66d69 | navigation between fields and accessors |
SI-5732, SI-5732 | a727c6fc19 | SI-5732 members and derivatives now return Scope |
SI-5751 | ddcba10984 | SI-5751 cleans up toolboxes for the release |
SI-6084 | 991b50f3f4 | Fix for SI-6084, type alias crasher. |
SI-5764 | 6d088252ba | SI-5764 Honor -language:_ |
SI-5866 | 5589eeeb9a | SI-5866 Support casting null to value classes |
SI-5031 | 2a14dd2d23 | Fixed SI-5031. Only consider classes when looking for companion class. sym.effectiveOwner revealed this piece of inconsistency. companionModule is fine because similar check is there already. |
SI-5799 | aad84ecba3 | SI-5799 Secondary constructors in value classes not allowed |
SI-5878 | daf0953c1f | Closes SI-5878 |
SI-5882 | 95d5323583 | Closes SI-5882 |
SI-6146 | a4bb3b679a | Changed isHidden condition back to isSynthetic. |
SI-5958 | ae28472bc7 | SI-5958 This deserves a stable type |
SI-6140 | fa09fad51f | SI-6140 Scaladoc infinite recursion in wiki parser |
SI-4601, SI-4560 | cf709c2dd2 | SI-4560 - improved test |
SI-4601, SI-4560 | 6eb55d4b7a | Fix SI-4560, NoSuchMethodErrors involving self types. |
SI-6112 | e6f3a8f6d3 | SI-6112 exposes symbol mutators in macro universe |
SI-6075 | 2926dfc526 | SI-6075 cleans up api.StandardNames |
SI-6058 | 2eff6601da | SI-6058 makes JavaMirror caches weak |
SI-5897 | 115eede127 | SI-5897 don't check sensicality in match |
SI-2038 | e6912050bf | SI-2038 make pt fully-defined when typing Typed |
SI-6111 | ee5721e864 | SI-6111 accept single-subpattern unapply pattern |
SI-4440 | ee93df064b | SI-4440 workaround: avoid outer accessor that'll vanish |
SI-4881 | 5c5e8d4dcd | SI-4881 infer variance from formals, then result |
SI-6089 | 1413713bdd | SI-6089 test file for pt2 |
SI-6117 | 9fecdfd8cb | Fix SI-6117, regression involving import ambiguity. |
SI-6090 | d0623dc766 | SI-6090 |
SI-6089, SI-6089 | 71d20312e9 | SI-6089 pt2: _ is tailpos in `_ || _` and `_ && _ |
SI-1832, SI-1832 | 6015a54812 | SI-1832 consistent symbols in casedef's pattern&body |
SI-5999 | b5f721fb52 | SI-5999 a real fix to the packageless problem |
SI-6031 | 93519ab504 | SI-6031 customizable budget for patmat analyses |
SI-5999 | 96036b3569 | SI-5999 removes the macro context mirror |
SI-5999 | 602a6c55d7 | SI-5999 deploys a new starr |
SI-5999 | 30f5a36941 | SI-5999 removes Context.reify |
SI-5984 | 911bbc4fdd | SI-5984 improves error reporting in JavaMirrors |
SI-4897 | 4fc9cdb64f | SI-4897 derive expected value from single type |
SI-5957, SI-6109 | ee0d01785e | Deprecate all JVM 1.5 targets and make 1.6 default. |
SI-5784 | 6539a9ddc5 | SI-5784 Scaladoc: Type templates |
SI-3791 | 4324282f27 | Removes Float.Epsilon and Double.Epsilon |
SI-5939 | 4f3c92e0f8 | SI-5939 resident compilation of sources in empty package |
SI-6104 | 86f7bc35e5 | SI-6104 support This pattern |
SI-6092 | 01be1b1c20 | Fixed SI-6092. Fixed leaky annotations, and relaxed the conditions under which a try-catch is lifted out to an inner method. |
SI-6089 | fa1dc5afea | SI-6089 better tail position analysis for matches |
SI-5695 | 38aaa3a24a | SI-5695 removes Context.enclosingApplication |
SI-5892, SI-5892 | 776105a43e | SI-5892 allow implicit views in annotation args |
SI-6095, SI-6098 | 1c2efb36c2 | SI-6095, SI-6098 - clean up public API, add deprecations |
SI-5158, SI-6070, SI-6070, SI-4425, SI-5739 | aa6fa4623b | SI-5739 store sub-patterns in local vals |
SI-5731 | 06b373878a | SI-5731 a few fixes for value classes |
SI-5588 | ed9669f57a | Fixes SI-5588. Correct compare for Enumeration. Slower than the original one but does comparison in the same spirit as IntOrdering. |
SI-5856, SI-5856 | 9c4b0d0402 | SI-5856 enables use of $this in string interpolation |
SI-5895 | bab827a542 | SI-5895 fixes FieldMirrors |
SI-6076 | 72de4d8349 | Fixed SI-6076. Range positions for macro-based string interpolation. Should bring back the jenkins job as well. |
SI-5784 | dac4e8f543 | SI-5784 Scaladoc: {Abstract,Alias} type templates |
SI-6047 | ea47260be5 | test case closes SI-6047 |
SI-5385 | 32fd97df41 | Fix for SI-5385. |
SI-6086 | 9117cbee27 | SI-6086 magic symbols strike back |
SI-5784 | 17f745d33c | Scaladoc: Refactoring the entities |
SI-3695, SI-4224, SI-4497, SI-5079 | dc70d1b7bd | SI-3695 SI-4224 SI-4497 SI-5079 scaladoc links |
SI-4887 | 929415a3f4 | SI-4887 Link existentials in scaladoc |
SI-4360 | a119ad1ae5 | SI-4360 Adds prefixes to scaladoc |
SI-3448, SI-3448 | 891769fae5 | Scaladoc: workaround for untypical Map usecases |
SI-4324 | 8779ade6f5 | SI-4324 Scaladoc case class argument currying |
SI-5558 | 242c2fc947 | SI-5558 Package object members indexing |
SI-5965 | 8291106ec9 | SI-5965 Scaladoc crash |
SI-3314 | f881249ba1 | Scaladoc: Inherited templates in diagrams |
SI-3314, SI-4888 | f916434c11 | SI-3314 SI-4888 Scaladoc: Relative type prefixes |
SI-5235 | fcbdc1725c | SI-5235 Correct usecase variable expansion |
SI-6035 | 7c42b5aa4d | SI-6035: Specialization and separate compilation. |
SI-5830, SI-6048, SI-6011 | ef2bf41142 | SI-6011 switches: unreachability, guard-free form |
SI-6028 | a3bf34563d | SI-6028 Avoid needless symbol renaming in lambdalift. |
SI-6028 | 32dc7e8069 | A test case that scrutinises lambdalifter's output. |
SI-4365 | 93751072ef | With -Yno-generic-signatures, exit GenASM.getGenericSignature early |
SI-4691, SI-6077 | 4276f61551 | SI-6077 more conservative TreeMakersToConds for CSE |
SI-5956 | 2c5890b3a7 | SI-5956 trigger copy generation with correct namer |
SI-5957 | 21f14e371c | SI-5957 enable direct parsing of nested java class classfile |
SI-6061 | 4aeaf9015b | SI-6061 adds weakly conformance for number types to resolveOverloaded |
SI-6022, SI-6022 | d852c9b8b4 | SI-6022 model type-test-implication better |
SI-6042 | da587e3178 | SI-6042 Improve type selection from volatile type error |
SI-3836 | ddcb351a2e | Fix SI-3836 not-really-ambiguous import detection. |
SI-6008 | b61b5fffb6 | SI-6008 use static knowledge of success of type tests |
SI-4691 | 8234ba3905 | SI-4691 exhaustivity: `unapply: Some` = irrefutable |
SI-5907, SI-5009 | 6c7f2b6460 | SI-5907, SI-5009 case-class copy defaults only for first param list |
SI-5975 | 7050335529 | Allow attachments for symbols, just like for trees. |
SI-5975 | 4b6ae392a7 | Enhanced presentation compiler test infrastructure |
SI-5959, SI-5959 | 0529dd502a | SI-5959 type equality now accounts for mirrors |
SI-6013 | 1a2ec87c09 | SI-6013 Disallow deferred members from intermediate java parents. |
SI-5969 | 12b72485d8 | Closes SI-5969. |
SI-5780 | c410b57d55 | Diagram tweaks #2 |
SI-5212 | c85b4a4956 | Scaladoc class diagrams part 2 |
SI-6007 | 96dd73146f | reify no longer dealiases symbols and types |
SI-5929 | 59300ee6e3 | Fix SI-5929 - Verify error with finally and pattern match |
SI-5489 | ad51d82953 | SI-5489 Avoid accidentally adding members to Object in erasure. |
SI-5932 | 8f640e8a1d | SI-5932 Tone down non-sensible == warning with refinements. |
SI-5967, SI-4176 | d9d5dcd1e2 | SI-4176 A repeat dose of repeated parameter type sanitization. |
SI-3326 | 5362f3df48 | Fix SI-3326. |
SI-5986 | 788ac75021 | Fix SI-5986. |
SI-5971 | ba542ba608 | Fix SI-5971. |
SI-5148 | 175d8714e3 | Closes SI-5148. |
SI-2796 | ac71812170 | SI-2796 Warn if early definitions are used with a trait. |
SI-5189 | 552ee9cc54 | better fix for SI-5189 pt1 |
SI-5968 | c27e5f0d60 | SI-5968 Eliminate spurious exhaustiveness warning with singleton types. |
SI-5610, SI-5966 | 4736897ad2 | SI-5966 Fix eta expansion for repeated parameters with zero arguments. |
SI-5284 | b29c01b710 | Fix SI-5284. |
SI-2807 | 7d8527b40a | SI-2807 Resurrect and refine the promiscuous catch warning. |
SI-5951 | a2d1b23dbe | adds `narrow` to the reflection API |
SI-5953 | 47fad25adb | Fix for SI-5953, extension methods crasher. |
SI-4541 | a83586a481 | Fix SI-4541. |
SI-4954 | da7235afe8 | Fix SI-4954. |
SI-4842 | 6aa5762fa0 | SI-4842 Forbid access to in-construction this in self-constructor args |
SI-4989 | 72ee06de4c | SI-4989 Reject super.x if an intermediate class declares x abstract. |
SI-5617 | 2d3b6bd321 | SI-5617 Better error message for "x overrides nothing". |
SI-5910 | 5a8b937510 | Fix for java parser edge case. |
SI-5212 | fba4098ca5 | Scaladoc class diagrams part 2 |
SI-4270 | d3393306e3 | SI-4270 Refactor for efficiency and clarity. |
SI-5162, SI-4283 | 6177066441 | SI-5162 Exclude super.foo from the erasure cast of SI-4283 |
SI-5696 | fc6ea96f19 | SI-5696 Detect excess constructor argument lists. |
SI-4270 | 9129cfe911 | SI-4270 Disqualify in scope implicits that are shadowed. |
SI-4270 | 0dea3d5a05 | SI-4270 Rename implicits to avoid name clashes. |
SI-5884 | 5acac4d806 | TypeTag => AbsTypeTag, ConcreteTypeTag => TypeTag |
SI-4909, SI-5763 | 13213e3df0 | Fixes SI-4909 and SI-5763 |
SI-5853 | dab1d0361f | Fix SI-5853. |
SI-5880 | daca24d8e7 | Fix SI-5880. |
SI-5857 | 0291797fec | Fixes SI-5857. |
SI-5867 | ef45ee4c21 | Fix SI-5867. |
SI-5879 | 90cd1f9ccd | Fix SI-5879. |
SI-5313 | 82d2f0c80d | SI-5313 Revert to two traversals in substThisAndSym. |
SI-5862 | 037d3dcbc5 | Don't compute least upper bounds for expressions in statement positions inside blocks. |
SI-5683 | 80d986997e | SI-5683 Fail gracefully when transposing a ragged type arg matrix. |
SI-5167 | 09bf95675b | SI-5167 An impl class method should refer to its own parameter symbols. |
SI-5792 | ed6daea665 | More robust findScalaHome in bash scripts. See SI-5792 |
SI-3346, SI-5845 | 8d4ce1da77 | SI-5845 Advances the example from a crasher to an inference failure. |
SI-4579 | f785785bd2 | SI-4579 Yoke the power of lisp.scala as a stress for the optimizer. |
SI-5652 | 4794374af4 | SI-5652 Mangle names of potentially public lambda lifted methods. |
SI-4911 | e1e7a3a0b1 | Test case closes SI-4911. |
SI-4818 | 64c57631ab | Test case closes SI-4818 |
SI-5318 | 510f637780 | SI-5318 Make implicit divergence checking PolyType aware. |
SI-5821 | ea78793c61 | Closes SI-5821. |
SI-963, SI-5008, SI-4649 | 402b5e4a13 | Pending and passing tests. |
SI-5779 | 17ed967557 | SI-5779: Wrong warning message (comparing Number) |
SI-3761 | 8de2caa560 | SI-3761: Overload resolution fails on by-name parameter (amended per lrytz) |
SI-4270, SI-2405 | 820897b978 | SI-2405 Confer implicit privileges to renamed imports. |
SI-5779 | e3b924e3e2 | SI-5779: Wrong warning message (comparing values of types Float/Double and Number using `==' will always yield false) |
SI-3761 | f6a4d94569 | SI-3761: Overload resolution fails on by-name parameter |
SI-5760 | 01c673efd8 | SI-5760: Improve error message for package$Klass conflict with Klass |
SI-4975 | 03e6d929ee | Consider method-scoped companions in the implicit scope. |
SI-3880 | d046b9a6f2 | Test case closes SI-3880. |
SI-3899 | 4613ae777e | Pending test for SI-3899. |
SI-5125 | dbee14fba9 | Improve test for SI-5125. |
SI-5125 | 076b1c4235 | Fix @varargs forwarder generation in the presence of nested templates. |
SI-5804 | f51dbd5564 | Fixes SI-5804. |
SI-4461 | 093075a2f7 | Fixes SI-4461. |
SI-4717 | c1aad0e604 | Further fixes SI-4717. |
SI-5544 | 9c6a7ad81b | Fix SI-5544 |
SI-4717 | 2aa685bcbf | Fixes SI-4717. |
SI-5803 | c09bd7cbe8 | A band-aid solution for SI-5803. |
SI-4928 | 3c79caa136 | Fix SI-4928 |
SI-5259 | 7d79c44608 | Fix SI-5259 |
SI-5384 | 2d33c00ec0 | fix SI-5384 |
SI-4717, SI-5552 | f7d5f45aa7 | Specialize lazy vals (closes SI-5552) |
SI-5137 | b19dfd8a59 | Test case closes SI-5137. |
SI-1133 | ba123f081f | Confirm extractor based pattern matches don't explode exponentially. |
SI-4025 | 3bbf6328dc | A REPL pattern matching crasher that crashes no more. |
SI-5029 | 6e2d3f01b5 | Another bug bites virtpatmat's dust. |
SI-5407 | f707141863 | Test case closes SI-5407 |
SI-4124 | 3a7a92bd92 | Test case closes SI-4124. |
SI-5165 | 3511e5960d | Test case closes SI-5165. |
SI-2764 | 8075672308 | Recognize java enums as constants from source. |
SI-5626 | 0c5de3cf31 | Fix SI-5626. |
SI-5009 | 40e7cab7a2 | Fix SI-5009: case-class copy method now eta-expands over higher parameter lists. |
SI-4098 | d35e74eb6b | Forbid forward refs from self constructor invocations. |
SI-4482, SI-4651, SI-3702, SI-1832, SI-3439, SI-5091, SI-5231, SI-5265 | 4c04213b99 | Test cases. |
SI-5654 | 23afe3c9b9 | Fix for SI-5654. |
SI-5210 | 09f380dbda | Fix an inference regression with this.type. |
SI-5777 | e8e88f785d | Restored portion of code removed in a7f68ce32c . |
SI-5178 | 5d90d00108 | imporved comment related to SI-5178 |
SI-5328 | 84764949e2 | Fixes SI-5328. Iterator.patched failed when from=0. |
SI-5201 | a516098d4e | Fixes SI-5201. Adds flatten to TraversableViewLike. |
SI-5640 | 58bb2d1bd2 | Fix for ## inconsistency. |
SI-5564 | d107527434 | Fixes SI-5564. |
SI-5769 | 8e88e5b214 | Fix for aliasing bug in reifier. |
SI-5629 | a11a57735e | Fixes SI-5629. |
SI-4568 | 538e6dfbb5 | Test case closes SI-4568. |
SI-750 | 5ca799d8c9 | Test that primitive arrays aren't accepted as a Java generic array. |
SI-5305, SI-3614, SI-3856, SI-3614 | f5df207f95 | Don't hop to the first enclosing, non-silent context when typing refinements. |
SI-4216 | a21f14defa | Don't admit primitive arrays as a generic Java varargs param. |
SI-5641 | b5e9e4b950 | Have ArrayCharSequence reuse its Array. |
SI-5514 | 37c157c91f | Fixes SI-5514. |
SI-963 | 01f6ed8e22 | Fix for one of the oldest open soundness bugs. |
SI-5612 | aad6deae72 | Fix for broken non-local returns. |
SI-5667 | 5c84dc85bf | Fix for implicit class / value class collision. |
SI-13 | bbdd570ccc | Clarified the status of SI-13. |
SI-5040 | 780bed7fbb | Fix for Dynamic interaction with private methods. |
SI-2337, SI-1697, SI-3705, SI-4415, SI-1357 | 8bc8b83f0b | Moved passing tests from pending to files. |
SI-3718, SI-3718 | 58f6a13460 | Fix for SI-3718. |
SI-5608 | 453d615fb3 | Fix for SI-5608, crasher with value classes. |
SI-5655 | 03e3a40951 | Test case closes SI-5655. |
SI-5715 | 0cb886ae44 | Removed BackquotedIdent. |
SI-5728 | ca74659bb0 | Hardening implicit classes. |
SI-4976 | 44797916bd | Fix SI-4976 partially |
SI-5688, SI-5703 | 7a5aaa9e23 | SI-5703: normalize refined types more |
SI-5720 | aabe71f989 | SI-5720: Qual block doesn't update sym owner |
SI-5729 | 3e20bebd19 | SI-5729: TypeVar experimentals iff -Xexperimental |
SI-5666 | e69ee3676d | Hackaround for people who like to instantiate the uninstantiable. |
SI-5578 | ae5ff6628b | Fixes #SI-5578. ResetAttrs shouldn't be side-effecting on the original tree, since it can lead to NPEs in erroneous trees (or maybe even for valid ones?). Review by @odersky |
SI-5543 | 77b577a5ae | SI-5543: Ctor default arg wrongly scoped (revised) |
SI-3755 | c577aaca7a | SI-3755: catch exception thrown by adaptToNewrun |
SI-5702 | 9d925a30c7 | SI-5702 Pattern parser halts on star |
SI-5690 | efd1293df9 | SI-5690: no-selector match in function yields function |
SI-5168 | c3b0113f31 | Fix a documentation comment of Product(n)#productElement |
SI-5083 | e59cadeb9d | Scaladoc's tests should work with test/partest |
SI-5672 | c2cd6acf99 | don't emit tiny switches: optimizer chokes on them |
SI-5672 | 1a6e7129da | work around optimizer bug SI-5672 |
SI-5672 | 9998a85b4c | work around optimizer bug SI-5672 |
SI-5663 | 72d86cbe8c | SI-5663: Tweak warnings on case class equals |
SI-5657 | 90960a1384 | Workaround for SI-5657. |
SI-5583 | 08505bd4ec | Workaround for SI-5583. |
SI-5648 | 00e9446bfc | Fix for SI-5648. |
SI-4540, SI-4540 | 174a75f78d | SI-4540 Fix [RichDouble|RichFloat|RichLong].isValid[Byte|Short|Char|Int]. |
SI-4134 | 72f6f0e57c | SI-4134: abstract override crasher if lacking super impl |
SI-5591, SI-5591 | 41c0b0b7b9 | Fix for SI-5591. |
SI-5644 | 19bb173264 | Fix for SI-5644. |
SI-4910 | a7f68ce32c | Unify "object Foo" and "Foo.type". |
SI-3272 | 03f32bd22f | Fix for SI-3272. |
SI-5632 | 88bc33301a | Fixes SI-5632 (serialization of large HashTables) |
SI-4545, SI-5633 | 75e584bd0c | Fix for regression with inference at arity 21+. |
SI-3569, SI-3770 | 399bd6240f | Never write final fields outside of constructors. |
SI-4579 | 97f03245d9 | Revived the lisp test. |
SI-5614 | 017f48e00b | String interpolation bug fix |
SI-5604 | 2b90e85b68 | Workaround for "package is not a value". |
SI-5373 | 5632167f6c | Fixes SI-5373 |
SI-5609 | 4b0d4571ec | Fix .empty and add .ofDim factory method. |
SI-4488 | 1c0bef8838 | Close issue #SI-4488 |
SI-3452 | c0e9e75bec | Broke up def bridgeDefs. |
SI-4750 | 479dd13148 | Document regex replacement strings behavior. |
SI-2460 | e3dec9f006 | Regex improvements |
SI-5599 | 2c58044335 | Fixed SI-5599 |
SI-5593 | 72c104b8b7 | Fixes SI-5593 |
SI-5580 | 5d555ef90f | Overhaul of JavaConver{sions,ters}. |
SI-5580 | 39938bcc29 | Fix for SI-5580. |
SI-4574 | fb44bb28b8 | Test cases closes SI-4574. |
SI-5589, SI-1336 | c82ecabad6 | Finally did something about broken irrefutability. |
SI-5189 | 910a701fcc | SI-5189: refined GADT soundness fix |
SI-960 | fbeceb8f38 | Removed "Todo: test" where a test exists. |
SI-3275, SI-5455 | 79e937bea2 | Fix for tailcall transform/recognition bugs. |
SI-5548, SI-5189 | 29bcadefb4 | SI-5189 fixed: safe type infer for constr pattern |
SI-5189 | 0cffdf38d9 | SI-5189 1/2: inferConstrInst uses correct variance |
SI-3569 | 02fb34822b | Fix for public final fields. |
SI-5545, SI-5545 | c5f68c11d3 | Force .info before creating new synthetic syms |
SI-5534 | 777dbd70f5 | Revert attempt to limit private types in lubs. |
SI-2296, SI-2296 | f708b87e55 | Overcame trait/protected/java limitation. |
SI-4777 | fb87f2de76 | Test case closes SI-4777. |
SI-5537 | d852612c35 | Fix for corner case in type printing. |
SI-5406 | c11ec6f532 | Fix for typing of objects in patterns. |
SI-4893 | f3711b634c | Improving error message. |
SI-5528 | 07ffa8d66d | Fix for "." appearing on classpath. |
SI-5523 | 76e9da2ca4 | Added updated ForkJoinPool, w/ necessary updates to Scala Actors. |
SI-5215, SI-5215 | a983f2b30c | Revert recent elidable commits. |
SI-5171 | a1d8029b3d | Test for SI-5171 |
SI-5316 | b732859147 | Test for SI-5316 |
SI-5034 | fa8ef34b9b | Removed dead code in RefChecks. |
SI-5358 | a6a9684f5b | A better error message for inheritance conflict. |
SI-5215 | 5e52ce9a13 | Fix for SI-5215: scalac crash when @elidable used in trait |
SI-4770 | 87e369ef46 | More specialization tests. |
SI-5500 | ec160bae7e | More on SI-5500. |
SI-5500 | 1df4fc6e59 | Fixed over-optimistic anyrefSpecCache (closes SI-5500). |
SI-4770, SI-5488 | 1e648c3862 | Fixed AnyRef specialization. |
SI-5005 | 423360f597 | Added test files to verify previous commit. |
SI-5439 | 18559c4dc5 | Close file descriptor leak in sys.process. |
SI-5452 | 6543b2d983 | Revert "Fix for SI-5452." |
SI-5452 | 9655fafbc8 | Revert "Make fix for SI-5452 not break other things." |
SI-5005 | e4b5c002b1 | Improve handling of final and @inline in specialization. |
SI-4740, SI-4770, SI-5267 | bb23d766bc | Specialization action. |
SI-5464 | 97ec16850b | Disables typechecking that precedes reflective compilation |
SI-5452 | a725bf982c | Make fix for SI-5452 not break other things. |
SI-5446 | bd988df644 | Fix for set/list/oops bug in MutableSettings#copy. |
SI-5452 | 2b731911e9 | Fix for SI-5452. |
SI-5444 | eb8556ca66 | Fix for SI-5444. |
SI-5453 | 2fc92eb4f0 | Fixes https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-5453 |
SI-1195, SI-1201 | 7a6fa80937 | Another existential problem down. |
SI-4171, SI-1195, SI-1201 | c478eb770d | Overcame long-maddening existential issue. |
SI-5451 | 41fd956d99 | Fixes https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-5451 |
SI-5287 | 7ee4c018ce | Scaladoc @usecase annotation overriding / SI-5287 |
SI-5287 | 5be13bf0e0 | Revert "Scaladoc @usecase annotation overriding / SI-5287" |
SI-5287 | 7946ac410a | Scaladoc @usecase annotation overriding / SI-5287 |
SI-5334 | 75696bc3d3 | Fixes https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-5334 |
SI-5430, SI-5431, SI-5256 | 1e0707786b | Hardens classToType logic |
SI-5429 | f55db64983 | Fix for bad bug with accidental overrides. |
SI-5426 | 147e9eaf38 | Improved warning for insensible comparisons. |
SI-5423 | 2e66407944 | Introduce getAnnotations that triggers symbol completion |
SI-5415 | 4224d2a7b0 | -Yshow-symkinds: prints kinds next to symbol names This very situational option proved to be very useful when debugging https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-5415 |
SI-5415 | 6a5901461c | -Yshow-symkinds: prints kinds next to symbol names |
SI-5374 | e234978dfd | Refine fix for SI-5374 - make list deserialization backward-compatible. |
SI-5375 | 4abec1f64d | Fix for SI-5375. |
SI-5377 | af164c5686 | Update for fix for SI-5377. |
SI-5374 | a6fcd70b60 | Fix for SI-5374. |
SI-4767 | ec3438c289 | Linked up $class visibility to symbol redefinition. |
SI-4835, SI-4835 | 39a837c835 | Add test case for SI-4835 (https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-4835) |
SI-4929 | dce6b34c38 | Fixes SI-4929, with a test to verify. |
SI-5072 | 5a711d7a41 | A better REPL context classloader. |
SI-5387 | beeac27cb4 | Improved performance of TraversableLike.dropWhile, which now stops re-evaluating the predicate after it once evaluated to true. |
SI-5066 | 5d782f24fc | Closes SI-5066 |
SI-5382 | 8deade7d86 | Avoid calculating similar strings sometimes. |
SI-5377, SI-5377, SI-5377 | 26afbf85bf | Fixed a bug SI-5377 (https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-5377). |
SI-4925 | 2820770bff | Fixing inliner visibility issue. |
SI-4869 | 066b1a1f5d | Fix for crasher in uncurry. |
SI-3999 | d7981e784e | Fix for spurious implicit ambiguity with package objects. |
SI-1987 | 66a3623d59 | Fixed overloading in package objects. |
SI-5371 | 1413890150 | Improve description of flatten, flatMap |
SI-5370 | 545680b274 | Explain Function1 vs PartialFunction |
SI-4749 | 2064372659 | Better error reporting regarding main methods. |
SI-5300 | af4a529929 | Fix for PartialFunction NPE. |
SI-5343 | 1684baefd2 | Don't hard fail over missing classfiles. |
SI-3758 | 27d19715af | Made Array manifests return type arguments. |
SI-5020 | a6ebd0f3ee | Remedy spurious bounds conformance failure. |
SI-4070 | f39537a369 | Fix for crasher during type inference. |
SI-5359 | cdd4aac981 | Fix issue with higher-order type params. |
SI-5356 | be46e48713 | Fix for NoSuchMethod in cleanup. |
SI-5352 | bedb33fd7c | Don't infer protected members into lub refinements. |
SI-5354 | 6975b4888d | Closes SI-5354. |
SI-5354 | fafbffc295 | Closes SI-5354. |
SI-5175 | 33ab1a574a | Tone down insensible-equality warning. |
SI-5317 | f737e35ddf | Fixed regression in lub calculation. |
SI-5245 | 08ec6ba4e4 | [vpm] optimized codegen avoids option-boxing |
SI-5226 | 82089f7909 | Attempt to fix classloader issues |
SI-4871 | bba3b00cf7 | Fix for classOf NPE. |
SI-5053 | ab07db12cc | unzip(3) on view now returns view. |
SI-4024 | 6912ff828d | Fix for seq/array varargs crasher. |
SI-5295 | d718a7c7f3 | Batch files no longer swallow exit codes |
SI-5266, SI-5266 | a6152b4c2c | Fix reflective toolbox producing invalid bytecode |
SI-4627 | f3e7e98cc0 | Clean up standard/swing library by deprecating/moving code examples |
SI-4990 | 60b90b18d6 | Migration message and version cleanup |
SI-5274 | 1f8d642eb9 | Reflective compiler now crashes properly |
SI-5278 | 7a99c03da1 | Don't generate redundant interfaces. |
SI-5230 | 9393efc68a | Reification of classes now produces trees that can be compiled and run. |
SI-5117 | 66b6ad4cac | Make Enumeration.ValueSet Serializable |
SI-4658 | db7bd31896 | Makes Range#sum an O(1) operation instead of an O(n) one. |
SI-3481, SI-3481 | 6ecca6d2b5 | Tests for SI-3481. |
SI-2196 | 989c0d0693 | Improve performance of BitSet.size |
SI-3796 | 5d7da746b0 | Re-enable RedBlack's ScalaCheck test, which was disabled at r21829. |
SI-4647 | 2d0f82898d | Improved BitSet implementations |
SI-5205 | 8eba9acbc4 | Fixed -Xfuture 5.ds, deprecated 0-octal. |
SI-5245 | ca37db37e9 | Added the check against UnitClass in freeLocals... |
SI-5239 | 4e987a3cf0 | Reflection toolboxes now respect settings that ... |
SI-3566 | 66bf8db3f1 | test case for SI-3566 |
SI-1430 | 0bea2ab5f6 | Fix for erroneous bytecode generation. |
SI-5223 | afc755916f | Annotations reacquainted with reification. |
SI-3566 | 23d7024e71 | - fixed code lifting of String, Int, ... |
SI-5054, SI-4898 | 03112a3a3d | Changed the way use cases are handled in scaladoc. |
SI-622 | a17be60676 | Make partest work with spaces in the path (from... |
SI-4355 | eb0643210f | Implemented manifest-based class-paths. |
SI-1510, SI-622 | f9278123eb | Always build command lines in partest as Seq[St... |
SI-5206 | 7eb6f102e8 | Fix for unfortunate thinko recently introduced. |
SI-3047 | 47c9911a12 | Enable the use of spaces in paths for the Scala... |
SI-3047 | 7c2c8c8adf | Enable the use of spaces in paths for the Scala... |
SI-4846 | 38a646ce5c | Sin some more. |
SI-4858 | e864f48338 | scala.bat expansion with quotes and spaces. |
SI-4019 | 0c4ad65950 | Delayed expansion in scala.bat. |
SI-3047 | bc2bd6e67a | More defense against spaces in paths. |
SI-4800 | ea5aac152d | Made windows less aggressive about failing. |
SI-5062 | d917d7c8a1 | Makes -toolcp available on windows. |
SI-5089 | f194a29a53 | Deprecated ambiguous dot syntaxes. |
SI-5176, SI-5176 | d01ab1ba46 | Allow to load $class classes using Scala reflec... |
SI-5178 | 9f9932bd20 | Fix for regression in overriding with defaults. |
SI-4766 | 0362b6af90 | Fixing logic in structural types. |
SI-5152 | c8683ff5bf | Fix crash with HK types. |
SI-5156 | d6f9361e4b | Fixed hang in typechecker. |
SI-5147 | 4474d9ba20 | Revert "Fix for Enumeration." |
SI-5147 | 1d4f2d4aa3 | Fix for Enumeration. |
SI-3415 | 934f8015a2 | Fix for SI-3415 regression. |
SI-4985 | c0407608be | Fix for NumericRange boundary condition. |
SI-5052, SI-5115, SI-5052, SI-5115 | bf0b9fcf84 | Fixes NPE using iterator with an XML attribute ... |
SI-5099 | 8de176f454 | Clean result of function type. |
SI-4970 | 2d3fe5733c | Fix for crasher in explicitouter. |
SI-4875 | 48a26b9c2b | Test case closes SI-4875. |
SI-4963 | d1f89f473a | Fix ArrayStack.growArray at boundary. |
SI-4961 | 6c22499c40 | Fix bug in example sort. |
SI-4957 | bcf53cbe91 | Test case closes SI-4957. |
SI-102 | 1b68611e04 | Test case closes SI-102. |
SI-1100, SI-5108 | fa3c892017 | Fix for combinator regression. |
SI-3882 | 81fda510a7 | Debugging note. |
SI-4762 | c7ec0385c7 | Warn about surprising shadowing. |
SI-5033 | dd8706fc11 | 5033: align bound syms when comparing method types |
SI-5096, SI-5097 | 5fb68614da | AbstractPartialFunction. |
SI-5093 | 8fc7a72a2b | Cycle defense. |
SI-4899 | d6eb989388 | Fixing valueOfTerm in the repl. |
SI-5080 | 581fad662c | Fix for multiple evaluation in structural calls. |
SI-5077 | f434a6d49e | Donated some parens to Any. |
SI-5078 | 5575b8c368 | Harden the typer against surprise unapply types. |
SI-5023 | e52053f10b | Fix regression in companion check. |
SI-5071 | d3f0fa824b | Propagate self-type to specialized subclasses. |
SI-5032 | 168f8065ea | Throw different exception. |
SI-4176 | bc4468cdd2 | Flipped varargs eta-expansion behavior. |
SI-5067 | 2c1a1192ce | Fix for error printing regression. |
SI-5055 | 4646937ff8 | Fixes to javascript in Scaladoc, contributed by... |
SI-5060 | 0afd6d1b19 | Closing soundness hole in variance checking. |
SI-5056 | c7f14dbbcc | Consistent hashCode for Symbol. |
SI-4319 | 34387c7184 | Improved an error message. |
SI-5012 | 8987550566 | Fix bug in ModuleDef elimination. |
SI-4981 | 3a1332c451 | BigDecimal adjustments. |
SI-5026 | a90fbf59ae | Stripped a bunch of hostile code. |
SI-1799 | e412524fee | ProductN, and method synthesis toolbox. |
SI-4933 | 2553cc1fdc | ListBuffer.size should be O(1). |
SI-4924 | a26fc299ca | Scaladoc now hides members with @bridge annotat... |
SI-4938 | acc4c04b0c | Refine lub calculation. |
SI-4807 | cbf8534ff7 | Helping Proxy equal itself. |
SI-4819, SI-4820, SI-4983, SI-4789, SI-4819, SI-4820, SI-4983 | bcdd1882f1 | Fix various InnerClasses bugs. |
SI-4979 | ca15d245fd | Brought back unrelated type comparison warning. |
SI-4943 | f3114ec2a4 | Improves the usability of Scaladoc when images ... |
SI-4794 | 2f4349e8dd | Intersection types made specializable. |
SI-4780 | 2c548eac23 | Replaced various now-unnecessary casts with str... |
SI-4931 | 7e99a7d380 | Maybe that last commit was closer than I thought. |
SI-4931 | 6a3b465ba9 | Kludge: don't let getClass make it into bytecode. |
SI-4860 | 20859263f2 | Removing the code which has been deprecated sin... |
SI-4821, SI-4821 | f309513c9f | A conceivably pretty bad performance bug in bui... |
SI-4874 | 386dddde53 | Turned up the defense against compiler exceptio... |
SI-4828 | e3e64e4365 | Optimizations for Seq's implementations of sequ... |
SI-4891 | 97da3af7a4 | Fix java signature generation for traits: no cl... |
SI-4594 | c1aaf1fc7a | Don't discard deprecation/unchecked warnings re... |
SI-4785 | be31934db3 | Fix for a bug in CharArrayReader which made tri... |
SI-4879 | 6fe5754cec | Better error message for case class/object matc... |
SI-2388 | 2b31bc81ad | Avoid some spurious errors after a cyclical ref... |
SI-4877 | 05382e2351 | Improved structural type error messages, and ot... |
SI-4592 | 990fa046e6 | Fixed bug in the disambiguation of f(foo='bar')... |
SI-4882 | ead69ed245 | Disallowed implicit modifier on auxiliary const... |
SI-4859 | 4f4a80ad5b | Don't want to chase NPEs around for the rest of... |
SI-4857 | 6d45fddd4c | Attacked classpaths to get "." off of it when i... |
SI-4499 | 39e50a12d2 | Minor changes to the Scaladoc stylesheets, as s... |
SI-4861 | daa26379ce | Working on jar creation infrastructure. |
SI-3628, SI-3628 | b5865cd83f | Moved test out of pending, closes SI-3628, no r... |
SI-4851 | 4e488a6059 | Added two new compiler options: |
SI-4853 | 5bbb198b24 | Expression type argument instantiation should n... |
SI-4676 | ac96200c92 | Scaladoc shouldn't drop type arguments to alias... |
SI-4827 | 892ecd2db7 | Changed forwarders not to generate final method... |
SI-4172, SI-4172 | 5dbb616610 | Test case closes SI-4172 - I think the output i... |
SI-4782 | 1ad15b1f50 | Discard empty strings in option position, but n... |
SI-4839 | 460f57d5d3 | Enable implicit parameters in the presence of v... |
SI-1799, SI-1799 | aafc0fe172 | As per discussion documented in SI-1799, brough... |
SI-2873, SI-2873, SI-2873 | 03f3cb5fcd | Restored test case for SI-2873 which hubert had... |
SI-4802 | ad775b3239 | Make IterableLike.toIterator more efficient |
SI-4588 | 60085c5cf8 | Fixes scaladoc layout for function arguments wi... |
SI-3343, SI-4018 | 87b1b72769 | Fixed an issue with higher kinded type inferenc... |
SI-4703 | 3299ee0046 | Upgraded jline to use jansi 1.6 in the belief i... |
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