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Scala 2.10.0 Milestone 6
Created by admin on 2012-07-31.
Updated: 2012-07-31, 17:00
A new milestone release for Scala is available. This release is cut directly from current development and is not intended for production environments, but is a great chance to try out the up and coming features for Scala 2.10.0. The milestone 2.10.0-M6 includes many fixes and improvements, listed below.
New in this milestone:
- Akka actors jar now included in distribution.
- Backend emits Java 1.6 class files by default. Generation of Java 1.5 class files has been deprecated. Non-default class file formats can be emitted via -target:jvm-1.5 and -target:jvm-1.7.
Here's a list of isssues that have been fixed since v2.10.0-M5
Issue(s) | Commit | Message |
SI-6112 | e6f3a8f6d3 | SI-6112 exposes symbol mutators in macro universe |
SI-6075 | 2926dfc526 | SI-6075 cleans up api.StandardNames |
SI-6058 | 2eff6601da | SI-6058 makes JavaMirror caches weak |
SI-6111 | ee5721e864 | SI-6111 accept single-subpattern unapply pattern |
SI-4440 | ee93df064b | SI-4440 workaround: avoid outer accessor that'll vanish |
SI-4881 | 5c5e8d4dcd | SI-4881 infer variance from formals, then result |
SI-6089 | 1413713bdd | SI-6089 test file for pt2 |
SI-6117 | 9fecdfd8cb | Fix SI-6117, regression involving import ambiguity. |
SI-6090 | d0623dc766 | SI-6090 |
SI-6089, SI-6089 | 71d20312e9 | SI-6089 pt2: _ is tailpos in `_ || _` and `_ && _ |
SI-1832, SI-1832 | 6015a54812 | SI-1832 consistent symbols in casedef's pattern&body |
SI-5999 | b5f721fb52 | SI-5999 a real fix to the packageless problem |
SI-6031 | 93519ab504 | SI-6031 customizable budget for patmat analyses |
SI-5999 | 96036b3569 | SI-5999 removes the macro context mirror |
SI-5999 | 602a6c55d7 | SI-5999 deploys a new starr |
SI-5999 | 30f5a36941 | SI-5999 removes Context.reify |
SI-5984 | 911bbc4fdd | SI-5984 improves error reporting in JavaMirrors |
SI-4897 | 4fc9cdb64f | SI-4897 derive expected value from single type |
SI-5957, SI-6109 | ee0d01785e | Deprecate all JVM 1.5 targets and make 1.6 default. |
SI-5784 | 6539a9ddc5 | SI-5784 Scaladoc: Type templates |
SI-3791 | 4324282f27 | Removes Float.Epsilon and Double.Epsilon |
SI-5939 | 4f3c92e0f8 | SI-5939 resident compilation of sources in empty package |
SI-6104 | 86f7bc35e5 | SI-6104 support This pattern |
SI-6092 | 01be1b1c20 | Fixed SI-6092. Fixed leaky annotations, and relaxed the conditions under which a try-catch is lifted out to an inner method. |
SI-6089 | fa1dc5afea | SI-6089 better tail position analysis for matches |
SI-5695 | 38aaa3a24a | SI-5695 removes Context.enclosingApplication |
SI-5892, SI-5892 | 776105a43e | SI-5892 allow implicit views in annotation args |
SI-6095, SI-6098 | 1c2efb36c2 | SI-6095, SI-6098 - clean up public API, add deprecations |
SI-5158, SI-6070, SI-6070, SI-4425, SI-5739 | aa6fa4623b | SI-5739 store sub-patterns in local vals |
SI-5731 | 06b373878a | SI-5731 a few fixes for value classes |
SI-5588 | ed9669f57a | Fixes SI-5588. Correct compare for Enumeration. Slower than the original one but does comparison in the same spirit as IntOrdering. |
SI-5856, SI-5856 | 9c4b0d0402 | SI-5856 enables use of $this in string interpolation |
SI-5895 | bab827a542 | SI-5895 fixes FieldMirrors |
SI-6076 | 72de4d8349 | Fixed SI-6076. Range positions for macro-based string interpolation. Should bring back the jenkins job as well. |
SI-5784 | dac4e8f543 | SI-5784 Scaladoc: {Abstract,Alias} type templates |
SI-6047 | ea47260be5 | test case closes SI-6047 |
SI-5385 | 32fd97df41 | Fix for SI-5385. |
SI-6086 | 9117cbee27 | SI-6086 magic symbols strike back |
SI-5784 | 17f745d33c | Scaladoc: Refactoring the entities |
SI-3695, SI-4224, SI-4497, SI-5079 | dc70d1b7bd | SI-3695 SI-4224 SI-4497 SI-5079 scaladoc links |
SI-4887 | 929415a3f4 | SI-4887 Link existentials in scaladoc |
SI-4360 | a119ad1ae5 | SI-4360 Adds prefixes to scaladoc |
SI-3448, SI-3448 | 891769fae5 | Scaladoc: workaround for untypical Map usecases |
SI-4324 | 8779ade6f5 | SI-4324 Scaladoc case class argument currying |
SI-5558 | 242c2fc947 | SI-5558 Package object members indexing |
SI-5965 | 8291106ec9 | SI-5965 Scaladoc crash |
SI-3314 | f881249ba1 | Scaladoc: Inherited templates in diagrams |
SI-3314, SI-4888 | f916434c11 | SI-3314 SI-4888 Scaladoc: Relative type prefixes |
SI-5235 | fcbdc1725c | SI-5235 Correct usecase variable expansion |
SI-6035 | 7c42b5aa4d | SI-6035: Specialization and separate compilation. |
SI-5830, SI-6048, SI-6011 | ef2bf41142 | SI-6011 switches: unreachability, guard-free form |
SI-6028 | a3bf34563d | SI-6028 Avoid needless symbol renaming in lambdalift. |
SI-6028 | 32dc7e8069 | A test case that scrutinises lambdalifter's output. |
SI-4365 | 93751072ef | With -Yno-generic-signatures, exit GenASM.getGenericSignature early |
SI-4691, SI-6077 | 4276f61551 | SI-6077 more conservative TreeMakersToConds for CSE |
SI-5956 | 2c5890b3a7 | SI-5956 trigger copy generation with correct namer |
SI-5957 | 21f14e371c | SI-5957 enable direct parsing of nested java class classfile |
SI-6061 | 4aeaf9015b | SI-6061 adds weakly conformance for number types to resolveOverloaded |
SI-6022, SI-6022 | d852c9b8b4 | SI-6022 model type-test-implication better |
SI-6042 | da587e3178 | SI-6042 Improve type selection from volatile type error |
SI-5975 | 7050335529 | Allow attachments for symbols, just like for trees. |
SI-5975 | 4b6ae392a7 | Enhanced presentation compiler test infrastructure |
Special thanks to all the contribtuors!
# | Author |
21 | Vlad Ureche |
16 | Adriaan Moors |
16 | Martin Odersky |
16 | Eugene Burmako |
14 | Paul Phillips |
8 | Grzegorz Kossakowski |
7 | Lukas Rytz |
5 | Dominik Gruntz |
3 | Jason Zaugg |
3 | Iulian Dragos |
2 | Hubert Plociniczak |
2 | Aleksandar Prokopec |
2 | phaller |
1 | Mirco Dotta |
1 | Simon Ochsenreither |
Community Projects
Special thanks to the 22 projects that have made releases available for this version of Scala!
- scala-arm
Scala-arm provides automated resource management to ensure all your resources are closed without all the extra work!
Location: "org.scala-lang" % "scala-arm_2.10.0-M6" % "1.2"
- scalaz
Scalaz: Type Classes and Pure Functional Data Structures for Scala
Location: "org.scalaz" % "scalaz-core_2.10.0-M6" % "6.0.3" "org.scalaz" % "scalaz-core_2.10.0-M6" % "6.0.4" "org.scalaz" % "scalaz-core_2.10.0-M6" % "7.0.0-M1"
- ScalaInterpreterPane
A Swing based front-end for the Scala REPL (interpreter)
Location: "de.sciss" %% "scalainterpreterpane" % "0.21"
- AudioWidgets
Specialized Swing widgets for audio applications in Scala
Location: "de.sciss" %% "audiowidgets" % "0.11"
- ScalaAudioWidgets
Scala-Swing wrappers for the AudioWidgets library
Location: "de.sciss" %% "scalaaudiowidgets" % "0.11"
- ScalaAudioFile
A library to read and write uncompressed audio files (AIFF, WAVE, etc.)
Location: "de.sciss" %% "scalaaudiofile" % "0.20"
- ScalaOSC
A library for OpenSoundControl (OSC), a message protocol used in multi-media applications.
Location: "de.sciss" %% "scalaosc" % "0.33"
- ScalaCollider
A sound synthesis library for the SuperCollider server
Location: "de.sciss" %% "scalacollider" % "0.34"
- ScalaColliderSwing
A Swing and REPL front-end for ScalaCollider
Location: "de.sciss" %% "scalacolliderswing" % "0.34"
- FingerTree
A Scala implementation of the versatile purely functional data structure of the same name.
Location: "de.sciss" %% "fingertree" % "0.20"
- Scala-IO Core
Library for idiomatic IO in Scala
Location: "com.github.scala-incubator.io" %% "scala-io-core" % "0.4.0"
- Scala-IO File
Library for idiomatic Filesystem access in Scala
Location: "com.github.scala-incubator.io" %% "scala-io-file" % "0.4.0"
- shapeless
shapeless is an exploration of generic programming in Scala
Location: "com.chuusai" % "shapeless_2.10.0-M6" % "1.2.3-SNAPSHOT"
Scala Language-Integrated Connection Kit
Location: "com.typesafe" % "slick_2.10.0-M6" % "0.10.0"
- specs2
specs2 is a library for executable specifications in Scala
Location: "org.specs2" % "specs2_2.10.0-M6" % "1.11"
- ScalaTest
ScalaTest - simple, clear tests and executable specifications
Location: "org.scalatest" % "scalatest_2.10.0-M6" % "1.9-2.10.0-M6-B2"
- ScalaMock
Native Scala Mocking with added macro-goodness
Location: For ScalaTest integration: "org.scalamock" % "scalamock-scalatest-support_2.10.0-M6" % "3.0-M3" For Specs2 integration: "org.scalamock" % "scalamock-specs2-support_2.10.0-M6" % "3.0-M3"
- Scales Xml
Scales Xml provides superb performance with low memory usage, a unified pull and push model, Iteratee and Iterator based pull parsing, equality framework, both an embedded XPath DSL and string based XPath 1.0 support.
Location: "org.scalesxml" % "scales-xml_2.10.0-M6" % "0.3.1"
- parboiled
Elegant parsing in Java and Scala - lightweight, easy-to-use, powerful.
Location: "org.parboiled" % "parboiled-scala" % "1.1" Repository: http://repo.spray.cc
- scalalogging
Convenient and performant logging in Scala
Location: "name.heikoseeberger" %% "scalalogging" % "0.1.0" cross CrossVersion.full
- scala-stm
Software transactional memory for Scala
Location: resolvers += ("releases" at "http://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/releases") libraryDependencies += ("org.scala-tools" %% "scala-stm" % "0.6")
- Akka
Akka is a platform for building highly concurrent, distributed, and fault tolerant event-driven applications on the JVM.
Location: Repository: http://repo.akka.io/releases/ "com.typesafe.akka" % "akka-actor" % "2.1-M1" Docs: http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.1-M1/ ScalaDoc: http://doc.akka.io/api/akka/2.1-M1/#package Full distribution: http://akka.io/downloads/
Complete commit list!
All commits since 2.10.0-M5
sha | Title |
e6f3a8f6d3 | SI-6112 exposes symbol mutators in macro universe |
2926dfc526 | SI-6075 cleans up api.StandardNames |
2eff6601da | SI-6058 makes JavaMirror caches weak |
ee5721e864 | SI-6111 accept single-subpattern unapply pattern |
f2819ff379 | Small changes to reflection API to make it safe for IDE use. |
ee93df064b | SI-4440 workaround: avoid outer accessor that'll vanish |
5c5e8d4dcd | SI-4881 infer variance from formals, then result |
100d82697b | Improve unchecked warnings. |
1413713bdd | SI-6089 test file for pt2 |
9fecdfd8cb | Fix SI-6117, regression involving import ambiguity. |
729aad6722 | Tweak to symbol tracer. |
85a002dcd9 | Renaming files to please ant. |
393d3ee6b5 | Handle multiple packages in one source file in the presentation compiler. |
d0623dc766 | SI-6090 |
71d20312e9 | SI-6089 pt2: _ is tailpos in `_ || _` and `_ && _ |
6dca61a960 | Scaladoc: Removing forgotten debugging info |
e4db7e0502 | address "this would catch all throwables" warnings |
6015a54812 | SI-1832 consistent symbols in casedef's pattern&body |
ddd5f3aa8f | SIP-14 - Fix critical Java compatibility issue in scala.concurrent.Await |
e0853b3255 | Removes redundant outers |
124f316b08 | Use `findMember` to lookup the static field in the host class. |
b5f721fb52 | SI-5999 a real fix to the packageless problem |
e5161f0111 | evicts calls to reify from our codebase |
0b1667b856 | an improvement based on Adriaan's comment |
93519ab504 | SI-6031 customizable budget for patmat analyses |
96036b3569 | SI-5999 removes the macro context mirror |
602a6c55d7 | SI-5999 deploys a new starr |
30f5a36941 | SI-5999 removes Context.reify |
911bbc4fdd | SI-5984 improves error reporting in JavaMirrors |
4fc9cdb64f | SI-4897 derive expected value from single type |
444bba68cc | Switch to 1.6 target for all javac invocations. |
e200a8e3ff | Print the stack trace. |
ee0d01785e | Deprecate all JVM 1.5 targets and make 1.6 default. |
a40a90fc33 | Shield from InterruptedException in partest. |
b0c7f0b257 | Scaladoc: Adressed @hubertp's comment on #4b4b4b |
6539a9ddc5 | SI-5784 Scaladoc: Type templates |
0d367d4794 | Scaladoc: Groups |
45232af4de | Better debugging output in GenASM. |
1158e4f05b | Updated list of targets allowed in Ant's scalac. |
4324282f27 | Removes Float.Epsilon and Double.Epsilon |
4f3c92e0f8 | SI-5939 resident compilation of sources in empty package |
0018f9b364 | Scaladoc: Typers change |
86f7bc35e5 | SI-6104 support This pattern |
892ee3df93 | Implement @static annotation on singleton object fields. |
01be1b1c20 | Fixed SI-6092. Fixed leaky annotations, and relaxed the conditions under which a try-catch is lifted out to an inner method. |
fa1dc5afea | SI-6089 better tail position analysis for matches |
38aaa3a24a | SI-5695 removes Context.enclosingApplication |
776105a43e | SI-5892 allow implicit views in annotation args |
1c2efb36c2 | SI-6095, SI-6098 - clean up public API, add deprecations |
aa6fa4623b | SI-5739 store sub-patterns in local vals |
06b373878a | SI-5731 a few fixes for value classes |
ed9669f57a | Fixes SI-5588. Correct compare for Enumeration. Slower than the original one but does comparison in the same spirit as IntOrdering. |
1729b26500 | move test files that fail spuriously to pending |
9c4b0d0402 | SI-5856 enables use of $this in string interpolation |
bab827a542 | SI-5895 fixes FieldMirrors |
9b6566e5d2 | fixes a typo in macro classloaders |
72de4d8349 | Fixed SI-6076. Range positions for macro-based string interpolation. Should bring back the jenkins job as well. |
dac4e8f543 | SI-5784 Scaladoc: {Abstract,Alias} type templates |
ea47260be5 | test case closes SI-6047 |
32fd97df41 | Fix for SI-5385. |
9117cbee27 | SI-6086 magic symbols strike back |
17f745d33c | Scaladoc: Refactoring the entities |
0f2a0b7441 | Scaladoc: updated type class descriptions |
b651269275 | Scaladoc: Reducing the memory footprint 2 |
740361b8ae | Scaladoc: Reducing the memory footprint |
dc70d1b7bd | SI-3695 SI-4224 SI-4497 SI-5079 scaladoc links |
929415a3f4 | SI-4887 Link existentials in scaladoc |
8d0ea747c2 | Scaladoc minor fix: Typos in diagrams |
a119ad1ae5 | SI-4360 Adds prefixes to scaladoc |
891769fae5 | Scaladoc: workaround for untypical Map usecases |
8779ade6f5 | SI-4324 Scaladoc case class argument currying |
242c2fc947 | SI-5558 Package object members indexing |
8291106ec9 | SI-5965 Scaladoc crash |
f881249ba1 | Scaladoc: Inherited templates in diagrams |
f916434c11 | SI-3314 SI-4888 Scaladoc: Relative type prefixes |
fcbdc1725c | SI-5235 Correct usecase variable expansion |
27aaaa4fce | Add `partest` and `scalap` Eclipse project definitions. |
64f05974c7 | Fix Scala library dependency in Eclipse project files. |
7c42b5aa4d | SI-6035: Specialization and separate compilation. |
ef2bf41142 | SI-6011 switches: unreachability, guard-free form |
2ae253bea6 | Partest: add `instrumented` test category. |
a3bf34563d | SI-6028 Avoid needless symbol renaming in lambdalift. |
32dc7e8069 | A test case that scrutinises lambdalifter's output. |
93751072ef | With -Yno-generic-signatures, exit GenASM.getGenericSignature early |
4276f61551 | SI-6077 more conservative TreeMakersToConds for CSE |
d905558749 | Variation #10 to optimze findMember |
fcb0c011c6 | Attempt #9 to opimize findMember. |
71d2ceb15d | Attempt #8 to opimize findMember. |
77e5692760 | Attempty #7 to optimize findMember |
e94252ea30 | Attemmpt #6 to optimize findMember |
73e61b8b0b | Attempt #5 to optimize findMember. |
04f0b659ef | Attempt #4 to optimize findMember |
0e3c70f2ab | Attempt #3 to optimize findMember |
1a73aa087e | Attempt #1 to optimize findMember |
b355fb2c7f | Avoid conflict with String's apply. |
2c5890b3a7 | SI-5956 trigger copy generation with correct namer |
21f14e371c | SI-5957 enable direct parsing of nested java class classfile |
e6ac99e6a9 | Further optimization of asSeenFrom. |
e90f79a446 | Optimization in asSeenFrom. |
003ce2d676 | Fix doc about specialized subclasses of c.i.HashMap/HashSet. |
bbd48868a4 | Moved cloneable class to package `scala.annotation`. |
e5765db5e9 | starr sources to move cloneable class to package `annotation |
4aeaf9015b | SI-6061 adds weakly conformance for number types to resolveOverloaded |
a9b85dbaad | Pickled flag reorg |
39fc4aa845 | polymorphic value classes |
d852c9b8b4 | SI-6022 model type-test-implication better |
883371e18e | Eliminated more logic. |
783013672c | Eliminated actors from partest. |
456d76d7f0 | Added a HIDDEN flag. |
da587e3178 | SI-6042 Improve type selection from volatile type error |
724b0dc71f | Implicits to encourage more Name-dropping. |
67a14466be | removes special case for BigInteger |
58c053c454 | stringinterpolation macro test files |
70f493dc43 | adds the sha1 files of the new starr / stringContext.f |
623b739bde | macro-based string interpolation formatter |
7050335529 | Allow attachments for symbols, just like for trees. |
4b6ae392a7 | Enhanced presentation compiler test infrastructure |
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