
package ant

Type Members

  1. class ClassloadVerify extends ScalaMatchingTask
  2. class FastScalac extends Scalac

    An Ant task to compile with the fast Scala compiler (fsc).

    An Ant task to compile with the fast Scala compiler (fsc).

    In addition to the attributes shared with the Scalac task, this task also accepts the following attributes:

    • reset
    • server
    • shutdown
    • ipv4
    • maxIdle
  3. class Pack200Task extends ScalaMatchingTask

    An Ant task that applies the pack200 encoding to a JAR file.

    An Ant task that applies the pack200 encoding to a JAR file.

    • destdir (mandatory),
    • dir (defaults to project's basedir),
    • effort (default 9),
    • keepFileOrder (default false),
    • keepModificationTime (default false),
    • repack (default false),
    • segmentLimit (default -1 for no limit),
    • suffix (default ".pack")
  4. abstract class ScalaMatchingTask extends MatchingTask with ScalaTask
  5. trait ScalaTask extends AnyRef
  6. class ScalaTool extends ScalaMatchingTask

    An Ant task that generates a shell or batch script to execute a Scala program.

    An Ant task that generates a shell or batch script to execute a Scala program.

    This task can take the following parameters as attributes:

    • file (mandatory),
    • class (mandatory),
    • platforms,
    • classpath,
    • properties,
    • javaflags,
    • toolflags.


  7. class Scalac extends ScalaMatchingTask with ScalacShared

    An Ant task to compile with the new Scala compiler (NSC).

    An Ant task to compile with the new Scala compiler (NSC).

    This task can take the following parameters as attributes:

    • srcdir (mandatory),
    • srcref,
    • destdir,
    • classpath,
    • classpathref,
    • sourcepath,
    • sourcepathref,
    • bootclasspath,
    • bootclasspathref,
    • extdirs,
    • extdirsref,
    • argfile,
    • dependencyfile,
    • encoding,
    • target,
    • force,
    • fork,
    • logging,
    • logphase,
    • debuginfo,
    • addparams,
    • explaintypes,
    • deprecation,
    • nobootcp,
    • nowarn,
    • optimise,
    • unchecked,
    • usejavacp,
    • failonerror,
    • scalacdebugging,

    It also takes the following parameters as nested elements:

    • src (for srcdir),
    • classpath,
    • sourcepath,
    • bootclasspath,
    • extdirs,
    • compilerarg.
  8. trait ScalacShared extends ScalaMatchingTask
  9. class Scaladoc extends ScalaMatchingTask

    An Ant task to document Scala code.

    An Ant task to document Scala code.

    This task can take the following parameters as attributes:

    • srcdir (mandatory),
    • srcref,
    • destdir,
    • classpath,
    • classpathref,
    • sourcepath,
    • sourcepathref,
    • bootclasspath,
    • bootclasspathref,
    • extdirs,
    • extdirsref,
    • encoding,
    • doctitle,
    • header,
    • footer,
    • top,
    • bottom,
    • addparams,
    • deprecation,
    • docgenerator,
    • docrootcontent,
    • unchecked,
    • nofail,
    • skipPackages.

    It also takes the following parameters as nested elements:

    • src (for srcdir),
    • classpath,
    • sourcepath,
    • bootclasspath,
    • extdirs.
  10. class Same extends ScalaMatchingTask

    An Ant task that, for a set of files, tests them for byte-to-byte equality with one or more other files.

    An Ant task that, for a set of files, tests them for byte-to-byte equality with one or more other files.

    This task supports the following parameters as attributes:

    • dir
    • todir
    • resultproperty (a property to be set when all tested files pairs are equal, if not set, the task will fail instead),
    • failing (whether to stop if all files are not equal).

    It also support the following nested elements:

    • mapper (a mapper from original files to test files).

    This task itself defines a fileset that represents the set of original files.


    (Since version 2.11.0) Use diff

