
package nsc

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. nsc
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final class CloseableRegistry extends AnyRef

    Registry for resources to close when Global is closed

  2. trait CommonRunner extends AnyRef
  3. trait CompilationUnits extends AnyRef
  4. class CompileSocket extends CompileOutputCommon

    This class manages sockets for the fsc offline compiler.

  5. class CompilerCommand extends AnyRef

    A class representing command line info for scalac

  6. class ConsoleWriter extends Writer

    A Writer that writes onto the Scala Console.

    A Writer that writes onto the Scala Console.



  7. abstract class Driver extends AnyRef
  8. trait EvalLoop extends AnyRef
  9. type FatalError = reflect.internal.FatalError
  10. class GenericRunnerCommand extends CompilerCommand

    A command for ScriptRunner

  11. class GenericRunnerSettings extends Settings
  12. class Global extends SymbolTable with Closeable with CompilationUnits with Plugins with PhaseAssembly with Trees with Printers with DocComments with Positions with Reporting with Parsing
  13. abstract class GlobalSymbolLoaders extends SymbolLoaders

    Symbol loaders implementation that wires dependencies using Global.

  14. trait HasCompileSocket extends AnyRef
  15. class MainClass extends Driver with EvalLoop

    The main class for NSC, a compiler for the programming language Scala.

  16. class MainGenericRunner extends AnyRef

    An object that runs Scala code.

    An object that runs Scala code. It has three possible sources for the code to run: pre-compiled code, a script file, or interactive entry.

  17. type MissingRequirementError = reflect.internal.MissingRequirementError
  18. type Mode = reflect.internal.Mode
  19. class NewLinePrintWriter extends PrintWriter
  20. class OfflineCompilerCommand extends CompilerCommand

    A compiler command for the offline compiler.

  21. trait Parsing extends AnyRef

    Similar to Reporting: gather global functionality specific to parsing.

  22. type Phase = reflect.internal.Phase
  23. trait PhaseAssembly extends AnyRef

    Converts an unordered morass of components into an order that satisfies their mutual constraints.

    Converts an unordered morass of components into an order that satisfies their mutual constraints.

    See also

    SIP 00002. You have read SIP 00002?

  24. class PipelineMainClass extends AnyRef
  25. trait Reporting extends reflect.internal.Reporting

    Provides delegates to the reporter doing the actual work.

    Provides delegates to the reporter doing the actual work. PerRunReporting implements per-Run stateful info tracking and reporting

    TODO: make reporting configurable

  26. class ScalaDoc extends AnyRef

    The main class for scaladoc, a front-end for the Scala compiler that generates documentation from source files.

  27. class ScalaDocReporter extends ConsoleReporter

    The Scaladoc reporter adds summary messages to the ConsoleReporter

    The Scaladoc reporter adds summary messages to the ConsoleReporter

    Use the summaryX methods to add unique summarizing message to the end of the run.

  28. class ScriptRunner extends HasCompileSocket

    An object that runs Scala code in script files.

    An object that runs Scala code in script files.

    For example, here is a complete Scala script on Unix:

    exec scala "$0" "$@"
    Console.println("Hello, world!")
    args.toList foreach Console.println

    And here is a batch file example on Windows XP:

    @echo off
    call scala %0 %*
    goto :eof
    Console.println("Hello, world!")
    args.toList foreach Console.println

    1.0, 15/05/2006

    To do

    It would be better if error output went to stderr instead of stdout...

  29. class Settings extends MutableSettings

    A compatibility stub.

  30. class StandardCompileClient extends HasCompileSocket with CompileOutputCommon

    The client part of the fsc offline compiler.

    The client part of the fsc offline compiler. Instead of compiling things itself, it send requests to a CompileServer.

  31. class StandardCompileServer extends SocketServer

    The server part of the fsc offline compiler.

    The server part of the fsc offline compiler. It awaits compilation commands and executes them. It caches a compiler instance so that it can respond more quickly.



  32. abstract class SubComponent extends AnyRef

    An nsc sub-component.

  33. type Variance = reflect.internal.Variance
  34. class Interpreter extends IMain

    A compatibility stub.

    A compatibility stub.


    (Since version 2.9.0) Use a class in the package.

  35. class InterpreterLoop extends ILoop

    A compatibility stub for sbt.

    A compatibility stub for sbt.


    (Since version 2.9.0) Use

Value Members

  1. def EXPRmode: reflect.internal.Mode
  2. val FatalError: reflect.internal.FatalError.type
  3. val MissingRequirementError: reflect.internal.MissingRequirementError.type
  4. val Mode: reflect.internal.Mode.type
  5. val NoPhase: reflect.internal.NoPhase.type
  6. val Variance: reflect.internal.Variance.type
  7. object ClassPathMemoryConsumptionTester

    Simple application to check out amount of memory used by chosen classpath representation.

    Simple application to check out amount of memory used by chosen classpath representation. It allows us to create many scalac-like calls based on specified parameters, where each main retains Global. And we need additional tool (e.g. profiler) to measure memory consumption itself.

  8. object CompileClient extends StandardCompileClient
  9. object CompileServer
  10. object CompileSocket extends CompileSocket
  11. object GenericRunnerCommand
  12. object Global
  13. object JarRunner extends CommonRunner
  14. object Main extends MainClass
  15. object MainBench extends Driver with EvalLoop

    The main class for NSC, a compiler for the programming language Scala.

  16. object MainGenericRunner extends MainGenericRunner
  17. object MainTokenMetric

    The main class for NSC, a compiler for the programming language Scala.

  18. object ObjectRunner extends CommonRunner

    An object that runs another object specified by name.

    An object that runs another object specified by name.


    1.1, 2007/7/13

  19. object PickleExtractor
  20. object PipelineMain
  21. object Properties extends PropertiesTrait

    Loads from the jar archive file.

  22. object ScalaDoc extends ScalaDoc
  23. object ScriptRunner extends ScriptRunner

Deprecated Value Members

  1. lazy val ListOfNil: List[List[Nothing]]

    (Since version 2.11.0) Use scala.reflect.internal.util.ListOfNil