
package doc

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class DocFactory extends AnyRef

    A documentation processor controls the process of generating Scala documentation, which is as follows.

    A documentation processor controls the process of generating Scala documentation, which is as follows.

    * A simplified compiler instance (with only the front-end phases enabled) * is created, and additional sourceless comments are registered. * Documentable files are compiled, thereby filling the compiler's symbol table. * A documentation model is extracted from the post-compilation symbol table. * A generator is used to transform the model into the correct final format (HTML).

    A processor contains a single compiler instantiated from the processor's settings. Each call to document uses the same compiler instance with the same symbol table. In particular, this implies that the scaladoc site obtained from a call to run will contain documentation about files compiled during previous calls to the same processor's run method.

  2. class DocParser extends Global with ScaladocGlobalTrait

    A very minimal global customized for extracting DocDefs.

    A very minimal global customized for extracting DocDefs. It stops right after parsing so it can read DocDefs from source code which would otherwise cause the compiler to go haywire.

  3. trait Index extends AnyRef
  4. trait ScaladocAnalyzer extends Analyzer
  5. class ScaladocGlobal extends Global with ScaladocGlobalTrait
  6. trait ScaladocGlobalTrait extends Global
  7. abstract class ScaladocSyntaxAnalyzer[G <: Global] extends SyntaxAnalyzer
  8. class Settings extends nsc.Settings

    An extended version of compiler settings, with additional Scaladoc-specific options.

  9. trait Uncompilable extends AnyRef

    Some glue between DocParser (which reads source files which can't be compiled) and the scaladoc model.

  10. trait Universe extends AnyRef

    Class to hold common dependencies across Scaladoc classes.

Value Members

  1. object DocParser

    Since the DocParser's whole reason for existing involves trashing a global, it is designed to bottle up general Global#Tree types rather than path dependent ones.

    Since the DocParser's whole reason for existing involves trashing a global, it is designed to bottle up general Global#Tree types rather than path dependent ones. The recipient will have to deal.