
trait Parsers extends Scanners with MarkupParsers with ParsersCommon

Performs the following context-free rewritings:

- Places all pattern variables in Bind nodes. In a pattern, for identifiers x:

                x  => x @ _
              x:T  => x @ (_ : T)

  • Removes pattern definitions (PatDef's) as follows: If pattern is a simple (typed) identifier:
           val x = e     ==>  val x = e
           val x: T = e  ==>  val x: T = e

if there are no variables in pattern

       val p = e  ==>  e match (case p => ())

if there is exactly one variable in pattern

       val x_1 = e match (case p => (x_1))

if there is more than one variable in pattern

       val p = e  ==>  private synthetic val t$ = e match (case p => (x_1, ..., x_N))
                       val x_1 = t$._1
                       val x_N = t$._N

- Removes function types as follows:

       (argtpes) => restpe   ==>   scala.Function_n[argtpes, restpe]

- Wraps naked case definitions in a match as follows:

       { cases }   ==>   (x => x.match {cases}), except when already argument to match

Self Type
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. Parsers
  2. ParsersCommon
  3. MarkupParsers
  4. Scanners
  5. ScannersCommon
  6. AnyRef
  7. Any
  1. by any2stringadd
  2. by StringFormat
  3. by Ensuring
  4. by ArrowAssoc
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class MarkupParser extends MarkupParserCommon
    Definition Classes
  2. type Location = Int
  3. type Offset = Int

    Offset into source character array

    Offset into source character array

    Definition Classes
  4. case class OpInfo(lhs: Global.Tree, operator: Global.TermName, targs: List[Global.Tree], offset: Parsers.Offset) extends Product with Serializable
  5. class OutlineParser extends SourceFileParser
  6. abstract class Parser extends ParserCommon
  7. class SourceFileParser extends Parser
  8. type Token = Int
    Definition Classes
  9. class UnitParser extends SourceFileParser
  10. abstract class ParserCommon extends AnyRef

    This is now an abstract class, only to work around the optimizer: methods in traits are never inlined.

    This is now an abstract class, only to work around the optimizer: methods in traits are never inlined.

    Definition Classes
  11. class MalformedInput extends Exception
    Definition Classes
  12. class ParensAnalyzer extends UnitScanner
    Definition Classes
  13. abstract class Scanner extends CharArrayReader with TokenData with ScannerData with ScannerCommon with DocScanner
    Definition Classes
  14. trait ScannerData extends TokenData with CharArrayReaderData

    An interface to most of mutable data in Scanner defined in TokenData and CharArrayReader (+ next, prev fields) with copyFrom functionality to backup/restore data (used by quasiquotes' lookingAhead).

    An interface to most of mutable data in Scanner defined in TokenData and CharArrayReader (+ next, prev fields) with copyFrom functionality to backup/restore data (used by quasiquotes' lookingAhead).

    Definition Classes
  15. class SourceFileScanner extends Scanner

    A scanner for a given source file not necessarily attached to a compilation unit.

    A scanner for a given source file not necessarily attached to a compilation unit. Useful for looking inside source files that are not currently compiled to see what's there

    Definition Classes
  16. trait TokenData extends CommonTokenData
    Definition Classes
  17. class UnitScanner extends SourceFileScanner

    A scanner over a given compilation unit

    A scanner over a given compilation unit

    Definition Classes
  18. trait CommonTokenData extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  19. trait DocScanner extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  20. trait ScannerCommon extends CommonTokenData
    Definition Classes

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract val global: Global
    Definition Classes

Concrete Value Members

  1. object ConfusedAboutBracesControl extends Throwable with ControlThrowable with Product with Serializable
    Definition Classes
  2. object MissingEndTagControl extends Throwable with ControlThrowable with Product with Serializable
    Definition Classes
  3. object TruncatedXMLControl extends Throwable with ControlThrowable with Product with Serializable
    Definition Classes
  4. final val InBlock: Location
  5. final val InTemplate: Location
  6. final val Local: Location
  7. lazy val ScalaValueClassNames: collection.Seq[Global.TypeName]
  8. def createKeywordArray(keywords: Seq[(Global.Name, Token)], defaultToken: Token): (Token, Array[Token])
    Definition Classes
  9. def literalUnit: Global.Literal
    Definition Classes
  10. def newLiteral(const: Any): Global.Literal
    Definition Classes
  11. final val token2name: Map[Int, Global.Name]
    Definition Classes
  12. def token2string(token: Token): String

    Returns the string representation of given token.

    Returns the string representation of given token.

    Definition Classes